Photo Explorations: Twice the Fun

I wish I could say that I’d created a monster. Unfortunately, my only fault had been friendly professionalism (even if I’m only an amateur). I was patient with someone who wanted to push her own boundaries without being coolly distant. At the same time, I didn’t try to push her further for my own gratification. I was so shocked when she stepped beyond the professional separation that it never dawned on me to suggest she stop.

But that’s another story for another time.

Vanessa and I aren’t exactly dating. Truthfully, I’m not entirely certain how to classify our relationship. I suppose, if I’m being honest, I’d have to call us fuck-buddies, although even that doesn’t entirely fit. We don’t hang out much so the friend impplications don’t exactly fit. Given the decades that separate us, and the consequent lack of common interests, that isn’t really much of a surprise.

Similarly, we don’t find each other exclusively for sex. In fact, we don’t even do it every time we getTogether. The vast majority of our time together is spent in pursuit of the one hobby that connects us; photography. Our relationship began, and still primarily remains, that of photographer and model.

Please understand, I’m not one of those photographers that young women are warned about! I never got into the hobby with the intent of taking nude pictures of women in order to inflame my libido and then utilize them to sit my primary urges. It was just something that happened with her. There’d never been any other model like that and I had no reason to suspect there would be any others.

What all this means was that I had absolutely no idea what to expect on my photo shoot that afternoon. I’d gotten out of work and just had enough time to run home to shower before I made it to the location on time. Given there would be a few hours of natural light left in the late-summer evening, I didn’t have to worry too much about setting up reams of lighting equipment. That means I didn’t’t need to be early.

I’d hurt what I’ve come to consider my photo attire; cargo shorts, boxes and a loose t-shirt. Early on in my amateur career, I’d hurt the same slacks and boxer-briefs I used for work. Unfortunately, the beauty of the model and her sensitive poses caused a perfectly understandable reaction. What I hadn’t thought about was that fact that I grew rather substantially. Nor had I considered the disgusted attitude I received from the model when she noticed.

We were set to meet in someone’s private garden in one of the ritzier suburbs. I don’t know how Vanessa had gotten permission for the location but she’d assured me she had. I had it in email if it ever came to court. I like her but I’m not about to go to jail simply because I was too stupid to ask the right questions.

As I pulled up to the garden, I realized I had to slightly adjust my expectations for the afternoon. The shoot was outdoors and while she might have been adventurous to risk a little liaison afterwards in full view of the potential public, I was not. The garden wasn’t surrounded so much by as hedgerow as an entire wall of vegetation. If I couldn’t see in then it was unlikely anyone else would. The creaking gate, that was the only break in the thick foliage, would alert us if anyone suddenly came upon us.

While I wasn’t going to expect we would automatically have sex, the chances had Just about skyrocketed. The setting was pretty enough. Unfortunately it would inspire some such thoughts in a young woman. Even I found the scents that drifted from the variety of flowers nearly intotoxicating.

“Hello!” I called out as I closed the gate behind me. It would be enough of an alarm that someone had just entered but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to add my voice. She’d Now know for certain it was me and not someone else.

That assumed that she was even there yet. Vanessa made it a habit of showing up early for sessions but I hadn’t seen another car out there when I’d pulled in. Of course, given the size of the place, it probably touched a road on all four sides. Given the hedges, I’d never know if she’d parked on one of the other streets. Besides, I was a little early so it was possible she simply hadn’t gotten there yet.

A moment later, a distant shout answered the question for me. “Follow the path. It’ll open into the garden. Look for the sundial!”

The path was lined with more of the hedge walls. Ahead, I could see that it opened up into carefully maintained plots of flowers, meticulously planted by type. There were at least a couple more paths across the garden, which led me to suspect there would be one or two spots completely secluded from sight from the main portion of the garden. That would be good for some shots, not to mention the potential for other things.

I followed the path as instructed and opened into a brightly colorful garden. It was laid out in neighbor squares of each with stone paths meandering through. The paths were heavily set up with the same precision that maintained the flowers. Even the tufts of grass that sprouted between stones seemed manicured.

