Peter's Enlightenment

This story is a fantasy about a Husband and Wife’s discovery of their mutual sexual feelings and the subsequent change in their relationship. It is a work of fiction and its purpose is to stimulate and excite. It contains scenes that are extreme and pornographic, but ultimately it is a love story. You will find that the spelling uses “English” English as opposed to “American” English but I hope this doesn’t Distract readers in the USA. I wrote it to explore the extreme side of love and devotion.

There are elements in the story that you will find in similar stories but then so too are there in any two stories in this genre – after all, how many ways can you describe an orgasm? Or describe the sounds and sensing of a caning? Nevertheless, the manner of putting it together and the storyline belong to me and should not be used without my permission – I claim the copyright. You may post this on other websites under two conditions – First, that they are free and secondly you include this introduction in its entirety. If you like it then Email me

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Part One

It was early Friday afternoon and Amanda sat at her kitchen table with a cup of coffee that had long gone cold. She was waiting for her husband, Peter, to come home and tell her whether or not their marriage was over. She had never felt so depressed in her life and blamed herself entirely for the situation in which she now found herself. She had been unfaithful to him and deeply regretted it. She loved her husband so much she couldn’t begin to think of life without him. Her thoughts drifted back over the past six-months to the start of her affairs and the events that led up to this moment.

It began one Thursday as she was cleaning the upstairs spare bedroom when she heard the garbage collectors on their rounds to collect the weekly rubbish. She had noticed one of the men previously and now she watched him as he went about his work. He was big and burly, bordering on fat,and his massive forearms bulged big and hairy from his shirtsleeves. The hairs on his chest forced their way out of the buttons down the front. He appeared to be everything her husband was not; big and muscle where Peter was slim and well proportioned; coache and loud where Peter was kind and thoughtful. She knew his name was Terry because she’d heard him being called by the others. He appeared to be in charge. This week he started to walk up her driveway to collect her rubbish; he grabbed the wheelie-bin and dragged it down to the garbage lorry. She quickly made up her mind and ran downstairs. She was wearing a loose fitting summer frock that buttoned down the front. As usual she was not wearing any underwear during her housework preferring to bathe and change into fresh clothes in time for Peter to come home. She ran to the back of the house where Terry would return her bin. She opened the rear door and undid the buttons on her dress so that it fell open revealing her nakedness. Just as Terry walked into the garden dragging the bin Amanda walked out of the door and stood in front of him. He divided open mouthed.

“Fuck me!” He said looking and grinning at her.

“I think you’ve got it wrong there,” She said, “I’m supposed to say that.”

Terry was not a man to care what others said or thought, he did what came naturally and if the world didn’t like it then ‘Fuck ’em!’ he said often and loudly. He came closer and reached out to grab hold of her left title in a big hairy paw. He squeezed and she felt the hard calls on his palms rubbing across her erect and very sensitive nipples. She closed her eyes and leaned into him. With his other hand he pulled her closer and kissed her, mashing his unshaven jaw against her tender skin and probing her mouth with his tongue. She reached down to His groin and grabbed his jutting cock through his trousers. She pulled away from his searching mouth and led him into the kitchen. He grabbed her from behind and turned herAround, pushing her up against the table. He continued to push her backwards with a massive hand on her chest until she lay down with her bottom hanging over the edge of the table. Without any preliminaries except to lean down and suck her nipple into his mouth, he undid his buttons and rammed his prick hard and fast into her waiting cunt.

“Ahhh…God…yes…uhh…harder!” She moaned as he thrust and pounded into her.

She was dripping wet and dying for the ecstatic release of her orgasm. Terry plugged into her like a wild animal causing her to grunt and gasp at the force ramming into her groin. He transferred his mouth from her left nipple to her right nipple, leaving it hard and wet and red, pointing it at the ceiling like a beacon for wayward travelers. He bit down hard as she wrapped her legs around his back and pulled him tight against her. His pumping grow more frenzied and they both scrambled to the top of their orgasms and as she crashed over the top she cried aloud in ecstasy. She shuddered and juddered against him, tensing and releasing her muscles in time to the orgasmic waves cursing through her loins. Terry spurted his spunk deep into her, ramming his hips and grinding into her groin until he was spent and they were both still, panting at the strength of their password.

