Phone Sex Operator's Mistake Ch. 05

Slowly, Donna opened her eyes into the smallest, tiniest slots she could manage. She was never sure what she would find and the tension grow worse every day. Some mornings, it was a dingy and cold concrete cell; others, it was a splendid penthouse suite with satin sheets and a warm breakfast on a tray beside the bed. Some mornings, her eyes were crusted over and would not open at all. Still other times, she woke blindfolded and it didn’t matter if they were open or not.

This time, she saw the back of someone’s head peeking out from underneath clean white sheets. The head was shaken completely bald, the neck tattooed with some Chinese characters she was sure she’d seen before but couldn’t recall where or when. The figure was breathing steady, obviously still sleep.

Donna opened her eyes a bit wider, took in as much detail as she could. The room was familiar, she’d been here before. It was one of the three she often found herself in during her stay of…how many months?She smiled, weakly. She had no idea what day it was. Between the time she lost on the drugs they’d given her and the way they’d been manipulating the clocks, the television programming, even the light outside the “windows”, she’d long since given up trying to even guess whether it was day or night.

The figure stood, stretched its legs, then settled back down to sleep. Donna searched her memory for some clue – was this a man or a woman? How long had they been together? What had they done? Nothing was available to her. They’d obviously infused her with the lactuca again. Why? Why this time and not the last two? And why not this morning?

The thoughts faded as she realized how much even the small motion the figure had made aroused her. She wasn’t certain what the two of them had done last night, but they’d woke up Together naked this morning and that was enough. She wanted to cum and there was a warm, naked body next to her. She considered sliding her hand across the space between them, touching the figure’s back, tracing her finger lightly from the base of its neck to its bottom, teasing arousal from whoever it was. But she also knew that the monitors were on. Once she moved, they would know she was awake. They might take her partner away.

Donna lay still, wrestling with her emotions. She became aware of the pressure inside her, she had to pee. But that would also signal them and they would start her day according to THEIR program. It was inevitable, she knew that she had to get out of bed eventually, wondered why she wrestled with herself anymore. But she did.

She lay there another ten minutes before finally pushing back the covers and making her way to the toilet. When she finished, she came back into the room and stared at the empty bed. She shook her head. Had she dreamed it? Or had the person got up and silently left while she was occupied?

She sat on the bed, pulled the covers down, felt the sheets. They were cool, as though nobody had been there beside her. She dropped her face down into her palms, fingertips pressing hard against her temples. Was she going crazy? Had nobody was there earlier? Had she imagined it? Or had they left and somehow flattened and cooled the sheets? Maybe she’d been in the bathroom for hours, the drug doing its business of stealing time and memory from her again? Another hole in her life she was never going to fill.

“Ah, you’re awake,” came the familiar voice from the monitor. She nodded weakly. “A bit puzzled?”

She turned her head as she heard the door slide open. Two tall and familiar female figures entered the room. As usual, they were covered head to toe in black latex – their eyes and mouths visible through round holes and their fingers free from the second knuckle to the nails.

“Lynn and Ayya, no doubt?” she asked, half chuckling. “Where’s your cock, Lynn?”

The women stood motionless just inside the door. Donna was dizzy, the weeks and months of constantconditioning had done their job well. The lust she’d felt earlier towards the naked body in her bed now channeled itself to the two Amazons she’d tangled with so many times before.

She found herself standing up and walking across the room to them. She pressed herself against the cool latex, rubbing her knee up and down along the outside of Ayya’s thigh. “Hmmm? don’t you want me?” She opened her mouth, licked up and down Ayya’s neck, chin, her bottom lip, the latex turning shiny everywhere the mood touched it.

Donna pushed her hand between Ayya’s legs, pressing hard into her crotch, feeling for the point where the hard little cliporis hidden underneath the protective rubber. She rose on her toes and pushed her tongue between Ayya’s lips, pushed her chest against the black latex.

Ayya didn’t respond and Donna intensified her efforts. Within minutes, she lost control completely and slide her body down, down, wrapping her arms around Ayya’s wait, rubbing herself againstAyya’s hip, then her tigh, finally humping herself hard against the latex-clad knee, the only hard thing she could find. Her mouth was open and her tongue slathered the woman’s back, side and belly until they were soaking, Donna pressing the side of her face and her hair into the wet patches, drenching herself in her own drool. Within minutes, she was screaming an orgasm, biting into Ayya’s hip, tasting the rubber, shaking her head side to side like she was trying to rip a patch away.

