A week after the failed lunch with Siobon, my sex life with the Mrs. was better than ever. Seeing Cindy dressed in sexy and/or revealing clothes turned us both on. Me for seeing her like that; Cindy for exposing herself the way she was. It was win / win.
She kept her hair closely cut and even dyed it what I call “road stripe yellow”. I was beginning to find it exotic. She had also begun wearing Large hoop earnings, earnings suggested by her Mistress. It was easy to see that Siobon’s Afrocentrism was rubbing off on my wife, which I found a little strange and kind of arousing. Still, I had my misgivings about where it might lead her.
Three times a week, usually Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and Saturday nights, Cindy would be with her Mistress. And three times a week, she’d come home with her bottom red from the spankings she craved and her face glazed and flavored by Siobon’s pussy. She would always make sure to kiss me after her session, the taste of pussy on her lips, if only to remind me of what I was missing out on by my refusal to join her in service to her Mistress.
How could I permit this? I ask you; how could I stop it? She’s a grown woman, my wife. Cindy is free to do what she wants….. within reason. I have limits but not many with regard to her. I love her so very much. And from what I saw, although it isn’t my cup of tea, her sessions with her Mistress were not only good for Cindy but for me as well.
She left me at home Saturday afternoon, headed to her Mistress. As is her usual, Cindy was wearing the least amount of clothing the law would allow. Stretchy hot pink lycra shorts that showed her every nose and cranny and half her butt The tube top allowed her breasts to jiggle freely as she walked in ridiculously high heels.
She looked like a street walking whore which drive me crazy.
I was rubbing my erection watching her dive off in the Porsche Cayenne. She was as happy and excited as I’ve ever seen her. Our home-life together, when she wasn’t out eating pussy and being spanked until she climaxed was great. Still, I had my concerns, but in the back of my mind I was still toying with the idea of joining her, if only to see Cindy and Mistress in action.
When she got back home several hours later, my wife was pretty animated in her excited rush to tell me about her latest experience. “Oh My God, johnnie. Mistress used a cat o nine on me. It was better than the spanking she used to warm me up. She had me lay on the floor naked, of course. I was on my back, my hips propped up with pillows. Mistress Siobon had me spread my legs and used her cat on my cunt.
“The only reason no one called the cops was because the screams I made were muffled by Mistress’s pussy. She was squatting over my face having me eat her sweet pussy while she made me cum so hard and so many times. The last time I came, I actually squirted, johnnie. I squirted for the first time in my life.”
Hearing that, I did what any caring husband would do. I carried my wife to the bedroom, gently removed the hot pink stretch shorts and tenderly licked her cunt, her word, until she had one last orgasm for that day.
After I made her cum, we lay side by side, Cindy blissfully relating how exciting it was for her with Mistress’ other pets watching. My hard-on was painful and Cindy watched me masturbate while she told me of her latest erotic encounter.
Over Sunday morning coffee my wife told me she knew I had lunch with Mistress Siobon. “She told me you said you wouldn’t fool around with her because you didn’t want to cheat on me. I can’t tell you how wonderful that made me feel, johnnie. And Mistress said that upon hearing that from you, she now respects you more than before.”
“Yet she would love to use her crop on me and watch me suck a black man.”
“She would, johnnie. You allowing her to do that to you is the sign of submission she wants from her pets.”
“That and making me a homo.”
“Not at all. She told you that she expects us to remain married, that she doesn’t want to interfere with our marriage. She calls it pushing one to their limits and beyond.”
“Let me ask you something without you thinking I’m ridiculing you.”
“How did you feel that first time and every time after that eating her pussy?”
“Like I Surrendered to my Queen, babe. There’s a rush doing something that is or was so out of character. Humiliation is a small part of it. You have to remember, she saved me from God knows what. Humility is a large part of it for me. I feel or am humble in her presence. It’s difficult to explain it, johnnie. But since I began submitting to her, I feel important. I felt wanted. And believe me when I Say this. I feel grateful for having her in my life.”
“I feel more alive when performing oral on her. When others are there to witness my devotion to Mistress, it makes me want to prove it all the more. When I am naked before myMistress, it is how I should be. My body and mind lay naked for her to see her creation, me, her pet in all my glory.”
“So if I said I wanted you to stop seeing her, would you?”
“Please don’t, johnnie. Please don’t make me choose. Either way, I’d come out the loser.”
