Wife Writing Part 1
The greater part of this story takes place during the last eight months. Yet, to fully understand how this all came to be one needs some background. David, now fifty, and Lori, forty seven were married twenty five years ago. They met during the summer of the year David graduated from a west coast college with his MBA in business and she had just finished her third year of College at a Midwestern State College.
It was a ‘love at first sight’ type of romance and a whirlwind courtship. He had an offer from a west coast start up company and was headed to the Silicone Valley. He was madly in love with her and proposed marriage, saying they could wait a year until she finished her final year at college.
Lori said she did not care to finish college, couldn’t bear to be apart from him and wanted to come to California. After much discussion they quickly put together a small wedding with just their close families in attendance. David found it strange, Lori had no college friends at her wedding, let alone in it. Her sister and cousins made up the bridesmaids. When he questioned her she said she had no college friends and changed the subject.
Lori, a slim shortish brunette, was a shy girl when he first met her at a family party. His family lived in the Chicago suburbs, as did hers, but they had attended different schools and met when mutual acquaintances of their Parents had a garden party. One wouldn’t call her sexy or beautiful, nor would ugly or homely fit. She was like most coeds, average. Greg, like Lori, was another average looking student at the California College he attended. The women at the party spread the word that he was quite a catch with a promising future in the new computer industry. He fell head over heels in love and to him she was beautiful.
Since Their first date they had been very password yet they never went beyond heavy petting. Lori told him she felt he was special and wanted to wait for the right tIme before they had sex. They both knew each other was experienced sexually but she was inevitable her other liaisons had been without love and meaningless. She did not want to spoil their relationship.
One week before their marriage she told him she had to speak with him about something that was troubleing her. She said it was best to let him know now before the wedding. In an obvious emotional state she told David things About her college life.
“You know I love you,” she paused, “well, I haven’t been entirely honest about college.”
“What do you mean, Lori. Nothing you can say will change my love for you,” he whispered.
“You know I had a few boyfriends at school, well this is stupid, but one night I got drunk and we had our initials tattooed on our asses. I have a little heart on my butt with the initials CS, for Curt Stevens, I am so embarrassed.”
David laughed, “Listen, if that’s the stampedest thing you have done, don’t worry. We both had lovers in collegee, but now, you are the only person I will ever really love. We promised to be honest and true to each other.” He pulled her to him and gently kissed her forehead.
He asked to see the tattoo and she pulled her shorts and panties down just enough to show the high part of her right ass cheek. He saw a small half dollar sized heart with an arrow through it and the letters CS in the center. This was before the use of lasers made tattoo removal easy. They decided to go to a local parlor and see if the artist could change the CS to a DF. The artist told David it would not work but suggested he color the inside of the heart in red and that would blot out the initials. They agreed and after he finished, it appeared as though Lori only had a red heart. If you were very close you could see a faith outline of the initials Because the red colors were not identified. David did not mind since no one, even her Doctor would ever get that close. No one except himself. In fact he found it strangelyexciting. He thought of her and this boyfriend whenever he saw the heart.
A close high school friend of David’s attended the same college as Lori. David ran into his friend at a local hang out and they were talking about what had been going on since they left high school. David mentioned his soon to be wife, Lori and asked if his friend knew her. He told David he knew of her but didn’t know her. When David asked what he meant his friend said she dated one of the basketball players and rumors around school were the players were pretty wild. David asked his friend what that means and he said he really didn’t know because he was never ‘cool’ enough to go to those parties. He seemed vague and nervous.
The friend asked David if he remembered Sam Philips. Sam graduated a year before them and received a basketball scholarship to his college. His friend said maybe Sam knew about what went on because he was on the team, though he was mainly a benchmark warmer. David remembered; Sam wasWell known at high school, though he didn’t know him personally. David dropped the subject, having no reason or desire to go behind Lori’s back to find out her history. The past was just that, the past.
