This is part two of “Pet Needs Good Home” but I believe it needed the title “Pet has good home.”
The same Saturday around Noon
Leading my new slave up the stairs to my new slave quarters, I plan how I will use her, what I will do to her. She’s following meekly. I can hear the masses of stainless steel collars, bracelets, and anklets permanently on her click slightly as she climbs the stairs. I think furiously while I lead her calmly, “I must maintain control. I must be dominant. I must appear sure of myself,” I think.
“OK,” I review mentally, “she needs to be in bondage every second of the day every day. I can do that. But she also actually serves as a housekeeper so I can’t leave her hogtied helplessly. And I’m not retired like her last owner, I work, so I must plan her time when I’m not here. This is not going to be easy.”
I take off my jacket and skirt, toss them on top of the pet cage carefully. I hope I look sufficiently dominant in myunder bus corset and thigh high siletto boots.
Gripping her lean close to her collars, I force her to stand over my custom made sybian. I glare at her sternly.
“Mount that slave,” I command. “Wiggle onto the two dildos, knee over it, NOW!” she obeys without hesitation. In seconds a two inch tall phallus is in her pussy, another in her rectum. My favorite device hugs her crotch tightly, snug against her public shaft in front, filling her ass crack and cupping her ass cheats in the rear.
My new slave closes her eyes for a moment, not saying a word. I see her large enhanced G cup breasts heaven as she breathes deeply. I see her as an extremely erotic object, my own perverted Barbie doll, and have to remind myself to concentrate. She opens her eyes and looks at me expectedly.
Reaching down to the many padlocks that I had left conveniently scattered around this room, I grab her right arm, padlock the bracelet closest to her wrist to the anklet lowest on her rightleg. This lifts her leg so her knee is not even close to the floor any more. I do the same to her left arm and leg. She is now supported only by her sex pressed hard against my favorite device.
Still gripping her lean, I lean over and pull her face to within an inch of mine, staring deep into her eyes. “I will ask this only once so pay attention. This is the only time you will have a choice,” I state very seriously.
“I can go to a hardware store, ask about and buy some sort of tool to cut off all the steel locked on you. I could give you a dress or maybe some jeans and a top, give you a couple hundreds dollars, and you can leave,” I suggest rather dragily.
She looks terrified! Her mouth opens and closes wordlessly. It looks like she’s about to burst into tears.
“Or you can be my slave, obey instantly without question, endure whatever I choose to do to you, live in total bondage, serve my every whim with perfection,” I offer quite clearly.” Which is it?” I ask.
Her face softens, saved. She lowers her eyes. Without a moment’s hesitation she whispers, “slave please. Your slave. This worthless wretched wench begs you please to use this girl however You wish beautiful Mistress.”
My pussy twitches. I’m fucking wet. My nipples harden. I don’t remember ever being so suddenly aroused in my life.
“I will take you as my slave,” I announced. I am surprised that I speak in a husky whisper.
I force her chin up and unclip my lean from her collar but reattach it to her nose ring. I pick up the elaborate control to my custom made sybian, extend the rectal dildo and set it to a very slow thrust, only once every four seconds. Since the dildo is like a stack of one inch diameter ball, this makes each of the ball-shaped bumps move in her sphincter about Every second. I can picture her rectum being stretched open an inch, allowed to close to a quarter inch, stretched, closed, over and over, slowly, mercilessly, for however long I choose.
I pull her face to my crotch as I watch her shudder with the slow anal penetration. I pull her lean up harder so her mouth is firmly against my twat. This is not easy. She’s trapped on my toy with her mouth at my crotch level… BUT… I have to slide a bar stool near her, tilt it dangerously so I can sit on just an edge with my legs spread wide, praying it doesn’t slide out from under me or my siletto heels slide on the floor. I strive to look composed and in control, ignoring the disaster pictured in my mind.
“Worship my cunt slave.” I command with a cold voice.”Do not try to give me an orgasm yet. I want you to kiss and lick me gently while I explain your duties.” She obeys quite well, kissing my labia lips into her mouth gently, flicking her tongue around my clip lightly.” Very nice!” I think while trying to maintain a stern demeanor.
“You will address me only as ‘my Mistress’ or ‘my Owner’. If I enter a room you will crawl to me and kiss my feet if you are not chained,” I explain trying not to moan from her wonderful adoration of my sex.
“Yes my Mistress,” she whispers between kisses, shuddering slightly from the slow relentless anal stimulation.
“You will be leaned to my bed every night if you perform well. If you perform poorly you will be locked in a small cage that is only large enough for a Labrador Retriever. You will find that quite Uncomfortable,” I continue warming to my dissertation and thrilling to her ministers of my pussy.
