What seems like an eternity but was actually a short 6 years I could tell my marriage was having problems. I didn’t think it was in trouble but I knew Cindy and I needed to communicate.
What precipitated things was that I was always preoccupied with work and either didn’t listen to her concerns, didn’t take them seriously, or prepared to hear what she was trying so hard to tell me. My lack of attention to my marriage had consequences.
For starters, my wife appeared to have lost her mojo. She was letting herself go, her once curvaceous figure was on the decline and that caused her to lose her confidence.
She used to love to prepare lavish meals, candles, the works. That stopped. The house was dusty and wine bottles filled the garbage can. Her once pride of ownership vanished as she spiraled downward.
I knew I had to take action.
We sat down one night and I asked what she thought the problem was.
“I’m bored johnnie. Bored out of my mind. I sit around this huge house you insisted on and eat, drink, and watch TV. Look at me. Look how much weight I’ve gained.”
You need to understand that Cindy had no need to work. I made more than enough to keep us on the upper tier of the middle-class. And yes, she was right when she said I insisted on buying the big Mac Mansion. One has to make a good impression.
“Why not get a gym membership or take up a hobby, sweetheart?”
She thought about that for a minute or two before telling me that she already had started therapy. “I just needed someone to tell me to get off my ass.”
“When did this start?”
With an almost shy look, Cindy admitted that she’d only just began. “Yesterday was the first session. I have another one next week.”
In Just a few visits I could see the positive results. Cin started to pay attention to her appearance, her attire, and her long strawberry blonde hair again. “I see how well your therapist is doing babe. You look great.”
“You haveto meet her, johnnie. She’s divine; absolutely wonderful.”
“Uh huh,” I said bored. I had no reason nor interest in meeting her doctor or whatever she was. I was just wondering when our sex life would pick back up.
“That’s exactly why I want you to meet Ms. Siobon, johnnie. She can help us with that.”
It came as a surprise when arrival home one evening a couple week later I saw a black Mercedes SL500 in my driveway. I had no idea whose it was but figured it was a friend of Cindy’s.
Nothing could have prepared me for what I encountered upon entering my home.
I loosened my tie and wandered into the living room expecting to find my wife entering a friend of hers. What I saw was most unexpected.
My wife was kneeing beside a tall black woman. Tall? She had to be 6’6″ or better. Cindy was naked but for a leather collar around her neck which had a leash attached to it that her “friend’ held.
The woman standing before me was stunningly beautiful.Instant hard-on material. She was wearing a corset with open cups that held her large breasts displaying them as the work of art they are. She wore no underwear and I saw a glistening pussy completely shacked. Her wide hips, big round bottom, and sturdy legs were milk chocolate in color and well-proportioned for her height.
On her feet were impossiblely high siletto heels on either real leather or patent leather boots that went up over her knees. There must have been 24 pair of brass eyes through which the boots were laced.
My eyes traveled from her breasts to her feet and back up. She had a serious expression on her face though a hint of mirth in her eyes. She knew she surprised me with her presence but my arrival had not surprised her.
Long shiny black hair covered her broad shoulders. Her hazel eyes appreciated me. Her bright red lips curled into a smile; a confident smile that had a “don’t fuck with me” regretness to it.
“So this is the pig,? the black woman spat.
“What the hell is going on here?”
I hadn’t noticed the riding crop in her other hand before she hit me in my balls with it.
Groaning in pain, I held my abused balls and sunk to my knees. “What the fuck, bitch? I ought to call the cops.”
The force with which she slapped me sounded like a rifle shot. “You, pig, may address me as Mistress or Mistress Siobon. Do you understand?”
“Fuck that and fuck you,” I yelled.
She slapped me again. What’s my name, pig?”
I saw her raise her hand as if to administrator another blow, “Mistress,” I answered quickly.
“Very good, pig. We’re making progress.”
I looked at my wife for an explanation, something to let me know what the hell was going on. I saw or noticed for the first time that she had her long lovely hair cropped. It looked as though she had a buzz cut. “Baby, your hair?”
The room was silent for a few seconds before Mistress Siobon gave my wife permission to speak.
“Please johnnie, I need this. I needed Mistress to snap me out of the donrums I was in. Her only requirement for her guidance is complete obedience which I have pledged. My mind, body, and soul are hers, johnnie; hers alone.”
“I don’t follow Cin. What about me? Where are we headed? Divorce?”