Well, fast forward twenty three years. Their marriage was in every sense a success; they had two sons and David had done very well in the computer industry. David was a vice president at a company in the Bay Area and though not filthy rich he was well off.
The first few years of their marriage was a sexual wonderland for them both. They loved each other deeply and were adventurous in their lovemaking. Lori would dress sexually for David and they experimented in all types of sex. Every room of their first apartment was the site of their password. He knew she was experienced, especially with oral sex but whenever he asked Lori about her experiences she would change the subject or simply ignore David. He pressed her, early in their marriage and they had quite an argument over it.David decided to leave it alone and never brought the subject up again.
As things go in life, and often in marriages, changes occurred slowly over the years. Children came into the picture and their time and freedom was curtailed. David moved up the corporate ladder and along with that came more hours of work and less time at home and even less time doing the athletic things that kept him in shape. No more pick up basketball games and trips to the gym and racquetball court lessened and finally came to a halt.
At forty eight years David was fifty pounds heavier than his wedding day weight. He now wore glasses and though still a loving husband the fire in their marriage had dimmed. Lori on the other hand, even after two children had kept her shape. She of course, did not have all the pressures of her husband and made a point of finding the time to visit the gym often.
After finishing breast feeding their second son she was unhappy with how her breasts had lost some ofTheir firmness and ‘perkiness’. Though David assured her he loved her as she was she went ahead with breast impants. Not to please her husband, though he certainly was, but for her own self esteem. Now she was able to wear the clothes she wanted and was proud to be one of the only mother’s at the club house who felt comfortable in a two piece bathing suit. She had enlarged her breasts to a size 34C, bigger than When in college.
Now they made love, but it was rarely spontaneous and always in their bedroom. If David ever felt horny and approached his wife she would always put off his advances until they were in the bedroom. She would never deny him; she truly loved him, but the spark was gone.
One night David, feeling a bit randy, tried to persuade Lori to give him a blow job in their kitchen. The kids were gone and there was little chance of discovery. Lori playedfully refused his advances and when he didn’t let up she finally lost her temperature.
“Listen, I use to loveto drop down on my knees and give you head…anywhere. It is different now, people our age do not do things like they did when they were young. Besides, in those days when I would look up with your cock in my mouth I’d see your sexy eyes. Now I see your belly!”
As soon as the words left her mouth, she felt sorry. His eyes showed the hurt, and it hurt because it was true. He Surely knew he wasn’t sexy anymore. He also knew if Lori were fifty pounds heavier, maybe he wouldn’t be horny as much.
Feeling sorry she gave him a sexy smile and whispered, “If you drop those fifty pounds I’ll do whatever, and I mean whatever you want one night a month. And every month as long as you keep the weight off.”
David angrily walked away and never mentioned sex in the kitchen again. Nor did he go on a diet; he felt he was too old to change.
Perhaps, if not for the following event, their life would have gone on pretty much as it was. Yet sometimes one small occurrence can set achain reaction of events that has a large impact on one’s life. In this case it was a summer thunderstorm in the Midwest about sixteen months ago.
David had been in New York for business and his connecting flight and all others, out of Chicago O’Hare airport had been cancelled due to the storm. He called his office and Lori telling them it would be hours before they allowed flights out. Being a first class traveler he went to the Ambassador club and sat at the bar.
Sitting to his left was another straightened flyer nurse a beer. He looked rarely familiar to David, but he could not place him. After about fifteen minutes the bartender, looking at this man’s credit card spoke.
“Can I get you another beer, Mr. Philips?” The bartender acknowledged the slight affordable head nod and went to pull Another draft from the tap.
David looked a little closer and noticed the man was tall, maybe six foot three or four. He looked to be about David’s age, though in better shape.Sitting on the bar next to the man was an alumni pamphlet from the college Lori went to.
“Excuse me, sorry to both you,” David made eye contact as the man looked up from his fresh beer, “but you seem familiar. Are you Sam Philips?”
“Yeah, do I know you?” his voice wasn’t angry, just that of someone who was tired of airports and waiting.