“Yes my Mistress,” the slave whispers breathing heavily between gentle kisses and licks.
“Wherever I decided your wrists will be chained to your collar. I will give you a foot of chain between you anklets too,” I command making this up as I go along but becoming more and more aroused.
“If you pee in your cage your pussy will be whipped. If you pee in my bed you will be whipped until you bleed,” I state coldly thinking it is time to show undeniable dominance.
“Yes my Mistress,” the slave whispers, eyes wide.
“In any event you will be uncaged or unleashed at 6:00am to make breakfast for me. I will go back to sleep until 7:00. I will tell you what I require the night before. That will be coffee with cream but may be an omelet or just fruit or perhaps yogurt and a croissant. After my breakfast you will serve my pleasure,” I say rather plainly thinking that it’s time for more mundane matters.
“I shower before I get ready for work and I will wash my property at the same time. I understand that you need small sponges to wash under your collars, bracelets, and anklets. I will provide them,” I continue with more of the simple daily routines.
“Yes my Mistress. Thank you my Mistress. A slave is grateful,” she whispers trembling slightly still obviously feeling her sphincter throb about every second plus continuing to worship my cunt.
I can barely think straight as she continues to lightly lick my labia lips and give butterfly kisses to my clit as we speak. I want to have her go at me full speed but I must stay firmly in control.
“When I leave for work you may apply lotion under the steel locked on you. You may touch up the makeup tattooed on you. I give you permission to use my makeup. But I expect every inch of my home to be cleaned spotless,” I command having more and more difficult with her constant adoration of my pussy. I’m going to have to tell her to get me off soon.
“Yes my Mistress,” the slave whispers agreeing without question.
“You will see cameras in every room. You will find that every window and door has an electronically controlled deadbolt. All of those are monitored and controlled by my phone or computer. This is a new home with an advanced security system and many automated features,” I explain wishing I would shut up and tell the slave to give me an orgasm… but I continue.
“When I get to work, when I eat lunch, when I’m about to come home I will call you and demand that you mount my sybian. Did I mention that I can control that remotely too? I can. I will command you to orgasm and I will control it,” I explain relishing the thought of all the things I can do with my favorite toy. “So at least three times a day I will command you to orgasm while I enjoy watching you.”
“Yes my Mistress,” the slave whispers, “This one is grateful if permitted to amuse You.” She gives me a particularly delightful swirl with her tongue around my clip. I stifle a gasp of pleasure.
“I also care for my property,” I continue becoming a bit bored. ” If the smoke detector or fire alarm goes off, I will unlock the doors and windows. In the back yard you will find a small storage shed. It contains my small electric lawnmower and some lawn furniture. It is not locked. You will wait there. A tall privacy fence surroundings my small back yard. That was difficult to have approved by the home owners association but no one can see you. The door of the fence is locked. You will be safe.”
“Yes my Mistress,” the slave whispers, “slave will obey.”
I smile at my slave. I simply can not help but love her perfect submission. It’s becoming more and more difficult to scowl and look mean. “I’ll have to imagine that she accidentally rakes her teeth over my clip,” I decided, “That should do it.” I scowl menacingly down at my slave.
“Now lick me harder slave. I want to cum” I say as I extend her the dildo into her vagina and turn it to two strokes a second.
“She’s G O O D!” I think letting my head loll round on my shoulders. I turn on her clip vibrator to a medium speed. Somehow she reaches in and up with her tongue to massage my G spot. “I wonder how long her tongue is?” I think. “I’ll have to look later,” I decide.
I look down at MY slave, working hard, her face jammed in my pussy by a leash to her nose ring pulled up rather brutally. I see her twist her hands and feet that are padlocked together. She shudders and grunts as she orgasms, a helpss slave impaled on my thrusting phaluses, her clip mercilessly buzzed by my powerful vibrator.. This takes me over the edge into a glorious magnificent climax.
I do not let her stop. I can’t. This is the highest peak I’ve ever attained. I can’t imagine how long I can endure this. After an unbelievable orgasm of perhaps five minutes, I stumble backwards exhausted, letting the bar stool clatter to the floor. I don’t care. It became uncomfortable, too much for me.
I push all of the controls to my sybian to just over half speed for my slave. “That’s more than enough,” I decided. Although being buried under her, I can hear the vibrator buzz, the mechanisms for the two dildos thumbing as they stroke about three times a second. My slave squirms and moans, gasps and grunts, strains against her restraints. I imagine she has never had an orgasm like this either. She screams, “my Mistress! my Mistress!” and collapses still helped restrained and impaled on my toy.
