Subservice is the premier brunch spot for human pets and their owners, and has a few quirks because of it. All pets need to be collared and naked to be able to enter. Another peculiarity is the waitstaff. Dressed in formal black and white, all wear wolf masks. It has a bright and lively ambiance with the walls decorated in suggestive (and sometimes sexually explicit) modern art. Light notes of modern jazz Underscore clinking of silverware on plates, casual conversation and the usual noises that come with human pets. Established in 2003 by its founder Alistair DeGuzman under the name Alistair’s. It was intended to be a high end, but relatively normal brunch restaurant in downtown Manhattan. Sadly, it never quite captured the popularity Alistair had hoped. In 2005 Alistair closed for six months to rebrand as Subservice, the petplay themeed bistro we see today. The rules, expectations and culture of the restaurant have changed over time but the core remains. This is a place for human pets and their owners to feel safe, comfortable and sexy.
Tori, a red and black fox with big ears and a very bushy tail excitedly enters. She is well known to the people of Subservice, often bringing various friends and lovers, while also making the most of her solo trips. She can be known as Victoria when she is playing an owner and Daisy when she plays a milk cow. She is a tall transgirl with curly dark brown hair pulled back into a messy ponytail and adorable B cups. Her shoulders and arms are adorned with dense freckles which stand out against her pale skin. Her slightly below average girldick is partially erect in anticipation of what is to come. Following her timing is Joyce, a very cute puppy with a pink and blue puppy hood. They have pink stuffed paws and a dark blue collar adorned with stars and moons. Joyce is a plus size puppy and has the plus sized ass and well shaped double D breasts, with wavy light brown hair that is only barely visible behind the hood. Joyceis already wet and the excitement is starting to ooze down their legs. Their lean is held by Steven, their owner, a very tall man with long straight black hair and a well trimmed goatee. He was wearing a red Hawaiian style shirt with pink flowers unbuttoned over a black tank top and black jeans. He looks rarely confused as he passes the front door.
Our party is met at the door by a man wearing black wolf mask with very pronounced wolf teeth. His name tag says Austin.
“Good morning Tori, is this your friend’s first time?” he asks.
Tori flutters “yes, I’ve told them alot about Subservice and they’re very excited, although I may have left some out”. She said with a sinister smile on her face.
“Well then. We’ll just have to show them when the time Comes”, Austin said staring straight through Joyce. “I’ll put you in Alyssa’s section today, how does that sound?” He asks Tori.
“That sounds lovely, I think Alyssa will really like Joyce”
“Then it’s decidedd. Let me show you to your table”. Austin comments as he grabs three menus and walks towards the back of the restaurant.
As they approached their booth, Steven and Joyce marveled at the pets and the joy they were feeling. They saw nipples, clients and dicks pinched and caressed, tail plugs of various (and intimidating) sizes on the tables and one very excited looking puppy being fucked in the ass by her mistress and her stick on. Joyce’s thighs are well lubricated by the time they sit down at their table and Steven is obviously hard, even through his jeans. Tori wanders off to say hi to people she knows in a way only the mischievous fox can.
After several minutes of looking over the menus, Tori returns excited with noticeable handprints on her ass and frosting (or was it cum?) on her chin.
“So you said you might have forgotten to tell us about parts of the restaurant?” Steven inquired to Tori.
“I guess you’ll just have to find out for yourself” she responded flippantly, fully embracing her bratty fox personality. A waitress walks up and introduces herself as Alyssa. She has a brown wolf mask where the corners of its lips curled into a wicked smile. Alyssa was a very tall transgirl with long black curly hair that flowed freely around her shoulders.
“Good morning Tori, new friends?” she questions.
“Not so new friends, but new to Subservice” Tori responses. “I think Joyce would enjoy the full experience but they can be a bit shy. Once you get them out of their shell they’ll do great”.
“Excellent, they’ll be a great special”, Alyssa replies. “Now Tori, I know exactly what you’re going to order so I’m not going to ask”,
“But you have to,” Tori whiles. “It’s your job”.
“You’re getting the benedicts,” Alyssa refuges sharply.
“You don’t know that” Victoria continued to whine in an increasingly sarcastic manner.
“Fine, what are you having?”
“The Benedicts”
“You really are a bitch aren’t you?”
“You know you love it”
“I’ll make you pay for that later”
“I sure hope you will”.
Alyssa turns to our newcomers. “What will you be having today?
Steven responds “I’ll have the pork roll, two scrambled eggs with cheddar, an english muffin and the roasted potatoes on the side”.
Joyce starts “I’ll have two eggs…”
before they are interrupted by Alyssa, “You’ll have my dick, you subby little puppy.” “HEY TEAM WE GOT A VIRGIN” Alyssa shouts, the rest of the waitstaff perk up and start to make their way over.
“A virgin in this context is what they call a pet on their first visit,” Tori whispers to Joyce. “You’re going to enjoy this.”