All of that barely caught my attention, however. Sitting on a sundial at least six feet across was Vanessa. The surprise that caused my steps to false, however, was the woman who chatted amicably with her.

Models frequently insist that they bring someone along With them. Not only do I understand the need but I encourage it in those who’re just starting out. The company can help with the model’s hair and makeup and, possibly even more importantly, provide a sense of security. After all, a young woman can never know how things will go when she meets with a man alone.

After we’d become whatever it was that we were, Vanessa often didn’t bring anyone along Anymore. After all, part of the whole point of the company was to see to it that she wouldn’t be taken advantage of. While that was the farthest thing from the truth, inOur case, it would be difficult to explain that to someone else. Besides, it keep anyone from feeling like a third wheel when we decided to shift from photography to other things.

The first thought that ran, rather disappointingly, through my head was that we wouldn’t end up doing anything after the shoot that day. That fact itself didn’t both me but it did both me that it was the First thought that came to mind. Fortunately, the confusion of the second thought kept me from dwelling on it too much.

“Kali!” I said, surprised enough that I blurted out my thought. “I didn’t know you two know each other.”

The other young woman had nearly a decade on her companion. Given their backgrounds and ages, I couldn’t imagine where the two might have met. The only thing they shared in common was the fact that they both modeled for the fun of it. Well, that and the fact that both were fairly regular models forme!

Age wasn’t the only difference between them either. Kali had the lithe, overly slender, body typically associated with models while Vanessa sports a healthy looking physique that was usually called ‘full-figured’. Kali’s bronze flesh had nothing to do with time in the sun and everything to do with genetics. Vanessa, on the other hand, had pale white skin that bordered on pink. Kali wore her straight, black, hair down to her shoulders. Vanessa’s wavy brown hair flowed all the way down to the small of her back.

Even their eyes, Kali’s dark brown to Vanessa’s soft green, were a study in contrasts. Vanessa had a perpetual look of wide-eyed innocent that somehow didn’t conflict with the manner in which she’d decided to seduce me. Kali’s expression usually could best be described as a cautious neutrality.

Right that moment, however, there was an enigmatic slyness to the smile that Kali offered me. Whether or not she knew before, she read easily in my reaction that I hadn’t expected her at today’s shot. Even though the initialSurprise hadn’t killed off, my smile returned. She had always been easy to work with and was one of the most creative of the people I shot.

“Kali and I have known each other for a couple of years, from the message board.” Vanessa explained as I walked up.

I nodded in understanding. I could have kicked myself for not realizing sooner. Kali, one of the more experienced amateur models in the area, took it upon herself to find the newcomers in the area. If they were willing, she would offer them guidance and even offer to act as their ride-along. Only the fact that I’d never seen her in that capacity had made the fact slip my mind.

“You here as the M.U.A.?” Vanessa wasn’t bad with makeup, but she had no experience, that I knew of anything, with anything other than basic coverage. If she’d gotten it into her head to do something extravagant, she’d need help. I had no problem with the idea and hoped it showed in my open expression.

Kali shook her head. “Actually, Vanessawas telling me about plans for the shoot today and I thought it sounded fun. I hope you don’t mind?”

I shrugged, generally perplexed as to why it would both me. “Not a problem. You know I always appreciate your input, and I love your work.”

The two women shared some kind of look that I couldn’t interpret. From there we pretty much got down to business. The contrasts between the two was enough to make for some very engaging photographs.

Even the outfits they chose emphasized the differences. Vanessa wore a very loose, flowing, gown so sheer you could see the white lacey corset and panties that were all that lay beneath. Kali’s dark red bra, that complimented her skin nicely, was equally visible beneath a black mesh top. Even an untrained eye would be able to notice the lack of underwear lines beneath the tight boy-shorts at as much as the mid-range shots. Given that they matched the bra, they probably were designed to be underwear, even though they lacked any frills.

The two played off of each other as they hung from the angled beam of the sundial or sprayed across the flat base. They draped along the concrete blocks at the edge of the flower gardens, careful not to disturb the flora. A couple of times they even held each other in artistically suggestive poses that never outright implied sexuality.