“No pig,” Mistress snarled. “You will not abandon the slut you have married. The choices are simple, even for a stupid white boy like you. You may stay married and join your slut wife in service to me or stay married and miss out on the satisfaction and reward that come from serving me well.”
“I uh, what?”
“Slut cindy told me you were an intelligent pig. I see she was mistaken.”
“No. I uh. This is all a surprise to me.”
“Pardon me?”
“This is all a surprise to me, Mistress.”
“Mistress,” I said embarrassed at my delay.
“Perhaps a demonstration is in order.”
I watched as Mistress Siobon led Cindy over to my recliner where Mistress sat and spread her long sexy legs. “Begin, slut.”
“Mistress Siobon, your slut wishes to pleasure your treasured cunt Ma’am. Please allow your most humble serve to serve you.”
Mistress Siobon was looking at me in triumph, a cruel smile on her beautiful face as she tugged on the leash. It was apparently the permission Cindy was looking for.
I was still on my knees, Not 15 feet away watching and listening to the sounds of my wife, my lovely, caring wife make oral love to Mistress’ cunt.
Mistress Siobon maintained eye contact with me as she began to respond to Cindy’s efforts. I saw her hips move forward, grinding on Cin’s face. She took the riding crop in the same hand in which she held the leash and used her now free hand to pull my wife’s face into her crotch, humping and fucking Cindy’s eager mouth.
“This slut loves eating my cunt, pig. I bet right now you wish you could change places with your whore wife. Am I right?”
From my position I could see the red welts on Cindy’s bare bottom. Welts I was sure were left by the sting of that evil riding crop. The sting which I had so painfully experienced. The sudden realization did nothing to diminish my erection.
“I asked you a question, pig. Am I right? Do you not wish to change places with your wife? To taste the honey that flows from my loins, to know the joy that comes with pleasure your Mistress?”
I was unable to answer her. So over taken by these unexpected and never before experienced events, I was left speechless.
Mistress Siobon smiled, “Just like a stupid pig.”
I watched, helpless to intervene as Mistress ground out her orgasm on my wife’s face. “That’s my good slut,” she told my wife away. “Go kiss the stupid white boy. Let him taste me on your lips, my pet.”
Mistress Siobon watched me intently to gage my reaction. Cin crawled over to me and kissed me hard, forcing her tongue in my mouth. I tasted the musky sweet pussy juice sheshared with me. Our eyes met as she ground her mouth against mine.
“The pig likes it. I knew he would slut. You white people love the taste of black pussy. Can’t resist it. That’s why you make the best pets.”
To say I was astonished would be a gross understatement. Still at a loss for words I knelt and watched this Amazonian woman grab a piece of leather that was more a wrap than a skirt. She buttoned it around her wait, pulled on a leather vest without bothering to button it. Then she walked over to me.
I couldn’t look at her. My head was bowed, not in respect but fear of what might happen next.
I felt the leather crop under my chin, tilting my head up so she could look down on my face. “Think about my offer white boy. Talk with your whore wife, my pet slut. If you wish to join her, the slut has my email address.”
“What do I have to do and what’s in it for me?”
“Foolish boy. This is not a negotiation. It is either yes Mistress or no Mistress. Nothing more and nothing less.”
With that she walked out the door, tall proud, confident, and so fucking sexy. That leather wrap she wore as a skirt covered barely half her wide round ass. She couldn’t care less who might see her nakedness. Mistress Siobon knew what she had to offer. She also knew that no one, absolutely no one in their right mind would try to take it unless it was offered. Such pride and confidence was new to me.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Please johnnie. Let me explain. Mistress Siobon has given me purpose and direction honey. For the first time in years, I feel appreciated.”
“Appreciated,?” I repeated her words. “How about used? How about that? And what did you do to your hair? Cindy. What the fuck? What did you think I would say or do? What do you expect me to do?”
“Mistress said you’d act like this. She was right.”
“Are you shitting me?”
“If you’re going to act like this, I see no point on trying to talk to you.”
She gotup and walked out of the room. The red welts on her ass were fading.
When at last I was able to gather my senses, I got up and went to the kitchen. Taking a glass with me, I went to my liquor cabinet and poured a stiff bourbon. “What the fuck,?” was all I could think. “My wife is suddenly a lesbian?”
I took the bottle with me and went back to my recliner. The same recliner Mistress Siobon sat in While my wife ate her pussy.
