Persuading a Slave to Obedience

Persuading a Slave to Obedience

The road back to Rasmus’ villa was calm and uneventful. The week-long trip to the city for business left the merchant exhausted and ready to return home to relax. The risks sound of the carriage wheels against the road and the shouts of other drivers and road vendors became background noise that lulled the man to sleep.

Rasmus drifted back awake as the paved road changed to the familiar dirt path of his villa. He smiled at the comforting thought of being back to his place and wonderful which of his slaves he would take to his bed tonight. Vivi had ample curves, but lacked in any stimulating conversation. There was Lule, a wonderful and educated slave who he often enjoyed talking to. His favorite male slave, Mohan, was always fun to dominate and a change from his women slaves.

With his slaves still on his mind, he exited the carriage, stretched, and walked towards his villa. Clicking his tongue, the driver pulled away to park the carriage and return the horses to the barn. The exhausted master passed through the iron gates to the courtyard. He briefly admitted the great big initials RM and his family crest above the gate. Two guards saluted before opening the large wooden doors to the villa interior. Rasmus took a deep breath and voted in relief. Home.

“Welcome back, sir,” greeted a jovial man with a deep bow. His short, but poofy hair bounced as he came back up. Heino, Rasmus’ head service always welcomed him back. He wore his familiar luxury purple clothing signing his high position in the household.

“I am sure you are wanting to rest, sir, but there is a problem…” he hesitated, gauging the mood of his master. Rasmus glanced at his service and, while tired, was curious to see what the problem was. Heino continued. “As you had said before you left, if the new slave caused any problems, you would deal with it personally. I regret to inform you that despite my best efforts, she has been causing a lot of problems.”

“What problems is she causing?” Rasmus inquired, raising an eyebrow.

“She still doesn’t accept her place as a slave in your most general villa. She refuses to obey my and other’s commands and she even tries to direct some of the other slaves as if she were the master of the household.” Heino said with a slight smile musing at the Thought.

Rasmus returned the chuckle, then paused for a moment and stroked his chin, absolutely feeling the hairs of his short bear. “Bring her to the room next to the library in one hour,” he ordered. Heino smiled and bowed again before he turned heel and walked briskly away to find the slave. Rasmus, on the other hand, witnessed and made his way to his apothecary room.

In the apothecary room, the merchant dug through his different positions, some of which were purchased and some he had made himself. He glanced at the different labels, shaking his head at some, and mentallly noting others that could be useful for the future. His excitement grow as he read the different labels, each potion giving him ideas on how he would discuss his new slave. Finally, he came across one: Anthrope’s Desire. Happy with his selection, he gripped the bottle tightly and slipped it into his pocket before leaving.

Rasmus found a service and told him to bring tea to the room next to the library. With a bow, the service left in a hurry to fulfill the order and Rasmus continued to his destination. Inside the room was rather plain, with a few unremarkable paintings, a fireplace, a small table, and a couple of wooden chairs. One of those chairs was going to be the slave’s, which contained hidden restraints that could be used to quickly subdue a surprised person.

Sitting comfortable in the chair closest to the door, he waited Until he heard a knock. The previous service walked in and placed a kettle of tea on the table with two cups. The master of the house pouredthe tea out into the two cups and added to the second cup a substantial amount of the contents of the container he had brought with him.

Once again, Rasmus relaxed into his chair as he waited for Heino. The minutes seemed to extend as the hour neared to an end and he found himself idling twiddling his hands.. On the dot, there was a knock on the door, which was followed by Heino and the slave woman. She had golden hair, which was tied up with a blue bow. She wore an equally blue dress that swayed elegantly with every step she took. The master smiled at her as he remembered her beauty. The slave gave him a defiant look before she turned her gaze away. Heino bowed, left, and shut the door behind him leaving Rasmus alone with his new slave.

He motioned for the woman to take a seat. She hesitated and cautiously walked to the chair before sitting, giving a small sight of relief of being off her feet.

He asked softly, “What was your name again?”

“Amelia,” she respondedd shortly.

Amelia glanced at the cup of tea and reached out to it. “Not yet,” commanded Rasmus. As a slave, you are no longer in control of your actions and will wait for my command,” he scolded.

Anger flashed across the slave’s face. Her outreached hand froze in place for a couple of pensive moments as she shifted her look between the cup of tea and Rasmus. Finally, she smiled, reached out the rest of the way, and gulped down the warm tea before the master could react, but he wouldn’t have reacted anyway. While she drank the tea, she was oblivious to the smile that crept up on the master’s face. Indignant, thought Rasmus. This is going to be fun to break her. She slammed down the empty tea cup triumphantly and stared into his dark eyes, challenging him.

“You don’t seem to accept that you’re a slave now, do you?

“I will never be an obedient slave,” Amelia shot at him.

“Is that so?” he said more to himself than to her.

Rasmus contemplated his angry slave and her rebellious attitude. He took a sip of his tea while looking at her, savoring the warm, bitter flavor of his drink before placing the cup back onto the table. “You’re not like other slaves here, Amelia. Most of the slaves I have bought were already well trained by the time I exchanged coin for them, only needing correction here or there. But when I saw you, I knew that I needed you, despite your lack of training.”

“Maybe you made a mistake in purchasing me.” Amelia responded sharply.

“I doubt it,” Rasmus chuckled, taking another sip. “Every slave can be trained, it’s just a matter of knowing how to motivate their obedience.”

“I will fight and disobey you to the end.”

“We’ll see about that,” he smiled. He had to give it to her. She was very confident in her ability to succeed in continuing her defiance. He changed the subject, “Did the other slaves tell you about me?”

