Pet Girl Ch. 01

Hayley yawned and sat up in bed. She blinked a few times, her small room greeting her. She stood up from bed, her nude body disappearing in to her closet. She grabbed a purple tank top, a pair of short shorts and her underwear. Hayley quickly dressed, then headed to the kitchen and grabbed a bagel.

She spread cream cheese on the bagel and walked out of the house, heading to work while eating the bagel. She finished the bagel and stepped in to the flower shop. Hayley heard her boss, Mr. Oliver, say, “Morning, Hayley. How are you?”

Hayley smiled. “Ok. Justin seems to be leaving me alone, finally. I just want to work.”

Mr. Oliver nodded. “I love to hear that. Grab your smock and get out there.”

Hayley donned her blue smock and waited for customers to walk in. All she had to do was ask what they wanted and lead them to it. Easy job. Good pay. After about three or four customers, a young man walked in. He was about six inches taller than Hayley, who was 5’3″.

He had deep green eyes and brown hair, and he wore a grey suit. He smiled as he walked in. “Hello, miss, I’m looking for a dozen roses.” He said.

Hayley said, “Well, we’ve got bouquets over in that far corner. Roses will be the last in the row.”

The man smiled. “Thank you. Would you mind accompanying me? I need to know what I’m really looking at, since I know Very little about flowers.”

Hayley nodded and led him to the roses. “So, a dozen roses? Who’s the special lady?”

The man replied, “My mother. She’s moving to California, and I wanted to get her something nice. I’m Derek, by the way.”

Hayley handed him a bouquet of roses. “Well, Derek, these are dethorned roses, so they’re easier to handle.”

Derek took the roses and nodded. “Perfect. Now, Hayley, right? I mean, that’s what your name tag says, anyway. I was wondering if you’d like to go to dinner with me. I have a job that I think you might like to participate in.”

Hayley looked at him, abit confused. It was suddenly, and she barely knew the guy. But it was about a job, so… why not? “Umm… Ok. Sure.”

Derek grinned widely. “Great. There’s a good restaurant downtown, Paul’s Place. I’ll meet you there at, say, 7?”

Hayley nodded. “Ok. Yeah. Now, about the roses, you’ll have to go up to Mr. Oliver.”

“Thank you, Hayley. I’ll see you tonight.” He smiled nervously and went to pay for his roses.

Hayley watched him go, smiling in spite of himself. She heard Mr. Oliver says, “So, a date, huh?”

“Oh, shut up.” Hayley replied, still smiling.

Mr. Oliver laughed.

Hayley straightened out her blonde hair, her blue eyes staring back at her in the mirror. She had decided to wear a black pencil skirt and a white blouse. She had black heels and a tiny bit of makeup, since she never really wore makeup unless absolutely necessary.

She grabbed her purse and headed towards Paul’s Place, reaching the little restaurant in about 20 minutes and walkedin. She scanned the crowd and found Derek after a few moments, then walked over to him. Derek stood and hugged her. “You made it.” He commented.

Hayley sat and said, “Wouldn’t miss it.”

The evening progressed well. They talked and ate and talked some more. But Derek said nothing about the job he mentioned. An hour after Hayley arrived, they left the restaurant and went for a walk. Hayley, after some internal debate, asked, “So, you mentioned a job when we talked in the flower shop?”

Derek smiled. “Ah, yes. I think we should go to someplace a bit more private before we talk about your job. Your place, maybe?”

Hayley nodded, and they walked to her house. She opened the door and turned on the lights to find… “Hey, bitch.”

There sat Justin, her dick of an ex-boyfriend. He had been bothering her recently. “Get the fuck out, Justin.” Hayley ordered.

Justin stood. “Who the hell is this prick?”

Hayley surprised angrily. “This is Derek, my date.”

Justin walked closer to Derek and said, “You’d better leave the house, Derek. Or I’ll be forced to fuck you up.”

Derek laughed, bending over in laughter. When he could finally regain his composition, he replied, “No you won’t.”

Justin raised a fist. “Yeah, I will. You dick.”

Hayley said, “Leave, Justin.”

Justin looked at her and ordered, “Step back, bitch.”

Hayley slapped him hard. Justin stared at her, surprised. “You little bitch.”


Justin gritted his teeth, but he did as she told him to. “Fuck both of you.” He muttered.

Hayley grabbed a vase and throw it with all her might at Justin. He shouted in surprise and sprinted out the door as the glass shattered on the wooden floor. Hayley let herself breathe for a minute, then turned to Derek. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

Derek let a small smile grace his face. “It’s alright. Why don’t we get that vase cleaned up and talk about that job forer?”