There was a loud roar of approval and applause behind her and Donna let go of Ayya, stood up and looked at the monitors. They were black but the sound continued to spill from the speakers.

“Bring her to the bidding room. She’s ready.”


“Let’s have Ayya do her first.”

“No, let’s have her do Lynn first.”

“I think someone needs to use the handheld so we can get a better inspection. I still have questions about your techniques.”

Donna watched lazy as more televIsion screens lit up. There were more than two dozen, all on the single large wall in front of her. Each of them was lit up with a large and different face. She recognized some of them from the conference room earlier (how long ago?), but most of them were strangers. Some of the men were attractive, she thought. Some of the women, too.

She was standing on a small, circular platform only a few inches high. There was an iron collar around her neck, her wrists and ankles were manacled and all were connected to each other with heavy chain. Aside from the metal, she was completely naked. She didn’t recall being prepared, they must have drugged her again, she thought. It was all so inconsistent. Some things they wanted her to remember, some they didn’t. It was kind of funny. Anyway, it didn’t matter any more. She turned her head and saw Ayya and Lynn, still dressed in latex.

Parts of Ayya’s outfit were still shiny where Donna had licked it. She wanted to get off of the platform and lick more parts of the outfit, touch her, let Ayya touch her back. She looked at the knee of the outfit, saw the shiny, wet patch there. Her eyes met Ayya’s and she smiled. Ayya remained motionless.

“Today is the day we have been preparing you for,” the familiar voice announced. Donna turned back to look at the screens. “As you must have guessed, M was successful in convincing us to pick up Your contract.” Donna dimly remembered something about it. She looked at one of the women, who ran her tongue over her lips. Donna blushed and shifted her eyes.

“The screens are numbered, we use no names here. Some of these people are here bidding on their own, some representative others. They come from around the world. And they are all interested in you.”

She felt a milk tug at her wrist and turned her head. Ayya was inches from her, mouth open and head tilted slightly back. Donna clamped her lips tightly against Ayya’s, her tongue seeking its mate. A pair of hands running along her back and bottom. She was aroused immediately, not knowing whether it was Ayya or Lynn made it even more intense.

“Enough! Inspect her!” yelled a gruff male voice with an Asian accent.

“All in good time,” the MC responded. “First, the ground rules. Are we all agreed that her identity has been completely eliminated? All records, all associations, all indications? She comes to the bidding Totally untraceable?” There was a flurry of clicking noises as a computer somewhere tallied up a unanimous decision.

“Good, and everyone agrees to the terms, cash on delivery, escrow for no more than two weeks after the commodity is delivered?” Again, clicking. Donna felt a small announcement somewhere inside her mind but the hands on her body and the tongue in her mouth obscured it.

“You may inspect and use the product during the trial period, though any permanent markings you make or damage you do will render it non-returnable. If there are any defects with the merchandise, theymust be reported immediately.” There was a short pause. The word ‘defect’ raced around inside Donna’s head but her attention was focused on her arms. Her hands were straining to reach down between her legs, but the chains were arranged to make that impossible. She pulled her mouth away from Ayya’s slightly and whispered, “touch me, touch me down there…” Then, she attacked Ayya’s mouth in a frenzy of hunger. The room was silent as the bidders watched Donna desperately stretch to reach herself.

“Lynn, you may go ahead,” the MC announced. Donna felt a hand reach around from behind and rest on her belly. The touch was light, the fingerprinted slowly from her belly to her closed labia. Donna could tell from the way it felt that she’d been shavled again. She trembled with the realization that this was Another piece of memory gone. But her focus on the tongue in her mouth pushed that realization away and she pressed herself against Ayya. She tried to part her legs but felt the chains stop her. She squatted as well as she could to open herself up. She felt Lynn’s hand slide down the inside of her left leg and nearly screamed. She started humping wildly but it was against nothing. Tears well in her eyes and she again pulled back to beg Ayya to touch her.

“Bring in the camera,” the MC ordered. Donna hear someone stepping closer but her focus was still on the hand moving slowly up and down the insides of her thighs. She felt other hands touch her. Her hips were raised slightly and her legs opened wider. Lynn’s hand went between her legs and fingers opened her gently.

“As you can see, the cliporis is significantly swollen. And she has not had the lactuca administrator for several days. This change is now permanent.” As he finished, Lynn removed her hand and Donna was lowered to her standing position. She shook her head. He said they hadn’t given her the drug in days. Was she losing time on her own now? Had the drug done some permanent damage to her mind? Lynn’s fingerers entered her fast and hard and the questions vanished completely. She nearly came just from the initial push. The monitors now exploded into a cacophony of voices.

