Wife Writer Ch. 05


Lori, with the taste of his cum in her mouth , could not believe how wet she was. He pushed her further than Frank had since college. She heard his car pull down the driveway and knew it would take only seconds for her to bring herself off. He had told her she could not cum without his permission; an unenforceable command. Yet one she would follow.

She pulled her panties up and took a dish towel to polish her table with the remainder of Josh’s essence. It was barely nine thirty in the morning and she had no idea what the day held for her. She went upstairs to find the heels she hid in the back of her closet.


David was sitting at his desk when his cell phone rang. He recognized the number as Josh’s and was glad the boy hadn’t tried calling on a land line. Marie would have found out he was still in town.

“Hello, this is David.”

“Mr. F. Josh here,” he sounded smugEven on the phone, thought David, “I’d like to meet with you this morning, if possible.”

“About, what?”

About your fucking slut of a wife! What else, you idiot, thought Josh. “About Mrs. F.”

“Meet me at the coffee house down the street from here in an hour.”

“Yes, Sir.” Josh hung up the phone and tried to figure out what he’d says.

There was no question in Josh’s mind that he could have Lori any time and any way he wanted. What was worrying him is if he fucked her today and Fasio gets wind of it, there is a good chance he and probably Lori would be out on the street by nightfall.

That would leave Josh without a place to stay and possibly no reference from Fasio. Josh did not want to go home early and face His dad. He needed to try and figure out what this guy’s plans really were. He didn’t seem like the type of guy who gets off on his wife slutting around. Josh really didn’t have a handle on the guy and thought a chat might help him understand thingsbetter.


David was up in the CEO’s office. They were discussing an office emergency of sorts.

“I am sorry to ask this of you David. We both know you can say no, hell we both know you do not need this job. Like I said Helen’s Mother took a turn for the worse. We are talking days, weeks at the most. I promised her I would be with her and the kids when the time came. She left for Virginia last night with the kids.”

“So, you want me to fill in for you when we seal this deal in Tokyo?” asked David, knowing the answer already.

“You know the Japanese, they would take offense if I sent anyone else. If we postpone the deal for, well you know, until she passes, it could put a big dent in this years net.” He paused and added, “You’ll be set up in the best hotels. Lori can go along, it will be first class, but you have to leave at the end of the week.”

David’s chest tightened at the sound of his wife’s name. His boss hadAlways liked Lori. I wonder what he would think of her if he saw those pictures. Then he felt guilty when he wondered how he would be considered if his boss knew what he was setting up at home. Josh sounded sure of himself and David had lost his last glimmer of hope.

“I’ll have Marie make all the arrangements. I can leave Friday. I think it is best Lori stays home. To be honest, we have been having some problems and a little time away might do us both good.”

“Thanks, David. I hope you two sort it out. Everyone has always admired the relationship you two seemed to have.”


David walked into the coffee shop and saw Josh seated at a corner table. The cafe was quiet.

Josh waited until David ordered and brought his coffee to the table. Nothing was said as David took his first sips of Java.

“I am not sure she is going to be as easy as I thought, Mr. F.,” he lied, replaying the words he had practiced in his mind for thelast hour. “At first I thought no problem, but I think she was just flattered by a young man’s attention. She is a nice lady,” for a slut, her thought, ” and I want to be sure you want this to go on. I mean, if she was an alcoholholic would you offer her a drink? “

“Josh, I do not expect you to understand, but if she was an alcoholic and didn’t lie to me, I would do Everything I could to get her in rehab. But,” he paused, “but if she were drinking behind by back for nearly twenty five years, and LYING about it, I would kick her out. There is the problem. Not the sex as much as the lies.”

“I will be honest with you, Sir. I do not want to go home. I need your letter of recommendation. And, and I would like to, you know, like to screw her. But not if it costs me the other two.”

David still had an uneasy feeling about this kid. He felt as though he was being sold a bill of goods.

“Josh, I will have the letters by this Thursday. Something at work has come up and I willbe leaving for a trip to Japan on Friday. I will be back in two weeks, maybe less. Our anniversary is the following week. I think it is fitting for me to let her know everything on that day. You can stay until then.”

Josh fidgeted in his seat and continued, “what about the other part, the fucking part?”

“I am leaving her. For the lies over the years. If you fuck her, I will bring it all out in the open. She will have to face the truth of her infidelity with friends and family. If she really resists you, well I will do my best to make things amicable.”

