He had reached the goal she had set. David had lost fifty, well actually fifty five pounds. He felt great, years younger than he had eight months ago. David went to a stylist and had his hair done in a more youthful cut and switched out his glasses for contact lenses. Though, never really lacking in self esteem he now feel much more assured about himself and did not fear the eventual separation from his wife.
He had come to the conclusion that even though, if you factored out the affair, he enjoyed his wife’s company and personality but he could not allow for such a break of trust between them. He did have second thoughts; he was not one hundred per cent sure the yearly affairs with Frank were not coerced. Or as Sam had said, this man held some sort of spell over her and now that he was dead she would never break his trust again. Yet, if he accepted that, he knew he would be accepting twenty three years of dishonesty in their marriage. He vacillated over what to do.
He decided to test her resolve. If she refused another man’s advances, perhaps David could accept her past and move forward. Things would be different; he would confront her with what he knew but in light of Frank’s death their marriage could continue. Certainly it would be different, his unending love for her was gone but some mutual friend and lust could keep the marriage together. After all the last twenty some odd years had been good.
David gave himself a month to find some way to test her. If she failed the test or he changed his mind he would end it all. He decided it would be fitting to do it on their upcoming anniversary in two months.
That night when he came home Lori was at the door dressed in a sexy black cocktail dress that, though a bit risqué, displayed her womanly charms in a elegant way.
“Hello, good looking. I saw on the chart in your closet you reached your goal.” She hugged him, pushing her tits into his chest as she whispered in his ear, “I am so proud of you, David.”
He held her close and felt his cock harden as he pressed tightly against her. Her eyes lit up and with a sexy smile she added, “I guess I am yours for the night. Believe me I have been waiting so long for this,” she grabbed his cock and squeezed, “I thought you were crazy to stop having sex but it shows how determined you can be.”
David pushed her back gently and looking into her eyes said, “the deal was, you would do whatever I wanted, isn’t that right, ” he paused. “slut?”
Her mischievous smile never left her face as she answered, “Whatever you want, Sir.”
David wondered if she was this beautiful and cooperative when Frank visited. He told her to get in the car, he had made reservations for dinner at their favorite restaurant. If she was disappointed in him not taking her right away she did not show it.
The dinner and drinks were excellent. David and Lori’s conversation was full of sexual innuendo and promises of the evening ahead. When they arrived in the garage David grabbed Lori’s arm before she started to exit the car and pulled her towards him. He kissed her roughly, rougher than he had ever done before. Mashing his lips against hers and thrusting his tongue into her mouth. She did not fight this, in fact he sensed an energy and hunger in her.
He abruptly ended the kiss and exited the car, stopping at the door that entered into the house, waiting for her to come closer.
“Strip, everything but the heels,” he ordered.
“Can’t I do it inside, it is chilly out here.”
“You know the rules; whatever I want. Strip. Now. Here.”
She pouted but wanted to be a good sport and began to undress. David could feel anger well up inside; he knew she would never have had questioned Frank’s orders. Sam was right, she would never be what she was with Frank. And the reason was, she loved David.
Once naked she reached for the doorknob but was stopped by David who pulled her close and kissed her again. This time rougher and with more fervor than earlier. He pushed her against the door and slide his hand down her stomach. His fingers slide lightly through her sparse well trimmed pussy hair.
“I want it naked next time,”he whispered in her ear. She moaned and kissed him deeper, using her tongue like a probe searching the inside of his mouth.
“Yes, Sir, ” her voice was barely audible as she spoke with out interrupting the contact between their mouths.
David opened his eyes and saw the back of her head pushed against the white board he had attached to the door years ago. The family had got in the habit of writing notes to each other on the board. It was the one place everyone knew to look.
An idea came to David as the memory of all the photos he had viewed over and over for the past few months engulfed him. He closed his eyes and as though watching a power point presentation the images that ingrained themselves forever in his mind flashed in front of him. Especially the many that showed her body covered with the vile graffiti from the demented mind of her lover.
