Phone Call by the Pool Ch. 02

As those of you that have read the preceding volume of my tale of woe know, I was observed by a police officer, at the best of my neighbor, Mrs. Smith – the worst enemy any poor condo dweller could have, performing anal masturbation by the pool in broad daylight while talking to my first, and sadly only, obscene phone caller. Of course I had not helped my prediction by requesting that the officer assist me in reaching orgasm by kindly fucking my very exposed plump white bottom.

I now found myself in handcuffs, sitting in the rear of a police car wearing only my black briefs. Since it was a hot day, one of the officers had lowered the windows of the patrol car to allow me a little breeze while I sat in the hot car waiting for them to complete their investigation. As a result of the open windows I heard Mrs. Smith — the bitch — expound at length about What a pervert I was and how I had personally ruined this fine Christian condo community by bringing all my perverted friends over to have homosexual orgies in the complex’s Jacuzzi.

Now I was listening to Mrs. Smith — may she have endless migraine headaches – tell a different officer, one of several that had appeared, chatted with her a bit, then left, about all of my past exploits in the pool, and in the Jacuzzi, that she was personally aware of – in minute detail — adding that for some of them she could produce visual proof — on her husbands video camera.

Since they were standing several yards away from where I was confine, and the officers were facing away from me, and spoke too softly for me to hear their words, all I could hear was her loud accusatory descriptions of my allegedly lewd activities — both alone and with friends. But after a few minutes of this, I noticed the officers seemed to be much more interested in certain details of my activities than I would have expected from the members of the police force, just getting the facts for their reports. For example one asked her to rEpeat the details of her having actually seen my plump white bottom being penetrated by the large erect black penis of one of my friends while we were in the Jacuzzi late one night last month, while at the same time I was sucking the fully erect cock of one of the formerly upstanding Christian residents.

After several minutes of this, another officer suggested she confirm her statements about my activity by showing them the video she claimed to have, and they disappeared into the condo complex. I noted the time they disappeared towards her condo by the clock on the patrol car’s dash board. Finally, after 67 minutes of miserable waiting, an officer I hadn’t seen before, a slightly overweight, very dark complexioned black man, wearing lieutenant’s bars, approached the car alone, carrying a paper bag, got in the car without saying a word, and we drove off.

Instead of heading towards the police station, he drive around the block and stopped on the far side of the complex well away from Mrs. Smith’s unit, then he turned to me and said, “I’m gonna show you the video she says is of you and your friends and then ask you a few question.” I recognized the voice instantly — it was my obscene caller I had been talking to when the other officer and Mrs. Smith had so rudely interrupted me while I was happy masturbating.

I was too surprised to say anything, before he produced a video player, held it where I could see it clearly and then played several minutes of very explicit, very good quality, color video of me engaged in almost every homosexual act possible between myself and several different adult males — all clearly occurring in the outdoor Jacuzzi in the middle of the condo complex. Then, finally there was me that very afternoon, obviously enjoying finger fucking my own bottom out by the pool. I watched the video and he watched me watch the video. When the video ended, I smelled a quick glance past the video player down at his crotch and noted hispants where offered with the unmistakable sign of a full erection.

I thought quickly, this was strange, why where we here and not at the station, why was he clearly aroused, and what did he want? I didn’t have long to wait for the explanation.

“You’re here and not at the station, because the black guy you were fucking on the video is my brother’s wife’s sister’s boy, and for reasons of my own,” he said.

He paused a second then continued, “I explained to Mrs. Smith, that if I arrested you and charged you with lewd conduct in public, your attorney would get to see the video, and could use it in court, and thereby expose her husband to the same charge of lewd conduct in public she wanted you charged with, since he’s also on the video happily fucking your plump white ass. And if that weren’t enough, you would probably only get a misdemeanor and minimal jail time, but you would have to register as a sex offender and that would be posted on the Internet along with your photoand address here, and that would most likely reduce the resale value of all the condos in the complex, including hers, especially if her husband was also charged and convicted. She wisely decided to let me discuss the matter with you and convince you to change your ways and stay out of the Jacuzzi when you’re horny.”

I heard what he said, and I understand it perfectly. It was deliciously ironic. The bitch Smith couldn’t do anything to me without incurring the danger of reducing the value of her own precise condo that she desperately wanted to sell so she could move back to Iowa. I was just intrigued by the phrase “for reasons of my own,” that he had so purposefully mentioned. I decided to find out quickly if it means what I thought it did.