Alyssa snaps her fingers “On your knees!”. Joyce froze, they love the attention but aren’t sure exactly what is happening.
“Not a very clever puppy, don’t worry we’ll teach you” Alyssa caches as she reaches for Joyce’s collar and pulls them to the floor. Several waitstaff close in on Joyce surrounding them, ontheir knees, sopping wet. Alyssa bends down to whisper to Joyce.
“At Subservice things work a little differently”, Alyssa grabs Joyce’s chin and makes them look up at her
“Here, I get the special menu items, and today that means you. Understand.” Joyce nodded, too stunned to verbally reply.
Alyssa reaches deep into her pocket and pulls out a pair of black faux-latex gloves. She slowly and carefully put them on. Making sure every single finger was perfectly positioned and the gloves are pulled tight. She reaches her right hand up to Joyce’s mask, rubbing their cheek affectionately and barks
“Position one.” Joyce, still stunned and confused, doesn’t react.
“Oh dear I’ll have to teach you everything, won’t I?” Alyssa complains.
“Position one is back straight, paws up in a begging position. Do I need to explain it slower you silly little puppy?” Joyce shakes their head back and forth vigorously. They finally understand what is happening. Joyce straighttens their back and puts their densely mitted hands up near their breasts.
“Good puppy” Alyssa coos as she reaches out and scratches Joyce behind the ears. Alyssa then instructs “Position two is elbows, knees and wrists on the ground, back straight, ass up, can you do that?” Alyssa asks condescendingly. Joyce tries to squeak out a “Yes” but is interrupted by Alyssa at the first murmur. Alyssa grabs for Joyce’s collar and yanks hard towards her.
“PUPPIES! DON’T! TALK!” Alyssa shouted.
“They bark when an order is received. Understood?” Alyssa releases Joyce.
“Now. Position two” Joyce lets out an “Arf” and nods. They lower their body towards the floor. Straightening their back, raising their thick booty high and looking up expectedly at Alyssa.
“Good Puppy” The perfect words Joyce longed to hear.
“Now position three is very similar, only you lower your upper body to the floor keeping your ass raised high. Do you think you can do that?” “Arf” Joyce nodsvigorously. If they had a tail it would be wagging at the speed of light.
“Do it,” Alyssa urges. Joyce lowers their shoulders to the floor, which is difficult given their weight distribution but they did their best and raise their glorious ass high and proud.
“Good puppy” Alyssa coos again,
“Now, let’s see if you can switch between them. Position one!” Joyce raises their body high into a begging position.
“Position three” Joyce lowers. Two Three One and on and on. Joyce is lost in obedience until something snaps them out of it.
Alyssa stands back up and undoes her belt. Her fully erect cock falls squarely on Joyce’s hood.
“Remove the hood owner.” she barks at Steven, he complies. Slowly undoing the buckle on the back of their hood, lifting it deliciously off their face. Alyssa grabs Joyce’s chin and leads them towards her cock. Joyce being a good puppy knows when to accept a gift like this and opens their mouth and take in their glorious new prize. The scent of sweat and girldick overcomes them and they lose themselves in the sensings. The veiny member sliding over and back across their tongue, Alyssa’s hands gently grazing their head. A gloved hand on their left shoulder and another tangled up in their hair directing motion. They are in heaven and their trace is broken the moment they feel Alyssa begin to speed up. With little regard to the comfort of the puppy beneath her Alyssa begins to fuck vigorously pulling Joyce’s head to and fro until she let loose a high pitch moan as she slams Joyce into her crotch. Joyce feels their wonderful prize pooling on the back of their tongue. Sweet and smooth, transgirl cum truly is the superior genital fluid.
“Don’t swallow yet” Alyssa sights. “I want to see it”. A few moments pass as Joyce could feel Alyssa’s cock soften and shrink on their tongue and between their lips. A few moments later Alyssa pulls out of their mouth and grabs their chin lightly.
“Show me,” Alyssa tells them. Joyce opens their mouth and sticks out their tongue showing the shining pool of semi-transparent white gold.
“Good Puppy, now you can swallow” Alyssa says compassionately as she scratches Joyce behind the ears. They take their treasure into their mouth, to the back of their throat and slowly swallow. They savor the taste of cum and dick left on their tongue. Joyce is in heaven.
As Joyce was reveling in their success. Alyssa snaps her fingers.
“Table 22” Alyssa barks at the rest of her pack. Three wolves pick up Joyce and carry them to an empty table. Laying them on their back. Alyssa comes around their side and rubs Joyce’s belly.
