CW: D/s, toys, anal, oral.
*Dedicated to M, whose power over me is unique.*
“I need to see you in my office. Please come straight to see me this morning.”
I’m glad you signed it or I wouldn’t have recognized the number. Still, my heart is in my throat. I’d taken a leap of faith last Friday and spend the entire weekend regretting it. Now the CEO of my company wants to see me in his office and even managed to dig up my personal number to tell me so. I should never have ratted Brian out.
Your office is at the end of the cubicle corral. There’s a little waiting room where Denise screens your calls and your visitors. I’ve only been here twice in the year since I started working here. When the board parachuted you in four months ago as the new CEO to replace the antediluvian CEO Lloyd Carmichael, you booked one-on-one meetings with everyone in the office. We’d had good chemistry, you and I. Our meeting had run forty-five minutes over time. Conversation between us had flowed easily.
On Friday we were both working late. You often stay and my unpaid overtime was on the rise too now that it’s summer and Brian has been delegating me most of his workload, which as much as I’m loathe to admit it, is over my head. Brian is the CFO and I have no particular training in finance. Either he’s stuck redoing what I’ve done wrong before filing it or else he’s been using me as a scapegoat. Both ideas fill me with dread. But that wasn’t the half of it.
I’d knocked on your office door and you’d invited me in. The door was half open anyway but I closed it behind me and sat down and told you everything. About how in the first few months, when I was only tempting, I’d been told to create and file expensive claims for Brian that seemed dubious at best. That I noticed payees being added to reports that no one else in the office seemed to recognize. And that I have a habit of saving a local copy of my edits and then saving the filewith a specific date back to the folders so my supervisor can check my work without confusion but Brian would go back and change days and months in all his budget and expensive reports weeks and even months after they were reported on. Some very primary digging unearthed a likely connection between a payee’s name and the name of a contractor who specializes in decks and pools so I called them and identified myself as Brian Mykes’ PA and they emailed me a copy of the last receipt as well as the most recent estimate. If Brian was embezzling that kind of money without anyone noticing, maybe I didn’t have to feel so guilty about all the pens I kept stealing from the office.
So I spilled my guts to you and you asked for copies of everything I mentioned and said you’d give everything a look over the weekend and I tried to put it out of my mind. I wasn’t a temp anymore so there was no reason to fear getting lumped in with Brian. I didn’t complain about any of the petty stuff either. Theway he would give me so much work I couldn’t take lunch and then would talk out the side of his mouth about how I needed to “get outside and get some exercise for once”. He’d criticalize how I ate and dressed and took notes. Tell me my desk was messy but get annoyed at me for wasting time if he saw me cleaning it. He’d remark all the time that if I didn’t get better at following directions no one would marry me and I’d die alone. Then he’d drop things around his office and make me bend over to clean them up for him. I didn’t want ratting on him to seem personal so I left all that out and yet somehow now I was in the hot seat.
Denise isn’t at her desk. In fact, her desk is empty. The door to your office is open. You look up from your screen and gesture for me to come in.
“Close the door please, Shae. Take a seat.”
My heart is hammering in my throat. Your office is the size of my bedroom in my little urban apartment. Windows with blinds on two walls. A bookcase, two easychairs, an executive desk and chair and a comfortable yet functional chair that I am sitting in now. You’re wearing a navy blue suit that looks expensive. Not something picked out for you, something you choose. A white collared shirt with a nautical navy dot print is open at the neck. I’ve only seen you wear a tie twice. Your head is freshly shavled and your pacific blue eyes pierce through me behind your brushed-steel frame eyeseglasses.
“I’ve had the weekend to look through everything you gave me,” you tell me. Your expression is so serious it’s making me feel panicky. I wish I could ask for reassurance. “First of all I want to thank you for bringing this to my attention.”
When I imagined this conversation it had been with recriminations. Why hadn’t I raised the alarm sooner? Why rat Brian out now? Was I a coward? Was I just being petty?
“This is a serious accusation,” you continue, as if anticipating me. “So I’m glad you gathered as much evidence as you did before coming forward. To me that demonstrates throughness and integrity.”
I feel myself finally began to relax. It can’t all be bad news then.
