Lori was in a daze the rest of the day. She knew if she didn’t leave or if Josh didn’t leave she would succumb to his will. Just as she had, with Frank in college and every year since, until his death. When she had read of the fatal accident, it was as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.
The last three years had been heaven sent. No longer was she afraid to turn in a crowd and see Frank beckoning her with his eyes. No more lewd and lascivious behavior for his amusement. And, sadly she had to admit, no more incredible sexual highs spurned on by her desire to be degraded and humiliated. She missed the highs but not the lows. The horrible guilt of facing David after she had based herself, usually on their anniversary.
Some part of her inner soul missed those times where her body betrayed her but she was just getting to accept her new vanilla life. Then Josh comes along. He was so like Frank and in a matter of hours understanding her dark needs. She could not denythe excitement he was causing, she knew he would use her and give no quarter. She had done a bullet all those years with Frank; some part of him knew her desire could be fed and satisfied by his yearly visit. She never believed he wanted to destroy her family; he just wanted her to know he could. Josh was different. Lori felt no security with him.
David was home at his usual time and asked how her day was. She told him nothing exciting had happened and for the first time she realized he hadn’t given her the kiss on the cheek he had for the last twenty some years. In fact she could not remember his last peck, it seems since his diet started his affection had waned. Except for the night in the garage.
A knock on the door to the yard interrupted her thoughts. There stood Josh holding two large brown bags.
David opened the door and the boy walked in placing the packages on the table.
“I am sorry to be a pest, but I am so appreciated of what you two have done forme I thought I’d spring for dinner. I hope you haven’t started cooking yet Mrs. F.” His smile hidden something evil and Lori could sense it. “I got some Chinese and a six pack of beer.
“Well, thanks Josh. Lori have you started dinner yet? I know Chinese sounds good to me.”
“No, I haven’t started…”her voice was interrupted by Josh’s.
“Great, lets eat. Mr. F. why don’t you take the food out on the patio and I’ll help Mrs. F. get some silverware and the beers.” David grabbed the bag of food, leaving the kitchen knowing Josh wanted time alone with his wife.
Josh spoke as soon as the sliding door closed. “As long as I am here, Cunt, you will wear dresses or skirts. I do not want to see you in, ” his had cut through the air motioning towards her pants and pull over shirt, “in this crap. Go now . And put some heels on. Bare feet are not allowed any more!”
Before she could answer Josh walked out with the six pack of beer and three glasses. What would David think ifshe changed? She looked across the patio and saw David and Josh clock beers in a toast of some sort Lori did not move and watched as Josh walked back in the kitchen. He began to collect plates from the cabinet when he looked over his shoulder and spoke.
“Is there something you didn’t understand, Cunt?”
“Josh, please. David will wonder why, why I changed. It, I can’t, please.”
“If you come out dressed like that, it is over and done. I will be out of here, out of your life. But I know you, I smell you; you and I both know you don’t want this…but, you need it.” He started out the door and turned, “Since you didn’t listen to me, no bra or panties. Just a dress and heels.”
When Josh sat down next to David he spoke, “This is her first test. If she does what I told her I am afraid it is only a matter of time before I am fucking your wife.”
David asked Josh what he means but paused when he heard the clicking of heels on the pool decking. He turned and saw his wif walking towards them dressed in a nice summer dress. The heels were odd, because David knew how much she hated wearing shoes around the house. He also noticed the bounce to her as she walked. His wife was bra less.
“Lori,” he knew this was part of the test Josh spoke about. He wasn’t going to let her by easily. “Don’t you look nice. Why all dressed up, dear?”
“I figured if Josh was nice enough to buy us dinner I should freshen up. I had been in those clothes all day.” She smiled as she sat next to her husband, “It is a woman’s prerogative to dress up once in a while isn’t it?”
“Sure, it is. It will make dinner all that much better, Cheers!” Josh held up his beer as he finished the words and smiled at Lori as he clinked his bottle against hers. Like a cat playing with a mouse Josh was enjoying himself. They ate, drank beer and chatted into the night. Each had an ultimate motive and every word spoke was guarded.
