I might be inaccurate in some of the details, but the story that I told is one that comes to my dreams on many many nights, a memory of a wild time and of sacrifice.
His name was John. Such a basic name. I thought that he was giving me a false name when we were talking online. That’s all it was at first. Then, we had the bright idea to meet. We were just supposed to go to the fireworks show, Somewhere nice and public. I, of course, had my reservations, and was not sure that I should trust this man anywhere secluded. It turns out that I had been correct, but it was not a mistake that I would ever regret. The years that would be to follow would broaden both of our horizons, and create two, completely insatiable sex fiends. Neither one of us was to ever be the same again.
We ended up fucking on my older sister’s couch that first night. There is no elegant way to put it. I was pissed off because he had been late and we missed the time frame to be able to make it to the fireorks show. I had really been looking forward to going. Even though I was pissed, I held it in, hiding it from him. Even though I hid it, he still felt it. The passwordate energies radiating from my skin. At first I was just angry, and when I am angry, many have told me that I go from being adorable to a sexy vixen on the hunt. Apparently that is where I was.
To be honest, I wasn’t all that attracted to him physically, but on a psychological level I was. He also seemed to know exactly what buttons to push to get me underneath him, with my skirt raised up over my hips and my panties tossed off to neverland. I wronged and bucked, and he proved that I could not contain my screams when it came to him. He let the monster in me lose that night, and we celebrated our country in more unconventional means Instead.
After the first night he told me that he could not see me anymore. He did not like the fact that I smoked and he was too allergic to my sisters cats. I do not think that heLiked that my family had come home early, and I had to introduce him to everybody, which I had never planned on doing. Being denied set me on fire. Even though I had never planned on keeping him around, now I wanted him. He became my goal, my object to conquer I wanted to break him, tear him down and make him beg. That is what I set out to do. But the outcome would not be what I had been planning on in the least.
My end goal was to have him begging, and me to go on walking. I was not one to take rejection easily, mostly because no one ever did. Even though I was to get him back and eating out of my hand, before too long he had a leash in his.
I am not your typical beauty queen, and to some men I am just plain unattractive. They cant stand my curvaceous hips, or the fact that my stomach was not flat. I am too blunt and honest, and hardly give a man the time of day. I can usually tell early on if they are going to be able to satisfy me, and if I do not think that they will beable to, I move on to the next, forgetting that the last even existed. It is not that I am stuck up, but rather, I was just a great judge of character. I could do it quick, and if you failed the test, I never thought of you again. Shit, I wouldn’t even remember them a week after of meeting them.
I didn’t sleep with every man that I met, far from it. But I also did meeting alat of people. At first I was just a small time slut. If I felt like sleeping with someone, I did, but I had yet to unlock my libido. Then John walked into my life, and it all changed. I am not one to fall in love, with anyone or anything. I float in the wind, going with the flow and acting only on what felt natural. His cock and his fingers changed my mind. I fell in love with sex. I didn’t fall in love with Making love, or gentle cares on the beach. I fell in love with brutally hard fuckings, ones that left me sore for days. Then it became harder and harder for someone to make me sore. They would all leave pspared, but I began to lose the ability to cum. .
Except when it came to John. HE was not gentle. He never lied. HE never tried to say that one day we would be together, and I was always perfectly ok with that. I did not want to be with him. I just wanted him to be in me. In my hand. In my mouth. In my almost too tight pussy. I wanted his cum in me and on me, any way that I could have it.
We fucked for months. We took breaks in between seeing each other, but the next time that we did, we both would fuck the other even harder than the time before. It was carnal, instantly and full of password. Just no emotion, and that is exactly what I wanted. I don’t know what he wanted, nor did I really ever both to ask. I did not care. All I know is that I was able to please, and that his hot sticky cum filled me every time. That is all that I cared about.
HE fucked me in his car, on his car, in public and at the house. At a park, on the street, on a counter and even a couple times on a bed. He did not mind that I fucked other men. In fact, it was almost as if he enjoyed sharing his dirty little slut with the world. He knew I was careful, that I was smart and wouldn’t give him anything. If I was ever doubtful, I got full panel tests and waited until I knew. Before anything else, I was still his slut. This I knew before he ever started making me say it.
Then One day, quite suddenly, I had to move, and it wasn’t just a couple towns away. I was moving 500 miles away. I was certain that the last year of my life was done and I was certain that I would never fuck someone so good again. The thought of never having his fingers in me and his bite marks on my neck and his cock slamming into me broke me. I honestly did not even have sex for a couple moths. I missed the man, but I missed his body and what he could do to me more. The whole time I had been close to him, the sex between us was mutual, with both of us having control. I never thought that it would change, or that I would want it to. Why would I? I never thought that I would see him again.