“I’m meeting with Brian this morning. In the boardroom at 11am. I would have preferred earlier but he says he won’t be in until 11.”
I see the slightest show of tension on your face as your jaw tightens.
“I’m going to need a new CFO,” you tell me plainly. “In the meantime, I want to talk about your future here. I have a couple options for you to consider.”
I lean forward in my seat, giving you my undivided attention. I was right to trust you after all. I’ve never worked for a company where the manager or CEO gave a single shit about anyone other than his senior executive team and his profit margins.
“Saeed and Diane both tell me that Brian treated you poorly. Harassed you and kept you under his thumb. Would you say that’s accurate?”
I bite my lip. “S-somewhat accurate, yes.”
You nod. “Both marketing and logistics could use you. You could assist either of them. I think they’d both be a much better fit for you. You could really excel. Or…”
I wait for you to finish your thought but you don’t. You’re just watching me. Your gaze feels like a spotlight.
“Or what, sir?”
The corner of your mouth twitches when I call you sir. Your gaze softens. “Or you can work for me.”
I frown. “What about Denise?”
“If you accept the offer I’ll let Saeed and Diane fight over her. Denise is great. But my requirements from you would be highly specific.”
I’m biting my lip again. “Specific in what way?”
Instead of answering, you tap a few keys and turn one of your giant screens towards me. I see a document in front of me that doesn’t look anything like work. It’s formatted like a novel. I know without checking that it’s thirty-one pages long already. My desk drawer erotica that I work on for a few minutes every chance I get. All about a high powered CEO and his secretary who waits on him hand and foot.
“I can explain–” I say quickly but you cut across me.
“I don’t need an explanation. You’re here almost as much as I am. You’re allowed to have a project. When I was looking into your evidence over the weekend I stumbled across this and–yes, I did read it. All of it.”
I wince. There’s a lot of explicit sex. Kinky sex. Even humiliating sex.
“This is what I’m looking for, Shae,” you say, slowly turning the screen back towards you. “I need someone who can manage my schedule, help me with my workload and inbox, and also someone who wants to go the extra mile for me. Someone who I can trust with private conversations. And someone who will enjoy giving me as much access as I crave.”
You reach into your desktop drawer and pull out two stacks of paper, each several pages thick. You put them down in front of me. The first is a job offer–what looks like it must be a very long description.
“Please read through this carefully. Slowly. Ask questions if you’re not sure. At the end there’s a place to sign either yes or no. If you choose ‘no’, I will help you find another place within this organization if you want. But if you decide you do want this job, there are lots of details you need to be aware of. Start reading. I’ll get us some coffee.”
The job offer to be Liam Doyle’s personal assistant was indeed long. It required absolute discretion and unwavering obedience. While there were great benefits and a three week vacation package, there would also be long hours, longer than I was keeping now. I would have to be available for business trips and Doyle’s private appointments.
Page two was more lurid. There would be a dress code that was to be adhered to, for which my salary would be commensurate. Skirts, dresses, and heels. All work attire to be approved by Liam Doyle. All changes to hairstyle and length, as well as piercings and tattoos to be approved as well. If you told me to wear something, I would wear it. If you told me to shake my head bald, I was to do it without question. I would occasionally be asked to cook for you according to your dietary restrictions. If you wanted me to enroll in a particular class or take up a particular form of exercise, I was to do so at your expense without complaint until you decided I was allowed to stop.
On the third page you were allowed to demand sexual Favors of any kind for yourself provided it was not injurious to me or my reputation.
“What does this part mean?” I ask you so quietly I’m surprised when you hear me.
You pull the document towards you to find the section I was pointing to.
“This is all one section,” you say, apparently not sharing my embarrassment. “So you have to take it as a whole. This part says you will comply with any favors I ask of you but they will be private between us meaning I will not share or post pictures I ask you to send me. Down here it says this rule does not apply to sexual favors for anyone but me. Meaning I won’t share your favorites with anyone else although I may ask you to accompany me to a private party occasionally. You won’t be asked to perform acts on anyone but me but I will be allowed to dress you for those parties as I see fit. However, this section here makes it clear it can’t be injurious to your reputation so if I were to keep you naked for such a party, I would permit you to wear a mask to obscure your identity.”