He recovered first and stood up still inside her. He looked down at her body, bare and spread before him. Her eyes were closed and her arms were spread straight out from her sides over the sides of the table. She was panting to regain her breath from the intensely powerful orgasm that had been long overdue in her short married life. He pawed her tits and she moaned as he pinched her nipples but she made no move to stop him. He stepped back and her legs flopped over the edge of the table but otherwise she didn’t move. He looked down at his sticky cock and squeezed the last drop of spunk from the shaft. He reached over and smelled his fingers across her cheek. The spunkleft a dirty streak where his grubby fingers had touched her. He turned and left without a word. Amanda lay across the table without moving. Her frock was spread wide open and anyone looking in would see her wide open thighs topped by a glistening wet patch of public hair. Her nipples were still red and hard and almost glowing from Terry’s mouth and pinches.

She finally got up and closed the door then went upstairs to clean herself. She didn’t regret being fucked by Terry and in fact fully intended to repeat it next week. Her intention was to use Terry as a release from her pent-up frustrations caused by Peter’s lack of attention. This was caused by the very real differences in their characters. They’d been married about six months and during that time she’d learned that despite loving him to distraction, he wasn’t very interested in sex. Amanda blamed his Mother. He was an only child whose Father had died whilst he was still young. Consequently he was brought up by his Mother alone and he developed into an introspective shy man, at least in the fuck and suck department. She on the other hand was part of a large family, she had two brothers and two sisters and her parents had brought them up to be free from many of the inhibitions surrounding modern society. Nakedness was common in her childhood and whilst her parents didn’t encourage their children to come into their bedroom when they were making love, neither did they Discourage them. Her parents never locked any doors and she and her siblings grow up accustomed to Mum and Dad’s noisy and frequent sex sessions. It wasn’t a big deal and she grew up expecting to find that everybody behaved this way.

Sadly her wedding night soon opened her eyes to another world where sex was taboo and only to be tolerated in the act of procreation. But she persevered and never gave up trying to interest her husband. This caused her intensity frustration not only because she expected them to fuck each other stupid every night but also because Peter was a beautiful man with a beautiful cock to match. ‘Such a waste!’ she thought to herself more than once. This had continued until finally she determined to show him what he was missing. Peter had been away on a business trip for three days and when he came back she planned a very special surprise. She’d cooked a wonderful meal and set a very seductive candlelight scene. She bathed and took extra care over her makeup and dressed in a very sexy silky black number. Peter arrived home in good time to freshen up in a long hot bath. She poured him a glass of wine and took it to him in his bath.

“Here you are darling,” She said, “I thought you might need this to help you relax.”

“That’s very kind of you and it’s just what I need.” He replied, taking the provided wine glass. “I’ve had a pig of a day and all because they weren’t prepared for me. It was almost a complete waste of time.”

“Well, I’ll go and finish dinner and you can come down when you’re ready.”

“OK love, I’ll see you in a minute.”

Amanda returned to her kitchen and finished the preparations just as Peter came downstairs. She poured him another glass of wine and they both sat down to a delicious lasagne topped off with profiteroles and ice cream. And of course, a few more glasses of wine. Afterwards she cuddled up to him on the sofa and they both settled into a warm glow and comfortable silence. Amanda stoodred and sat up.

“Peter, I have something to show you but you must promise not to peek.”

“OK.” He smiled and leant back and closed his eyes.

Amanda ran upstairs and quickly took off her dress. She then took a wide red ribbon from her drawer and tied it in a large bow about her neck. She examined herself in the full-length mirror in their bedroom and made some minor adjustments. She was wearing black skimpy underwear. The bra was half cup that showed her nipples and her knickers were the thong type with just a thin triangle covering herpubes and a string between the cheats of her bottom, which was bare and exposed. She also wore sheer black stockings held up by a black lacy garter belt. The whole ensemble was trimmed in red satin and the effect was stunning even if she did think so herself. As she returned to the living room she pinched and twisted her nipples to make them hard and erect.

“Are you ready?” She called.

“Yes and I’ve got my eyes closed.”