“Well, since it seems the video is my best defense, When can I get a copy of it? I’d like to show it to my friends. I’m sure they’d like to see themselves star in they’re own personal porno movie too.”

“Not a chance,” he said firmly, “I’ve wanted a regular piece of nice white tail for years, and now I’ve got you. This video is perfect with or without dear Mrs. White’s testimony. Its self authenticating since it’s clearly taken in a public place, all you nice boys are clearly identified, and what you’re doing is plain to see. So as long as I have the video, I expect you’ll be a very good boy, stay out of the Jacuzzi, and treat me very well when I want you. Won’t you?”

“Well,” I though to myself, “it could be worse. I could be in jail and forced to service a string of ugly, disgusting inmates, and he was pretty good looking. I just wondered how big he was and if he played rough. He was clearly several years younger than I was and why he wanted an older white guy was not so clear … unless he wanted one to vent his frustrations on … I didn’t want to think about that.”

Aloud I said, “I like you already, and from the looks of that tent in the front of your pants, I’m thinking you want me to do somehing for you right now.”

“I knew you would understand. We’ll just run by my place for a few minutes and give Mrs. Smith some time to cool off and then I’ll bring you back home.” He turned around and we drove off.

Several miles later, in an upscale neighborhood, he drove into a garage attached to a two story Tudor style house. The garage door closed behind the car and he got out and opened the rear door for me to get out. “Come on, time to earn your freedom white man,” he said in an ominous voice, as he pulled my by the arm out of the car. My hands were still cuffed behind me, and I still was only wearing my black briefs. He opened a door from the garage and shoved my through it.

The room I found my self in was clearly furnished for the wealthy S&M practicer. All the instruments of bondage were well padded with very good upholstery, there were no chains, just equally strong nylon straps with padded Velcro cuffs, and there were various other things I couldn’t identifyy.

“Oh, this is not good. If this guy is really into inflicting pain, I don’t think I can deal with it,” I thought, cold fear suddenly clutching my belly and causing my ass to pumper.

I didn’t have long to wait to find out. He shoved me over near a pair of padded Velcro cuffs attached to nylon straps that hung from a pulley that ran on a rail across the ceiling. He attached the padded cuffs to my wrists, then took his handcuff key off his belt and released the metal handcuffs, but leaving my hands still cuffed behind my back by the soft padded cuffs.

He stepped in front of me so I could see him and I saw he had a cord in one hand and a remote control in the other. He pulled the cord, and my hands suddenly came free from behind my back, but in the same instant he pushed a button on the control and my hands were pulled up over my head by an irresistible force, I realized was an electric motor, till just short of pulling me off my feet and stopped. He walked over and pshed me slightly sideways, then shoved my right leg forward and I felt a padded cuff close firmly around my ankle. I looked down just as the matching cuff closed around my left ankle. I was now in a 4 point restraint and helpless. He could do what he wanted to me when he wanted. I wasn’t quite panicked, but I was getting there — fast.

I looked up, to ask him what he was doing, but he had moved behind me, and I couldn’t turn because my feet were held firmly in place. I looked around the room. There were mirrors on the walls I could see in some places but not everywhere and I couldn’t see him in any of them.

Then, he walked around in front of me, grabbed my shorts and simply cut them off me with a pair of very sharp scissors. Then he looked me over — slowly while fondling the scissors. I couldn’t take my eyes off the scissors — and I couldn’t breathe- for the visions of what he could do with them if he chose.

But he was just looking. I had shaken my nipples, cock, balls and bottom cleavage that morning before going out to the pool so I knew I looked as good as I was ever going to. I hoped he didn’t have some other ideas in mind. He didn’t.

“Mmm very good,” he said, suddenly kneeing down and taking my limp cock in his mouth while running his hands up the back of my legs. “Ahhhh,” I gasp at the sudden unexpected pleasure of his warm mouth. He sucked me hard and I gasped, “Ughhhhh, mmmm,” then his hands met on my bottom and spread my cheeks apart and his fingers explored my slot, I moaned some more, “Ohhhhhh, Ahhhhh.” My cock came fully erect when his fingers found and teased my hole, while I moaned, “Mmmmm, mmmmmm,” and alternatively thrust my cock forward into his mouth and my ass backward against his teasing fingers. He sucked me for a few seconds while his fingers tantalized me. Then, I feel his fingers apply cool lube up and down my slot and then one finger penetrated me, then a second, then a third while I squirmed and moaned, “AAHHhhhh, Mmmmm, Ughhhrrr, Mmm,” while trying to ride his fingers to orgasm, and I was almost there, when he stopped. Stood up, looked at me and said, “Now I get what I want, then maybe you do.”