After about fifteen minutes in the main part of the garden, Vanessa mentioned a benchmark in one of the sectioned sections so we packed up and moved around a corner. The high hedges would block quite a bit of the natural light so I made certain to bring along my portable stand and a reflector I stopped to appreciate the cozy little reclusive spot a moment before I set about putting my gear in position.

I’m not certain the role of the wrong iron benchmark. Even to call it a benchmark is a little misleading. If not for the short height and the holes across the top, it could almost be considered a table. The thing was fully eight feet wide and nearly six feet deep! As expected from something so large, it lacked any kind of back. There was enough room on the far side, between the bench and the hedges, that someone could sit facing away from the path so perhaps it was originally designed to be in the center of the garden for people to sit all around and appreciate the whole place. When and why it had been moved into a nose scarcely larger than it was remained unknown.

“I brought a down comfortable we could put over it if you’d rather?” Vanessa offered.

I shook my head. “The detail work on it is pretty nice. I’d like to get some shots with that in it if we can.” I didn’t say that the imposing metal would also stand out powerfully against their delicate flesh. I took another critical look at it, however. “If it starts to get uncomfortable, however, make sure to let me know, we can put the comforter on for some later pictures.”

They both nodded and we proceeded to do some emotive shots of each, individually, before they both sat down and paired up. The way they played off of each other was perfection! One moment they were giggling schoolgirls whispering secrets and the next they were bitter history forced, by some twist of fate, to be seated next to each other. They were secret lovers and perfect strangers.

Eventually, the benchmark began to wear on them so we agreed to put down the sheet. While the few inches of down wouldn’t eliminate the various gaps and bars, at least it mitigated the effect they had. I was a little disappointed in the look, since the antique benchmark suddenly transformed into a bed. All it needed were a couple of pillows. Though, admittedly, the juxtaposition of a bed outdoors among the hedge-walls was an interesting twist.

Given the close proximity that the narrow space enforced, it became much harder to ignore what amounted to lingerie on both women. The resolution on my camera was probably enough to pick up the hints of darker skin that peeked through the holes in Vanessa’s lace bra. The fact that I already knew how soft the moons between Kali’s legs looked, from a number of nude shots, only enflamed my imagination as the shadows played across them. The fact that they now appeared to be on a bed didn’t help either. I was more than glad I’d hurt the concealing clothing.

It happened when I leaned in to get a close-up of a shot. They both sat on the edge of the benchmark and Vanessa was leaned over to whisper in Kali’s ear. The recipient’s expression looked almost bored, as her eyes drifted lazily away from her companion. The energy and excitement of the teller’s expression matched the laxity of the listener’s and it was a moment that deserved a sharp focus close-up with a hazard background.

I felt something brush against my strained pants. Immediately, I shifted backwards and inch and apologized for leaning too close. I hoped it came out nonchalant but I was incredibly embarrassed. It would have been difficult to miss my state. That would havehave bad enough if it was just Vanessa. She would have teased me mercilessly about it before she finally dragged me down, or simply tore off my pants, and did something about it.

Unfortunately, it had been Kali. There was no doubt in my mind. Although I had been completely focused on the camera’s screen (as always seem to be the case in situations like these) it would have required Vanessa to shift to reach me. Not only would I have noticed such a change but it could never have been an accident. It would also have been too blatant an overture for Kali to have missed.

As it happened, that wouldn’t have been an issue.

The contact broke the moment I stepped back, but only for a moment. No sooner had I mumbled my apology than I felt the touch return. It hadn’t meant anything to me that Kali had turned to look directly at me. After all, I’d just spoken to her. What I only then noticed was that one of her shoulders had shifted towards me as well. My hands fell slightly soI could look directly down.

I simply couldn’t understand what I was seeing. You can call me a bit slow socially but, as I’ve said, I take efforts to maintain my ‘professional distance’ from the models I shoot. Even ignoring that, my self-confidence isn’t exactly the highest. I’m in my forties, balding and overweight! It’s still impossible for me, sometimes, to figure out what one barely-legal model sees in me, much less would draw another model, almost as young and beautiful beyond description, to begin to fondle me.

