The flight from Chicago back to the Bay Area seemed to last forever. David was shocked by the realization of his wife’s past and apparent infidelity throughout their marriage. His emotions fluctuated between disbelief, hatred, anger, goal for himself and, yes, lust. Somehow the image of Lori being used by this man excited him.
Don’t became confused, David wasn’t about to forgive all and succumb to Some cuckold lifestyle. He became successful at business because he was intelligent and knew when it was appropriate to act and when one should sit back and evaluate and explore a problem. He had trusted and loved this woman for nearly twenty five years and if he was to end it, as he seemed to be leaning, he would end it on his terms and his timetable.
He organized his thoughts and action plan.
First: He would need to have testing done on his kids to prove they are his biological offspring. He would contact them at college and use some excuse that he needs a blood test for insurance purposes. He had a few physical friends who would be willing to ‘bend’ the rules for him. Lori would also need to be tested for any sexually transmitted diseases. His mind was formulating a plan that would seem plausible to all three of them.
Second: He would need to track down Sam Phillips and verify the story. He felt Sam was truthful about what happened at college, hell he experienced it and had no reason to lie! The yearly meetings of Frank and Lori needed to be corroborated. Frank may have told this to Sam to try and impress his friend; to prove he was still a stud. Sam said he died broke and friendless, perhaps Frank made up stories about Lori to hold onto his last friend’s respect. Possibly Sam knew one of the other men who met Lori on their tenth anniversary.
Third: He would contact a private detective he had worked with before regarding computer software theft. He wanted their home computer and phone and credit card records checked thoroughly for any clues towards Lori’s possible infillity. The PD owed him plenty of favors for all the work he had sent his way over the years.
Fourth: David would lose the weight and get into shape. When and if he left Lori, no one, especially her, would be able to say he was at fault for letting himself go.
Fifth: This was probably the hardest part of his plan; he needed to go on with his life and relationship with Lori, as if nothing had happened. He wasn’t sure he could look into her eyes and say he loved her. Yet, he thought she had been doing it for the past twenty three years.
The tests came back quickly and aroused no suicide in the family. He breathed a sight of relief knowing both children were his. Lori also tested clean for any type of disease; HIV, hepatitis, clamydia and all other STDs gave negative results.
The computer tested clean as did the phone and credit card records. If Lori had met this man over the years, she spent no money and kept no records. David hoped she was innocent rather than careful.
In less than eight months David was close to losing the weight Lori had requested. He actually became a gym nut and worked out religiously and was spurned on by all the complements he got from friends and colleagues. Lori was especially proud of him and seemed generally excited about her promised night of servitude once he reached his goal. David would often fight back the urge to vomit when he thought of his wives yearly affair.
They had not had sex since David’s return. He told Lori, she was right to have been turned off by his appearance and until he reached his goal they would not have relationships. This was hard for Lori, and hard for David. They were both sexual persons who needed release. David came up with a plan, which Lori only agreed to when Her multiple attempts at dispatch failed. Once a week, after a nice dinner out, the two of them would have a ‘Jack and Jill’ session. They would masturbate in front of each other while talking of their fans.
David’s always went along the lines of how he was going to use Lori as his slave and make her do his bidding. He never undressed for these meetings, liking only to pull out his cock and stroke it. Lori, on the other hand would strip naked and fuck herself with a dildo while listening to David’s stories. Her fans were quite mundane and until David found out the truth he felt perhaps she wasn’t the slut Sam had described.
It would always end with David shooting his load onto Lori’s body, after which she would bring herself off. She would ask him to leave so she could clean up the mess he made. The first few weeks, David thought nothing about her wanting to shower. Then one evening he left without closing the door completely. He remembered he had left the book he was reading in the bedroom. Not expecting anything out of the ordinary he returned to the room a few minutes later.
He froze in his tracks as he saw through the ajar door his wifeStill laying on the bed. She was taking the head of her dildo and scooping up the cum he had shot onto her stomach and breasts. She would then hang it over her mouth and let his spunk drip into her mouth. Her other hand was vigorously rubbing her clip and just as she began to orgasm she thrust the cum covered rubber cock into her mouth. She seemed to savor the cum as though it were a fine wine.
David thought to himself she probably was the Cum Slut he had heard about. He found out, in the third month she was.
Fairly easily he tracked down Sam Phillips, contacting his old high school and using some lame excuse about a reunion to receive the address. Before contacting him, he had his detective friend do a background check on Sam. Nothing too sinister turned up; a few over due credit card accounts and a drink and disorderly charge a few years back.
Sam was an insurance salesman and though his territory was not the west coast, he sold business insurance that David’s company used. David used his position in the company to offer a fat policy to Sam’s company. When they offered to have the west coast agent handle the deal, David insisted on Sam being the go-between. It was the third month after their meeting in Chicago that the two men met again.
When Sam walked into David’s office he was a little unsure this was the same man he remembered talking to for hours in the lounge.
“Man, you lost Some weight since I last saw you.” Sam reached forward and gave David a firm handshake.
“About thirty five pounds,” David answered as he sat down, “another fifteen to go.”
