
The call from Heidi’s boyfriend was a strange one; curt, to the point and cryptic. He simply said “Heidi is in trouble. She needs you to come over right away.” I found this strange, as my caller I.D. showed Heidi’s home phone as the source of the call. When I called back there was no response. Needless to say, I was a little on edge as I raced over in my car. It scared me to think that Pete (her boyfriend) might have hurt her. If he had, I would be forced to hurt him.

Heidi had been my best friend for years. I mean best – and I mean friend. We talked about everything, hung out all the time and gave each other advice on men and women, and relationships; and when those relationships went south, we consoled one another. We structured our course schedules so we always had at least one class together at the university. I was attracted to her, but I was afraid of jeopardizing what we already had. There were a couple of instances when I was close to asking her to kick things up a notch, but new love interests always seemed to crop up for her at those times.

She’s about 5’10”, roughly my height, and I would guess her weight at about 145 lbs. She isn’t model thin, but wasn’t fat by any stretch either (that was one thing that came up on a regular basis in our conversations – she was very self consciousness about her weight). She has mid-brown hair that ran down to her should blades, and brown eyes. Her skin was very fair, and smooth, evidencing her Nordic heritage. Her butt is round and voluptuous (not too big) and her breasts are… full.

Heidi lived in an apartment complex about a fifteen minute walk from the university campus, which facilitated her attendance well as she didn’t have a car. When I pulled into the parking lot of the building I didn’t notice Pete’s car, but I was in a hurry.

Her building was five stories tall and didn’t have an elevator. A woman that I had seen on previous visits to Heidi’s place was leaving and let me in. I rushed up the three flights of stairs to the third floor where her apartment is situationd. Her apartment is the one at the very end of the hallway; there’s a dusty window on the wall perpendicular to her door, and yellow light streamed in illuminating the 3 F on her door. I wasted no time pounding on the door. It was late afternoon so I wasn’t worried about waking anyone.

“Heidi!?!” I yelled. Still no one answered so I knocked again. I turned to the window and fished her spare key off the top of the sill. In less than five seconds I was in. I shut the door quietly behind me.

Her place was quiet behind me.

Her place was quiet. There was no sign of anyone. “Heidi?” I called again with more trepidation this time. I flicked on a light and its pale glow flooded the room. I was standing in her foyer area, with the living room to my left, and the kitchen to my right. The two were open to each other and in front of me was a hallway leading to the bedroom and bathroom. There were a few articles of clothes (read: socks and aSweater) straight across the living room floor but that was certainly out of the ordinary with her.

What caught my attention was a white sheet of paper on the floor about five feet in front of me. It was sitting atop what looked like a photo album and had “OPEN ME SEAN” written on it in big legible letters.

I looked around again to make sure that there was no one else around and, for some reason, Followed the note’s instructions.

On the first page of the photo album was a photograph of Heidi – naked. She was just standing there, not looking particularly bashful. She had her left hand up behind her neck and her right hand hanging at her side, not trying to cover herself. She was looking right into the camera lens and half-smiling.

She was more grogeous in the nude than I had ever imagined.

There was a note taped to the inside cover. It read:


I’m done with Heidi. She lied to me all throughout our relationship. She lied when she said sheloved me. She was really in love with you all along. Well my friend, you can have her. But there are a few things that you should know about her first. Turn the page and if you still want her she’s all yours.


I’m curious by nature and I turned the page. There were three more photographs on that page and all featured Heidi in compromising positions. The first featured Heidi bound, and on her stomach. She was lying on the floor, looking up at the camera. Her face looked almost catatonic. Her hair flowed down on either side of her face. Her feet were pulled up so that they were almost touching her bum. Her ankles were tied together and attached by rope to her wrists which were secured in a similar fashion behind her back.

The second photograph showed her bent at the waist, leaning forward resting her hands on the foot of her bed. Her legs were slightly spread and her buttocks were covered with bright pink lines.

The third photo had Heidi on her knees, nakedagain hands clapped in front of her, wearing a collar and smiling. All three photos appeared to have been shot in her bedroom. At the bottom of the page a handwritten not said “more” and had an arrow pointing to the corner of the page.

Maybe I’m a terrible person, but I turned the page. It was part morbid curiosity, but another part hunger for more of her. There were three more photos on that page, arranged one atop another. They were close-ups of her face and told a story. In the first one she peered at the camera with her mouth wide open. What appeared to be the tip of a penis jutted into the shot from the bottom left corner. In the second shot a yellow stream flowed from the tip of the penis into her mouth. A bit of urine dribbled from the corner of her mouth, and down her cheek. I was shocked to say the least at the sight of my friend, the girl I Thought I knew drinking pee, and perhaps even more shocked by the third photo of her grinning madly.

The rest of the book wasfilled with similar shots of her in salacious and degrading positions of a sexual nature. On every page, she was slick, or spread eagled, or suspended. I didn’t realize how sore my cock was from scanning against my jeans until I got to the last page. I felt sick in the pit of my stomach, but also incredibly aroused.