David grabbed one of the felt pens from its velcro hold position. The noise of the separating strips of material brought Lori’s eyes open. She felt his forearm push across her neck pinning her to the door. David brought the pen to his mouth and bit the top with his incisors. The pop of the lid was echoed in the garage. Lori knew what he had planned but had no idea where the inspiration came from.
She felt the tip push against the top of her breast. Each stroke leaving a mark across the flesh. The strokes leaving letters, she guessed, and the letters words. When he finished the other breast he capped the pen and let it fall from his mouth to the cold concrete floor.
He released the pressure against her neck and pulled her away from the door. He opened it and pulled her into the small entry that led to the kitchen and great room. There on the wall was a mirror and Davidstanding behind his wife pushed her towards it. Reaching from behind he grabbed under each title and pushed them up and together. Lori looked in the mirror and smiled. Even though the letters were reversed in the glass in front of her she could easily decipher the two words:
“Yes, I am your slut. Tonight I will be your whore, your slut.”
He pushed downwards on Her shoulders forcing her to her knees. She could hear the rustle of clothes behind her and knew he was pulling himself free. She felt his cock push against the back of her head as he told her to turn around.
As soon as she did he pushed his cock roughly into her mouth and grabbing the back of her head began to fuck her mouth. He no longer cared about anything but his release, which came quickly. Her mouth easily accommodated each thrust. At the moment he began to cum he flashed to how often it had accepted the discharge of others.
She swallowed greedily; she was in fact a loving wife trying to satisfy her husband’s well deserved orgasm. He held her face against his crotch and kept the pressure up even after he stopped cumming. He felt her lovingly suckle his cock as it slowly began to deflate. She knew he was through, David never being able to recover quickly. Like Frank could, she thought. But it was okay. She had years to play and thousands of orgasms to share with the man she loved.
Keeping his cock in her mouth he knelt down, forcing her onto her back. He reached between her legs and found his two middle fingers easily slid into her cunt. His anger was apparent, to him but to Lori it was just a guy living out his fantasy.
“Cum on my fingers, you cunt. Cum with my cock in your mouth like the slut you are!”
No sooner were the words out of his mouth, when David began to feel her cunt begin to contract on his hand as she came. Once the convulsions ended he pulled his cock and fingers from the two gaping holes and stood. He walked away, leaving her there to bask in the afterglow of their union.
The next morning she joked about her ‘new stud’ husband. She kissed him on the cheek and said she looked forward to being his slut next month, as long as he kept his weight off. She quipped that she needed to buy some water based pens, opening her robe and showing him the faith outline of the words he had written across he chest.
“I guess I won’t be showing at the gym for a few days.” she laughed and stood in the doorway as she waved goodbye to him.
As he backed out of the garage he looked at her nude body, displayed from her opened robe. Again he wondered is she had greeted Frank in this very garage dressed in that very robe.
David was conflicted. On one hand he hated Lori and could not rationalize why he was still with her. Then on the other, he wondered if he could continue to live with her and experience wild sex, like last night and years of companionship with her. The one thing he knew was he didn’t love her as he had before that day at the airport. ————————————————-
A week later David found a possible solution to his problem. His executive secretary for years, Mary, had asked to speak with him. David valued her opinion and had often told people she was a great contributor to his success. He believed in team work and giving credit where do.
After she closed the door he looked up at The woman who had worked with, not for, him for the past twelve years. She sat down and spoke.
“David,” she reserved the respectful salutations for public forums, “we have a problem with the intern working with us. Josh Rogers.” Mary was in charge of the interns and meted out their duties.
David knew of whom she was speaking. The company often hired college students as interns during the summer. Josh had been with them for the last month. He had another eight weeks at the office. David didn’t particularly like Josh’s arrogant cocky attitude but had written it off. In fact, the only thing he liked about Josh was his golf game. A scratch player, the two of them had golfed a few times and Josh had given David some valuable hints on improving his game.
“What is the problem, Mary?” David asked.