David collected the dishes and told Lori to relax while he put them away. He told her he didn’t want her to dirty her dress. The two sat at the patio table and watched as David worked at the sink. The window faced the duo and he would look up from time to time to see if anything out of the ordinary was occurring.
Josh stretched back in the chair putting his long legs out straight in front of him. He crossed his arms across his chest and with the toe of his sneaker he gently kicked Lori’s foot under the table.
“Spread them, Cunt.” He noticed her glance towards the kitchen, “He can’t see anything, hell I can barely see in this light. I just want to be sure you followed directions.”
Lori let her thighs part and spread her legs until they were stopped by the arms of the chair. She pulled her skirt up exposing her pantiless crotch.
As if he were smelling a simmering gourmet sauce Josh took a deep breath and slowly exhausted, “What is that smell? Mrs. F., what is that I smell?”
She held her skirt at her wait and sat silently. He was right, she could smell herself.
“My, my, you are a stupid cunt. When you don’t do as you are told, or answer my questions quickly, the punishment is always is going to be harder.” He smiled. “Or maybe you like it that way. Now, Mrs. F. what is it I smell, or should I call your husband out here and ask him?”
Barely above a whisper, “My pussy. You smell my pussy.”
“Lori, Lori, Lori. You don’t mind me calling you Lori. I know it is awful casual considering our age difference, but then again you have your legs spread like some common whore. And that brings me back to my question, Lori. Do you think common whores have pussies? I think pretty teenagers and ministers’ wives and the girl next door; I think they have pussies. But common whores like you? Now what do I smell?” His tone became deep and threatening as he finished his question.
“My cunt, you smell my cunt.”
“It must be very wet for me to smell it over here. Put your fingers in it and let me hear how wet it is. Use your left hand, I want to watch the moonlight glisten off your wedding ring.”
Lori dropped her left hand between her played legs. He fingers easily pushed into her sex. The squishy sound confirmed her wetness.
“Don’t cum. That’s a good girl, put a fourth finger in there. By the end of summer I expect you to be fisting your cunt for me. Your entire hand, up to the wrist inside your cunt. Of course we will have to use the other hand, won’t we? Wouldn’t want to lose your diamond ring in that sloppy cunt.”
Lori was grunting, small little bursts of animal like noises, her eyes were looking at Josh; her husband and the kitchen window no longer even a thought to her.
“Okay, Mrs. F. Stop,” he watched at the pained expression on Her face. She had been close to reaching release when his words brought her back to reality. “Now, I want you to take those stinky, wet fingers and rub them on your face. That’s it, your cheats, your neck,good girl, now close your eyes and rub your cunt juice on your eyes.”
Josh watched as she followed his instructions. He stood up, hoping his hard on wasn’t too apparent.
“Good night, Lori. I would wash up before kissing Mr. F. goodnight.” He took a few steps, then turned around as if he had forgotten something, “Oh, by the way, I want that cunt bald next time I see it!”
He walked towards the pool house leaving her alone. She quickly covered herself and tried to figure out how to get by David in the kitchen. She heard the door open and saw him approaching with two glasses of port.
Her nostrils flared, there was no mistake her stench. She smelled like the back seat of a teenager’s car on prom night.
Acting quickly she stood, smiled at David, kicked off her shoes and in one fluid motion she pulled her dress over her head and dove in the pool. Her nakedness was visible for but a moment. The cool water didn’t her affect and washed away the evidence
She surfaced and swam towards the edge of the pool, where David sat. He handed her the port and spoke. “No underwear, skinny dipping, my aren’t you becoming a nymph. Is it for me or Josh?”
She put the glass down and looked up from the waters edge. She raised herself so her breasts floated at the surface with her hard nipples half submerged. “No darling. It is for my new good looking guy. Now why don’t you grab me a towel and we can finish the port in our bedroom.”
She again noticed something different about her husband as they made love. No as they fucked. His ardor seemed bent only on release. The passion was missing.