Hayley nodded. “Alright. Thank you, Derek.”

“No problem.”

Once they had cleaned up all the glass a half hour later, they sat on the couch and Hayley said, “So… this job. What is it, really?”

Derek answered with a question, “Do you know what being submissive means, sexually?”

Hayley blushed. “Yeah. Why?”

Derek said, “Well, there is a certain submissive lifestyle that I want you to embrace for this job.”

“Submissive lifestyle? What do you mean?”

Derek thought for a moment, choosing his words carefully, “You would be trained as a pet, a puppy girl, you could say. You would be my property, my dog. I would train you myself. It would Only be with your consent, of course, and you would be well compensated.”

Hayley’s eyes widened. She thought about what he was offering: she would be a pet. A dog. Some part of her liked the idea, but she wasn’t sure. “What if I don’t like it?” She asked.

Derek answered, “Well, I would train youfor a week, train you in the ways of being a dog and being a pet. You would be paid for the week, and extra if you decide to keep with it. And you can withdraw at any time and still get the same amount of money for the training.”

Hayley thought hard. “How much for the week?”

“One thousand dollars.”

Hayley’s jaw dropped. “Really? One thousand?”

“I never joke, Hayley.” Derek said.

Hayley racked her brain. “Are there any conditions?”

“No. The only condition for the thousands is that you at least try out the training. Everything else, I will teach you during training.”

Hayley though hard for about five minutes without saying anything. Finally, “Yes. I will endure the week. I can endure anything for a week.”

Derek grinned. “Splendid. I’ll take you to my house tomorrow morning, or now if you’d like.”

Hayley asked, “What will I need at your house?”

“Nothing. I can take you now and it would be the same as if I came in the morning.” Derek answered.

Hayley nodded. “Ummm, ok. Sure. Lets go.”

They left Hayley’s house and walked a few blocks to get to Derek’s car. They got inside, then Derek began to drive out of town and to his house about a half hour away.

They arrived a half an hour later to a mansion. It was enormous. It was a large white structure with a pool in the back and tons of rooms. Hayley stepped inside, taking it all in. “This place is awesome! It’s… fantastic.”

Derek grinned. “Thank you. Now, the training will sort of start tonight. First of all, I’ll be right back.”

He disappeared for a minute, then returned with a black leather collar with a ring for a leash in hand. He showed her the collar and said, “You’ll be wearing this. First, though, you’ll have to get naked.”

Hayley asked, “Why do I have to be naked?”

“Pets don’t wear clothes.” Derek replied.

Hayley had to give him that one. She pulled off her heels, then unzipped and took off her skirt. She unbuttoned her blouse and pulled down her panties. She took off her bra, exposing her C cup boobs. Derek picked up her clothes and put them in a bag. “For the end of the week, when you need clothes.”

Hayley nodded. Derek took the collar and strapped it around her neck. He smiled. “You are a very beautiful pet. Now, get on the ground. Like a dog.”

Hayley sat on her knees, looking up at Derek. “Ok, so you are not allowed to speak from here on out. Bark if you understand.”

Hayley barked. So far, not so bad. Derek said, “So, you are only allowed to bark, no talking. I have set up a sleeping area for you.”

He grabbed a leash and clipped it on the ring on Hayley’s collar, then began to walk. “Come on, girl.” He urged.

Hayley followed on all fours, stopping when he stopped. In front of her was a cage. She frowned momentarily, then dispelled her fears. She would be fine. Derek stroked her hair and said, “Since we already ate, you don’t need to eat tonight. Or drink, really. Now, get inside the cage, girl.”

Hayley hesitantly took steps toward the cage and fit herself in the cage. She was curled in a loose ball, and Derek unclipped the leanh. “Good night, girl. I’ll find a name for you in the morning.”

He closed the cage door and slide the bolt closed. Derek patted her head through the bars, then left the room and turned off the light. Hayley thought for a few minutes. Why did she agree? Would she like this “submissive lifestyle”?

Some part of her liked the idea. Some part wasn’t sure. And the rest of her just wanted to sleep. So she did.


To be continued…

Author’ Note: I have had problems finishing series before. But I love this fetish, so I will most definitely be continuing this. Unfortunately, by the time this is posted, I will probably already be in Norway. I have no idea if I’ll have an Internet connection where I’m headed, so I might just be gone for three weeks. If not, though, I will continue writing.


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