“He is a pig. In just a few weeks he has harassed just about any woman under thirty in this office. I am not talking about cute harmless flirtation, but crass, unacceptable behavior. I want him out of here. Now.”
David hadn’t seen her this angle before and knew he would comply with her wishes. Mary was worth ten interns to him.
She explained his dominate behavior with the younger woman and his crude banter. She had talked with him about it to no avail. She described a young man who had no regard for women. They were nothing More to him then objects of his pleasure. Mary had drawn her line in the sand and David knew there was no negotiating with her. Then an idea came to him and he decided it was worth a try.
“You know I do notcondone any behavior like this. You also know he was assigned to us by one of our biggest clients. Mary, his dad has some clout with our company.”
“So, you expect me to put up with, with this…” she stopped when David continued.
“Of course not. Just give me a chance to handle this with a little discretion. I will tell his Father everything you said. He should know what kind of son he has. Unless I have been fooled, his Father would never condone behavior like that.” David paused as his mind formulated a plan. “I am scheduled to golf with him this Thursday at my club. I will let him go there. I will be very up front with the reason for his dismissal. I just think it might, in this case, be better handled off site.”
Mary rose and smiled, “Thank you David. I can put up with him for two more days, I think I can. He is such a pig. My girls do not deserve that kind of abuse.”
David told her he would send Josh to their research department to observe one of the teams.Mary understand and told David which of the teams were all male. She thanked him and left the office. ——————————————————————————
On Thursday he met Josh at his country club. He was twenty three years old and quite athletic. He stood six foot two and had a handsome face. David told him they needed to talk and he had canceled the golf tee time. Josh knew something was up and began to mentally plan his rebuttal.
David told him, in no uncertain terms, his behavior was unacceptable in any workplace. If he choose to treat women as second class citizens in his private life, that was his choice. But not in the corporate world. He had worked his last day with their company.
“It was that Bitch, Mary. I knew it. She needs a good fucking!”
“Listen, young man. Haven’t you heard a word I have said?” David tried to control his anger.
“Yeah, yeah. I have heard it before, Mr. Fasio. I guess I come on a little strong, but these girls get off on a strong man. Believe me I don’t get many complaints. Listen, if my Dad hears this ,” he paused, “again, I’m not sure what he will do. He said he was going to cut me off. Please give me another chance.”
Well, he has the confidence to maybe take me up on my offer, David thought to himself. If I do this I am putting my reputation and perhaps my job on the line. He thought of his financial situation and know the job was a pleasure not a necessity.
“There may be something we can do, Josh. But as far as the office goes, if you even show up security will be all over you.”
“If I go back home, I’m in big trouble. You said there might be something else?”
“What if I promise you a good evaluation, not a great one because you do not deserve it, but one that will be OK with your Father and school.” He paused, “And you keep your apartment until the end of the internship. I will intercept any reviews by Mary as long as you stay away from her and everyone else.”
A skeptical look came over Josh’s face. He wasn’t sure what David wanted but he started to think he might be putting the moves on him.
David read the expression and quickly began to explain the situation. He knew Josh had met his wife at the summer kick off picnic and he decided to just be upfront about everything. He prefaced it with the threat of denial if Josh tried to repeat any of this.
The years of affairs with Frank, the Cum Slut name, the college years, the dishonesty; he laid it all out in the open.
Josh quietly took it all in, then asked, “So your wife is a cheating slut. What does it have to do with me?”
“I want to give her one last final chance. I need to know if this was something she could not control, some Svengali relationship with Frank she couldn’t break away from. Or was it just her nature. I want you to seduce my wife.”
Josh could not believe what was happening. Mrs. F was a hot looking older lady. A definite MILF. This was just so off the wall.
“Do whatever it takes as long as there is no force or threat of blackmail. If she is a submissive who really craves the type of treatment I told you about, she should be easy for you to seduce. If not, I will maybe understand her better.” David raised his voice, so Josh understand his seriousness, “Don’t get any ideas of trying to hold this over me. When it is over, no matter what the outcome, I will tell Lori about our agreement. You will not be able to blackmail me, because I will not hide any of this. If you try I will be sure you do not work in the industry, ever!”