We continued to talk for three years, both of us making half-hearted promises that we would come visit the other. It never seemed that it would ever be again. For three years we both kept the fire between us alive. We spoke to each other often, although less and less towards the end. But when we Did, he would ask about my sex life and I would tell him. I would tell him in ways that would make him easy to picture himself, and for me to picture him, in their place. I would make him cum from 500 miles away, and every time I hung up, I felt victimious. I still owned him, and I wasn’t even sure if he was aware of this fact. I longed for the pictures that he sent me, reminding me just slightly of how big he was. But pictures never do anything just, and three years is a long time to remember just how someone feels when they thrust deeply into you.
I began to forget what he looked like afterI gave birth to my one and only child. I had given up all hope in ever seeing him again. I was certain that the end of us had come to pass, and we both would learn to accept it. Neither one of us, at least not I, would ever attempt to find someone half as good.
Then everything changed again.
Something about me, I am a control freak. I have to be the one in control of every situation. If I am not the one in control, I easily took control without hesitation or leeway. I guess people call me the alpha female, in every aspect of my life. I did not fight for control. I just took it. It was always mine.
I am not sure how it started, but I became his “pet”. It was just words at first. I mean, we were half a country apart. I did not really think much of it, besides it being a game. But Then he told me that he was coming down to see me. I thought it was a joke. but then he gave me a date and told me to take work off for it. So I did.
My mind was a mess over the next couple of weeks. He had made it clear that he was going to be in charge for the day that he would be there. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I never gave up the power. And now I was going to. I was excited that I was going to have a new experience, but I was scared that he would grow bored. I thought that maybe he would decide that I was to easy and not worth his time.
Then it was the day. I wore simple clothes like he had instructed. He told me not to wear the outfit that he had bought for me, that he wanted to be in the next room knowing that I was dressing sexy for him, and only him.
I heard the knock on the door. My heart jumped in my chest. I wasn’t ready. I answered the door and his eyes met mine, piercing my soul. My muscles clnched and the fire inside of me ignored once again. The hunger I saw in him made mine multiply. I came up with the quickest excuse that I could to get him into my bedroom.
He grabbed me by the hair and kissed me. I pulled away from him andit angered him. You see, I do not kiss anybody. I am not an intimate person. I do not let anyone in like that. He scolded me, and gently punished me. It was a warning. He was putting me in my place, teaching me a lesson, one that wouldn’t stick and I would be taught again.
The first time we fucked was quick and intense, I came around him and he came inside of me. It was our way of telling one another that we missed them. Nothing special. Just rough sex. it was equal, like it had been before my move.
Then he got down to business, he started to pull things out of his bag. The first was just a box of your average fetish stuff, a gag, some clamps, and some cuffs. as I opened them, growing wetter and wetter with each item that I held in my hand, he pulled out a couple tubes of anal lube. My heart started beating. I knew what it means, he was planning on claiming my ass for the first time. My heart began to slam in my chest and my breathing became quick ad shallow. I had only tried it with one other person, and it had gone terribly wrong. I swore that I would never do it again. And he was so wide, I was afraid that I would tear and I was worried about a million other things going wrong. But I had made a promise once when I was drunk, that he would be allowed to fuck me in the ass one day. He was now going to make sure that I kept that promise.
We fucked a couple more times, none of them all that different. I behaved at first. I only struggled a little, and my ass received a few swift swats for that. But then I had to get ready for dinner. I left him in the bedroom and I went to get dressed. I slipped on my skin tight skirt and lacened up my corset. I put on my jewelry and did my hair and make up. I could hardly recognize myself. I knew that he would be pleased. Then I slipped on my shoes and went to meat him. His eyes roamed my body, and I quickly became uncertain that he and I would make the dinner reservations at the local Italian restaurant that I hadmade. But we did.
Dinner was great. He teased me at the table while I ate my dinner. I do not know if he liked his dinner or not, but I told myself that he was just too distracted to eat much of it.
Then we went back to my place and he promptly shredded my clothes and fucked me senseless, my bed was soaked from both his and my cum. He had made me gush all over him multiple times. He was the Only one that had ever made me squirt.
But he wasn’t done with me.
While we were both resting I fucked him with my mouth. I took him in my mouth slowly at first. I teased the tip of his cock with my tongue. I trailed it up and down and around his shake. Then I shoved him as far into my mouth as I could until I gagged. It made him groan in pleasure. I am not sure why, but he liked to hear me gag. I did not care. I loved to give him head. I was a cock hungry slut. Sometimes I would want it bad enough that my stomach would growl. And it sure was growing for him that night. I took my time, teasing him and taunting him. I know that he was unsure whether or not to finish in my mouth or to fuck me senseless once again and finish deep inside of me. I was drawing it out, hoping that he would choose the latter.
