Pet and Friend at Home

This is the third part of “Pet Needs a Good Home” but I thought it needed a different name.


The same Saturday afternoon, now about 4:00pm

I return from shopping juggling a damned eighteen pound bag of Purina Adult Dog Chow and two dumb pet bowls for food and water. It’s not easy to punch the code in my smart phone to unlock my fucking stupid overly complicated security system. I manage to get it before I drop the heavy groceries.

Pushing the door open with the toe of my thigh high boots with siletto heels which I really should have changed for sneakers, I finally get inside.

“Oooo!” I think, “that smells delicious.” I see my slave in the kitchen wiping counters, my lunch probably on that plate under that aluminum foil on the counter. She runs to the end of her chain and drops to her knees. I drop my shopping on the table and turn towards her.

My slave still has a gag locked on her but bends down to rub her face on my feet. I reflect wondering if it was wise of me to allow her that much chain as her slobber drops all over my expensive boots. I place the toe of my right boot on her head and push her away. She falls on her ass, her hands shackled closely to her collar flailing around unable to stop her fall.

I take off my trench coat and hang it in the hall closet leaving me still in my underbust corset and boots. I love my black leather trench coat. I wore it to work one day not thinking about what was expected of staff at a prestigious law firm. Someone commented that I looked like a WWII Nazi Gestapo officer who tortures innocent girls. I almost said “Thank you” but realized what a huge mistake that would be. I said nothing. Since then I wear my beige raincoat to work when the weather is cool. That has a liner and can be quite comfy if not as dramatic.

“Bring my lunch now slave. Pour my wine. Get that pet food stuff out of my sight. NOW! MOVE!” I command. I pull out a chair and sit at my dining room table.

She jumps up to obey. Shuffling as quickly as she can in the short steps that her ankle chain allows, chain jingling wildly. She makes her way to the kitchen counter, bends over, removes the aluminum foil covering my plate, and picks it up carefully with both hands. I mentally note that she obeyed my first command first. I see that somehow she found the time to set my place with cutlery and a nicely folded linen napkin. I am pleased to see a wine glass to my right and a glass of ice water to my left too. She bends over at the waist to place my steaming hot stir fried veggies and chicken in front of me.

My slave curries to my wine rack, selects the correct bottle of wine that I specified almost an hour ago, a pinot grigio, extracts the cork, and pours a small portion for me to taste. “I will not have to whip her,” I think. “That is as fine a serve as a five star restaurant.”

I already know it is a good medium price wine, I bought it. It’s not great, but fine enough,but I go though the whole tasting ritual. I sniff the aroma of the wine. I take a small sip, swirling it in my mouth. Then I nod at my slave and she pours a half glass.

I note that she obeys my third command third, taking the pet food and bowls into the kitchen, placing them neatly in the cabinet under the sink, not easy with her short chains. I’m impressed. She managed to knee gracefully holding a big bag of dog food and two bowls, doing her task with surprising sensitivity.

I turn to glance at her casually. I just point to the floor next to me and she knees there looking up at me. I ignore her, eat and enjoy my meal. She did a great job! Tender juicy chicken, crisp veggies, tasty, fabulous, but I say nothing. I drain my glass and simply hold it up for a moment. My slave jumps up, curries to fetch the bottle again. I place the glass on the table and watch obviously as she pours another glass. I reflect, “I can get used to this.”

Finishing my lunch, I stand and stretch languidly. My slave scanners to clear the table, bending over to pick up plates and cutlery as the short chains to her wrists allow, shuffling into the kitchen as her short ankle chain permits. She has to take three trips. I watch her work and conclude she is a true slave, diligent and devoted.

She has everything in the kitchen and is about to start to wash. I move to her, grab her right arm, and stop her. I unlock and remove her gag. She stands still obediently.

I pick up the two pet bowls that I bought. They are plain stainless steel. I don’t want to spoil her since this is her first meal as my slave but I can’t help myself. I fill one bowl with my leftover stir fry. I fill the other bowl with my pinot grigio.

“You may feed slave. You may not use your hands,” I say . She knees and she bends far over to lap at the bowls with the tongue. I watch her lap and slurp. I hear her nose ring clock against the bowls, the tinkling of her chains and the slight movementsof her many heavy collars as she moves her head. Her subservice is amazingly sexy. I find myself aroused again.

My cell phone rings. I have a different ring tone for all my friends so I know it’s Sally right away. She’s a great friend. Married but bi and loves bondage play, submissive to anyone with a pair of handcuffs or some clothesline from Walmart, a lovable goofy airhead. She always make me smile.