I turn all the controls to zero. I retract the dildos, and remove the padlocks holding her bracelets to her anklets.
I slap her face right to left, then back hand her left to right. “Up lazy slave!” I command. “It’s time for you to start my lunch. I missed my lunch because of you!” She takes a second or two to try to stand. I will not punish her. This is all very new to her. Besides, it’s not easy to get off of a saddle shaped like your crotch that also surroundings your public area and ass. I know from personal experience. I try to not smile and keep a stern expression on my face. I tug the lean to her nose ring to “help” her up.
She stands obediently even if she’s breathing heavily, smoking profusely, and juices from both of us are all over everything. “I’m becoming very fond this slave already,” I think. “Her eyes clearly show adoration, possible love.”
I decide that my best response must be stern. I tug her lean again. “I will show you how to disassemble and clean my toys later,” I state plainly.
She lowers her eyes again and whispers, “Yes my Mistress, of course my Mistress.”
Grabbing her right wrist, I padlock a two foot light chain to her bracelet, slip the chain under her lowest collar, and padlock it to her left wrist bracelet. Taking two more padlocks and another short chain, I connect her anklets. I select another light chain, this one eight feet long and padlock it to her lowest collar, only then do I remove the leash to her nose ring.
“Open your mouth slave,” I demand as I pick up a penis gag. “Oh! Show me your tongue first,” I command. Her tongue is longer than that Kiss rock star Gene Simmons and has a stud through it near the tip! I almost whistle softly but refrain. “Heaven help me, Some of my vibrators are not that long!” I think.
“Now open your mouth wide slave.” She obeys and I shove the gag into her mouth, padlocking the buckle behind her head above her many collars. “It’s not a harsh gag,” I think, “Even my subbieshave forgotten it. Two fingers thick, a couple inches long. She’ll be fine,” I decided.
Wrapping the long chain around my hand, I tug the chain to her collar. “Come slave. Heel,” I command and lead her out of our playroom… errr… her cell. She follows meekly as I lead her down the stairs to the kitchen. The ankle chain that I choose is just longer than each step is tall so she can manage the stairs… barely.
My kitchen has a wall dividing it from my dining room. That wall has a large opening and counter built into it to facilitate moving dishes between the kitchen and dining room. So the wall has a post at one end. After taking her into my kitchen, I padlock the end of the long chain from her collar around the post.
“You can reach the refrigerator, stove, cupboards, drawers, everything you need my slave,” I explain. “Later you can even reach the dining room. I will have a glass of pinot grigio. You will find a bottle in the wine rack. I will have stir fried chicken and veggs. The recipe book is in the drawer to the left of my stove.” I pull out the book for for her, turn it to the correct page, and lay it on the counter being the considered sweetheart that I am…
2 tablespoons dark sesame oil
1 garlic cllove, finely minced
¼ pound chicken breast, skinless and boneless
1 head broccoli, stems removed
1 dozen mushrooms, sliced
2 carrots, peeled and julienned
½ cup green beans, diced
1 head bok choy, chopped
2 to 3 tablespoons teriyaki sauce
(1) Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a saute pan over medium heat. Add garlic and stir. Place the chicken in the pan and brown 4 minutes on each side. Remove from pan, slice into strips, set aside.
(2) Heat remaining tablespoon of oil in a wok over high heat. Add the vegetables and teriyaki sauce. Stir-fry quickly until the vegetables begin to soften. Add the chicken strips, combine well and continue to cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Serve immediately.
“I’mgoing to put on something and go out for a few minutes. It seems that I need a big bag of Purina Dog Chow from the local supermarket,” I state nonchalantly.
“When I return, I will see if I might remove your gag and you are allowed your dog chow and a bowl of water, or if you stay gagged and spend the night hungry in a tiny cage,” I state plainly as I slip on a simple trench coat barely covering my exotic erotic outfit. I pick up my purse, punch my code into the keypad by the front door, and leave to go shopping. The door closes behind me, locking automatically with a solid loud metallic “thunk” sound.
My slave finds my chopping board, a sharp knife, and a fresh garlic. She must bend far over since she has a choice of a foot of chain for each hand or two feet for one hand if she keeps one next to her collar. She chooses a foot for each hand. The devoted slave girl peels the skin off the garlic cllove, squashes it with the palm of her hand, and starts to chop, steel bracelets clanking, drool running down her chin from under her gag to drip on her cantaloupe-size breasts. She hurries, her brow furrowed. She doubts she has enough time to finish and dreads being locked in a cramped cage.
~~~~~ to be continued ~~~~~
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