Recently the Pet Academy has moved to a new charming location in Bunkyo ward. In its area of expertise, we believe it will not cut a poor figure among the other prestigious schools in the area.
As you consider enrolling your precious pet in the institution, you might be interested to read a sample of the Initial Assessment and of the Final Assessment of a recent product of the program.
Initial Assessment
The pet is a young female, of Chinese breed, with unblemished light-colored skin, which probably could turn bronze under the sun.
She is well proportioned, with a slightly round, feminine belly, small breasts crowned by thick, dark nipples, with seem to have a good degree of resilience.
She has pretty eyes and nose; soft lips.
Her long black hair, slightly curly, is pleasant to hold and is matched by a thick dark bush between the legs.
After inspection, the vagina shows long, fleshy labia and a rather chubby clip, very sensitive.
Theresult of light stimulation has produced abundant pussy juice and soft moans, indicating that she is not only a pet but also a horny slut.
The legs are slim and the thighs lean but pleasantly round.
She has a beautiful round ass, and the skin’s color becomes increasingly darker until it closes in regular aubergine creams around an inviting anus.
In the letter, she indicated the ass as the part where she needs more training, not only in caning and whipping but also in penetration.
She acknowledges being a slut, and she craves to become an anal slut.
She is confident of her fallatio ability, and she begs for her mouth to be used daily, at least once, as she feels she has developed an addiction to the taste of cum.
The owner explicitly requests to win her resistance to have a fully shaken pussy.
I will add that, having shown up without her toolbox, as I ordered, she clearly needs obedience training.
As I require that the enema kit is broughtt by the pet, as her personal possession, I will have to use my alternative method, which surely will surprise her.
Final Assessment
It has been a pleasure to work with the pet.
She was eager in following instructions, resilient, and appreciated.
She quickly learned to cut her words, and from the end of the first day, she limited herself to barking and moaning, unless differently and specifically instructed.
Having was provided a safeword, she didn’t use it.
It might be useful if the owner, personally or through further sessions, forces her to pronounce it.
This is needed for the pet to accept her limits and to avoid excessive pride on her side.
Her cocksucking abilities are truly exceptional and she never refuses to take a penis in her mouth and suck it energeticly with authentic password.
At the end of the training, she learned to enjoy deepthroating and swallowed cum eagerly. She learned to take her time in the whole process,Always making sure that not a drop is lost, cleaning with great attention the penis’ head, and retracting the foreskin as needed.
Having was used as a penis holder while the trainer was watching movies, she settled comfortably in his lap, keeping his penis in her mouth, licking it occasionally but avoiding unrequested excessive attention.
At a simple tap in the head, she quickly worked on the penis, made it hard, and made the trainer cum swiftly.
After swallowing and cleaning, she resumed peacefully the cock-holding position, ready for further use when needed.
Nipples’ resilience has been tested through long walks in the garden after nipple clamps have been applied. The use of increasing heavier chiming bells, hooked to the clamps, has been met by clear disappointment and pain, but it has been possible to reach the level where rather heavy, bronze round bells have been used during a half-hour walk on all fours. The use of the riding crop to push her has been onlyoccasional.
Sensitiveness has been tested by using small, high-pitched bells and applying a vibrator near the nipples.
The reaction has been extremely fast, resulting in a continued, pleasant sound.
The vibrator has been used also on the pussy, and extraordinary sensitiveness has been confirmed again.
Abundant pussy juice has been generated on all occasions, leading to optical lubrication.
Not much training has been needed in this area, but I shall notice that the large labia fold the cock very nicely during fucking.
To enjoy this aesthetic effect that reminds the original meaning of vagina, ( in Latin, the sheath of a sword) an accurate shaving is necessary.
A certain resistance of the pet to this practice has been noticed, due to cultural reasons or to the possibility that in communal spaces or spas she might be ashamed to be seen by other women as having a bald pussy.
However, broken that, she was keen to use the razor herself to besure that the full pussy area was completely and thoroughly hairless.
It is advised that this attitude is kept.
While full shaving is not always necessary, multiple effects can be obtained by trimming the pussy hair.
At least once every two months a full shake is, in any case, suggested.
Visits to a public bath or spa so that her shyness in front of other strange women of higher rank is strongly advised too.
As the pet itself has requested, most of the attention has been dedicated to the ass and the anus, starting here too with a hair shaving.
Knowing that a sharp straight razor was used on this sensitive area taught the pet a useful lesson in trusting her caretakers, even if, as in the case of the trainer, she barely knows them.
The anal passage was tested on the very first day and it was indeed very tight.
It seems that the owner, who seems to have a rather large penis, uses it only occasionally because he grows impossible at thedifficulty of penetrating her.
It was moving to see the pet’s willingness to be used.
In time, with lubrification and continuous penetrations through the day, she has learned to take the trainer’s cock, which shouldn’t be any smaller than the owner’s, with considerable pleasure.
In a rare verbal utterance, she exceled happily: “I am so happy! I have become an anal slut!”
It is suggested that good work should not be lost. The owner should sodomize the pet daily and, if not possible, at least once a week she should wear a large, cock-shaped anal plug through the day, from morning to evening.
The size of the plug should progressively increase until the anus stretches to the required width.
As the owner seems to have little patience, I suggest a diameter slightly large than that of the fully erected penis.
I would personally verify though that adequate friction is kept to maintain the penetration pleasure.
Before plug insertion an enemashould be performed and, during weekends, as it has been at the Academy, the water should be kept inside after insertion. The pet has put up a truly enjoyable show with her displays of disappoint and by becomings of release.
For caning and whipping, it seems clear that the pet is unable to keep a level of pain endurance after she has reached it.
In the beginning she has taken well bare hand spanking and had strong reactions to the riding crop; it was difficult to use the cane and the steel strings, which are the Academy’s tool of choice.
As I don’t believe that the pain limit should be broken in a single session, but should be moved up one level at a time, in multiple sessions, it was clear by the end of the training that, while endurance had significantly improved, the pain threshold can be pushed much further.
By the way, even After strong sessions, the ass skin has always recovered exceptionally well, confirming the initial impression of a truly outstanding ass in shape, color, and skin quality.
Caning and whipping it has been a pleasure and an honor.
If the owner is unwilling to take up the task of whipping the pet in long sessions, he could invite friends to help him, as I am sure they will find helping him interesting and entertaining.
The subject has overall shown a great attitude in being a pet. She lapped happily her daily meals and water at need from her bowls on the floor.
She was comfortable in spending the day collared and naked, occasionally shy when the trainer received a visitor, and kept her in her laps, playing distractedly with her nipples and pussy.
After an initial resistance though, she usually settled and enjoyed licking playingfully the trainer’s fingers.
Due to her qualities, regular use is necessary, not only of her mouth and pussy, but of her ass too, so that the condition of anal slut she worked so hard to obtain, is not lost.
Caning and whipping should be given routinely and not only as a form of punishment.
Shall the owner decide to sell the pet, he will surely be able to fetch a high price.
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