“Yo Sal! What’s up?” I answer.

“I dunno. I was hoping to come over or maybe we’d go to a club or something. I need to lick pussy, dance like a slut, dress like a whore, or something tonight, anything actually!. Gotta! Needta! I have it bad! Hubby and his friends are watching some dumb ball game. Totally BOORRIINNG!! “If I stay at home I’ll be making sandwiches and running around fetching bottles of beer all night. Fuck that! I called in a few pizzas for them. What’cha doin?” she babbles cutely as she always does. “

I love Sally. “Got just the thing Sal,” I reply smiling. “Come here wearing next to nothing. I have a treatment for you.

“Ummm…OK. Coming, Is a shear teddy OK?” she asks.

“Perfect,” I respond.”Just get your ass over here pronto.” I disconnect. I know she likes being bossed around and smile slightly.

Twenty minutes later my door bell chimes. I look at my cell phone to see Sally at my front door. The resolution of my camera is quite good. The crazy bimbo is smiling at the camera wearing a hot pink PVC raincoat and pink patent leather pumps. Something new is that she’s colored her hair. It’s her usual cute pixie cut but she dyed her hair pink like cotton candy or bubble gum! She opens her coat, flashes me, and sticks out her tongue. She’s almost naked under that raincoat except for a skimpy sheer pink teddy! I can clearly see her nipples and her cute neighborly trimmed Brazilian for heaven’s sake! I unlock my front door and say over the speaker, “Shit girl! Are you nuts? Get your ass inside now!” I smile noting she alsoWears a pink collar with “SLUT” in block letters formed of rhinestones.

However I should not talk. I’m only wearing a corset and thigh high boots, all black leather. I’m fairly sure that my neighbors are politely terrified of “that perverted lesbian and her kinky visitors.” For some reason, I never see any of the neighborhood children.

Sally bounces into my living room like a 9th grade cheatleader, all grins and goofy overblown sexy poses, wiggling her rump, thrusting out her tits, sticking one finger in her mouth cutely. She slips out of her coat, hangs it on the coat hook by the door. Handing her purse to me she asks,” can you keep this safe? My car keys and… ummm… other keys are in there.” I notice that she wears pink leather wrist and ankle cuffs plus her collar, all with cute little heart shaped padlocks on the buckles.

“I’ll be happy to help Sal.” I state smiling, placing her purse in the antique secretary desk near the door, which I lock.

Sally stopsdead in her tracks stunned seeing my kneeing slave on her chain.

“Who…. What… Ummm… What’s going on?” Sally asks quite baffled.

“Oh,” I explain dryly. “That is my slave. I own her.” I struggle to keep a straight face.

“Ooooohhh Kaayyyyyyy,” Sally says slowly as she steps closer to us, and offers her hand for my slave to shake. “I’m Sally, pleased to meet you,” she coos sweetly, apparently expecting a normal exchange of names and other social pleasuresants.

My slave crawls as close as she can, the chain from her collar stretched taut, bends over and kisses Sally’s feet.

“This worthless slave is pleased to meet You Mistress and will happily serve You if my Owner permits,” my slave whispers between licking and kissing Sally’s feet.

Sally’s mouth drops open. She looks frozen and clearly has zero idea how to take this. It takes me great effort to not burst out laughing. Sally backs up a small step. My slave’s chain will not reach that far so my slavekneels with her head bowed.

“This slave prays that she did not displease You Mistress,” my slave whispers apparently thinking she did something wrong. “slave will clean Your pretty shoes if You wish Mistress.”

“No! I mean… Ummm… You’re fine… I mean… Errr… I just didn’t expect a ‘Hi, how are you?’ like that,” Sally babbles. “What’s your name sweety?” Sally asks becoming slightly more composed.


In the silence that follows I can hear the refrigerator humming softly and the tiny ticking of the stove still cooling from making my meal.

Sally turns towards me exasperated. “Val, you gotta tell me what’s going on!” she pleads.

“Soon Sally, soon. Better yet I will demonstrate,” I state casually while unlocking my slave’s chain from the kitchen post and relocking it on one leg of my rather massive coffee table. Sally watches baffled. Slave watches impassively as if this is the most normal occurrence in the world.

“Sally, you’re a subbie,” I began. “You choose to be a sex toy at times. You like bondage sex for a few hours, maybe an evening. When you are with me, you find my dominance to be fun. That’s all fine and good. Obey me now and sit on the love seat, spread your legs too.” Sally goes to the love seat as suggested, sits on the edge, and spreads her legs looking quite confused.