I must have been mesmerized for twenty minutes leaves through the photos of her. I shut the book and was uncertain of what I was going to do with it, and with myself. It was then that I heard a muffled noise. I had heard it before and though that it was people talking in the suit above, but now distinctly realized that it was coming from down the hallway.

I headed down the hallway and the noise became louder. It was coming from her bedroom, so when I got there I flung the door open without thinking.

There she was, naked, tied spread eagle on the bed. Her breasts pointed up at me and her head had been propped up with a pillow. In her mouth was a bright orange ball gag. When she saw me, still holding the album, she began to cry.

I rushed to her side and fumbled with the ball gag; it seemed like it took me an eternity to unclasp it, but I’d never worked one before. I muttered some sort of half-assembled condolence as I was working – what do you say?

“Oh Sean,” she wept once I had it off “I didn’t want you to find out like this. I’m so humiliated.” She buried her face in her shoulder.

I picked up the crumped blanket off the floor and throw it over her. “It’s all right Heidi, I’m not going to tell anyone,” I said, and hugged her.

”He… we were playing, and, and he…” she stuttered between sniffles. I examined her bindings, and upon closer inspection, her wrists were secured to the posts of her bed with handcuffs.

“I was chained up and he left, and came back with the photo album. We’d taken the photos as sort of a game. He showed me the album and told me that it was over… and, and then he left and he didn’t come back and I…” she broke into full blown tears again. I kissed her forehead and hugged her, pressing my cheek against her hair until she stopped crying.

“Heidi,” I began, “I love you and nothing can change that.” She managed a weak smile.

“Sean I love you too. I’m so… thank you.”

“Now, let’s get you out of this prediction. Where are the keys to the handcuffs?”

“He took them.”

“I see,” I rattled the cuff on the post. I was too wide further up to slip it off over the top, and the post itself was fairly strody. “Do you have anything I can cut this off with?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Then I’ll have to go get a hacksaw or something. Don’t worry, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I stood to leave.

“Wait!” she cried “Don’t leave me Sean. Stay here with me for a while, I don’t want to be alone.”

“Alright,” I conceded. I sat down on the bed beside her. She gazed longingly into my eyes. I looked back at her. “Kiss me” she mouthed. So I kissed her. I put my hand behind her head and pressed her lips to mine. She didn’t have much range of motion, but I think she pressed her hips against mine.

“I need you” she said when I broke the kiss. “Sean I need you now.”

“Now?” I asked like an idiot, “like this?” She nodded.

I kissed her again, and with my free hand pulled back the covers from her chest. I fondled her breasts with my hand. God it felt good to be touching her like that, after all those years, and God her breasts were supplement. Her nipples were about the size of dollar coins and already erect. I moved my mouth from hers, and down to her breasts. She tasted sweaty and pleasure in a way I think only Heidi can. Her breath started to come quicker and I could hear her panting slightly. I kissed my way down her stomach, nibbling her belly button, and stopped at her lush brown public bush.

I pushed the blanket all the way off the bed and knelt between her knees. In my excitement, I’d forgetten that I was still fully cLothed, and quickly peeled off my shirt, for her viewing pleasure. I went back to work, this time focusing on her soft and inviting flower. I started at the top, just tasting her cliporis, circulation it with my tongue. Then I moved to her nether-lips and ran my tongue up one side and down the other. She was already wet, and her sweat and fluids tasted delicious. Her pussy was water and I had been wandering in the desert for all the year I’d known her. I looked up her body to see her covered with goosebumps. Her head was back and her mouth was open. I little moan escaped her.

I kissed her thighs and lifted her body what little her leg restraints would allow and planted a kiss on each butt-cheek. I made out with her labial lips and rubbed my nose on her cliporis. I could feel her body quivering and know she was close to orgasm. She was moaning openly now and her limbs were straining against her bonds.

“Sean, I need it in me, now!” she wailed.

I unbuttoned my jeans and myerect member sprung loose with a near comical vigor.

“Condoms?” I asked.

“No, I’m still on the pill” she responded.

With that I set to work. I teased her opening with the tip of my cock, leaving a trail of precum, and then drove into her.

She gasped and shuddered. Her pussy was warm and wetter than any woman I’d had before. I leaned forward on her and pressed my chest against her breasts. It was the moment I’d been waiting for. I could feel her limbs scanning against their bonds every time our hips met. Her face was a portrait of delicious pain, as she endured the disappoint for me – and for her too. Between thrusts I kissed her and it was not long before she came. Her release was almost anticlimactic as she looked me in the eye and spoke only a single word “yes”.

I came a fraction of a second after she did, emptying myself deep into her. I collapsed against her.

We lay there for hours in silence; there was no need for words yet and nothing to say.I rested my head on her shoulder, and wrapped my arms around her, hers were still pulled taught towards the corners of the bed; her legs remained spread, and I nestled mine between them. Both of us were covered with sweat. It was the start of something beautiful.


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