Petty Thief

I really dislike petty thieves. They ruin your trust in your staff, making you suspicious of everyone. I had one in the office for a while before I caught on. They mainly hit the petty cash. I never heard of anyone complaining that money was missing from anywhere else. I probably wouldn’t even have noticed it in the petty cash if it hadn’t been for the sheer consistency of the thefts.

I was totalling up the petty cash, comparing cash on hand to receipts on hand and I was a couple of dollars short. It happens. I tend to write that type of shortage off due to incorrect change, or someone forgetting to put in a receipt, and forget about it. I mean, who’s going to worry about a couple of dollars. Not me.

For some reason I remembered that two dollars when I was doing the cash the next day and found myself a couple of bucks short. I was about to just sign off on in when I remembered the previous days shortfall. Now that I was thinking about it, it suddenly seemed to me that the petty cash rarely balanced. It was never out by much, but surely it should balance sometimes.

Curious about these little discrepances I took the petty cash book home on the weekend and started going through it, tagging all the shortfalls, and I was some surprised to find that they added up to between ten and twenty dollars every week, and had been doing so for the last six months. Prior to that, a couple of dollars a week would be in error, but that error was as likely to be in my favour as against me.

The conclusion was obvious. About six months back someone had started tapping the petty cash for little extras. It might be legitimate, with receipts not being put in the tin, but it might also be a petty thief, though I hoped not. Whichever way it was, I’d have to check it out, either to make sure procedures were followed or to stop a tief before they became more ambitious.

I was, of course, hoping that it was someone just being careless with procedures. That person I could snarl at, hammer the desk at, explain how their carelessness was costing me time and effort trying to balance the books. Or just politely tell them procedures were there for a reason and suggest they follow them. It all depended on my mood at the time.

A petty thief, however, was different. What could you do with them. Charge them? I can hear the cop’s laughter when I try to charge someone with Stealing two bucks from the petty cash. And even if the cops went along with it, can you imagine what the papers would say if they got wind of it? I could, quite easily.

Fire them? For an honest mistake in taking two dollars from the petty cash? Do you want to explain your harsh over-reaction to a belligerent union rep? If I told the rep my honest opinion they’d be yelling strike before I’d half finished.

If I was lucky, they might resign, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Whatever, I had to check it out, so I did.

My very first check found Marie taking somemoney for something and not providing the receipt afterwards. I asked her for it and she apologised and dug the receipt out of her pursuit and gave it to me. I reminded her that all receipts had to be put in with the petty cash or the books wouldn’t balance. I was feeling relieved that it was that simple.

And the bloody books didn’t balance that day either. Two dollars was missing. Why such piddly little sums? It really irked me. Back to checking what was going on.

It turned out it was Meghan. She was quite subtle, the way she went about it, but now that I was watching I could spot it every time. And what was she doing with her ill gotten gains? Buying a drink or a donut or whatever. She had money to get her own but apparently it was more fun to raid the petty cash.

I considered. She’d have been with us for six months, which fitted the pattern of thefts, and she was due to be confirmed as permanent staff shortly. At least, it made getting rid of her easier. All I had to dowas let her know that she wouldn’t be accepted as permanent staff and she’d be gone.

I asked Meghan to drop by my office after work on Friday. She came bouncing in, happy and smiling, probably assuming that I was letting her know that her permanence was being confirmed.

It looked as though she was going to burst into tears when I told her that she was not being kept on. I told her that I was providing her with two weeks notice, but if she chose not to come in on Monday I would understand and would arrange for her full payout to be mailed to her.

Naturally, Meghan wanted to know why. She thought she’d been doing an excellent job.

“You have been doing an excellent job, Meghan,” I told her, “but it’s company policy not to hire thieves. You have been robbing the petty cash from almost the first day you walked in, and I see no reason why we should retain your services.”