“You know what she told me over that lunch?” Without waiting for her answer, I told my wife exactly what her Mistress said she could do.
“She said she could have you fucking black men for money. Dancing in a strip club if she wanted you to do that. She bragged about the power she has over you, hon, bragged about it. She even said she could have you making porn flicks.”
“That’s when I left. That she could do that to you or rather have you do those things upset me. Please tell me you wouldn’t do them if she asked or told you to.”
I sat waiting for her response. I could see my wife was formulating her answer and it was taking her a long time. Hopefully she’s considering how little her Mistress thinks of her.
After too long a pause in the conversation Cindy rose and started to walk away. I watched her leaving the room but she stopped just short of the door and turned to me. “Would it be so bad if I did those things? johnnie, would you hate me, dividend me if Mistress Siobon had me sleep with black men?”
“Sleep? Is that what she called it?”
Cindy’s eyes grew hard as she looked at me. “Are you really that insecure? And no, she didn’t call it sleeping with them. Mistress said she may one day soon share my cunt, johnnie, my cunt and hers, with her lovers. You have heard her call me her slut, her whose white wife. She has others. Others she calls the same things only their husbands are with them, johnnie. They’re with their wives instead of staying home beating their meat or weeping and feeling sorry for themselves.”
“Her receptionist, johnnie, remember her? Well let me tell you something about her and her husband. They both serve Mistress Siobon. Bothof them. You saw her, right? She looks so prim and proper, right? Wanna know something?”
“Tell me.”
“Her name is Rita and she is a slut. She’s a real slut and loves it. Mistress allows her to fuck Mistress’ lovers and lets her husband watch. Know what else? She no longer has sex; I mean she no longer fucks her husband and he doesn’t mind. In fact, he prefers it that way. They both do. Want to know who her husband is? Do you?”
Without waiting for me to reply, Cindy broke the news to me. “He’s the mayor. He’s the God damned mayor of this city. And he lets his wife do as she pleases or do whatever Mistress tells her to do. But more than that, he too does what Mistress Siobon tells him. He has been her pet longer than his wife.”
“And I guess that means that I should go along with and allow all that too?”
“Allow that?” Cindy gave me a dismissive look. “What I do with my cunt is my business. Mine and when I’m with her, my cunt is Mistress Siobon’s business. Letthat sink in for a minute.”
I sat stunned by the forceful attitude Cindy showed me. Clearly, she was more confident and independent than ever, not to mention assertive. But it was too early to see whether those were positive changes or not.
“And you know what else dear husband of mine? I have seen Mistress’ lovers naked and close up as she trains me. I have seen their cocks, johnnie, their big dark cocks and yes, damn you, I have been tempted. I’ve watched them fuck Rita. I’ve seen how they make her feel, make her cum, fill her cunt with big hard, black cocks. Cocks bigger than yours. I’ve watched with envy when she is sucking them. The look on her face, johnnie, that look when she has a cock deep in her throat is one of sweet bliss. One more thing. If she wasn’t past her prime child bearing age, she would love to get pregnant by those black cocks.”
“And pm is right there helping her.”
“Who is PM?”
“Piggy mayor. That’s what Mistress calls him. PM.”
“So it’s all about sexual fetishes then.”
“No. Yeah. Maybe. While sex is a big part of the scenes Mistress like to put on, submission is what it’s all about for her and those of us who serve her. Submitting to her, giving her the power, giving her my body. Accepting the training I receive from Mistress as her gift to me. You could be more dominant with me but you don’t have that in you. That’s why you should join me. Mistress knows you aren’t the dominating type, johnnie. You’re more submissive than you know. She knows it and I know it. The only one who doesn’t know it is you.”
She left the room but came back a few seconds later. “Here she said handing me a jewel case. There’s a DVD Mistress wanted me to share with you.”
I opened the case and saw that Siobon had inserted a note. “johnnie,” it read. “I know you’ll love seeing your slut wife in action. But more importantly, I want you to see pm in action. Watch his face when his wife is serving me and my black men. Lookin his eyes, they’ll tell you everything about his feelings during this scene. Imagine that he is you. You are him. It can be you, johnnie, kneeing beside your loving bride like pm is doing, as she sucks one black cock after another. See how hard he is wishing he had my permission to jerk off. Praying for me to show him goal and let him tug on his inferior dick while his wife is used like the slut she long to be. Cindy, johnnie, your wife, the love of your life has a slut in her too. It’s true, pig. She has a slut inside of her who wishes to be free. Free to give herself to big cocks, johnnie, big black cocks, and to be trained, spanked, whipped, and displayed for all to see her grovel at my feet. Come with her johnnie. Come join my pets. Let Mistress Siobon train you. Come to me piggie and beg me to accept you as mine. You and I know both you want to feel the sweet sting of my riding crop.
