
Getting through the airport was the easy part. My scars were visible slightly through my legs and I had a silk like strap twisted up my right leg that extended past my garter belt. My skirt was short enough that no one noticed, or even questioned the fact that I had quite a bit of rope woven around my body. The stick slightly hindered my mobility, but I pulled it off gracefully enough. It was the black strapped, patent heels that I had to focus hard on. They were thinner than the heels I normally wore, and higher than any of the thinner heels I’ve ever put on. But I wanted to be perfect today… I had to be.

I wore all black, with the exception of my bright red underwear. For this occasion, I chose a lace set, a red bra, and I tiny g-string that, had I bent low enough, would have easily exposed my garter straps and ass. The shirt I chose, though long sleeped, was far from modest, showing two large, pale breast begging to be freed from their criminal prison, A thin black silk rope lead from somewhere between them to a D-ring on my thick, patent collar, forming a perfect loop.

It was easy for me to get out of the considerably small airport and into a cab due to my lack of luck. I didn’t have much, a borrowed laptop and a few items of clothing in a carry on bag. This was not to be a long trip, just a gift of my appreciation. Hopefully, it would please Him completely.

I Spared no expense on this trip, though I knew it would be quite price, I had no doubt in my mind that it would be worth every penny spent. The cab driver pulled in front of the apartment complex and I handed him a fifty dollar bill. ” Ma’am, he said ” I can not break this.”

” It’s fine,” I replied, ” keep it, these are hard times. Sometimes it’s good to share what we’ve got.” His reply was short, but kind. He nodded and handed me his business card.

” Next one’s on me. It was a pleasure to be of service.” I grinned broadly.

” It will be.” With that I gathered my few things, and took a deep breath in a funile attempt to try to calm my rapidly growing anxiety. This is it. This is that feeling you get when you go down a huge curve on a roller coaster, or when you have cold water thrown on you when it’s a hot day. Your heart is pounding in your throat, you are shaking, and your mind is clouded with uncontrollable, fast moving thoughts. This is the hunt and kill adrenaline rush.

I had the address written down on a scrap of paper and shoved into the pocket of my jacket. However, I didn’t need it. In my anticipation for this moment, I had memorized it, and anything else I could think of to make Him happy. I wasn’t sure what it was about him that attracted me so much to draw me out of my comfort zone. Perhaps it was the large, wise eyes. Maybe Even the incredible amount of patience He had held for me so far. Hopefully, whatever it was, the truth would reveal itself.

I pulled a slender flip phone out of my jacket pocket and checked the time. It was 10:43 in the morning. Excellent, and early, as He tends to sleep in late. I expected Him to still be in bed, as we had finished speaking last at five that same morning. I was already at an airport, He was heading to bed. Upon returning my phone to my jacket pocket, I draped it across my laptop bag. I made another attempt at steadying myself as I climbed the stairs.

I raised my hand to knock on the door, fixing my hair to ensure that it was as perfect as I could manage. After the second knock, I heard some rustling on the other side of the door, followed by a very sleepy founding ” Just a minute!” At this time, my heart was near busting out of my shirt much in the same way that my overly exposed tits were.

I heard a bit more communication before I placed my bags on the ground, pushing my right foot slightly in front of the left. I pressed my chin up, and put one hand on my hip. Maybe if I looked confident, I wouldn’t crumble under His stare.

After what seemed like forever, the lock slide on the door and I went from being anxious, to being a light-headed wreck. The door swung open to reveal my completely bedraggled Master. For small moment, we stood there looking at each other in shock. I was certain He could hear my heart trying to free itself from it’s ivory cage. It took about three second for His eyes to widen and realize exactly what (or whom, rather) arrived at his doorstep.

I grinned despite my attempts to remain cool and collected as He took me in. He was large eyed and quiet, and I was worried that He would reject me. Was I dressed to code? Would He approve of me going through the airport like this without Him?

Another minute passed as we stood quietly, trying to compose our thoughts when finally he took me in his arms. I buried my face in His neighbor so I could finally take in the warm scent that was Him. Upon doing so, I was terrified that the body oils I was wearing were too strong. He pulled my body away from his to lookinto my eyes.

” It’s you,” He said.

” It is me,” I replied, blushing.