I point to my slave. She perks up instantly, focused on my face and voice intently. “Crawl to Sally and give her the best orgasm she ever had,” I command. Slave crawls to the love seat trailing her chain behind her.

Sally looks at me quizzically.”Is that what she does? Is it that simple?” she asks as slave knees before her and slips her head under Sally’s flimsy lingerie. Sally suddenly looks down as slave gentlely opens Sally’s labia lips with her fingertips and starts to lick.

I walk over to Sally. I knee on the love seat with my sex in front of Sally’s face, my hands resting on the seat back to steady me.

“Kiss meSally while my slave works on you,” I suggest as plainly as ordering a burger and fries at McDonald’s.

Sally grabs my rump in her hands and buries her face in my twat. She’s already highly aroused by my slave, licks and kisses me wildly.

“Slow down, both of you,” I command. “No one is to orgasm yet. I will explain. Sally licks my slit more methodically, less crazyly. Still I can tell by her hot breath that she’s getting good stuff from my slave. “This feels wonderful,” I think trying to not moan. “I hope I can control this for another few minutes.”

“Sally, my slave is a real slave every second of the day. She was given to me to use,” I explain while getting closer and closer to my orgasm. “It’s all legal and very well thought out. She is Always in bondage. She performs any task or chore as well as being a sex toy. I will keep her about a year and then find another owner for her to advance her slavery even further. I feel that I have an obligation to give her more andMore depravity, I will do my best for her and for my enjoyment.”

I’m having trouble concentrate since Sally is flicking her tongue around my clip.

Letting go of the seat back, I move my hands to grip Sally’s head, forcing her face more against my pussy. “NOW! Harder! Faster! NOW!” I scream, “Both of you!”

I feel Sally jump as I suppose my slave does something dramatic to her obeying my command. Sally licks deep and fast in me, each lick flicking my clip at the top of the stroke. “Oh My Gawd!” I think as wave after wave of pleasure roll though me. I gush all over Sally’s face repeatedly. I feel her fingertips dig into my ass cheeks and I’m certain she is deep in the throes of a fabulous orgasm too.

“Oooo,” I think, “that was fantastic. Sally kisses my twat sweetly and appear to back away. However I know that my slave will not stop unless commanded.

I yank a handful of Sally’s hair harshly. “Did I tell you to stop Sally?. You subbies have too much freedomm. I must correct that,” I state sternly.

“slave, stop pleasing Sally,” I command. “Freeze! Both of you!”

Of course there are chains, leashes, and padlocks everywhere in my home today. It could not be otherwise. I now own a slave.

I snap a leash on my slave’s lowest collar. I’m beginning to appreciate that there are no rings, loops, or hasps on her collars, bracelets, and anklets. I must use a huge padlock or leash with a large clap to snap around her ornaments that are one centerter thick. Just this lean forces her to lift her chin so she must hold her head up. She accepts this as normal, looking up at me with adoring eyes. I think she looks hot and can’t believe I’m becoming aroused again.

I snap a leash on Sally’s collar ring which seems to surprise her. “What did you think would happen when you come here with ‘SLUT’ on your pink leather collar, cuffs on your limbs, everything padlocked, and give all the keys to me?” I ask rhetorically. Sally lowers her eyes, say nothing with a Mona Lisa smile on her face.

“Come bitches!” I command and unexpectedly drag them up the stairs to the play room. Sally has little trouble since she is not restrained and only wears four inch heels. My slave does an admirable job of climbing the stairs barefoot but with only a foot of chain padlocked between her anklets. Both excite me as I tug their leashes.

I point to the simple plain steel bed in the middle of the room. It has a sturdy frame, a very plain rubber mat designed for gymnasium exercises for a mattress. I drag both of them to it.

“Lay on that sluts,” I command. “Sally take off your lingerie, put your head at that end, ” I say pointing. “slave put your head at the other end. ” They obey despite the rather cruel accommodations, laying next to each other facing in opposite directions.

I unlock my slave’s chains. Using the four padlocks, I lock Sally’s cuffs’ wrist rings to slave’s lowest ankle rings. Then I padlock Sally’s cuffs’ ankle rings to slave’s lowest wrist rings. Finally, I take each of their leashes and lock them to opposite ends of the bed. I don’t want to choke them but this does a beautiful job of forcing them both mouth to pussy. They are helpless, precisely positioned as I want.