Amanda walked into the room and stood by the doorframe leaning back against it. One arm was held high to stretch her breasts and force them out and up.

“OK. You can open your eyes.”

Peter blinked and stared at her unbelievingly. She swayed wantonly against the door and then slowly slide down until she was crawling across the room to him on all fours. He stared and said nothing. The blood pounded in his ears and he could feel a tightening in his chest. His anger grew at what he saw as a lewd display fit more for a whorehouse than his own living room. Amanda saw the anger in his eyes and recognized immediately that she’d made a big mistake. Peter stood up and exploded.

“What in God’s name do you think you’re doing!” He shouted at her.

She shrank back and attempted to cover her nakedness from his hostile reaction. All thought of a slow and warm dispatch vanished instantly.

“You look like a whore! Go and get dressed properly! How many times have I told you that this dirty sex is wrong and unhealthy! I don’t want my wife being like a common tart!” He ranted and his anger grew.

“You’re wrong darling…” Amanda tried to reason with him.

“Don’t interrupt me! Get out and get dressed!”

Amanda ran upstairs bursting into tears and locked herself in the bathroom. She couldn’t look at herself in the mirror. She tore off her lingerie and washed her face clean of makeup. She put on her bathrobe and then slumped down on the toilet seat sobbing. There was no sound from Peter. She eventually went tobed where she saw that Peter was curled up in bed sleeping like a baby. Amanda couldn’t sleep that night and the next morning Peter was cold and aloof. He didn’t speak to her and went off to work without a word. All this happened two days before she noticed Terry and a week before she’d appeared naked at her door. During that time Peter hardly spoke to her and her frustration grow.

Her affairs with Terry progressed rapidly to a regular weekly fuck and within a few short weeks she’d became addicted to his visits. She had also lost control of the situation and instead of using him to satisfy her cravings he was using her in more and more sadistic ways. In short he was a brute who took what he wanted, when he wanted, and how he wanted. He would fuck her hard and fast and brutally, leaving her sore and torn from his treatment. He very quickly started to spank her before bending her over and fucking her on her knees like a dog. Every time he did this he would ream his thumb into her arse and plumge it in and out in time to his pelvic thrusts. His language also became coarse and obscene, not that it was ever free of obscenities, but he would call her filthy manes and make her repeat them and admit that she was a ‘fucking slut’ a ‘filthy whore’ and a ‘dirty cunt’. But still she could not get enough of him.

Finally things came to a point where she made the decision to stop the affair. The cause of this was Terry’s last visit. As usual she was waiting for him half-naked. Her stomach churned and just the thought of him caused her nipples to swell and harden and she could feel the wetness between her legs. She heard the noise of him returning her wheelie-bin and moments later the kitchen door was flung open and Terry stood in the doorway larger than life. He strode across to her and grabbed her hair at the back of her head and pulled her forward to kiss her roughly.

“Hello my little bitch.” He said, “Are you ready for me?”

He accompanied his question byHis hand roughly feeling between her legs. In spite of her growing revulsion at his courage she couldn’t help herself responding. She opened her legs and pushed her groin into his probing hand, which by now had thrust two dirty fingers into her wet snatch.

“Fuckin’ hell! You’re dripping cunt juice like a leaky tap.”

He kissed her again, rasping his unshaven jaw across her mouth. He released her head and turned her around against the kitchen table. Pushing her forward to lean across it he lifted her dress and exposed her bare bum. With one hand holding her shoulders hard against the table he slapped her bum four times with his free hand. Terry was a big strong man and Amanda was half his weight and size. His slaps on her arse stung like fire but her desire increased with each slap.

“How do you like that cunt?”

She didn’t answer so he slapped her again.

“Answer me you fuckin’ whore! I said how do you like a good slapping?”

“Yes…I like it!” Amandaanswered, finally admitting to herself that the spanking made her desire grow with each slap. Terry’s response was to slap her again and again until each chef of her bum glowed red and hot. His palm prints stood out red and swollen against her pale skin.

“I’ve got a little treat for you today bitch. I’m going to fuck your arse, bugger you, ream your dirty little shithole until you scream for mercy!”