Mistress Siobon.”
I shivered at the thought and crumbled that note and tossed it into the trash can. I almost tossed the DVD too but curiosity got the better of me. But I would not watch it alone. I would insist that my wife watch it with me. I want to see the look on her when she’s faced with her indiscretions.
The video began with a message from Mistress Siobon. “This is a copy write video and not for publication nor reproduction. It is solely for use by the intended viewer.”
Damn but she’s sexy. The opening had the camera panning the room. There was my wife, naked and kneeing beside the equally beautiful Rita. Beside her was pm and his erect penis.
Mistress strode over to those kneeing, her riding crop slapping against her hand. She wore a white lacy body suit. The tight garment went from her ankles to her neck with opening for her breasts, her pussy, and big beautiful round ass.
Stopping in front of the mayor she stared down at him, venom in her eyes. “Stand, pm.”
He stood facing his Mistress, his head bowed, his boss pointingat her. “This won’t do at all,” Siobon said just before whacking his dick with the crop.
pm fell to his knees groaning in pain and holding his dick, “Thank you Mistress,” he said in a weak voice.
“Move your hands pm.”
He did as his Mistress told him and we could see his had lost his erection. “That’s much better you pervert,” Siobon spat. “Pigs with bosses are disgusting to me.”
“Yes Mistress. This pig apologizes.”
The women, Cindy and Rita had seen what happened and said nothing nor did they move.
I looked at my wife watching the video beside me. She was glued to the screen.
Two large black men sauntered in. Well-built and naked. I was impressed by the familiar manner in which approached pm’s wife. Large cocks in her face, Rita looked to her Mistress for permission to act.
My wife was transferred on those two big cocks.
“You may, begin, slut Rita,” Siobon’s voice came from somewhere out of the scene.
Rita wasted no time. Grabbing both cocks, she went from one to the other licking and sucking. Cin had been right. The look on Rita’s face was blissful.
pm, once again holding his aching dick watched his wife. I could tell he was proud of the way she handled those two cocks. But there was something else in his eyes. I couldn’t quite pin point it but was it lust, maybe?
“Come slut.”
I saw Cin crawl to her Mistress on her hands and knees.
“On your back slut.”
Cin did as directed. Beside me, I could hear her breathing became labored.
“Put your whore ass on the pillows. Good. Now place both feet flat on the floor and spread your knees.”
I watched as Siobon moved behind my wife’s head. In her hand was a cat o nine.
As Mistress Siobon settled on my wife’s face, she began to use the whip on Cin’s very exposed cunt.
My wife’s hands held her Mistress’s ass as she performed oral sex on the sexy woman. Then Siobon began using the whip on my wife’s cunt.
Cindy’s muffled screams and moans could be heard coming from between Siobon’s thighs as she thrashed about under the whip.
Targeting my wife’s clip, the cat turned Cindy’s shacked cunt red and it was apparent that it was driving my wife mad. I watched her hips rise and fall, hungry for the taste of the leather straps. Over the next several minutes, Mistress Siobon used her cat expertly as my wife had orgasm after orgasm. It was only after my wife squirted did Siobon end the whipping.
“Fuck me, johnnie. Fuck me here, right here, right now.”
I paused the video and pulled my pants down over my erect dick. We fucked on the kitchen floor; right there, right then.
“God but that was good,” I said to Cin.
“It turns you on to see me like that doesn’t it? You could be there, johnnie. You could have a ring-side seat. Not only could you see and hear, but you could participate. Please baby. I want you to be with me so bad. Mistress would love for you to join me as her pet.”
“Look, I have to admit that watching what I saw is hot. I mean it. But honey, I don’t think I’m ready. I don’t think that I want her or anyone else, for that matter, to hit my dick with a riding crop.”
“See? You missed the whole point. You don’t understand how it works. pm likes it. He likes the pain and Mistress only gives him what he wants and needs. You hear him thank her after she smacked his dick. If you don’t want her to hit you like that, be up front about it. Tell her.”
“She said there are no negotiations,” sweetheart.