Incomprehension was written across my face as I looked up to star dumbly at Kali. My hands had fallen to my sides but otherwise I stood paralleled within her grip. Fortunately, the asexual themes of the poses hadn’t brought me all that close to climax. I was hard, sure, but I wasn’t really all that turned on.

“Wha, huh, ummm…” I managed to get out something like that. I started to realize that her enigmatic smile leaned heavily towards coy. While she allowered that smile to linger on me, her hand began to glide up and down the confined mass of flesh in my pants.

“You know,” she finally began, “not everyone is blinded by outward appearances. There are so many aspects of you that are appealing. Though, from what I hear, you’ve a physical characteristic that certainly has appeal.”

Her soft soprano voice came out with a purr. Although the words registered, one corner of my stalled mind continued to refuse to believe them. It wasn’t until the last comment, and the squeeze that emphasized it, that I could admit she might be on the level. After all, I couldn’t exactly deny that I was larger than average, if only a little.

At a loss for a reply, my focus shifted over to the observer in the scenario. Vanessa sat back, her hands on the bench behind her so she could comfortably rest her weight. Although her legs were crossed at her ankles, she parted her knees slightly to give a more unobstructed view between her legs. The translucent material of her gown did little to hide the plus mounds and caused my lust to flare. As she’d known fully well, from prior experience, that it would.

There was no way Kali could have missed it. The fact that she removed her hand, immediately afterwards, only proved it. Rather than embarrassment, however, her finger hooked into a belt loop and tugged me closer. Bereft of control from my Befuddled mind, my legs obliged her.

“You’re overdressed.” She commented as she deftly unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my pants and slide the zipper open. She continued to speak as she slide my pants down and turned me to sit on the benchmark. I scarcely noted the words but they seemed to be more a filler to distract me as anything serious. It didn’t work.

“You know, time and again you ask models to undress but never once return the favor. You never thought we might appreciate the view as much as you do? No. You probably don’t, or else you wouldn’t wear these baggy pants to conceal it.”

By that point, Kali knelt down in front of me and had my shoes off. Vanessa slide over to press her body against me. A finger slide beneath my shirt to trail designs across my chest but I had a feeling she was there to make sure I didn’t bolt. I was so conflicted and self-conscious, I’m not entirely certain I wouldn’t have.

Most of all, I was acutely aware of Kali. She’d knelt to deal with my shoes, and now my pants pooled around my ankles. When she glanced up, from time to time in her obviously prepared speech, I couldn’t help but realize her head was practically between my knees. Her glances at the pulses of activity right in front of her, and the resultant smiles, proved a similar awareness.

“We’re all aware that you appreciate us.” She continued. I thought she might reach for my socks, or maybe my boxes. Instead, she simply put her hands on my knees and locked them together as a place to rest her chin. The slight extra weight pushed her hands down and caused my knees to spread apart a little. As she spoke, her eyes remained riveted forward in a manner that would have gotten a man slapped if he stared at his body part of choice.

“You didn’t really hide that. Oh, the size, certainly, but not the boss. All you’ve done is turn what might have been a perfect introduction into some fun into a source of embarrassment. I was never appalled, at least, that you get hard When you shoot me. I’m flattered. Now, maybe a little disappointed as well.”

Finally, her gaze lifted to meet mine. I’d been able to maintain my delegation that this whole thing was some elaborate scheme to make fun of me. Kali could certainly be blunt but that worked against me here as well. After all, if she’d found out that I’d been screwing around with one of my models, I wouldn’t put it past her to set up some plot to thoroughly embarrass me to the point where I would never try again. She looked after the younger women like that.

The fire that resided in those eyes had nothing to do with anger, however. I instantly got the impression that she wanted nothing more than to throw me backward and ride me until one of us passed out. Only her uncertainty over how I’d react kept her leaned. To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t any more certain I wouldn’t throw her off in a panic if she’d done that.


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