The darkness settled in around me as night fall. My mind turned from ending my marriage to the big woman, that big sexy ass, the wide hips, huge breasts, sensitive lips. I knew I’d never forget watching her walk out with half her ass showing from under that short leather what-ever-you-want to-call-it.
My dick was hard and I rubbed it from the outside of my pants.
“Come to bed darling,” my wife started me out of my thoughts and bit of reverie.
No dinner, stiff drinks, I was ready for bed.
I lay down next to the woman I thoughtht I know.
“I love you, johnnie. What happened this evening has nothing to do with my love for you. I swear that to you.”
“What I’d like to know, Cin. What I want to know is how long have you been a lesbian?”
She giggled but stopped when she realized there no humor in my question.
“I’m not a lesbian, johnnie. I belong to Mistress Siobon, as her pet, her slave.”
“How did this happen. I mean, what? One day you decided you needed some black woman to beat you?”
“It’s not beating, johnnie. It’s training and it’s okay. She’s training me to be the best I can be; for me and for her.”
“So what?”
“Tell me how this happened.”
“I told you I was depressed, that I was going to get help. Well, Mistress Siobon was the psychologist I went to see.”
“And you’re her slave, just like that?”
“Are you going to keep interrupting me?”
“So I go to see her, visit her office. It’s like the usual therapist patient atfirst. But, as you may have noticed, Mistress Siobon is very beautiful and extremely sexy. I noticed it right off and she saw that in me immediately.”
“She came around from behind her desk and sat across from me. Very close but not touching or anything like that.”
“She began asking me why I was there and I told her. I explained that I felt I had no purpose, no direction, that I was letting myself go, eating a lot, drinking during the day. Things that she found important to learn about me.”
“Okay, so she’s empathetic. It’s her job, Cin. Not to coerce you into eating her pussy, cutting your hair, pledging yourself.”
“Damn you, johnnie. You’re pissing me off. Please listen and try, johnnie, try to keep an open mind. Damn.”
I apologized again and promised I’d listen.
“The more I poured my heart out the more I felt indebted to her. You never listen. Now I understand that you’re preoccupied with work and all but you don’t listen to me. You don’t hear me. She does.”
“Our weekly visits became twice weekly. Over time I guess they call it transference, but I began to have feelings for her. Feelings, johnnie she sensed.”
“You love her?”
“No. Not like that. She pulled me out of a very dark place and I was very grateful. After one visit, as I was preparing to leave, Mistress Siobon came over to me and hugged me. You saw how tall she is, right? Well, she held my head to her breasts. The way she smelled, clean like soap with a touch of cologne. She was not wearing a bra and I could feel her nipples against my face. It was intotoxicating and I felt so good, so safe being held by her, johnnie, I swear I did.”
“Mistress tilted my up face to hers and just like that, she kissed me. At first it was Just a quick kiss on my lips and done. But I kissed her back and harder and we were soon sharing tongues.”
“I remembered moaning when I feel her hands caresing me, my back, my bottom.”
“We broke away from each other and she told me she had a cure, she had what I needed to give me purpose, direction, and guidance and asked me did I really want that.”
“I nodded, johnnie, like a little girl, I nodded.”
“She told me to remove my clothes which I hesitated to do at first. “I don’t have time for half stepping white girls, Cindy,” she scolded me. So I removed my clothes. She circled me, inspecting me, criticalizing my weight gain, the softness of my muscles. Her hands were all over me, touching me in my private places. It was turning me on, johnnie. I was putty in her hands. She is so dark sexy.”
“She had me spread my legs as far apart as I could and bend over placing my hands on the floor. I felt so exposed with my bottom sticking up in the air like that. She ran her fingers across my butt and Then stroked my cunt which was responding. Oh God, johnnie, I have never felt the way I was feeling then. Never. My insides were trembling, I felt helpless, vulnerable, and I knew I could depend on Mistress Siobon to keep me safe.”
I was getting a hard-on again hearing how this beautiful Amazonian seduced my wife. Cindy noticed and fished it out of my boxes. “This turns you on, huh? Well that’s how I feel.”
“She went to the sofa and sat down. She held her hand out and said come to me, pet. I took a step but Mistress stopped me. Not like that, bitch. Crawl. Crawl to me like a good pet.”