“She says that but with me and everyone else, she needs to know up front what you will and won’t do. You’ll agree on a safe word which, once you say it will end the session just like that,” She told me snapping her fingers.
“You have a safe word? What is it, if I may ask?”
“You won’t laugh, will you? It’s Scheherazade from A Thousand and One Nights.”
“Really? Who came up with that?”
“Mistress Siobon did. She loves Rimsky-Korsakov.”
“Look Cin, this is a huge step for me. I love that Siobon has been great for you. I mean that with all my heart. I love you and that’s with all my heart too. But you and I both know what she’ll insist on having me do and I’m not ready for that.”
“You mean suck a cock? It’s not so bad. Look at the rest of the video she sent you. Watch pm do his thing. He’s not gay. Not at all. But he is obedient, johnnie and that’s what Mistress wants from you. Obedience coupled with discipline has done wonders for me. If you don’t like it, you can quit at any time.”
I hadn’t thought about that. The quitting part never entered my thoughts. I don’t know why but I guess I was just hung up on the beats and being told to suck a cock.
Cin left to clean herself and I hit the play button. Rita was enjoying being fucked now and pm, our illustrious Mayor, was happily sucking the cock of the second man. In the background I could hear Mistress Siobon urging him on and calling him faggot and cock sucker. But I also noticed that his once shriveled dick had grown hard again.
I was getting hard again myself. But it wasn’t watching pm suck a cock. It was watching his beautiful wife fucking one. Damn that woman is sexy. I’d love to see her in action, up close and personal. Maybe even fuck her myself.
Monday and back at work. I buried myself in acquisitions and mergers, trying to grow the firm into something huge; something that would leave my mark on the business world.
It was nearly noon when my secretary buzzed me. “Yes, Janet.”
“A Miss. Washington is here to see you.”
I hesitated. What the fuck does she want? But I knew. I already knew without asking that she was still trying to recruit me into her little group of slaves. I told. “Show her in.”
My 55 year old secretary opened the door, “Miss Washington, sir.”
“Thank you Janet. Siobon, what a surprise. Please, have a seat.”
The tall Amazonnian walked to one of the chairs across from my desk. The deep red leather mini-skirt hugged her shaped bottom and thighs. The matching vest did little to cover the vastness of her breasts. Matching red leather boots completed her outfit. As usual, her hair and make-up were flawless. She was a beauty. “Tina Turner has nothing on this woman,” I was thinking.
I watched her sit, crossing her legs. She was watching me watch her. It was awkward.
“What brings you by Miss. Washington?”
Siobon fiddled around in her pursuit making me wait for her to tell me why she’s sitting in my office. It was gamesmanship.
Siobon pulled out a compact and opened the mirror pretending to check her make-up. Satisfied, she put it away and turned to me. “I thought we could have lunch together and talk, johnnie.”
“About what Miss. Washington?”
“Oh, maybe your wife.”
“I think we can leave my wife out of our conversation.”
“johnnie, she needs you besides her. She needsto know she has your support, 100%. You can’t give her that standing on the side-lines.”
“You once gave me an ultimatum. It went, it’s either yes Mistress or no Mistress. Remember that? Remember there’s no negotiation? Okay, it’s no, Mistress.”
She smiled. I could tell by the look on her face that Siobon didn’t really believe me.
She crossed her long legs again and again I was treated to a glimpse of her pussy. My dick reacted immediately.
“Everything’s a negotiation, johnnie. We both know that in spite of what I said.”
She rose from the chair and came around to my side of my desk. Moving between my desk and me, Siobon sat her oh, so, sexy ass on the edge of my desk and faced me.
She was so tall, so statusesque, and damn it, so very sexy. She knew the effect her closeness was having on me and laughed at my distress. “johnnie pig got a hard dick seeing his Mistress this close. Didn’t he?”
I could feel the heat coming from her body. I could smellHer cologne. And I could damn sure sense the archae of her pussy.
With one hand, Siobon reached down and pulled the hem of her already short skirt up. I watched hope to see her pussy again. I was not disappointed.
With her skirt nearly at waist level I was only a few inches from her pussy. Her cent was nice. Full bodyed, a bit of muscleness, alluring. Tearing my eyes away from her pussy, I looked up and saw that she had freed her breasts. Her vest was completely open and her full, round breasts on display. The dark nipples were hard, and coupled with the scent of her excitement, I knew Mistress Siobon wanted me to act.
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