There she was. Seated on one of those swing-style outdoor seats on a patio raised some 10 or so feet above the ground, in that heels to butt posture with her knees well spread. In slacks, shorts, even bikini bottoms it would be intriguing. Stark naked under a short bikini cover-up it was indeed eye-catching. Her partner, about 10 years her senior, was seated about 6 feet to her left, also with his back pretty much to the wall, and therefore parallel to her, talking on his cel.
Far from concerned, or making any attempt to cover up, she actually lean forward a little, elbows on knees to spread her legs a little further.”We’re very fortunate,” she smiled, “we get a nice view from up here.”
The rich auburn landing strip was interesting. “Lots of nice views around here,’ I replied, waving and moving on because her partner was switching off and pocketing his cel.
Within 40 or so feet I was around a curve in the road and out of sight and another 200 feet brought me out onto the prospect looking out to sea. I was staying at a friend’s cabin for a few days. Nice private little place on a beach. This prospect was about 1000 feet along the dead end road from a cabin. Settling onto a large rock, I shielded my eyes against the sun and took in the fantastic view of beach then sea then mountains. Gorgeous. Normally breath-taking…but this time my mind keep wandering back to the 1-inch strip of lush auburn that.
Remembering that my friend had supplied me with the neighbor’s number, “…Just in case it comes in handy…” I took out my cel, and typed a text…
Does he know about the landing strip? Lol
Very quickly, I received…
Not yet. That’s today’s innovation. Like it? Lol
I was actually thinking ‘does he know you’re flashing it at the passersby’ but I typed
Today’s innovation? Are you doing daily specials? Lol
LOL…at his age, you have to keep things fresh…Lol…don’t get me wrong he’s a great guy…
Understood. And guys do have their uses, but… lol
Hmmmm, my kind of girl… 😉 lol
Hmmmm, indeed. Did I really want to get involved…and with a neighbor – a neighbor with a husband no less? Thinking I’d better cool it, a little, give it some time to breathe, I used the cam to take a pic or two instead and emailed them off to friends I wanted to make envious. Then I hauled my butt off the rock and started back toward the cabin. Only to discover she was still there, on the patio. Although he had gone, inside presumably.
Seeing me coming she uncoiled from the relatively demure legs together sideways and resumed the full feet up legs apart literally show-the-pink pose. Sometimes I just can’t help myself…not when someone is going to put it on a plate so to speak. “I got some really nice pix.” I hold up the cam…Click!
“Yeah, there’s some great shots down there,” she chuckled, apparently itchy on her inner thigh, nonchalantly running a fingertip along her pussy lips in the process.
I held up the cam again…Click!
“Send me some if they’re any good.”
Click!…”Of course.”…Click, Click, Click! He was coming out of the house so I turned the cel to look at the pix. “Although I doubt there’s anything you haven’t seen dozens of times.”
“Ahh but it’s in the eye of the beholder isn’t it.” She chuckled.
Chuckling myself, I shook my head and wandered off, waiting about 100 or so feet to send the text…
How wet are you? Out of 10? 😉
15 or so minutes later I stepped out onto the back patio of my friend’s place. There was no view of the beach from there but it was warm and private and as I dropped the robe I decided to work the tanlines on my back and rump and stretched out face down on the chain. I had an excellent, very erotic dream, and when I woke about an hour later I rolled onto my back and just lay there for quite some time, sipping wine and savouring the warmth on my flesh and face.
That was when I decided to do it…and went through the pix, almost nonchalantly, selecting two and uploading them to the site. Then I sent the link, by text, with no explanation… and poured myself another glass of wine, knowing the wait wouldn’t be a long one…
There she was, glass in hand, smiling that wry little pussy tingling smile.
“Bitch!” I hadn’t intended to be quite that blunt. But –well… the word just popped out I think in self defence as much as anything.
“You’d better come in.” She stepped aside and once I was in the cool interior led me through to the kitchen, where she handed me a glass and pointed to the bottle. She was probably almost as old as my husband, but wow, was she tight. Watching me study her, her smile broadened. “Good genes, hun, no credit to me or lifestyle believe me.”
“Bitch,” I repeated, swallowing deeply from the glass. Well, that site was horrific and in 24 hours, according to the caption, she would remove the smudge fromThe face that belongs the partially spread obviously wet pussy. That would put my face and my pussy on full view for however many people might chance upon it. “I was being playedful.”
“So am I,” she replied simply, “and you’ll thank me for it.”