Meghan went white. She was stunned, never having suspected that I’d caught on to her. She tried to deny it, and I calmly informed her of what she’d taken that day and how she’d spent it. Ditto, for the day before and again for the day before that.

Finally catching on that I had caught her red-handed, Meghan shut down. She took the notice of dismissal and put it in her handbag and then wandered out, still looking shocked, and leaving me feeling like I’d kicked a kitten.

I was quite happy to go home that night, leaving the whole mess behind me. I assumed that the incident was now closed as I thought that Meghan would accept my offer to pay out her two weeks notice, instead of expecting her to work them.

I’m sure you will understand that I was not too impressed to answer the door on Saturday afternoon to find Meghan there. I was tempted to just close the door on her and hope she’d go away, but good manners prevailed and I invited her in.

As soon as she sat down she started talking. And talking.

And! Bloody! Talking!

Eventually I managed to work out what she was saying. Paraphrasing it, it came down to that she just couldn’t tell her parents that she’d lost her job, especially for stealing. She hadn’t been. Not really. The first time she borrowed two dollars for the drink machine was because she had no change and she had really meant to put it back, but the next day she had no change and it was hot so she sort of borrowed another two dollars and it Just kept happening.

It was always her intention to put the money back, and she had only been borrowing it for drinks and such. Not really stealing. She was absolutely horrified that someone might think she was a thief.

Could she please keep her job and have some other sort of penalty?

I pointed out that six months was rather a long time to just keep borrowing, and for a moment I thought she was going to burst into tears. She did seem generally sorry about the whole affairs, not just sorry that she’d been caught.

“I really need my job,” she told me. “You know that I do it well and the customers all like me. Can’t you put me on another six month trial, or dock my pay until the loans are paid back or even spank me or something. I’m really sorry, and I truly didn’t think I was stealing.”

I laughed. “Spank you?” I asked. “I’m not sure I’ve seen that being recommended in the manager/employee relationships manuals.”

She flared up at me.

“Why not? You’ve made it obvious that I’ve misbehaved and I have to admit I’m in the wrong. My father used to spank me if I did something wrong. There’s no difference. And it would be a lot better for me than losing my job.”

“The difference,” I pointed out, “is that I’m not your father and you’re now twenty. That, if you stop to think about it, is a significant difference. You might like to reconsider that particular suggestion.”

I was at this point seriously considering rescinding the termination and putting her on an extended probation, with a note that permanent status was to be referred to me before being granted.

“I don’t care about the differences,” she told me. “The point is that I did the wrong thing and you think that I deserve some punishment. My father always said you don’t learn a lesson by being excused bad behavior.”

“So you’re saying that you’d prefer to have me spank you rather than lose your job?

And if I say you can have your job back, anyway, but with an extended probation?”

She looked down at the floor.

“I still did the wrong thing and should be punished,” she muttered.

Things were becoming a little clearer. She was feeling the pangs of a precious consciousness, and needed some sort of punishment to make it right, and I’d been elected to allocate it. So be it, and if things didn’t go the way she expected, she had been warned.

I put on my annoyed manager guise, the one that makes the minions jump quickly.

“You have acted stupidly,” I informed Meghan. “I won’t terminate you this time but I do believe that some form of punishment is required. According tone, I am going to spank you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Meghan nodded, expectancy written all over her face.

“Stand up,” I told her, and she jumped to her feet like a jack out of the box.

“I am not going to try to spank you wearing those jeans,” I told her. “You’ll have to remove them.”

Meghan’s eyes went a little wide. That she hadn’t expected, but she could see that it was a reasonable request. She unfasted her jeans and wriggled her way out of them. (Ever noticed how fascinating it is to watch a woman take off a pair of tight jeans.)

Standing there in her top and a tiny pair of lacy bikini pants Meghan seemed prepared to bend over for her spanking, but I hadn’t finished yet.

“They seem very lacy and fragile,” I said, nodding towards her panties. “I’d hate to get my hand caught on them and rip them. You’d better remove them, too.”