The next morning Lori stayed in bed until David kissed her good-bye and she heard Josh leave. She got up and showered, She Stepped out of the glass enclosure and looked at herself in the mirror. She was an attractive woman, living in an attractive house with a lovely husband and family.
Yet, she needed to risk itall. To be degraded and humiliated gave her a thrill that outweighted the guilt. Tears began to well in her eyes as she realized she could not fight this password. Perhaps, like a drug addict she had to hit bottom, to reach the lowest point possible before she would be able to fight this inner demon.
A that moment she decided she would fight her urges and refuse Josh’s demands.
A man asked a cocaine addict why he visits the ATM every few hours to withdraw money rather than making one large withdrawal for the night. The addict answered that every withdrawal was going to be his last; he was going to quit after the ‘last’ fix.
Though Lori’s intentions were good, as soon a she saw the hair on her pussy she reached for the scissors. She justified it to herself by saying her husband wanted her to shake. She reentered the shower to rinse and complete her task.
Afterwards she dressed in another summer dress and sandals. In her mind it was not a response to the order of atwenty three year old boy, but a woman’s personal satisfaction at caring for her appearance.
She was in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee when the noise of the patio door opening started her. She looked up and saw that evil grin on Josh’s face.
“Stand up, Cunt.”
She stood slowly, afraid that her legs would not support her. Josh shook his head in disappointment.
“What did I Say last night about how you were to dress?”
“You, you said, no pants, only skirts or dresses.” She felt so mortified that this boy could cause such fear and excitement in her. “And, Josh, you said no bare feet. I thought I did what you wanted.”
“If you would have listened carefully, instead of thinking with that sloppy cunt of yours, you would have Remembered I said I wanted you in heels!”
“I’m sorry, Josh. I thought heels, last night, I thought no bare feet, but sandals…I am sorry. I can change.”
Josh remembered the pictures David had shown him of Lori. Many of the ones that showed her feet, displayed her in siletto heels. “I am sure you have a pair of ‘fuck me’ siletto heels in the back of your closet. When I come back this afternoon I want them on.”
“Yes, Josh, Can I change them before David comes home?” She paused. “Please? He will become suspicious if I dress like a slut.”
“But you are a slut Lori. You and I both Know that.” He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat in the kitchen chair facing her. He grabbed the sports page abandoned by David earlier. “Pull your panties down to your knees. You better spread your legs enough so they do not fall. If they touch your ankles, Lori, you will wear your heels all day and night. Keep the dress above your waist.”
Lori felt a rush as she pulled her dress above he wait. With some difficulty she used her forearm to hold the material, while with the other hand she pushed her panties to her knees. By keeping her legs apart the panties were stretched taunt and she felt sure they would not fall.
Lori stood for a few minutes before Josh looked up from his newspaper. He eyed her bald cunt, smiled and went back to reading. Lori felt ridiculous standing on display in her own kitchen and cursed herself, for his ignoring her was making her wetter.
He finished the paper, folding it neighborly and placing it on the table. Then holding up the coffee cup he spoke, “Mrs. F., or I am sorry, Lori, would you mind bringing the pot over here and freshening up my cup?”
Lori duck-walked from the stove to the table, doing her best to walk without letting the panties fall. Once she poured the hot liquid he had her sit the pot on the table and told her to stand still. He reached up and rubbed the hairless area above her slit. Like a kid with a new toy, Josh seemed fascinated by her bald cunt. He pulled on her lips and pushed the covering off her clip. He could feel her mood forming and the smell was strong.
Each time he felt she was close to getting off, Joshwould stop. After a few minutes she was on the verge of an orgasm. He stopped and stood up. His face was inches from hers and he moved forward until his lips grasped hers. He left a light kiss, much like the tenative kiss of naive teens. He pulled his head away as her tongue snaked out, searching for his mouth.
He stepped back and moved to the other side of the kitchen table. He could see her lips ready to form words and motioned her to be silent with a gesture like Santa on the night before Christmas.
Lori, was unsure of this boy. Frank would have fucked her by now. Why was he teasing me, she thought.