And then he did. He pushed me back on the bed, and flipped me over. He knew that I hated him being able to see the scars on my back. I tried to protest, and I tried to flip around. This Angered him once again, and I knew that I would not get away with just a spanking.
He wrapped his hand around my throat and slammed his fingers into my pussy. I couldn’t breath He slammed his fingers into me, over and over again, the pleasure building and building. I couldn’t cum because I couldn’t breath. But when I pulled his hand away from my throat, he stopped. I bucked around his hand so he pulled his fingers out of me. I knew what he wanted, so I flipped myself over and stuck my ass in the air. I pushed my face into the mattress and I waited. He spanked me over and over again. and then it stopped, I knew better than to move. The pain had made me soaking wet. I could feel my own juices flowing down my legs.
Then he was slamming himself into me. I screamed in pain. and then I was screaming in pleasure. He was hurting me, and I loved every moment of it. I did not want it to ever end. Then I came, violently. One right after the other. I began to get dizzy, but still he wouldnt relent. It seemed as if no time passed between one orgasm and the next. with every stroke it hurt more and more, and every orgasm was stronger than the last because of it. Then I felt his rhythm began to false, and quickly after I felt his hot cum shooting deep in me. I came again and fell limp on the bed.
And still he was not done with me. He wrestled me around. I fought him, hard. I did not want any more. I was too sore. But no is not in the vocabulary between John and I. We had established this long ago. So I fought, he slammed his fingers into me once again, pulling my hair as he did so. I fought so hard that I ended up on the floor. I slammed my legs closed and tried to push him off of me, but it didn’t work. He knew just what to do to get me to loosen up my legs, and before I realized what was going on, he had pushed himself between my legs. Both him and I had rug burn, and both of us were panting hard. Then I realized how he was looking at me. I apologized and said that I was done. He commanded me to get up on the bed, and so I did.
He put the gag in my mouth, and pulled it tight. He put the blindfold on and cuffed my hand. I began to shake. I was terrified because I knew that I deserved a harsh punishment. I wouldn’t resist it. But instead he just ran his hands over me. He knew I couldn’t stand not being able to see him, and he knew that I hated it even more that I couldn’t touch him. He teased me. He flicked at my nipples, he bit at them too. He made me want him. It seemed like it went on for hours, even though I knew onlya few minutes had passed. Then he slapped me on the ass and told me he was done. I whimpered, but it did not change his mind.
I got dressed in a new dress, and put on different shoes. we were going out. I did not really want to, but I had made a few promises. I was drunk, both on alcohol and on sex. I could barely feel my legs and I hardly had strength to stand.
First we went around catching Pokémon. It was fun and it was pointless. With every stop I only wanted him more. I pictured him bending me over tables and over cars, not giving a damn who was watching. It never happened.
We stopped at where I worked. I was hungry again. I needed the fuel. And then he took me to the water tower on the property and used his fingers to fuck me again. I came over and over, soaking his hand. he was satisfied, he had claimed me where I worked.
Then we went to the bar and had a couple of drinks. he teased me in the parking garage before going back to my place.
By this time I was very drunk. He fucked me again and I was suddenly nearly sober.
I asked him if he would be careful. I do not know if he knew what I was talking about since it came out of the blue, but he told me that he would. I told him that I wanted him to fuck me in the ass. He was shocked. He asked me multiple times if I was sure. He lubed me up, and he put on a condom. I just tried to breath and to relax.
He teased me with the tip of his cock. It was odd, wanting it. especially since it terrified me. he eased into me, stretching me more than I had ever been stretched before. It hurt, I wanted to cry. I wanted to tell him to stop. But I knew I had to try, so I let him continue. it seemed like a life time. The pain slowly grew into pleasure. And then he was in. He held still trying to make sure that he wasn’t causing too much pain, and then I hiccupped. The movement sent a shock wave of pleasure through my body, and almost instantual I began to move under him. I began to moan. Ibegan to lose sense of who I was. He let me control this, I do not think that he wanted it to stop, and I don’t think that he was going to risk it stopping. The pleasure grow and grow. And then I came. This wasn’t just any orgasm. The power from that orgasm could have been harvested and used to level a city. I had never had one like it. And it did not stop. When I couldn’t control it any more he took control and sent me on another roller coaster ride. it was the most exciting pleasure I had ever felt.
We fell asleep shortly after. We fell up a few times and he would fuck me again, apparently in my sleep I kept asking him to fuck me.
And then it was time for him to go. My heart broke watching him drive away. Not only did he own my body, he somehow came to own my heart. But he would always be my Sir, and I would always be his Pet.
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