“They said something, but you don’t scare me,” she gave Rasmus a stern look before her expression changed to confusion. She raised her hand up to her forehead as if pressing away a headache and with her other hand, she pulled at her dress collar.

“You will soon see for yourself why you should fear me.” Seeing the potion begin to take effect, Rasmus stood up and moved towards Amelia. She tried to fight back, but he easily overpowered her in her drugged state and shoved her back to the chair. He grabbed the hidden leather straps and soon had her arms and legs bound to the chair.

“Let me go coward! What have you done to me? My body…it feels so warm,” Amelia shot an accusatory look at her captor.

“In your haste to show me your defiance, you drank more than a full dosage of aphrodisiac you silly girl,” he squeezed her leg with false empathy.

“It feels too hot,” she complained, shifting in her seat with what little movement the bounds afforded her.

“I’m sure it does,” he agreed with her. “Let me help you.” He tore open her dress, revealing her breasts, which rose and fall with each breath she took. Amelia squirmed in her seat and looked both fearful and angry towards Rasmus.

He grabbed her chin, lifted it up, and looked deep into her blue eyes. “I want you to remember one thing from our lesson today, Amelia.” She maintained focus on him, despite the aphrodisiac taking effect on her body. “I own you and your body, slave.”

“I won’t be your obedient slave,” her voice was more of a plea than her previously defiant tone.

“An obedient slave gets to feel nice things,” he said persuasively as he began to move his fingers over her smooth skin. Amelia recoiled at his touch and glared at him before her glare shifted to a soft expression as if her emotions and the aphrodisiac were contesting for control of her mind.

The master continued to cares his unwilling slave and dared to venture over her nipples. She reacted similarly: anger flashing across her face at the bold touch before soften when the pleasureable sensing invaded her mind.

“It’s too much,” she pleaded. He could tell that she was trying not to give in to the pleasure that the aphrodisiac heightened.

“It’s going to get worse,” he said with a sadistic smile.

With his strong arms, he ripped off the rest of her dress and throw it to the side where it crumbled in a pile. Amelia’s cheats reddened and she avoided gazing at her master. She squirmed and tried to hide her naked body despite the straps holding her mostly in place.

Eager to explore more of her for the first time, Rasmus began studying her every curve and imperfection with his touch. He took his time, knowing that everywhere that his fingers touched would send a deep tingling sensing throughout her body that was high on the aphrodisiac. His slave didn’t pull back from his touch this time.

“It feels good, doesn’t it?” He taunted her as his finger tips gently caressed the inside of her thigh. A slight gasp was answerer enough.

“It feels so intense,” she barely managed to say before gasping again as he went higher. His hands continued to touch her as she slowly embedded the sensings with every minute that passed. So much for her resistance.

By this point, the position was taking full effect. Soon, she was going for him to touch her, to give her some sort of release from the sexual tension building inside of her. He pretended he could not hear her, focusing his touch everywhere, except the place she wanted it most, right between her legs. He too wanted to touch her, to feel the wet warmth of her pussy for the first time, but he needed her filled with more desperation.

He continued like that for quite some time, her gasps having turned into moans and her moans having turned into pleasures as he slid his hands all over her body. Her gaze Continuously shifted from her pussy to her master, begging him to pleasure her. After an exciting amount of time, Rasmus decided he would oblige his slave. He slide his hand down and over her belly slowly making it’s way to her erogenous zone. When he was about to reach her clip, he stopped short so close that if Amelia were unrestrained, she would have been able to thrust her hip up to rub herself against him.

Rasmus locked his eyes with Amelia. “Do you promise to be a good slave, and obey my every command?” he asked.

She nodded enthusiastically “Yes!”

“I want to hear it out of your mouth,” he urged on.

“I will obey your every command,” Amelia said desperately, practically shouting. He knew that she would say anything just so that she could feel relieve from her burning desire.

He grabbed her hair this time and stared intensely into her eyes again. “I will obey your every command, what?” Rasmus asked, his voice as intense as his stare.

Amelia paused momentarily before she answered. “I will obey your every command, master,” she exclaimed.

“This is what it feels like to be my good obedientslave, Amelia.”

He took his finger and slide it inside of his desperate slave, who had long been wet with anticipation. Her eyes curled up and her mouth opened at the new sensing she had been waiting for. She let out moan after moan and her body pushed against his finger.

He easily squeezed a second one inside of her, which only increased the sounds coming from her. With each passing moment she rubbed against him faster, her moans increasing in intensity. Rasmus enjoyed watching his slave pleasure herself with his fingers while he massed the inside of her pussy at the same time. Due to the combination of the aphrodisiac and the delay in touch, she was already getting close to her first orgasm. He knew how incredible it would feel for her to have such a release in her current state of mind, probably the most powerful orgasm she would have experienced up to This point in her life. But, he still had to punish her for her behavior while he was gone.

Before she could reach a climax, Rasmus withdraw his fingers, leaving the woman confused. She begged for him to put them back in, to rub her clip, to fuck her, anything to give her the release that she was so close to achieving.

Her complaints fell on deaf ears, though. He placed his hand over her still begging mouth and whispered in her ear. “While you are here, alone and frustrated about your lack of orgasm, think about what kind of slave you are going to be. This is your punishment for your disobedience,” he said as he inserted the two fingers in his mouth and saved the taste of his slave.

With that, he stood up and left the room. With each step away from the room, Amelia’s frustrated cries became more muffled and soon disappeared. The events that just happened left Rasmus feeling excited and his thoughts shifted from Amelia to satisfying his own sexual desires. He had finally decided who he would pick to play with that night. He brought the bottle up to the light and eyed the remaining amount of aphrodisiac, and thought of the pleasure time to come.


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