“Listen I appreciate this policy. It is definitely gonna make my year. I have to be honest, at first I wasn’t sure who you were when my office called.” Sam smiled, knowing this deal was the biggest his company had signed.
“Well, Sam, I researched it pretty well and your company provides what we need at a good price,” he paused as he put the tips of his fingers together, “There is an ultraor motive. And Sam, do not worry. No matter what you say, as long as it is the truth; this policy will renew in your name as long as I am here.”
“The truth about what?”
“The Cum Slut.” David looked into Sam’s eyes as he saw an expression of puzzlement.
“Yeah, I remember we talked about Frank’s old girlfriend. I recall you seemed excited about her story. Listen, I am sorry but I really don’t know what you want.”
“I wasn’t exactly straight with you that day, Sam. I actually wasn’t sure until you described the tattoo on her ass right before you boarded the plane.”
“Sure about what?”
“The Cum Slut is my wife, you were close, her name is Lori not Laurel or Loni.”
Sam’s mouth feel open and he didn’t speak. He could not believe this. This guy was giving him the biggest contract of his career because he knew about his wife. What did he want, blow by blow descriptions of what she did nearly twenty five years ago?
David continued,”The week before we were married we had the heart filled in so the letters could not be seen. She told me they were an old boyfriend’s initials.”
Sam, still unsure where this meeting was headed decided to play it close to the vest, “It was a lot of years ago, maybe it is a coincidence. We might not even be talking about the same girl. ” he paused, “and if we were it was a long time ago.”
David turned the eight by twelve frame sitting on his desk towards Sam, “does she look familiar Sam. Remember the truth is all I want.”
Sam looked at the recent portrait of Lori and knew right away it was the same woman. He wants the truth and I want the contract he thought to himself, “Yes, that, that is her. Older but her, the eyes, I’ll never forget those eyes when she’d be looking up while su….” His voice trailed off when he remembered who this was.
“While she was sucking your cock. Is that what you were going to say Sam?”
“Yes, but Dave, ” he was cut off quickly.
“I prefer David.” David was in his element and wasn’t going to give any quarter.
“David, sorry. Yes it is, or was her. You went to a lot of trouble and expense to have me confirm it. Like I said at the airport, she was one of the most submissive women I have ever met. But that was then. Things change…people change.”
“We agree on this point, my friend. I really do not care What Frank and you and half the campus did to her back then. In fact, I have to admit there is an element of excitement in hearing those stories. What I do need to know, and what does matter is what has happened in the last twenty five years. During our marriage, a union that I take seriously, what has happened. We swore truth and honesty. If she has been seeing Frank and, well you know where I am heading.”
“David, maybe the truth is best unsad. Or maybe you should be having this talk with her.”
“Sorry, I need to know and I am not ready to let her recognize my suspicions at this time. Ibelieve everything you told me about college, but Sam, is there the possibility Frank was making up the rest? You said he was an ass with few friends. Maybe he was trying to impress you with stories. I need your help in verifying the stories. I’ve checked phones records and her computer. So far nothing has come up. I have a detective trying to trace down some of Frank’s friends. If he brought three friends to fuck her on my tenth anniversary I want, no I need to know.”
“Why, you don’t strike me as a guy who will go postal and hurt her,” he paused and nervously looked up, “or any of those involved. Frank is gone.”
“You may not be able to understand, but this comes down to basic trust and honesty. Just like in business, marriage has some fundamental mores it must follow to be a success. I mean if she had some need for this behavior, why not tell me?”
“You are the one that doesn’t understand. She loves you, probably adores the ground you walk on. If you told her to giveyou a blow job in the back seat of a car, she would do it out of love. There would be no humiliation or degradation. She seems to get off being used by men she doesn’t like. The humiliation she feels is fueled by the love for you and the guilt she probably feels for cheating on you.”
David could see some sense in what Sam was saying, yet he knew he would never risk something he loved for a perverted thrill.
“Still, Sam if you can help me. I’ve run this through my mind a thousand times. Frank could have been making it up, or maybe blackmailing her, or she was doing it on her own because of the thrill you are talking about. The rush of being used and risking everything she has.”
“Believe me Sam, I will learn the truth. I have the money and the desire to take this to the end. If you know something it is best to tell me now,” David stood and walked to the front of the desk and continued, “or I will use that same desire and money to ruin anyone who has lied to me.”
Sam looked up at this man who he could easily overcome physically and realized that power isn’t always defined by muscle. He believed David would ruin him.
“What is it you are looking for?” Sam asked.
“The truth, that is all.”
“Well, to quote Jack from that army movie, ‘I’m not sure you can handle the truth’, ” Sam felt uneasy as soon as his attempt at levity left his mouth. “David, Frank wasn’t lying about his meetings with the Cum, I mean your wife.”
“How do you know, do you have proof, a name, anything.”
“I, well, I didn’t say because I always felt a little guilty, I mean it was the day of your anniversary. But, I was one of the guys there. I was at your house fucking your wife while you were waiting at the restaurant. Me and two other guys. There was an insurance convention in San Francisco that week and Frank got a hold of me and…how much do you want to know?”