He walked over to a padded sawhorse, and pulled it over and placed it directly in front of me, then grabbed a long nylon strap that appeared to be connected to the floor, that had 2 clips on the end and clipped They to the straws that held my arms up, and then picked up the remote control and pressed a button. The long strap from the floor began to tighten and the straps holding me to the ceiling began to lengthen and I was pulled down over the sawhorse till I was completely bent over it, unable to move, with my bottom completely spread and exposed for his pleasure.

He moved behind me, then turned me a little and said, “Look to the right.” I did and saw him in one of the mirrors, now without his pants, his cock now fully erect. “Show me your cock,” I begged and he did. It was the perfect sizefor me, gracefully curved with a perfectly sized cap. Now I really wanted him, and said so, “Fuck me.” He moved up behind me and I watched him as he slid his cock up and down my exposed, wet cleft and moaned when he pressed his cap against my willing wet hole and began to push his way into me. “Uuuuhhhh,” I gasped as he thrust, “Aaaaa, Mmmm, Mmmmm, fuck me, make me cum, ahhhh, ahhhh, mmmm!”

Then he said, “Look down.” I did and saw a mirror had been considerately placed under the sawhorse perfectly angled so I could see his cock penetrating my bottom, my cock waive free in the air dripping precum, his balls swinging, and my hole contracting around his cock with each thrust into me. The next thing I knew I was cumming. “Ahhhgggrrhhhhrr!!!” I moaned as I watched my cock shot a white stream of cum into the air as his cock rammed into my pump wobbling bottom. Then he groaned deep in his throat, “UURRgghhr!!!” and thrust hard into me, then unexpectedly he pulled out as he came and I watched several thick white spurts of hot cum shoot out of his perfectly shaped cap all over my open hole, then run down over my balls, down the length of my cock and onto the floor.

He moved away, and I looked up to see what he was doing, but before I located him, I heard more than felt a terrific SMACK on my bare white bottom as his hand whacked my exposed and totally defendless left cheek, still wet with his cum. I flinched and, yelped. Not because it hurt so much, but because it surprised me. I would have thought he was happy with me and would have treated me better than spanking me, but I was very mistaken! With, surprise and growing fear, I saw him move around onto the other side of my exposed bottom, saw him draw his other hand back, and before I could protest, he whacked my other bare white cheek. SMACK!

“Owww!” I yelped much louder than the first time, probably because this time it hurt – a lot.

He moved around to where I could see his face and grinnedat me, clearly pleased with himself. “Look in the mirror white boy. Those are my hands on your nice plump white ass, and it’s all mine. I better not hear of anyone else fucking you without my permission. Understand?”

I looked in the mirror and saw two clear bright red handprints, one on each of my white cheeses, positioned with the thumbs just at the edge of my cleft and his fingers spread out over my full cheats just as his hands had been positioned when he spread my cheats and rimed my hole. Seeing I was in no position to disagree with him, and I secretly enjoyed his possessiveness, I instantly agreed, “Yes sir!” I said loudly, “anything you say, sir!”

“Good! I think that’s enough for today, don’t you? Now I’ll take you home,” he said. I watched in the mirror, as he bent over and released the cuffs that held my ankles firmly in place, and I noticed with some disappointment he had lost his erection.

He moved around in front of the sawhorse and released the cuff on onehand and waited till I removed the other one.

He caught my glance at his now semi limp cock and said, “Don’t worry, white boy, you’ll get all you can handle of that, but right now I’ve got to get back to work. Now put this on and let’s go,” he said handing me a paper shopping bag.

I opened the bag, and found a knee length Chinese style bath robe of excellent quality. I put it on, while he put his pants on, and it fit perfectly.

Before I could ask him the obvious question of, “had he gotten it for me?” he said, “Very nice fit for guessing your size, don’t you think? Now come on, I’ve gotta get out of here. You’ll get plenty of chances to wear that before I’m done with you.” And with that, he gently turned me towards the door and led me out to his patrol car in the garage.


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