“Suck her tongue.”

“Push, deeper, go ahead.”

“Use your fingernail inside her.”

“Bite her tongue.”

“Her nipples, pinch her nipples.”

Lynn had stood up and was kissing Donna Now, fingers working inside her while Ayya removed the menacles and collar. Donna heard the metal clatter to the floor and a flood of excitement swept her away. Her body was free. Ayya grabbed her and she spun around, grabbed her head, opened her mouth wide as though she was trying to completely swallow Ayya’s head.

She felt something enter her from behind and laughed insanely out loud. “Lynn! Yes! Fuck me with your hard cock! Fuck me! Fuck me!” She pulled Lynn to the floor and pulled her legs up with her hands, opening herself as wide as she could. “Deep! Deeper! Oh fuck yes!”

The MC’s voicecrashed across the speakers. “You see her now, she has crossed every boundary we might imagine. She is Pure Lust. Everything comes down to the orgasm for her. Watch.”

Donna wanted to rebel, to be embarrassed or humiliated, but couldn’t. She knew she was lost, he was completely right. Her body was responding in ways she’d only dreamed of in the past.

All of her deepest fans would come true Now, the uses she’d see herself put to in the videos were her destiny. She came again and again as she thought about it, about the years of unbridled pleasure as a sex slave that she was about to enter into. She wrapped her legs tighter around Lynn, pulling her deep, pounding her own insides with this latex-doll’s artistic cock. Her cunt spasmed wildly with orgasm after orgasm.

After an eternity, she relaxed a bit and let the women climb off of her. She licked the rubber cock clean without any prompting from Lynn. Several of the faces on the monitors laughed and commented onher absolute depravity. Donna smiled. Fuck them!

“Now, the bidding will begin. As I’ve mentioned, we have assembled thirty bidders. They represent thirty of the world’s most notorious tantalists.”

Donna turned her head slightly, saw Ayya kneeing on the floor near her. She motioned for her to come closer but Ayya remained fixed to the floor. Donna looked at Lynn but she wasn’t moving either. She slide her hand between her legs and opened herself up, sliding the thick rubber cock up into herself while the MC and the bidders watched.

“Along with your sale comes a complete video library detailing every aspect of your arousal and performance over the last eight months.” Donna heard the number but was more interested in the dildoe inside her. Her eyes grew wider as both Lynn and Ayya began crawling across the floor towards her. Ayya’s mouth lowered on her right breast and her lips and tongue expertly aroused the tender flesh. Donna moaned and stroked Ayya’s head with her right hand. She felt Lynn takes the dildoe from her left hand and snap it back into place in its harness. Then, she knelt between Donna’s legs and gently pushed it back up into her.

Lynn pumped at her savagely while Ayya continued to provide gentle and tender attention to her nipple. Donna came almost immediately. The two women rose again.

“They will continue to derive income from your telephone work and probably from pimping you out, but you will enter their own desires as well.”

Donna pushed herself up on her elbows. She couldn’t close her legs but that was fine. Certainly, they’d be back again soon to shove a cock, finger or fist inside her.

“And those desires?” she asked in the most submissive tone she could muster.

“You heard what I said, didn’t you? About the bidders?” the man asked.

“Yes, that they are bidding on me to pimp me out and have me do phone sex.”

“And to enter them at the same time.”

“Yes, yes. Please, get on with it,” Donna said, her cunt already becoming aroused as she looked at the lascivious faces of the men and women on the screens.


She nodded. Silence. They were expecting her to say something.

“From the word tantalism.”

Donna sat up, her face closer to his monitor. They were still silent. They were trying to tell her something but she didn’t know what.

“Tantalism? Like Tantris?”

The room erupted into laughter. It took several minutes for them to all quiet back down.

“No, dear. From Tantalus. In Greek mythology, look it up someday.”

Donna shook her head. What kind of game were they playing?

“In modern use, tantalizing. Teasing. The men and women who are bidding on you are tantalists – the orgasm denial crowd. Dear, you have just experienced what was very likely your last orgasm. Ever. And we’ve enjoyed recording it. Your exploits are already some famous on the Internet, we expect it will drive your price up quite a bit.And we have a complete set of recordings for you as well to watch in the future. In fact, we’ll be playing them in your room twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week from now on. While your new owner will most likely prevent you from ever cumming again, you’ll be able to watch yourself cum. Over and over and over…”


This is intended to be the final chapter of This series. Let me know if you’d like to read more. Donna was eventually released and returned to phone sex work. Contact me if you would like her information.


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