“Now the real fun begins. AUSTIN! KATE! NOW!” Alyssa orders and two of the wolves approach Joyce’s head and nethers as they undo their belts. At first Joyce was looking up to see what was going on but the wolf near their head pushed their head down over the side of the table. Joyce then feels their clip being pinched, then their lips spread. Then a cold sensing shot through their labia and into their chest. An application of fresh lube. At this point they feel it being worked into their already glistening folds. In and around their labia into the opening of their vagina. Fingers slowly push inside them. First one, then two, three, easy for Joyce. A fourth squirms its way in as Joyce reveals in the stretch.A fifth finger(the thumb they believe) is finding its way past their clip. The pain of the new and general stretch causes them to arch their back and Alyssa pushes back down.
“We know what you can handle. Tori told us. You should blow her for this” Alyssa whispers to Joyce. The stretch continues, deeper and thicker the mass of fingers starts balling into a fist, and two new fingers on either side of their clip. The pain and pleasure of the fist turning and pushing inside of them overcome their fee puppy brain and their whole body shudders in orgasmic bliss.
A moment later they are made awareof another sensing. First a scent, a warm, sweet aroma. Then a dripping on their face, then Kate’s pussy spread over their face.
Joyce hears a new voice, a feminine voice sing-songing, “come on puppy, you know what to do” as her wetness is ugly over Joyce’s face. Joyce does know what to do as they reach out their tongue and begin lapping at the newly presented genitalia. Just as they are finding their rhythm, Joyce feels a fist reception and something new enter.
“Good, now fuck them like you mean it, Mike” Alyssa shouts. Mike begins thrusting. This wasn’t the largest object Joyce has ever had inside them(today), but it may very well be the largest penis. Overloaded with sensings their tongue begins to laze. A sharp pinching and twisting of their nipple piercings wakes them back up.
“Don’t be a lazy puppy. I want to see what you’re capable of.” Kate, the owner of the vagina in their face jokes.
This continues until Joyce hears a roar and feels ropes of hot sticky cum plastering their insides.
“Good work Austin. MIKE YOU’RE NEXT” Alyssa shouts and Joyce feels one cock leave them and another smaller one enter. Mike unlike Austin has two fingers always on their clip pinching and twisting and Joyce feels the table shake, then legs on either side of their torso and a dick on their chest.
“I’m not going to let you zone out puppy, if we’re feeding you, you need to work for it” Alyssa says cacheling as she digs her nails into Joyce’s breasts and brings her mouth down to suck on their nipples. All this is too much for Joyce and the building sensing that they had been feeling releases again. Joyce screams into Kate’s labia, tongue still massaging her clip. Their back arching against Alyssa’s thrusting hips and Mike’s throbbing cock feeling They clnch and unloads another shaft of white gold into their pussy. They could feel the cum running down their labia and onto the table.
“We got a leaker,” Mike announcements.
Alyssa turns back and say. “The puppy will clean it up as an appetizer”.
“Fuck Me” Kate excelles as she gushes over Joyce’s face. Joyce couldn’t see any and was just able to listen to the voices around them.
Alyssa addresses Steven “Hey Owner, you want a turn?”
“Gladly” Steven replies as he stands up and take his place at their hips.
“Excellent” Alyssa hisses like a snake.
“Let’s give our cutie here a reward, bring me the glass.”
“Yes ma’am” Austin returns with a glass half filled with a sticky white substance.
“There’s a ritual, almost a hazing we do with our new pets” Alyssa says,
“We have our regulars cum in a glass and then feed it to you, now enjoy”. Joyce feel the dual sensing of Steven entering Their already sore and well used vagina and a cool glass at the side of their face. Alyssa, still stradling Joyce, starts to tip the glass into their open mouth. Joyce feels the multiitude of orgasms contained within the glass pouring down their throat. Slimy and salty and wonderful. Steven, knowing exactly how to push Joyce over the edge, uses his left hand to pinch and play with Joyce’s clip until he feels them tense up once again. They start bucking against Alyssa tighs. With the contents of the glass quickly tumbling towards Joyce’s stomach Alyssa grips her nails into Joyce’s breasts again and lowers her head to bite Joyce on the shoulder. Hard. They clamp down on Steven’s penis in ecstasy. Giving him the perfect sensing to put the third load of white gold into Joyce’s well fucked pussy.
At this point, Joyce is exhausted. They are covered in sweat, their face is coated in vaginal fluid, their chest and pussy are caked in cum, breasts covered in claw marks and a very well defined bite mark on their right shoulder.
Alyssa dismounts Joyce, rubs their belly and whispers “Good puppy” into their ear. Joyce is helped off the table and begins wandering back to their table when they are grabbed by the wrist.
“Nowwhere do you think you’re going slutpuppy” Alyssa remarks,
“You still have some cleaning up to do” as she points back to the puddle of cum left by Joyce’s spasming genitals. Alyssa leads them back to the table. Grabs them by the back of the head, and slowly lowers them to where they can lap up the remaining cum. It is a cold salty sticky reminder of what was done to them and despite the actual sensing and taste They adore every drop. After Joyce finishes their final prize, Alyssa slapses them on the butt, and then asks what they would like for brunch.
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