My pussy is suddenly soaked and my pulse is hammering in my ear. I thank you and turn to the last page.
Under this offer I will not be permitted to refuse an order from you. I am to establish a safeword and use it if I need a break, safety, or reassurance but the word will be understood to mean I need respite rather than an intention to refuse your orders. If I don’t understand what is being asked of me, I will seek clarification. If I am aware of any error or wrong doing on my part, I will admit it promptly and ask for suitable punishment, which might include spanking, humiliation, or some form of restriction. Outright refusal to obey will result in no punishment but I will instead be transferred elsewhere within the company and will not have a second opportunity to be your PA.
I will not be permitted to orgasm without your permission. This includes with other sexual partners. I am not allowed to masturbate unless you expressly tell me to. When I am not at the office I will wear a piece of jewelry you provided affixed with a GPS so you can locate me at any time you need.
As my employer and direct supervisor, you will be responsible for ensuring that I am safe and satisfied with my work. You will not hurt me or allow anyone else to hurt me under your supervision or with your permission. You will prioritize my pleasure when determining how I will serve you. And if I accept this offer, we will both sign both the offer and the non-disclosure agreement beneath it. We will both keep a copy of each.”
I look up at you to see you watching me while you pretend to read your screen.
“You don’t want much, do you?” I say quietly.
You start to laugh and I can’t help but join in. The tension in the room dissolves and I’m reminded that you’re not like anyone else I’ve met. Warm and decisive. You fill me with confidence. With anyone else in the world I wouldn’t begin to consider the offer. But I believe you don’t make promises you can’t deliver on. I can’t help but want this with you.
“I can do what I’m told but I can’t really pull off pretending to be a meek maid,” I warn you.
“You don’t have to. I like you, Shae,” you say, smirking. “I want obedience because you want to obey me. I don’t want a meek little doormat.”
“That’s a relief to hear. I’ve got a big mouth,” I say and blush realizing how dirty I sound.
You smile at me. “I don’t just want to use it, Shae. I mean I do, but I like your integrity. I like your wit. You’re a hard worker and a thoughtful person. I’ll let you use that big mouth of yours for talking too.”
I blush again and can barely stifle a grin. I reach next to your screen and grab a pen. I sign both the job offer and the non-disclosure agreement. I don’t really need to review the consequences of the NDA. I’m not going to ruin this for us.
You sign both too and slide it back towards me before reaching into your desk and extracting a wooden box the size of a trade paperback novel. I frown as you raise your eyes indicating I’m to open the box.
The box is lined with black velvet and inside is a pink silicane egg and a stainless steel plug. The base of the plug is etched like an old-fashioned wax seal stamp with the initials “WD”. William Doyle.
I look up at you, my heart fluttering in my chest.
“Unless I tell you otherwise, you will put these in every day when you come to the office and keep them in. You are also responsible for cleaning them at the end of each day and I suggest you do itwell since the only lube you’ll be using is your saliva.”
I stiffen and your serious tone softens when you smile at me.
“But you’ve been such a good girl today that I’ll help you this time. Then I’m going to go meet with Brian and let him know he needs to contact his lawyer. I’m leaving you out of the narrative for now but down the road this may require your testimony. I hope that won’t be an issue for you.”
I shake my head but I feel dread in the pit of my stomach at the thought. Still, that’s a long way off and if I have to do it I know you’ll have my back. You’ll have all of me really.
“You’re going to stay out of the rest of the office until I give you the all clear and then you’re going to go photocopy what we signed together. You can Keep the originals. Make sure to time stamp them.”
I nod but my brain is buzzing at the thought of what’s coming next. You seem to be able to tell and reach forward to take my hand.
“You don’t have your word yet but you look very uneasy. Do you need me to slow down? I’m happy to keep Brian waiting.”
“It’s–it’s a lot and it’s happening fast,” I admit. Still, slowing it down was an option I wanted to reserve for a moment when I was truly afraid of what was to come. This would be nervous-making and uncomfortable but if was a daily routine, the sooner I adjusted the better. “Will you…help me?”