David stared at Sam, but his gaze actually went through him off into oblivion. At that moment he knew, what for the past three months he feared, it was true.
“Was there any, any blackmail or force?”
“I can tell you she was not happy, but she didn’t refuse us. Frank was a lot of things but he never forced her to do anything. He held some spell over her, she couldn’t refuse him. I think she probably hated him but that all fueled the sexual high she got. I never was with a woman so wet and wild as that day in your bedroom.”
“How did he get in touch with her, I have found no record of it?”
“He told me when he was in town, always around your anniversary, he would stake out the house. When she left he would follow her and drop in at the mall or grocery store. He would tell her his plans and even if she refused, he said she would always show up. Frank got Some thrill out of using her on your anniversary, the way he did on your wedding day. Like I said, David, she couldn’t say no to him. .”
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?” asked David.
Sam shruggedhis shoulders.
“Over the past twenty three years, till Frank died, did you ever fuck her, other then that one day?”
“Frank, offered, but…I am not making excuses, but after that one day I felt guilty. Frank told me he brought others after, but I don’t know names. Honest.”
“Tell me all you know Sam.”
“That is pretty much it, he told me he considered the Cum Slut his once a year treatment. He enjoyed making her do his bidding,” Sam’s facial expression changed as he remembered something, “Listen, I forgot, but, well like I said he died broke and pretty much friendless. I came to his funeral and his Mom, she was close to eighty then, she was very happy I came. None of the others she called from his phone book even sent cards. I guess I liked him in a strange sort of way. I’m not saying what he did was right, or defending him, but for a time in college we were close.”
“I told you, no reprisals, now what did you forget?”
“His Mom asked me to go with her to his apartment and help clean out his stuff. She didn’t want to go alone and didn’t trust hiring someone. But there really wasn’t anything worth stealing.”
“What did you find, Sam?”
“A box, in the closet with, well with pictures of the Cum, I mean Lori over the years. It seems he liked to take some every year. He always made it a point to be sure her wedding ring was in the picture. Wrapped around a cock, or covered in cum.”
“What, what happened to the pictures Sam? Maybe he used them to blackmail her.” David was still gripping at some sort of answer to this nightmare.
“She knew about the pictures, she is looking right into the camera for God’s sake. But, I don’t think he ever used them that way. If he did, I think he would have said, or the day we were there she would have said something. I might be wrong. I, I have them, I snuck them out so his Mom wouldn’t see them. I hid them in my garage.”
“You could be wrong, Sam maybe she did it because she had no choice.” David’s voice sounded hopeful. “I want them, Sam. I will pay you for them.”
“I think I should burn them and you should just either leave her or forget about it all. If you dwell on it, you will drive yourself crazy.”
“Name a price, goddamn it, I want them. I do not need your advice!”
Sam stood up and got close to David, “Listen, I do not have to put up with this shit. I got along well without your policy and I will do all right if you pull the plug on it. If you want the pictures, you can have them. I don’t want your money. I just don’t want you trying to bully me any more. My fuse is getting short!”
David understand from years of dealing with people he had pushed the envelope as far as he could. He needed to back off.
“I am sorry, Sam. I got a little crazy and I am sorry. The policy is yours and I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
“I’ll send the pictures. You can do as you please with them.” He turned to leave when David’s voice stopped him.
“Thank you Sam. It is just so hard to believe someone you have trusted and loved for all these years has been living two lives. The mother of my children is the ‘Cum Slut’. When I look into her eyes now I just think of her lips wrapped around a cock. And it isn’t mine.”
They parted ways never seeing each other again. Every year for the next twelve years, Sam received a hefty commission check for the policy David’s company took out.
One week later, David’s secretary brought in the Fed Ex package he had been waiting for. He unwrapped the shoe box size box and emptied the contents on the table. In front of him were a hundred or more Polaroid’s, some already fading into an orange like sepia tint from age. In each photo was his wife. You could tell by the different hairdos and dress they covered decades.
Some were from their home, some in their car and others from seedy looking hotel rooms. As Sam said, most prominentlydisplayed her wedding ring. She never looked happy in the pictures but she looked, for lack of a better word, sexy. A fire burned in her eyes.
David cringed when he saw her naked, obviously pregnant with a cock in her mouth and written across her distended belly the words ‘CUM SLUT’. David figured from the time it must have been their first anniversary. Their son was born a few weeks after the celebration and David remembered it as one of the happiest days of his life.
The next photo showed her nipples with clothes pins attached and her pregnant stomach covered in cum. A dildo hung obscenely from her played thighs.
David spent hours looking at each photo, trying to put a date to it and recalling where he was at the time. Most were of her alone though others showed her and Frank, meaning someone else was taking the photo or they used a timer. He found a group of six from his tenth anniversary. There were no faces other than Frank and Lori but David knew one of the cocks in his wife’s ass or mouth belonged to Sam. He recognized the kitchen, the entry way and his own master bedroom.
He did not feel anger, nor lust. Perhaps it was disappointing he felt. He became calculating and decided at that moment his marriage was over. In his mind it was over but he would continue to live the sham his wife had for years until he designed his revenge.
End of Part 2
To be continued, Please comment.
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