Well, I guess this will be one ugly dividend, thought Josh. This guy has just sealed his wife’s fate! ——————————————————

Lori drank a few glasses of wine, waiting for the Fed X delivery guy. She feel silly walking the halls of her house in four inch siletto heels. Yet she felt more alive and energized than she had for the past three years.

When the package arrived she was surprised it came in aLarge envelope instead of a box. Surprised, that is until she saw the suit. It was ridiculously small. Little more than three patches connected by string. At that moment Lori decided she would stop things now. If she put on that suit and humiliated herself, destroying any self esteem she had, her life would be ruined. She had survived Frank. She didn’t feel as lucky with Josh.

As soon as the phone rang, Lori knew who it was. She wasn’t sure how she knew but unmistakably she knew. With absolute certainty she knew it was Josh.

I will not answer it she thought.

She stood next to the refrigerator, clutching the handle as if to hold herself there. The ring continued. Oh, god, she thought. Don’t pick it up. She stared at the phone hanging on the wall. She listened as the message machine picked up. She heard her voice saying she was sorry to have missed the call and please leave a message.

“Pick up Cunt. Now” Lori’s body shook as Josh’s voice echoed off the granitecounters. Her legs trembled, her heart pounded. Then her hand shook as she picked up the receiver.

“Hello?” She tried to sound calm.

“Hello, Lori”

“What do you want?” she barely got the words out.

“You know what I want Lori.”

“No, what Lori.”

“I. I can’t do this. I won’t do this anymore.”

“I’ll be There in ten minutes. Be by the pool.”

Her mouth was dry, “No. I won’t be here. It’s finished!”

“Ten minutes.” Josh hung up.

She went to her bedroom and looked at the picture of David on the night stand. I could call him, she thought. But what would I say? No, I will just leave.

She felt the tears form as she unbuttoned her dress. It fell silently to the ground. She removed her brassiere and panties, stepping away from the pile of clothes. Naked except for the heels.

I don’t have to meet him, she thought. If he doesn’t leave I can call the police. She slide the pink string bikini bottom up her long legs. Then she adjusted the top. She looked into the mirror and did not recognize the person staring back.

She walked down the stairs, telling herself she would lock the patio door. Close the blinds and ignore his knocks. She stopped at the kitchen counter and picked up the dish towel she had used earlier this morning. She wiped her eyes.

Her hand hovered near the lock until it reached the handle and opened the door. Her skin was warmed by the sun as she walked to the chain locke where Josh was sitting.

Josh was wearing Khaki shorts and a white Polo shirt. He had sunglasses on and was reading the newspaper. Lori stood next to the blinde, not knowing what to do. She could not tell if he was looking at her or not.

Forty seven years old and she was waiting for a boy to finish the paper. The sun felt good on her body but she knew much of her skin had never been exposed to the rays before. If she burnt, how would she explain that to David? As foolish as she felt and as ridiculous as she must look, Lori could not fight her bodies reaction to this humiliation.

After a few minutes, she was started by the sound of the theme song to ‘The Godfather’. Lori had no idea where it was coming from until she saw Josh snap open his Razor cell phone. He spoke for the first time.

“Kelli, Great. You found it. Yeah, park behind my car and come around to the back. I left the gate open, it is on your right.”

The words sunk in and Lori began to shake as she spoke.

“My god, Josh! I can’t have anyone see me like this, what are you thinking, please Josh I…” her voice was cut off.

“Listen, Cunt. I am already pissed off about how you treated me on the phone. Haven’t you realized when you defy me, it just makes it harder on you? Now you better not embarrass me in front of my girlfriend.”

Girlfriend was a bit of a stretch, being Josh had trouble with long, or even short term relations. Though since he arrived on the west coast he had seen Kelley five or six times. At three hundred dollars an hour; she was the best call girl the escort service had to offer. Today was going to cost a little more but if things went as he planned it would be worth it. As long as the whore remembers what he told her.

Josh continued, “Let’s face the facts Lori. You are an attractive woman….,” he paused, “for your age. And I bet when you were in College you were a real fox. When you meet Kelli you will see I have a good looking girlfriend. She has a girl’s skin and body. No small wrinkles at the corner of the eyes and no stretch marks, even as weak as yours, and no sag to her tits.”