You smile, clearly pleased that I instinctively know to ask you to do this to me. “Help you with what, Shae?”
My face is burning. In a moment you will know exactly how wet this is making me and there will be nothing at all to conceal. Nothing I can hope to hide from you and judging by the contract we both just signed, that’s how you like it.
“Help me insert these um…devices, please,” I say, almost whimpering as I add the please. I’m just grateful you’re not making me insert them while you watch. At least not today.
“Of course I will,” you say, standing and walking around to my side of the desk.
You grab a fistful of my hair and haul me up out of the chair and onto my toes before bending me over your desk slowly. “Undo your pants and slide them over your hips. No more pants without permission, got it?”
I undo my fly and gingerly work my pants down over the swell of my hips, trying not to move much so that you don’t pull my hair. You make a little sound of appreciation at the lacy pink and black thong I’m wearing and the way my cheeks are exposed.
“You look so good like this. Does it feel natural to you already, played across my desk like an obedient slut?”
It doesn’t feel remotely natural to be stripped down and bent over so that you can see my most private parts but it does make me practically gag with need. I want so badly to Feel you inside me right now but I know you won’t give me your cock. Not yet. You’re going to make me earn every inch of you.
Something cool and metallic brushes the corner of my mouth and you push theflared tip of the plug between my lips and let go.
“Keep that there. Get it nice and wet for me.”
It’s larger and heavier than I realized and I can feel myself get goosebumps.
“Now this egg is special,” you tell me. I can’t turn my head to see you or respond without dropping the plug but I picture the little pink egg in my head when you speak.
“I can control it from my phone. I might turn on visas for a few minutes to reward you. Or I might max the visas because I can. Because you know you can’t cum without permission and I’ll enjoy watching you squirm and understand with need. But mostly it will be there to remind you that your body and pleasure belong to me now. I can also use it to summon you. The visas will become more powerful the closer to me you get. Imagine I’m across town. Maybe I’m having dinner with a major client and instruct you to keep the egg inside you that night. I summon you across town and you have to take the train and each kilometer you get closer to my location, the harder the vibrations until by the time you enter the restaurant, you practically have to crawl. While you’re travelling, you don’t know where you’re going. You just have to follow the strength of the toy inside. The vibrations lead you to the men’s room so I can use that big mouth of yours and work out some tension. And then I return to my client and you can head back home with my cum on your breath. If you make me cum very quickly, I might give you permission to orgasm once you’re home, provided you film it for me. How does that sound?”
I splutter around the steel plug too aroused to form a real response let alone figure out how to say it but then the smooth silicane egg is inside me with a single thrust. I’m tight from many months of absolute and I grunt as I feel the egg spread me. You wait only a few seconds and then push it deeper still, until it’s as deep as it can go.
“Perfect. Now all I need to do is–“
The buzzing beginns, pulsing wildly inside me. It’s ticklish and distracting and overwhelming and my body automatically tightens around the egg in response. The violations are audible when my body tenses.
“Good girl. You’ll have to strike a balance between keeping it inside you and letting your fellow workers hear the motor. But I’m sure you’ll figure that out, won’t you?”
I mumble and Affirmative sound into the plug as you reach forward to pull it out of my mouth.
“That’s right. Now Shae, I want you to reach back and spread those great big ass cheats of yours really wide so you can try on your plug. Are you ready?”
I do as I’m told, spreading myself lewdly for you and whimpering with embarrassment as I do.
“Good girl. You look perfect like that.”
I hear you snap a picture on your phone. My face is on fire.
“Don’t worry,” you say and I can hear the smile in your voice. “I’ll share every picture I take with you. You should get to see what I see. Now, I want youto relax. Take a deep breath and then exhale. No screaming. You’re going to take it like the perfect slut, aren’t you? Say ‘yes, Liam.’”
“Yes, Liam,” I whisper.
The tip presses against my tight hole and I hiss. It feels like I’m being split in half. The disappoint is unendurable and it’s getting worse and worse and worse. Just when I’m about to disobey you and scream the Discomfort dissipates as the plug settles snugly into my ass. I’m panting trying to recover, grateful that the pain has been replaced only will a dull, full feeling of discomfort.
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