Things were definitely not going the way Meghan had Expected. She was a little slower to obey this time, and turned away from me while she slipped her panties off. She had a very nice bottom. It almost seemed a goal that I was going to have to spank it. Almost.

Meghan turned to face me, holding her hands crossed in front of her. If she thought they provided concealment, she was wrong.

I laughed at her. “You look silly standing there with only your top on. Perhaps you’d better remove it.”

Meghan blinked at that one. Getting spanked nude had not been on her agenda. I suspect that she had assumed bending over and getting a spanking on her jeans, but now found herself committed to going a lot further. I wondered when she’d realized just what she had committed herself to.

After a momentary hesitation, I heard Meghan give a small sight, then she lifted her shirt up over her head. She seemed to have forgotten her desire to protect her privacy as she didn’t turn around, presenting me with a close view of a neighborly shaken pussy.I didn’t even have to suggest that her bra should come off as she just reached around and unclipped it, letting it drop.

An excellent pair of firm young breasts were now on display, but I manfully managed to reverse from grabbing. I can show patience when it’s required.

I indicated that Meghan should now bend over my knee, and she compiled, even if it was a trifle nervously. I Let her know right from the first spank that it wasn’t just going to be a touch and go. My hand came down firmly on her right cheek with a very loud spanking sound, shocking a squeal out of her. (If you cup your hand slightly when you spank, you can generate a lot of noise.)

Another quick spank to her left buttock chef resulted in another squeal and a nice red handprint to match the first. Now I started to lecture in time to the spanks.

“You do realise what you did wrong, don’t you?” I asked. Spank.

Meghan frantically nodded.

“And you’re not going to do it again?” Spank.

This time a squealed “No”.

“I’m only giving you this spanking as a warning,” I said. Spank.

“I’m very cross with your behavior and it will improve in future.” Spank.

A hurried agreement, but that didn’t really slow down the spanking. Taking my time I landed half a dozen good solid spanks on each buttock, and I’m quite certain that each one smarted significantly. Meghan wasn’t crying, but she wasn’t far off it. She had expected a token spanking, and instead she was receiving a proper one, and it hurt.

With the main spanking effectively over, the next few spanks were considered lighter. They needed to be, considering where they were landing. I had switched from spanking Meghan’s cute little tush to her far more sensitive pussy.

The first time My hand landed on her pussy Meghan screamed and almost bucked off my lap. Fortunately, I was holding her firmly in place, and was able to deliver a few more firm spanks, cupping her pussy each time. Meghan was protesting this type of spanking quite loudly, but I noticed that she didn’t try to close her legs to prevent me continuing.

Satisfied that I’d performed as much spanking as I reasonably could, I helped Meghan back onto her feet. She stood looking at me, clutching her bottom, her eyes bright with tears that hadn’t quite come.

I stood up and she backed off a little, still watching, waiting to see what was going to happen now. What she saw, was me undressing. She just stood and stared as I undressed, and when I was finally naked she carried on staring, but her eyes were now no longer focused on my face.

I just stood there, not moving, waiting to see what Meghan would do. We must have stood facing each other for a couple of minutes before Meghan put out a tenative hand and touched me. No points for guessing where she touched me.

She had been staring at my erection as though it was a snake poised to strike, and now she was seeking to tame it. Her hand closed over me, just below the head, and she started struggling me. Very nice it was too, and I let her continue for a few moments. OK. I let her continue for more than a few moments, but I got distracted, because my hands had finally found those breasts that had been tantalising me for so long.

We stood there, enjoying a mutual game of feel the difference, getting tactilely acquainted with each other.

Finally deciding that thing were progressing nicely, I moved closer to Meghan, pulling her towards me, and with my hands firmly on her hips I settled down onto the rug in front of the couch. I finished up lying on my back with Meghan plastered against me, her legs straddling me.