Walking slowly to the wall, I select my springy riding crop from its hook. I like this one a lot. Twenty-six inches of shiny leather, comfortable handle with a loop, tiny flap at its tip. It was $24.99, no tax, no shipping charge from a saddlery shop online.

“You will now lick each other until you scream. You will not stop. I will whip whoever stops. I know this will be unbearable after only fifteen or twenty minutes. You will not stop. Begin now. It is possible that I might have to make both of You bleed from lashes,” I command coldly, swishing the crop in the air just above them threateningly. I reflect that the “bleed” threat is only an empty threat. The crop is designed to not harm horses and I wouldnot hurt my friend or slave… too much.

Sally looks terrified and starts to lick frantically. My slave looks like I just asked, “what time is it?” and extends her tongue deep into Sally calmly licking with strong even strokes.

“This is why I love being dominant,” I think. I’m drunk with power watching two women struggle to obey my command in strict bondage of my design. I am fucking wet again and start to wonder what I can do to get off again soon.

Only two or three minutes pass and Sally is thrashing around already cumming wildly, just as I expected. My slave is working diligently but I do see her tremble obviously enjoying an orgasm too.

Sally gasps and stops. Of course I lash at her ass. “Back to work lazy slut!” I yell. She screams and dives to suck slave’s clip furiously. Now even my slave bucks and strains against her restraints but does not stop her methodical deep licks in Sally’s sopping wet cunt.

Sally has lost it. It’s only been fifteen or twenty minutes as I had guessed. Too much constant stimulation after an orgasm becomes far too intense to bear. I casually lash at her ass about every second as she struggles and strains against her restraints trying usefully to escape. I think it is adorable that both of her ass cheeses are now a lovely shade of red.

“ENOUGH!” I command. “STOP!”

Sally is a quivering sweaty mess. My slave relaxes as if she just finished a pleasant jog on a sunny spring morning.

I lean down and unlock Sally’s wrists from slave’s ankles but pull them to lock directly to her collar ring. I do the same to my slave. Now they are only leashed to the bed so I padlock two of the short chains between their ankles. I unlock the leashes one at a time and take them in hand, still wielding my riding crop in my other hand.

“UP! NOW!” I command, “Both of you.” My slave dismounts the bed first, kneeing before me. Sally nearly falls off the bed, unsteadily trying to stand.

I lash at Sally’sleft breast. “KNEEL!” I command. Sally obeys and it’s actually a good idea since she can’t really stand yet.

Standing with my hands on my hips, legs spread wide trying to look domineering, I wonder what’s the best way to have a slave and a subbie serve me now. I’m so hot that I want it badly. “Owning a slave is wonderful,” I think. “I’ve never had so much sexy fun in my life.”

My slave has a leash and two padlocks on the many steel rings around her neck. It occurs to me that her head is forced up at about a forty-five degree angle. I casually walk over, squat just a little, and straddle her mouth.

“Serve me slave,” I command. “Sally, you lost the competition. Get over here and clean my asshole with your tongue.”

This is easy for my slave, Almost impossible for Sally. My slave kisses my clip, Sally struggles to find a way to knee around slave to get to my ass. I reach behind my back and lash down at Sally with my crop. She squeals and wiggles her face between myass cheats.

I have to lean a hand on the bar stool that’s still in the room to keep from falling over. This is a very strange arrangement but worth it.

My slave is licking deep into me with her incredible tongue, her fingers which are locked close to her collars holding my labia lips open, her thumbs massaging my clip. I close my eyes enraptured.

Sally manages to get her tongue in my asshole mainly by using her hands on my thighs to pull harder into me, which is not easy for her with her wrist cuffs locked close to her collar too.

I’m afraid that I grunt like an animal as I cum, and cum, and cum. It’s fortunate that I have a slave, a subbie, and a bar stool to support me or I would fall over.

“Enough! Stop!” I gasp with a husky voice, dropping the riding crop and stumbling to untangle myself from the two women. I’m exhausted, breathing deeply, my bosom rising and falling. I collapse on the edge of the bondage bed leaving the still restrained women alone for the moment.

My slave bends down, picks up my riding crop in her teeth, and brings it to me still on her knees.

“She’s a treasure!” I think as I take it.

I stand, remove Sally’s leash, and unlock my padlocks and chain from her.

“Sal, you might want to wash up a bit first but you can put on your lingerie again,” I say plainly. “That was fabulous but I think we’re finished.”


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