” You smell good,” and with that he put on His signature, heart-melting grin. Relief flooded over me as I was terrified that my every day cent was too strong for His nose to handle.

I bent low to pick up my bags and we stood in the doorway a little longer. ” Sir, I don’t mean to be rude, but my return flight doesn’t leave for a while. Though you have a lovely doorway, I would love to, perhaps, see the rest of the house.”

He hesitated a moment looking quickly over His shoulder before turning back to me. He wasn’t exactly expecting guests, and the house wasn’t in top condition. I didn’t care, and He knew it. He got a devilish look in His eyes and I almost fell over Due to the weakness in y knees. He grabbed my hand and turned it over, revealing an embarrassingly clammy palm. He pressed his lips against my hand while staring up at me smoothly. Had He was paying closer attention, He may have noticed the pulse point in my wrist beating wildly. ” You didn’t have to do this, but thank you. The fire in His eyes grew more wild and He pulled me through the threshold faster than my legs were ready to carry me. (which happened to not be very fast at all).

It happened all too quickly for me to really process or try to stop it. I stumbled through the door-way, fell against Him with a ” thud” and landed as gracefully as I could manage. He laughed lightly as He reached over the heap on the floor that was me and closed the door with a swift flick of the wrist.

I lifted off the shoulder strraps on my bag and looked up at my Master. He was smiling down at me with His hand extended patiently, waiting for me to take it. I hadn’t been in His presence but five minutes and I was already sprayed out on the floor and embarrassed. “I’m so sorry,” I said weakly, I’m so clumsy and I’ve already ruined it.”

” Hush,” He laughed, ” it’s time to get off of My floor, Little One. IDid not put you down there. Now let Me see you.” He presented His hand to me again and lifted me off of the ground. ” Turn for Me?” He asked, and I quickly did so, being careful as to not with under His gaze. He smiled at me again, taking his time as I slowly spun about. ” You dressed like this your entire flight? No changing?” I did not wish to speak in fear that I would say something stupid, so I simply nodded my head.

He smiled and grabbed my hand once more, pulling me to Him. He placed His left hand on the small of my back while gently brushing a strand of my hair back with his right. ” I approve completely, Little One, as you knew I would. And, on top of that, you came all the way out here to make sure I had a happy birthday. I must admit, you have outdone yourself, and surprised me entirely. For that, you will be well rewarded.”

He then slipped His hand behind my head, gently tugging on my hair and pulling my head back so I was staring up into His eyes. I’m not surehow I managed it, but I kept my knees from buckling and myself from turning into a puddle under His warm hands. I was mesmerized by His gaze.

He lifted His hand from my back and tugged on the silk rope looped through my collar, following it down with His eyes. They lit up and He quickly pushed His lips to mine. I could feel both my excitement building as well as myself turning a Fierce shade of red. He was completely intotoxicating and the edges of reality started fading. He reached His hand down toward my knee and traced the straw upwards. ” I wonder,” He said, ” where this goes to.” I could feel the blood leaving my face and I swallowed hard. Even through my legs, I could feel the heat emitting from His palms. He lowered Himself to His knees, eyes on mine and traced His lower lip with His tongue.

He continued His journey up my thigh and reached my garter belt. Within seconds, He had removed the straws on my right side and followed it up to the center of my legs. Tracing the red panties, He watched my face for every change in expression. ” You are very excited to see me, Little One. You have worked very hard to come to Me. If just a kiss makes you so wet, what will a touch do?” He slipped His hand inside of my g-string to find that my clip was hidden behind a strip of silk rope. ” Huh,” He smiled, ” that’s where that leads to. This will be fun.”

” Do you trust me?” He asked, and I nodded my head vigorously. ” No, Little One, that will /not/ do. When I ask a question, I expect you to answer it, do you understand?”

” Yes, Sir,” I replied, and before He had to repeat himself I continued “and I trust You completely. That’s why if You’ll accept me, I brought You This.” I leaned over to my bag and unzipped the top, removing a small, square box. I lowered my head and handed it to Him.” He gently opened the box to reveal a thick leather collar, much like the one I was already wearing, with the exception that this one had a few leather straps basket woven around the D ring in the center.