“I did it, johnnie. For some reason I can’t explain, I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled to Mistress Siobon. Once I was at her feet, she held her hand out to me again. I took it. She helped me to stand, then positioned me across her wide tights that showed from under her short skirt. She does wear short skirts, doesn’t she?”
Without waiting for my reply, Cindy continued. “Anyway, once she had me across her lap, she caressed my backside some more. By then I was soaking wet down there, you know. She told me she was going to spank me. Spank me. Me, an adult. When I asked whaty, she explained to me that I was the kind of individual who would respond positively to discline. She fingered me, johnnie. Her long finger nails were driving me crazy as she played with my cunt and scraped her nails on my clip. It wasn’t long before I asked her to spank me.”
“The thought of this beautiful woman spanking me made me vey hot, very wet. She had me beg for it, which I did. Then it started, johnnie. She’s real strong and she gave me such a spanking. The pain was real and the spanking continued. I thrashed about. I wailed and groaned, and then the strangest thing. The pain began to warm my bottom. I could feel it tingling in my pussy. Mistress knew what I was feeling. She’s done this before, you know?”
“She spread my legs and began to slap my pussy which was already on fire. It’s a good thing her room is sound proof. I waited like a banshee, moaning through several of the most intense orgasms I have ever had. I arched my back urging her to target my cunt, johnnie. My cunt. Mistress Siobon says white bitches like me have cunts.”
“I came so many times, I nearly passed out. When Mistress was finished with my training, she pushed me onto the floor at her feet. I grabbed her ankles; I was crying like a baby. I kissed her feet, johnnie. I really did. I felt her moving above me and saw she had her skirt hiked up. She wasn’t wearing panties. God, but her pussy looked inviting. I’d never done anything like I did then, johnnie. I swear I never have before. But at that moment it seemed like the thing I needed to do, to show her my appreciation, my gratitude for the best orgasms I ever had.”
I waited for my wife to go on. She was playing with my erection. “You like hearing this, don’t you? You’re hard hearing how your wife became Mistress Siobon’s slut. Tell me husband. Tell Mistress’ slut you like hearing this.”
I almost came, right then. “Yessssss,” I hissed. “Yes, Cin, I like hearing about her making you her slut.”
“I tasted pussy for the first time in her office, kneeing on the floor, johnnie. I knelt there with my face between her big thighs and lapped at her pussy. God but it’s sweet. Mistress humped and fucked my face just like you saw today, johnnie. She fucked my face and I let her. I held her big firm buttocks and held on, licking as she fucked.”
“Oooh, God, I’m cumming.” And I blew my load all the way up to my chin.
My wife giggled and wiped her hand off on my chest. I went to the bathroom to clean myself. I took a piss and put on clean boxes. Cin was waiting for me when I returned.
“Want to hear the rest?”
“No time like the present,” I said without feeling it. The orgasm, the bourbon, the lack of a real meal, I was washed out.
“Mistress Siobon ignored me while I dressed, writing things down in her notebook book. When I was about to leave, she came to me and hugged me again. “There are new rules for pets, Cindy. You do want to be Mistress’ pet, don’t you?”
“I got slapped like you did. When she asked if I wanted to be her pet I said, I’d love to but needed to speak with you first. That’s when she slapped me, johnnie.”
“She slapped you because you needed to speak with me? That bitch. I’ll …”
“No, johnnie. She slapped me for not calling her Mistress. The same reason she slapped you.”
“Yeah, maybe. But she hit me in my balls with that crop too.”
“She told me she was going to lightly tap you on your balls only to get your undivided attention. It worked too,” Cindy giggled, remembering how that rap in the nuts dropped me to my knees.
“Anyway, for starters Mistress said I was to shake my body completely. “Pets don’t have hair,” she explained. I was to stop wearing panties and bras altogether. She said that sluts like me love to show off our bodies. I don’t know if you noticed but I am wearing shorter skirts, tighter pants and spanx, and no underwear.”
“Really? No. You’re right. I hadn’t noticed. Some black woman, albeit a beautiful one has you eating her pussy and exhibiting yourself?”
Again my wife giggled. “It is pretty nasty. I know that. But johnnie, I have never felt so free, so excited all the time.”
I was trying to wrap my head around what I was hearing. I mean it did sound sexy and it had been a while since Cindy had been this happy. She was back to her old self again. On one hand that made me happy but I had my doubts about her becoming someone’s sex slave.
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