“Not really, I know you, Well, I was the year behind you at Roosevelt High and I watched you play basketball till you graduated and went to State, wasn’t it? You were the best player at Roosevelt, I think ever.”
The man smiled slowly, enjoying reliving his glory days and seemed to perk up a bit.
“We took state championships two years straight. What did you say your name was?” He reached out, offering his hand for a handshake.
David gripped it and introduced himself. They talked about high school and the games. Sam enjoyed hearing and talking about his part on the team. He set many individual school records which still stand today. After awhile David bought him a beer and asked about college ball at State. Sam explained their team never played to their potential and was always just short of breaking loose.
David remembered his friend who went to State telling David about the parties the team had and how Lori had dated one of the players. He thought he would try and get some info out of Sam. He knew the best way was Through Sam’s ego.
“I had a friend from Roosevelt who went to State. He went to all the games and felt the coach had something against you. He felt they didn’t play you enough.”
David could see Sam’s chest swell as he was able to add to his reason’s why the coach had it out for him. After talking for over thirty minutes David decided it was time to press things.
“Sam, my Buddha told me the basketball team had some parties back then. Wild girls and such. Is that so?”
“Well, Dave,” he had introduced himself as David but didn’t correct Sam’s use of the name hedidn’t care for, “you’re friend is right about that. I swear, there was one girl, I wish I could remember her name, but anyway, she was a total slut. She dated Frank Mackenzie, he was the star forward. Not sure if you remember him; got drafted by Detroit but blew out his knee before he ever made it to the pros.”
“Well Frank and I were tight, being the only white guys on the team we became close friends. Now, mind you I got along with the brothers all right but me and Frank hit it off. All of us lived in the same fraternity, Alpha Omega.”
“Well Frank had this girlfriend, she was a year younger than us. We called her Cum Slut.” his voiced lowered and he looked around to be sure he didn’t offend anyone. “She was a cute girl, not beautiful, but nice. You wouldn’t expect someone like her to act the way she did. If I know now…you know that saying. I have been in a few D/s relationships these last twenty years. I didn’t know it then, but she was one of the most submissive womenI have ever met.”
“Sorry Frank, I’ve heard of D/S and S & M, but to tell you the truth I’m not sure what the difference is,” David replied.
“Well, they are both about power. Giving it up and being in control. S & M is power, but it is also about pain. Dominance and submission can be about pain or just about someone giving up control to someone else. They get turned on sexually by being made to do things. In this girl’s case she got off on being told what to do, being humiliated and degraded.”
“Hey, this isn’t probably good for a fat old fart like me, but tell me about her. What was so special about her?”
Sam laughed and continued, “You keep popping for the beers and I’ll keep talking, now I remember. Her name was Laurel or Lorna. Something like that.”
David felt a stirring in his cock and wondered if he was talking about his wife. Sam went on to say after the first few months of dating his buddy, Frank started putting demands on his girlfriend. He would openly fondle her and talk dirty about her in front of his friends. He would tell them how he was training her to be a great cocksucker. She would just stand there and get red in the face. But if you looked at her nipples they would get hard as little erasers.
“Towards he end of the first year he had pretty much explored her submissive nature,” explained Sam. “She would allow Frank to use her both privately and publicly as he wished.”
The stories and beers continued. David, now was afraid to find out if this girl Sam was talking about was in fact his wife. This was much more than young sexual experimentation, but rather the exploits of a woman who had no self esteem and was a complete slut. Sam described how she would orally service any of Frank’s friends and was often made to degrade herself. Often naked at parties she would masturbate to entertain the boys of the fraternity and though her pussy was Frank’s alone her mouth was available to any frat brother who asked, at any time.
During rush week Frank arranged for her to rush the most exclusive sorority on campus. Everyone there was connected to old money and were the beauty of the campus. Frank was close to one of the more evil of the sisters. The girl thought only Frank’s frat brother’s know of her exploits, but in reality most on campus knew her as the Cum Slut.