Her eyes moved downward when she saw his hands reach for his belt. He undid the belt and pulled it from his waist, placing it on the table in front of him. He unzipped his pants and fished inside for his obviously hard cock. Lori wondered if it hurt to bend it so much as he struggled to remove it from his shorts.
Lori’s eyes widened as for the first time she sawhis manhood. It wasn’t exceptionally large; bigger than David’s but similar to how she remembered Frank’s. He used his right hand to stroke it, repeating the up and down motion, base to head over and over.
His voice brought her eyes from his cock to his face. “Lori, you are my little cunt, aren’t you?”
“You want this,” he stopped his stroking and waved his cock at her, “don’t you? Tell me what you want, cunt!”
“You, your cock. I want your cock. I want to be your slut. Please… Josh stop teasing me and use me. Please.”
“You want it in your mouth. And in your bald little girl cunt. And your ass. Tell me Lori,” he resumed the movement up and down, increasing the speed.”
“Anyway, I want it anyway, but please let me have it. My mouth, my cunt, my ass. I am such a slut and you know how to treat dirty sluts like me.”
“I just might let you have it. But to be honest, you are a little old and used looking to me,’” he smiled as he saw her wincefrom his words, “but I think, if you follow directions well, me and my friend here could have some fun.” Again he stopped and waved his cock at her.
“But, Lori, I have to tell you, and this is a bit embarrassing for a guy to say, but I am the type of guy that enjoys looking at the turn of a woman’s calm when she is wearing high heels. It simply drives me crazy. But, you said you didn’t want to wear them all day for me. You were worried about Mr. F. and what he’d think. That is selfish, isn’t it Lori? Isn’t telling a little white lie to hubby worth pleasure me?”
Lori realized what he wanted. If she wanted him she had to deal with David without his help. Lori, looking right at Josh slowly brought her legs together. He watched as the elastic of the panties relaxed and was amused that, for a few seconds, the panties, as if an ally of David’s fight to hold their position. They lost to gravity and they fell silently to her ankles.
Josh’s hand was now moving quickly and hestepped close to the table. He spoke with the gravely grunts of a man about to cum, “had you greeted me in heels this morning, this would have been shooting off in your cunt and not on the kitchen table!”
His body became rigid as he thrust his hips forward and pulled his hand back to the base of his cock. Spurt after spurt of cream shot in rapid fire across the finely polished map table top.
It took a while for his back muscles to relax and his body to recover. With a few shakes of his penis Josh tucked himself back in to his pants. He picked up his belt and walked around the table. He grabbed Lori behind the neck and slowly pushed her against the table. Her face was inches from one of the puddles of his release. He pulled her dress back up and held her down tightly against the table.
“I am doing this to teach you a lesson. It seems you are a stupid cunt who cannot follow simple orders. I want you to look at my come on the table, Lori. It is your fault I had to wastee it.”
Lori’s body stiffened when she felt him rub the leather of his belt across her ass. He stood and stepped away from the table.
“I think you should be punished for your stupidity, don’t you Lori? What would be a proper punishment for you?” He again pulled the leather softly across her buttocks.
Lori knew he was right. She deserved to be punished. But not for forgetting to wear heels, but for allowing herself to be treated this way. For enjoying her debasement. For risking David and her children for some inner perversion. For being so weak to succumb to the will of this man!
Her voice was loud and echoed through the kitchen, “I deserve to be whipped. Spank my ass with your belt for being such a stupid slut. Please Josh, I am sorry!”
Josh was Surprised by the answer and thought to himself ‘this woman definitely has issues.’ He ran the belt once again across her tight rear end.
“You are right, Lori. But I don’t want to mark up that ass today. I amtoo looking forward to seeing it in that pink bikini. You may not cum until I allow it. Eat my cum for me. I know for a slut like you this is more of a treatment than a punishment, but it is what I want. Now.”
Disappointment befell Lori. Her longing for punishment for her behavior all these years was denied. She slid forward on the table and noisily began to slurp and suck the cum from the table. When she finished she turned to find Josh had left her alone.
Part 5 to follow.
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