” Well, it appears as if you already have one on, and I shouldn’t be wasting any time on figuring out what exactly you have wound around your body.” He throw my skirt up to reveal what may have appeared to the trained eye as a standard Shibari rope dress underneath my little lace g-string. Raising an eyebrow He turned me around to swiftly unzip the back of my skirt sliding it down my long legs and allowing it to pool at the floor.

For a moment, a puzzled look crossed His face when He quickly looked up at me. Leaning over once more, I removed a pair of EMT utility scissors from my bag. ” Sir, I think this may be Your best bet.” I handed them to Him with a sly smile, knowing that I might actually pay for that.

” No, not at all,” He grinned viciously “because you are going to remove it.”

At first, my eyes widened with shock, then I could feel my entire body growing hot. I did not want Him to have to continue giving orders,as I wanted to know what He wanted me to do before He had to ask. But I couldn’t stop the words from falling out of my mouth.


“The look on your face says you heard me, Little One. You are going to stand here and until the rope harness, and get dressed again so we can start over. Do you understand?”

I nodded my head, “Yes, Sir.” I stepped out of my skirt and slide my shirt over my head, exposing the complexities of the rope dress I had on. It very closely resembled a turtle shell, four diamonds down the center that branched off into several more shapes that encompassed my entire torso. I reached around my back to until the bottom half of the harness, I was very good with ropes and knots, so I could do so quickly and smoothly.

Once I had finished, you could see where the rope was pushing into my body, purple and red marks stained my alabaster skin. I pulled the last bit of rope from around my torso and laid it to the ground, picking up my bra and pantiesAlong the way. I slipped my bra around my back, hooking it quickly before bending over once more to slide my undies up my legs. I was trembling in fear and excitement, He had never before seen so much of me. What did He think?

I was stooping down to pick up my skirt when His eyes lit up. “That’s enough, Little One. Let me see you.” I raised my right arm up an placed it behind my neck, rustling my hair slightly. I didn’t think He’d mind me trying to be a little sexy. I turned around slowly so that He could see all of me. When I was facing Him, I stared at His face in attempts to find any sign of disapproval.

But there was no disapproval on His face. A small smile played on His lips, and His eyesbrows were slightly raised. We stood there for a few seconds, and I started getting nervous. Slightly shaking, I lowered my right hand to my side, trying to figure out exactly how to place myself to make it appear as if I wasn’t losing my cool.

“Sir, I hate to be rude again, butI’m just standing here, and I’m really nervous.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just trying to figure out what to do to you.” He stepped a bit closer, and I thought I was going to fall over due to the weakness in my knees. But I didn’t fall over, and a strange boldness swept over me. I moved forward to meet Him, and I wrapped my arms around His neck with a smile. I melted when He welcomed me and pressed a hand to my back, bringing me closer to Him.

“Turn around, Little One,” He said, and upon me doing so, bring our bodies close together. I could not help but notice how well our bodies fit together, or that He was hard. This, of course, only made me want Him more, but I was patient. I took in a long, shaky breath and He took my right breast in His hand, giving it a tight squeeze before tracing His fingers down my torso and lingering on my panties.

He traced the waist band before slipping His nimble fingers under the fine, red lace. My heart skipped a beat as He slowly moved towards the inside of my leg instead of just going straight down the center where I so desperately wished Him to be. Spreading His fingers slightly, He allowed His hand to rest upon my outer lips before gently pushing His middle finger forward in between my inner lips. I feel Him grow harder as He sharply takes in a breath in approval of how moist I was for Him.

Turning my head, I slid my hand up His right arm, enjoying the slight curves of His muscles. Swinging a racquet a few times a week had definitely had an effect on His arms. I rested my hand on His neck and brought my lips to His. He was a mouth breather, so His lips were slightly dry and cracked despite His constant licking them. I enjoyed the contrast of His mouth on mine, and I pressed further, allowing my tongue to slip between His lips. His was drunk than mine, and I enjoyed the opportunity to moisten it. I looked up and gazed into His eyes, a small moan escaped my lips and resonated through the air.

With that moan, I was engulfed with courage. I slid my hand down His arm, laying my hand on top of His and gently pushing down, silently urging Him to explore me further.

