Wife Stories 04: Desperate for Relief

We have agreed to spend Friday night at home. Although this I have given you some instructions to dress and prepare as we would be going out.

As I enter the bedroom and I see you finishing your making by the Dresser. I ask you to rise and let me see what you are wearing. You do as I ask and do a slow spin. You have your tight small black dress on you. You are wearing black matching thong and bra, black stockings, black high heels and the jewelry I bought you last christmas.

I look at you for a moment with slight disapproval. “What? Not good enough?” You ask with irritation in your voice. “Hmmm… no, not good… too black… put on something more snazzy, maybe the red lingerie, you know the one I got you on your birthday. And the red heels too. And while you are at it, put on more red lipstick.” You look at me for a moment and I almost start to think that you will refuse but then answer with sarcasm in your voice “Of course love, anything you say”. “Watch your tone tonight” I warn you. You scar and nod. “Yes…” I wait for you to continue but you turn back to your dresser and start undressing. I leave you to it.

Finally, after some time, you are ready and enter the living room. For your surprise, I have prepared some snacks and drinks for us. I gesture at you to sit down and we start to talk, eat and drink. I am drinking beer and you opt for cider. After a while we finished the snacks and a couple drinks each. We move to the sofa and I go get us more to drink. I take a beer and I pour you another large cider. You sip it slowly but I gesture at you to anxious up with it. You give me a strange look but do as told. “Are you trying to get me drunk?” you ask. I just chuckle a bit and get you another one, non alcohol this time.

“No, I don’t want you to get drunk, just drink up.” You look at me defiantly and down the drink with one go, I just smile and pour you another one. You look puzzled.

I get up and tell you to finish your drink and wait for me to prepare the “stage”. I tell you that there is going to be a special show tonight. The look on your face is both puzzled and worried, usually you are not enjoying my ideas and they are not the most pleasant for you. I go get a large plastic bin that we have on the bottom of the car trunk and a small bag. I place the bin on the living room dining table. I then ask you to get up and assume the “Inspection” position where you stand legs apart and hands behind your head. I move behind you and gently run my hands across your body.

I tell you to close your legs so that I can lift your dress to your hips. The tight dress is hard to get up but I manage to reveal your nice firm ass and red panties. I smack your ass a couple of times and then slowly lower your panties to your knees. I ask you to once More spread your legs to hold the panties in place. I gently rub your pussy and whisper to your ear “Remember to do as I tell you to. Tonight I am not going to tie you up but I expect you to stay still when I tell you to. Also you are not allowed to speak until I tell you that you may do so. Do you understand?” You nod.

I let you stand there a moment while I grab the plastic bag and pull out an adult diaper. I place it between your legs against your pussy and stick it in place. You look started at first and then the realization follows. You are about to Say something but remember you are not allowed to speak. You turn to me with pleading eyes but I tell you not to move. I can see the rising panic on your face but ignore it and proceed to pull up the panties over the diaper to better keep it in place. The diaper is made for adults but it is the smallest I could find that would still work. I don’t want it to be too distracting but obviously that was pointless. Luckily You are quite thin and small so the diamond stays on with the help of the panties.

I proceed to remove your dress completely. I ask you to do a spin. You look stunning and funny both at the same time. Your beautiful body is nicely framed by the red lingerie, your legs look stunning in stockings and red heels, you have carefully crafted your makeup and you are wearing small diamond earrings and a matching necklace. What makes you look funny is the white diaper between your legs and the extremely concerned and almost panicked look on your face. The diamond forces you to keep your legs apart so you are standing with a funny pose.

Your bra needs something to balance the extreme look of the diaper underneath your panties to complete the look. I pull down the bra cups and fold them neatly underneath the breasts to form an ad-hoc open cup bra. I take a pair of nipple clamps with small bells attached to them and place one for each nipple. I nudge them a bit and the bells ring nicely. I finally take a large ring gag and insert it into your mouth. It is not to keep you quiet, I trust you can do as told, it is to make you more uncomfortable, maybe to drool all over your breakfastts.

I guide you to the dining table and help you climb on. I place you so that your right knee is on the bin and left leg is in front of you. Your hands are on both sides supporting you. You look almost like a sprinter ready to go. I tell you to hold your head up. I tell you to stay there and that it is ok to save yourself whenever you want other than the small break I take to go to the toilet.

After a short pause I return and move to you. I gently run my hand through your hair and down your back. I then insert my hand underneath the diaper to check that it is still dry. After confirming that it is, I move to fondle your breasts. I start squeeze them gently at first but then more firmly. You are gasping every time I squeeze and drool is running from your mouth that is forced open by the ring gag. I nudge the clamps and enjoy the sound of the bells ringing. I then leave you alone and take my place in the armchair. Let the play begin.

I was concerned that the showwould be over soon as we both know what the only possible outcome is. Luckily you can be really stubborn at times and you try to prolong the inevitable even though we both know it is futile. Your body is tensioned and you seem miserable. tears are forming in your eyes and a single one rolls down your left cheek. Once in a while I tell you to ring the bells and a bit awkwardly you swing your breasts side to side to make the bells ring.The position is not easy to keep for extended periods of time and the strain is starting to show.

Finally after an hour or so you let go and give me what I want. First your shoulders drop a bit and so does your chin. You close your eyes and let go of the little dignity you have left. Your body relaxes a bit and the diaper starts to get darker. For a moment it contains the flow but there is just too much. Slowly it starts to leak over the edges and pour down along your legs. Your cheeses are bright red and you turn your head away from me. The shameYou are feeling for wetting yourself is tangible. More and more urine keeps flowing out of the now completely soaked diamond. Finally after what feels like a long time the flow stops. You are crying heavily and I can hear droplets dropping to the pool underneath you. I leave you there as you are and keep watching for maybe another 15 minutes as you are crying in the middle of the pool of your own urine. The soaked wet diaper on you dripping to the pool. It is a magical moment. It is a testament of your submission. You are not tied or anything. Still you stay there until I “release” you and tell you how much I love you.


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