She was told to join the sorority she needed to be initiated. They told her all the girls had gone through this rite of passage and after a few drinks she acquired. Shots of tequila were set up and each Sorority Sister gave their boyfriend a shot glass. The boys would go by themselves into another room and jerk off into the shot glass. These sisters were not the kind of girls who openly displayed sexual acts and would not tarnish their reputations by accompanying their beaus into the room to assist in ‘the milking’, as they referred to it.
Soon there were twelve shot glasses filled with various amounts of spunk, cum, jizz or in technical terms, sperm. They lined them up in threes and told their pledge she needed to drink three followed by a shot of tequila. This would be repeated four times until she had emptied all the vessels.
The booze, the shouting of the girls, the desire to become a member of the sorority and finally Frank’s persistence spurred this twenty year old girl on. She completed the task to the amazement of the debtes who All kept tissue at their sides to dispense any fluids, when and if they ever had oral sex.
Once done the room went silent, except for the quiet snickers and giggles of the twelve girls. Sam continued, shaking his head. Next, as Frank had described to Sam, Frank told the group the last part of the initiative was for her to drink from the source. Frank, never shy or embarrassed by his manhood, unzipped his pants and pulled out his good sized cock.
He looked into the scared eyes of his drink and confused girlfriend and told her to get on her knees.After a slight pause, the submissive and naive girl dropped in front of her lover and trusted friend. She, knowing what was expected, gave one of her best blow jobs, wishing in her perverted fog to impress these rich Debs. When Frank came she was ordered to hold the cum in her mouth until everyone could see the prodigious amount deposited. She then swallowed and stood proudly asking if she passed the test. To her horror, all, including her so called love, erupted into laughter. She was told in no uncertain terms she would never be a member of their clique, for they did not associate with Cum Sluts. She ran from the room in tears.
David nestled his beer in his hand and ordered another round. The public address announcer had just informed everyone the weather was clearing and flight times would be posted. Both David and Sam found they had an hour or so before they would board.
David looking up from his beer, spoke, “So tell me, was that it for her. You know, the Cum Slut. Didshe ever see Frank again after such a horrible prank?”
“You know, pal, I would have thought so. Like you, I figured Frank had gone over the line; he had taken the role of dominate and broken the unspoken agreement between a Dom and a sub,” Sam looked into David’s eyes and continued, “there should be limits and trust established in this kind of arrangement and you don’t betray your partner!”
David’s mouth hung open as he silently wished he was on his plane and didn’t know if this woman, very likely his wife, continued with her abasement.
He stammered, “she seriously continued seeing this, this,” he felt his anger rise, “asshole?”
“Hey, take it easy man. This was years ago and I honestly believe she got off on all of it. Listen let’s call it quits, I didn’t expect you to get so emotional.” Sam picked up his beer and started to slide off the bar stool.
“Hold it Sam. I’m sorry. Like I said I guess I probably lived a pretty vanilla college life compared tothes.” He smiled, “I guess, I studied and worked a job to help pay for school. Go figure! We got some more time and I think I will go crazy if I don’t hear how this ends.”
Sam smiled and said he understand. Any story with sex and sluts was better than reading old newspapers in a terminal. He continued with the story. This girl made an effort to leave Frank. She refused to return his calls and avoided him on campus. She pretty much avoided everyone on campus, because the news of her exploits spread quickly. Whenever she walked around the small college town she had to endure the snickering and pointing of people she didn’t even know.
Frank had pretty much gone on with his life, never really being at a loss for female company. One night Sam and Frank and some of the boys were sitting around watching a ball game on the tube when one of the freshmen came into the room and told Frank he had a visitor.
When she came into the room everything went quiet. She was dressed in askirt and sweater with ankle socks and Keds. She looked like the proverbial lamb in the lion’s den. Frank asked her what she wanted, barely acknowledging her presence as he continued to watch the game. She asked to speak with him in private and Sam told David he will always remember this night almost verbatim. It still gives him the creeps.
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