They sat down and David explained his plan for the forth coming weeks. He gave Josh background on his wife’s history and showed him some of the photos taken over the years by Frank. David could sense the Alpha Dog mentality of Josh. Just like the strongest wolf of the pack takes the bitch he chooses Josh found this offer as a challenge.
“Well, Mr. Fasio, it seems a little strange to me, but I really cannot afford my Father hearing about me getting canned. It also doesn’t hurt that your wife is a very sexy lady.” He extended his hand for a handshake and continued, “You got a deal. But I want you to know I am going to do my best to get in her pants.”
“Josh, so we are clear on this, what I am asking goes against everything I believe in a relationship. But, that being said, I have to know what our marriage vows mean to Lori. If she tosses you out the first day, I still have to deal with the cheating over the past years, and I honestly think I will still leave her. But if you succeed, following the guidelines we discussed, there is little chance of sympathy on my part.”
“Man, I think you are setting yourself up for a real bummer, no matter which way things go,” he smiled, “yet, I’ve always been up for a challenge.”
They shook hands. ——————————
That weekend David told Lori he had invited one of the interns over for a barbecue and swim. They were to golf in the morning and would be home in the afternoon. Lori did not remember meeting Josh and asked her husband why he was taking an interest in him.
“His dad is a big client. He quit the internship; this type of work just doesn’t appeal to him. His Dad was upset and told him to move out or pay for the apartment himself. He wants to spend the rest of the summer out on the west coast, but needs to find a job, so I offered him use of the pool house. Assuming it is okay with you, after you meet him.” David smiled and added, “It also doesn’t hurt that he has already shacked a couple of strokes off of my game.”
Lori had no problem with David’s plan. It would be nice to have some young faces around the house. Both her children were on summer school programs. One in Chicago and one in Greece.
That Saturday, she dressed in shorts and a simple blouse. Her sandals were neary but around the house her feet were bare. She tied her hair back in a pony tail. She had a wholesome appealrance and certainly no one would deny her natural beauty, nor would they think she had dressed to impression. She went shopping for some steaks and fresh vegetables. She had everything ready for the meal.
When they arrived she shook hands with Josh and remembered Josh from the picnic. She recalled watching him openly ogling the young women at the party. His eyes openly scanned her from her toes to her head, spending more than enough time on her breasts. She felt uncomfortable, and for the first time in awhile she thought of Frank.
After both men went for a swim, David went over to the grill, across the patio, to start the steaks. Josh, not bothering to cover up sat across from Lori.
“Mrs. F,” Lori thought it strange he was so casual with her, “Your son’s friends must have loved coming over here for parties.”
“Yes, they loved using our pool and yard.”
“I bet they really came over to watch you. You are definitely a MILF.”
Lori, was surprised by his boldness, “A MILF, what is that Josh?”
Without hesitation he answered, “Mother I’d Like to Fuck”
“Excuse me!” her eyes darted over to her husband who was busy at the grill, “I do not enjoy that type of talk young man!”
Josh smiled, actually more of a sneer than a smile,”I bet I know what you would enjoy, Mrs. F.” His eyes were staring right at her chest. Lori felt a wave of humiliation, something she hadn’t felt since Frank died.
“Josh, I, I, I prefer you behave yourself.”
She hadn’t walked away, slapped him or called her husband. He knew something was happening to her and he decided to continue the game.
“Tell me, I bet you were a real fox in college. Probably had to beat the boys off with a stick. Or maybe not, you have that look in your eye. I bet you were, ” he paused,”are a wild one.”
Lori could feel the warmth of her cheeks as they reddened and the wetness between her legs. She couldn’t answer and her legs wouldn’t lift her and move her away from this vile young man.
“You should wear tighter tops, or a bikini. It looks like you got a nice set of knockers. Did you have your boobs done after the kids finished feeding from them?”
Finally words came to her, “Josh, please ….I do not like this type of talk. I want you to stop.”
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