He stroked my slit softly, being gentle at first before He slid into me, first one then two of His nimble fingers. They curled into me slowly, pressing on my G-spot and I arched my back in shock and delight. I had hoped that I was more difficult to read, more mysterious, but He could read my body like a book. He knew what I wanted and it killed me. I looked up and smiled at Him, but any smile (no matter how lazy or casual I tried for it to be) did nothing to hide how badly I want Him right then. Then I noticed that loving every little shiver, every sharp intake of breath He was going to draw this out as long as He could.

He gently retracted His fingers from within me before tracing my sensitive clip. I trembled slightly as He started moving His hand in small circles around it. His breath was hot on my neck and I trembled under His touch. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to climaxing, and He could feel me building up. He leaned close to my ear “Do not cum until I tell you to, Little One. I want you to wait for me.” I moaned in disapproval, but licked my drying lips. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” I managed to mutter though my throat felt dry and I had difficulty finding words. “Do not focus on it,” I thought, but I had been waiting to be His for so long now it flooded my mind. I did the only thing I could think of to keep me sane. I reached my left hand behind me and quickly unbuttoned His pants, sliding my hand in and taking hold of His hard cock.

I felt Him stiffen slightly as I wrapped my long fingers around Him, stroking Him softly. He was longer and Girlhier than I had imagined. I ran my fingers over the throbbing veins that encircled Him and almost came to the excitement that me, of all people, could have such an effect on Him. I was trying. I started stroking faster, running my fingers up over His head every third or fourth stroke, hoping to bring Him closer and closer to an orgasm. That would get Him to change His mind about having me hold off.

As if sensing this He pulled me away from Him and took me by the hand, leading me through His house and bringing me (finally!) to His room. He led me to His bed which was pushed up against the wall near the middle of the wall and sat down motioning for me to follow. I lowered myself down gently on His mattress, swept up in the emotion that months of fantasizing, and I had finally reached the place in my dreams.

I looked over towards Him, eyes glowing with joy, heart pounding with longing, and blood rushing with lust. I was almost embarrassed to notice that my scent had started to linger in the air. Had He noticed? I searched His face for Any sign of disgust, but the only thing I saw was His eyes lit up with password, and that password was because of me.

I leaned in to Him and swept back alock of His hair. “I have you,” I said, bringing my lips to His and sparking a fire deep within me. Every time we touched, a thousand tiny pinpricks flitted across my skin. He welcomed my lips and smoothly slide His body closer to mine, sliding His hand up the side of my neck and crackling my head.

He gently guided me to the bed, lips still pressed to mine, one hand pressed to my face and the other sliding down my breast. I was shocked at how with such fire in His eyes, He had so much control over Himself. Surely He wanted me at least half as much as I wanted Him. He tenderly cared my title, playing with my now erect nipple. I giggled quietly in both the joy of the moment and at how much that simple little touch made me feel.

He slide His hand down my body, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin and hooked His hand under the straw of my panties. Lowering Himself to the floor, He inch by inch slide my panties down my legs, exposing my wet pussy and filling the air with my stickysweet smell. I was embarrassed and drew my legs in closer together in attempt to make myself a little less vulnerable to the cool air and His smoldering gaze. His eyes flickered with a stern disapproval to my retraction, and I relaxed again to please Him. I hated that look.

“You said you trusted me, Little One. Is that not correct?”

“It is, Sir, but I’m terrified of your reaction to me. You know I’m very shy about myself.” I lowered my eyes, feeling ashamed that as much as I trusted and cared for Him, my embarrassment still took control of me. “I am sorry, Sir.” He was so patient and understanding with me, no one else ever granted me such things, and here I was almost insulting all of His hard work. He began to lay kisses on my porcelain thighs, running His hands down my sides and resting them on my hips.

“Don’t be sorry, just don’t let it happen again. I know you are shy, and I know you trust me. Now we have to get you to be comfortable with yourself.” The contrastof His hot breath where the cool air lingered on me was incredible. He drew closer and closer to my aching slit, teasing me with kisses, getting closer and closer before smoothly moving away. I moved my right arm under my head so I could watch Him explore me, eyes lighting up in response to my every little reaction. He slide His hands under my legs and pulled me closer to the edge of the bed, pressing His lips to me and gently sliding His tongue up my dripping wet slit. I trembled under Him and revealed in the fact that I trusted Him above many others to see me so closely.


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