“No…please…no don’t do that, not my bum, please I’ll do anything else!”

Amanda was horrified and struggled anew against his hand holding her down, but she pleased to deaf ears. With his free hand Terry undid his trousers and released his turgid cock. Taking a small jar of Vaseline from his pocket he popped the lid and spread the grease liberally over the head of his prick. Then he dipped his finger in the jar and scooped up a large dollar and spread that in and over her arsehole. She struggled and tried to clamp her legs shut but he was too strong, even with one hand.Standing behind her he pressed the tip of his price against her arse and slowly slip the head in. He teased it in and out with just the head until he felt the resistance of her sphincter muscle. Pressing forward steadily and ignoring Amanda’s continued begging for him to stop, he pushed the head of his cock past the sphincter and held in steady.

“Relax my little fuck-slut. Enjoy it. Who knows, you might get like it.”

Amanda had stopped her struggle and resigned herself to the inevitable, she relaxed just as Terry thrust forward and buried his shake deep in her rectum. Despite her relaxation she screamed with pain as her sphincter stretched rapidly with Terry’s assault. He ignored her cries and began to fuck her arse steadily and powerfully. Every so often he would slap her cheek in time to his fucking. His climax built rapidly with the sensings of a her tightness gripping his shaft as it slide in and out until with an animal growl he shot his spunk deep into her bowels.He continued to bugger her with decreasing intensity as his erection shrank and he pulled out of her arse.

“Fuck me darlin’, that was somethin’ else! What a tight arse!” He leant against her and rubbed his soiled cock across her bum.

Amanda lay quiet on the table recovering from the pain in her rectum and the degradation of the anal rape. She made her decision there and then that this was the last time Terry would use her. It had to stop she decided. Terry fastened his clothes and with a final slap to her bottom left her. At the door he turned.

“See you next week slut, maybe I’ll bugger you again.”

She slowly stood up and went upstairs to clean up. Her bottom was very sore which made her walk wide legged. She felt his spunk dribbling down the inside of her thighs. She went into the bathroom and started the Shower. She took off her dress and climbed into the bath and stood under the hot water closing her eyes. She began to relax as she soaped herself and gingerly cleaned her sore bottom.

For the next week her resolve strengthened to halt her affairs with Terry but she knew that a face-to-face confrontation would end up with him laughing at her and then he’d beat her and fuck her anyway. And so on the day he was due she went out and left him a note telling him that she didn’t want to see him again and that their affairs was over. She stayed out for four or five hours until she could be sure that he was long gone. When she returned home she found the note crumpled up on the floor. He’d obviously read it and she breathed a sight of relief that she’d finally done it.

For the next two weeks, on the day Terry was due, she would go out of the house to avoid seeing him or have him confront her. On the third week she didn’t go out but watched Terry from the upstairs window. He appeared perfectly normal and didn’t give her house a second glance. He had fucked her for as long as she was available and now that she was not he’d dismissed her fromhis thoughts. Or so she thought.

Later that afternoon she was sitting at her kitchen table with her afternoon cup of coffee when the door burst open and Terry and another man stroke in. She jumped to her feet knocking the chair over as she stood up.

“What are you doing here? Get out of my house now or I’ll call the police!”

“Shut your fucking mouth bitch!” Terry said. “You’re not doing anything unless we say so.” He reached forward and ripped the front of her dress open exposing her bare breasts.

“There you are Brian,” He said to his companion, “didn’t I tell you the little slut would be naked. Don’t believe a word of what she says, this little cunt is gagging for it.” He pulled her towards him and shoved her at Brian.

“Feel her up, I bet she’ll soon get wet when she feels those thick fingers of yours rubbing her twat.”

Brian ripped the rest of her dress open and shoved his hand between her legs. Amanda swung her arm and smoked his face.

“OhOh, we have a little hellcat here Terry.” He said. “”I reckon that’s a sure sign of a little goer, what says you we have a little fun?”

“Fuckin’ right mate. Now listen to me you bitch. We’re gonna have some fun and there’s nothin’ you can do about it. I know and you know that you enjoy a little bit of rough and that’s what you’re getting, so shut the fuck up and enjoy it!”


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