He enjoyed making her aware of her flaws. “But, Kelli has her problems. She will blow me, but she won’t let me cum on her face, nor will she swallow. Her ass is off limits and don’t even think about asking her to rim your ass. She dresses sexy, but not,” he laughed and looked at Lori in the pink bikini,” slutty. No fucking my friends and no public sex or pissing.”

Lori’s mouth was agope as she listened to his litany of perversions; things he would expect of her.

She heard the gate open and in walked a thin brunette wearing a one piece swim suit, made of lycra, much like you see the Olympic swims wear. Around her wait was a blue flower print sarong and simple sandals on her feet. Flat sandals. She carried a large straw beach bag and wore a round floppy straw hat. She was a good looking young lady and Lori was jealous of her youth.

Josh stood and when Kelli was close they embedded and kissed. A deep, wet, long kiss. Kelli turned and Lori noticed her nipples stretching the tight material of her suit.

“So this is the slut you were telling me about. Your little plaything. She will do all those things I won’t for you, is that right?”

Josh, somehow did not seem at ease with this girl, Lori thought to herself as he answered. “Yes, Kelli.”

Kelli turned and walked up to Lori, invading her space. Her bodywas only inches away and when she spoke Lori could smell her breath. She was a smoker.

“I must say, you are much better looking than my Mom. What’s your name, Dear?”

Lori glanced quickly at Josh and remember his orders. “Its Lori. Nice to meet you Kelli.”

“Nothing will be nice about our meeting,” her harsh voice scared Lori, “and it is Miss Kelli to you. Josh told me your name was Cunt. Now what is it, Cunt or Lori?”

“It is, it is Cunt, Miss Kelli.”

“That’s a good Pet. I want to make one thing understandable. As far as I am concerned Josh can do whatever he wants with you, but I do not want your Cunt mouth to ever kiss my boyfriend. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Miss Kelli.”

“Is that one of those Weasel brand bikinis? It must be the sheer style, am I right?”

“Yes, Miss Kelli.”

“I cannot believe someone your age, or for that matter even someone my age would wear something like that. Did you already go wading in the pool, Cunt?”

“No, Ma’am.” Lori was confused by the question.

Kelli knew the woman wasn’t aware of what she was talking abut and smiled. “The sheer suits, become transparent when wet. I thought you had gone in the pool, because I can see your bald cunt as clear as day. Why do you suppose that is?”

Lori could feel her chest and face flush in embarrassment. The chuckle from Josh did nothing to help her degradation.

Kelli, when not answered continued in an angry voice, “Well, did you pee in your pants? Why is your bottom so wet? It can’t be from your pussy leaking like a faucet, can it?”

“Yes Miss Kelli, I mean, no I didn’t pee. I guess my pussy soaked the suit.”

“Your WHAT?” bellowed Josh.

Startled, Lori quickly answered, “My cunt. I mean my cunt.”

Kelli reached down and roughly cupped Lori’s mound. Pushing the palm of her hand against the little soaked patch of clothes. She held her hand in front of Lori’s face showing the glistening juice on her hand.

“My god, you are soaking. What a horny slut you must be. Tell me are you a horny slut cow whose cunt leaks when she is nasty?”

Lori could not believe how this girl was so forceful and controlling. She and Josh made a perfect pair.

“Yes, Miss Kelli.”

“Yes, Miss Kelli…what?”

“I am a horny slut cow whose cunt leaks when she is nasty, Miss Kelli.”

“That is much better, Cunt.” She turned to her boyfriend and continued, “Josh lets move under the patio. Otherwise she is gonna burn like toast.”

They moved under the Lanai and Kelli and Josh sat down. Lori stood, not knowing what to do until Josh sent her inside for some beers. They spoke for a few minutes and when Josh was sure Lori was occupied in the kitchen he slipped Kelli the money for her time.

Once they had taken sips of their brews, Kelli stood and again stood close into Lori’s personal space, knowing it would amplify her dominance. She took her two index fingers, placing them under the string of thebikini at her armpits. From there along the upper outer slopes of Lori’s breasts she slide her fingers until, in one fluid motion she had pushed the skimpy bra under her tits. Lori’s nipples were hard, even in the hot weather.

“When did you have your tits done?”

“When my youngest was nine, ah, so almost eleven years ago.”