“How do you figure that?”
She merely smiled. “Do you want me to un-smudge your face?”
“NO!” How could she think I might?! Even as I said that though, not that I would ever let on to her, my nipples went taut and my pussy gave me that little wake-up buzz. “NO! I want you to take it down right now.”
“I took the pic so it’s my copyright. You posed for it so you can’t argue I invaded your privacy. A judge would dismiss any suit straightaway. ..”
The idea of going to court made my throat dry as dust. Evidently all the moisture having drained down below my wait…
“But that’s not the real concern for you anyway, is it. You don’t want to be exposed in front of friends, neighbors and your husband. I can understand that. That’s why I giving you 24 hours to persuade me not to put you in that position…”
“That’s a good start, yes.” She turned, smiling and topping up my glass. We might have been discussing gardens at the time of year, at worst the latest Lady Gaga get-up…but we were talking about my humiliation! “Any time you want to offer me that tight little butt I’ll be happy to enter the idea.”
“Bitch!” I was having trouble thinking clearly, finding words. “Blackmail…this is blackmail.”
That direct. It was a blow that winded me, left me dazed and breathless…certainly unable to debate the issue. And that’s when the bitch struck for real. Next I knew, she had removed the glass from and my hand and was unbelting my blue terry cover-up, slipping it off my shoulders, both hands at my breasts thumbs and forefingers tweaking my taut nipples through the bikini fabric…
“What size top?” I had no idea, drew a complete blank…my mouth may even have opened and closed but no sound emerged, none. “Doesn’t matter,” she continued on blithely, popping the catches and tossing aside my top. Then she was at the top button of my daisy dukes…NO!-if she got that she’d know there weren’t any panties, that I’d come away deliberately without panties…but the button was already undone and the zip sliding down. Ever tried to trap someone’s hand by covering it? It simply melted out of my grasp and with it went my daisy dukes down over my hips to the floor where she stepped on them and seemed to lift me out of this last garment. It was devastating, debilitating…call it what you will, she was in complete control, spinning me back to the kitchen counter, pinning me with an arm across my lower back into a forward lean where my elbows were on the countertop.
Last time I was in this position my husband had pounded me into multiple orgasms…NO! No! …this I had to fight, had to wriggle and squirm and kick and win…had to!…had to slide away before…too late!-her finger sunk into my wet pussy from behind, skewering me completely. Screw your courage to the sticking place, Shakespeare had said. Well the bitch had and I was done, helpless, utterly incapable of defending myself. I did try. I didn’t surrender unconditionally. Not right away. She moved the pressing forearm up between my shoulder blades. I tried to elude her grip…
She was ravishing me. First one finger now two, from behind, like a piston, pounding my wide open soaking wet pussy – and with it, me – into submission. Defenceless, I gave up, throw my arms over my head on the countertop, hoping she would get bored, maybe, if I played dead…only to find a thumb teasing at my anus. “NO!”
Her grip tightened and the voice, close to my ear, said, “Don’t cum without permission. Ask first. Trust me, you want to ask first.”
“Bitch!…” my breath caught in my throat, “NO, PLEASE…” I felt the thumb cross the threshold, searingAgony in my unlubricated sphincter dissolving into surreal floating, on the verge, and I knew I was on the verge, and I tried to ask permission, but her fingers were hitting inside me so hard and fast even my thoughts had that reverberation you get from heavy violence and I couldn’t remember the words I needed to say as the wave surged, grow more, surged again and created in a rush…
No disrespect, guys…I love Dominating men, even making them write and publish accounts of their humiliation. But there are times you are just too easy. No, not easy exactly. That’s disrespectful and actually not correct. Forgive me. Let’s say there are times when I crave the challenge of controlling a female. Someone I know will fight with every ounce of her strength. Someone I know I will have to strip layer by layer, like an onion, first of her inhibitions, then of her dignity. Someone I will have to enslave, completely, in order to be certain of control and dominance.
And there she was.
When I came down the stairs, she was still curled, fetal-position, at the base of the kitchen cabinets. Her eyes registered my presence, widening, but she made no other move. I popped the dildo out of my strap on and tossed it at her. “Suck on that, you’ll need the lube.”
She lifted her head a few inches from the floor, eyes imploring.
“I did warn you not to cum without permission. Now suck on it. I am trying to make at least a little bit easier for you.” And I was. Genuinely. She was going to struggle to accommodate a dildo that size, especially when we moved into some of the positions I had in mind…
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