Now I was in a position where a little push and my cock was pressed against Meghan’s slit, seeking admission. I saw her eyes open very wide, and she tried to move up and away from me, but I wasn’t having that. My hands closed on her hips, holding her firmly in place, and all she could do was stare at me, with hereyes seeming to get bigger and bigger, as my cock pressed ever more firmly against her.

Then her pussy yielded, and the head of my cock pushed past her lips and settled within her. Not being a connectionist, there was no way I was going to go any higher unless Meghan moved down a bit, so I just lay there, my initial penetration nagging at Meghan.

It didn’t take long before Meghan was pressing down upon me, seeking a deeper commitment. I helped her wriggle down a little, feeling myself slide slightly deeper with each little wiggle she made.

Meghan kept wriggling and twisting, encouraging my cock ever deeper into her, until at last I was fully in her. Now she settled, lying on me and breathing hard, waiting for me to start moving.

She was going to have to wait a while, as I had no intention of screwing her at this stage. She was going to have to screw me. I would take over when I was ready to.

I waited, and eventually Meghan got restless and started her ownmovements. I let her go, encouraging her to experiment and find out what she liked. Soon she was finding means to pleasure herself, her cute little bottom bobbing up and down as she moved.

Meghan continued, moving up and down on my shake, breathing hard and making breathless little squeaking noises every so often. I found the entire thing both pleasant and amusing, enjoying the feelings that she was giving me and also enjoying her reactions to her own pleasure.

Taking her time, Meghan enjoyed herself. She hadn’t really taken control of the situation, no matter what she might have thought, but was just filling in time with some interesting action. Tensions were slowly building, but were still a long way from snapping.

Meghan rocked on, helped by some gentle thrusts from me. She was starting to breath harder now, feelings mounting within her. Within me, too, I have to admit. Rolling over, I carried Meghan with me, and suddenly I was leaning over Meghan, pinning her beneath me with my cock, holding her down.

Now I started to move, thrusting into her and Meghan gave a scream at the sudden difference in sensings. Instead of the gentle movements that she had been enjoying, a savage crash of cock thrusting home hit her, jolting her out of her contented rocking. Now I was driving home hard and fast, with Meghan urgently thrusting her hips up at me, trying to match the sudden acceleration.

I was laughing down at Meghan as I pounded into her, while she was glaring at me as she tried to fall into rhythm with me. Her glare changed to a smile as she found herself matching me, stroke for stroke, and she eagerly throw herself into the battle, determined to ride me to a standstill.

I didn’t for one moment think she wouldn’t. Women have an unfair advantage at times. They can have their climax and keep on riding, collecting more climaxes along the way, but the poor old male has his climax and then falls wait at the wheel. It’s a hard life.

Right now I was making full use of the hardness, driving it deep into Meghan’s soft and responsive self, pounding out music for both of us.

I held little back, thrusting hard, deep and often into Meghan. But I did hold back that fraction, wanting to see Meghan coming to a climax before I permitted my own. If I came and left her wanting, I might not get a second chance, and I had already decided I wanted another round or two with her.

Finally seeing that Meghan was ready and approaching her climax I relaxed and let loose, thrusting hard, deep and fast, reaching for my own climax even as I felt Meghan succumbing to her own.

Meghan was screaming and I was gasping with pleasure as we came in mutual abandonment, clinging to each other and then collapse against each other, lying there gasping.

When I had recovered my breath somewhat, I turned to Meghan.

“I trust that you have learned a lesson from this little episode,” I told her, “and that I will not have to chastise you again.”

She nodded. “Worst spanking I’ve ever had,” she told me. “I’ll be extra careful not to screw up again.”

“Maybe you should drop around next Saturday and I can review your performance,” I suggested. “Make sure that you’re doing OK.”

Meghan nodded. “That might be a good idea,” she agreed. “I’d hate to think that I was doing something wrong and no-one told me about it.”


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