Kelli began to lift each breast and release it, “pretty good job, they have a pretty natural bounce.” The girl tuned to the table and began to rummage through her straw bag. She laid on the table a red ball gag, then she pulled out a leather strap like paddle. Next a dildo with a suction cup on one end. Kelli knew Lori was taking all this in.

She turned and said, “Here it is,” and proudly held up a twelve or so inch chain with little adjustable clips at each end. She swung it in front of Lori’s face.

“Cunt, these are adjustable. I can make them as tight as I like, but I am leaving it up to you.” Kelli reached up and began to pull and squeeze on Lori’s nipple. “I will hook them just so,” Lori felt the cold metal grasp her nipple and pain seemed wired directly to her pussy.

“Now you tell me when to stop tightening them. But, to make it fun, if these fall off at anytime I will need to spank your ass. So the tighter they are, the less likely they will come loose, tell me when, Cunt”

Lori always liked rough play with Her nipples, but it had been years since they had been handled like this. She gritted her teeth as the clamps bit harder and harder into her soft rubbery nubs. Finally, when she thought she could take no more she asked Kelli to stop. This was repeated on the other nipple. Kelli then pulled the bra of the suit back up covering her tits, though the chain hung down between her breasts.

Josh had said nothing and was fascinated by how well Kelli played the part.

Kelli next grabbed the dildo and walked towards the house, motioning Lori to follow. She handed the dildo to Lori and told her to wet the suction cup with her mouth. Next she had her back up against the glass window and reach down and grab her ankles. This pushed her ass and wet bathing suit against the glass leaving a smudge of her juice.

Lori stepped away and watched as Kelli stuck the dildo onto the glass where her pussy had left its mark.

“I see no reason to use any lube with your cunt as wet as it is. Fuck yourself on the cock While I finish my beer. Do not break the suction or even think about cumming!”

Kelli sat down by Josh and they both watched in awe as the mother of two reached behind and pulling the thong away from her pussy wiggled her ass back until the head of the dildo pushed into her cunt.

Josh spoke as he stood, “I’m going in the kitchen to get another beer. When I come back up, your ass cheeks better be pushed against the glass tight.”

The dildo was big and in this position Lori could feel it pushing hard against her cervix. She pressed back harder until she could feel the cold glass flatten out her ass. It took everything, not to cum.

Kelli and Josh finished the beer, virtually ignoring their show toy. Lori’s legs were beginning to cramp and her nipples had numbered completely. Kelli walked over to Lori and squatted down next to her.

“Do you want to cum, Cunt?”

“Please Miss Kelli, yes, may I, please.”

“You will do whatever Josh and I say for the rest of the summer?”

“Yes, anything, Miss Kelli.”

“You’ll fuck and suck anyone I want. You will turn your body over to me and Josh, no matter what we want? You will be our cunt, our cum loving slut.”

“Yes, Yes!”

“You may cum, for me cunt. Now.”

Lori pushed herself back against the glass, forcing the rubber cock deeper; Her body began to rock with the beginnings of an orgasm. At that moment, Kelli grabbed the chain, hanging down from Lori’s chest and pulled hard. As the clamps popped off her nipples the blood rushed back causing sheering pain that set offthe best orgasm Lori had ever experienced.

The two observers were amazed at the spectacle in front of them. It took minutes for the spasms of pleasure to dissipate and Lori almost passed out from the climax.

Kelli gently helped Lori rise and edged her forward until the invading rubber penis disengaged from her body. Lori stood and felt the ache in the muscles in her legs and back.

Kelli, brushed the sweaty hair away from the red faced woman and softly spoke.

“Be a good girl and clean all that nasty juice off my toy. I don’t have to tell you how to clean it do I?”

Lori Shook her head and turned around. She knelt in front of the cock hanging obviously off her patio window. She opened her mouth and began to tongue all her essence off the toy.

The toys were put back into the pursuit and Lori reminded herself to clean the window before David got home. Kelli had removed her sandals and sarong and was swimming laps. Lori again felt pangs of jealousy.

Josh walked up to her, “Lori, you did very well today. I had planned on fucking you, but again you didn’t follow orders to a tee. We will be leaving in a bit, which should give you enough time to clean things up. I won’t see you until tomorrow.”

The two of them walked to the edge of the pool and watched as Kelli cut through the water with very little ripple.


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