Released from his embrace she turned and walked into her apartment. It had been an enjoyable first date, with the potential for more. He was cute, funny and seemed very sweet. His intelligence showed through in the stories he told. She loved listening to him talk and she laughed easily at all the appropriate moments. When she put her hand on his knee at dinner he was very receptive, which was always a good sign.
Turning from him to enter her apartment, she went to smile over her shoulder but stopped abruptly when she saw him.
“Were you looking at my ass?”
He flustered, obviously caught and stuttered out a non- excuse.
“You were, you were looking at my ass. Weren’t you? Admit it.”
Immediately he blushed and she found it irresistible. He blinked rapidly, as if unsure of what to say or do. She took the initiative.
“It’s ok sweetie, it’s a beautiful ass. I’m not surprised you are aroused by it.” The choice of her word aroused caused him to flush evendeeper. His mouth hung ago. “You can look at it if you want.”
With that she turned and rested her hands on the doorway to her apartment. Bending over slightly, she allowed him the opportunity to study her greatest asset. Standing unmoving, he did as she said and let his gaze linger on her firm, round bottom covered in a tight pair of designer jeans.
She swayed it back and forth. “You like that, don’t you?”
This time he replied that he did and dropped to his knees behind her to get a better look.
“That’s it boy, would you like a better look?”
He responded excitedly and ever so slowly, she made for the clasp of her jeans, undoing them and teasingly opening them. Though he could only see the very top of her satin aqua panties, he began to beg. “More…please. I love it…please can I see?”
Reaching back to pet him she laughed slightly. “You do love it, don’t you? I bet you’d do anything to see my beautiful, soft rear end.”
He would, he said, anything and everything. Just please stop teasing him.
She inched the material farther and farther down her legs as he watched enrapt. The thin material of her panties stretched across her full bottom with the slight dip of her crack between the expansion of her bottom.
Amused by his reactions, Cheryl took her time teasing her date. With thumbs hooked into the sides she pulled one down, showing a creamy patch of her buttcheek, Then the other. His eyes darted to each side, desperate to get even a glance of her bare flesh.
Then, with a calculated sight, she inched her panties down her bare cheeses until they rested in the curve between her butt and tigh.
“Is this what you want? Is this the ass you’ve been begging to see?”
He nodded, responding quickly. “Yes, thank you, it’s so beautiful…” He seemed enranced at the sight.
He reached to touch her but she jumped away from his reach. “No! I didn’t say you could touch me. I just want you to look. Look and admire the ass you’ve been singing peeks at the entire evening.”
She was right, he was and now he was embarrassed that she had known the entire time. Whenever she stood up, walked and bent over he would take a moment or two to nondescriptly (or so he thought) gaze upon her butt. It was the perfect shape; full and wide but not overly so. There was not a trace of extra weight on it, instead he was Drawn to the gentle muscles that flexed with each step she took.
She had an irresistible pad of soft womanflesh that padded her seat and drew his attention the first moment they met. A few years his senior, he noticed her the first day he began work at the law firm. She filled the recently vacated position of junior executive and was the younger to do so, as well as the first woman. He, on the other hand, was merely an intern, having not yet finished his undergrad studies at Northeastern. Though she paid no notice to his attentions, she noticed them almost immediately. In time she returned his smiles and even struck up a conversation with the new employee. For his age he was very intelligent though a little nervous when caught off guard. He was cute though, and had the softest lips and most beautiful eyes she’d ever seen on a man.
Cheryl’s fiancé had recently broken off their engagement after a weekend conference where she suspected he spent his downtime in bed with his new secretary. She was disappointed but never questioned the outcome. Better to happen now rather than after they said their vows.
The intern seemed to possess all of his good characteristics; he was cute, smart and even had a colleague nature that she’d never before seen in a man and intrigued her more than she expected. Doubtful that he would take the initiative, she invited him to dinner after he failed to do so despite her many subtle hints. He was shy, which was good. For once, that’s what she wanted; a cute, pliable shy male rather than the arrogant, conceited men that seemed to fill her social circle.
The time spent together was a welcome change. After an initial nervousness, he seemed very at ease with himself and before their appetizers arrived, she knew she would be seeing him again.
Like most men, he failed to hide his appraisals of her, though he did his best to try. She welcomed the attention, having not been treated so graciously in quite some time. He seemed most appreciated of her ass, which she flaunted in front of him several times by bending over and adding that much more sweep each time she walked in front of him. Since she had come of age it was the part of her body that men were most drawn to. In college she’d collected a small fan club that surprisingly collected on the sides when she practiced for her track meets. She recognized several of the boys from classes though they never were able to Return her looks and always disappeared when she approached them at the ends of meetings.
Because of this, and instances like it, she learned about men quickly and became rather selective in her dating choices. She enjoyed men with professional tendencies and learned how easily controlled they were by the most subtle of actions; a flash of a bare knee, a toss of a lock of hair or her derrière bent at the right angle at just the right moment.
This brought her to the younger man kneeing behind her, studying every cleft and curve or her bared behind. Running her fingers through his curly black hair, she gently spoke to him. “Look at it, love it. Prove your admission of it and you’ll make me very happy.”
Just the thought made him tremble with excitement. Understanding completely, he leaned forward and barely touched his lips to the highest swell of her right cheek. His lips made contact with her softest skin and he stayed pressed against her for a moment, contemplating his place. Kneeling behind this woman he met only a few weeks ago but admitted since the moment he saw her, he never felt so secure as he didat the moment- pressing his lips against the curve of her ass.
She voted contentedly and pushed back, encouraging him further. Breaking his kiss he softly pressed his lips to her other cheese and inhaled deeply. A warm, feminine scent, filled his nostrils, lacened with the deep odor of sweat and moisture filled his nostrils.
“One more,” she commanded gently. “Right between.”
He knew there was no denying it now. He had captured to this woman without the slightest show of resistance. There was only one more act to make it complete. Willingly, and without a thought, he kissed the warmth of her crack, admiring the soft curves of her rear and the warm softness of her skin. The tip of his tongue reached out slightly from his lips and tasted her, leaving a spot of wetness along her cleft. She tasted fresh and slightly warm. Remnants of her moisturizer left a slightly bitter taste in his mouth.
As he leaned back and looked up at her, the heavy cheats of her ass loomingover him, she rarely pulled up her pants and entered her apartment. Without looking at him she usually told him to come by tomorrow evening.
He stayed on his knees moments after she exited before coming to his senses and rising. Her neighbor, a middle aged blonde woman watched him with a smile across her face. Barely able to meet her gaze she wished him a good night as he passed. Head down, he walked out the front door of the building and made his way home, wondering how much the woman had seen.
It was some time before he was able to fall asleep. Having gone to bed immediately after returning home, he could not get his date out of his head. It was rare for him to feel this way about a woman, even rarer to get so close to one so soon. It seemed unreal as, lying in bed, he replayed each moment of the date over in his head.
He kept returning to the last few minutes of the date when she turned around and bent over, inviting her grogeous ass for his attentions.Though he did not touch it, in his fans he did and it was firm but soft and smooth. Hopefully he would get the chance again, and perhaps she would allow more than his lips to touch her ass.
She zeroed in on him almost immediately. Was he that easy to read? Before the waiter even brought their menus to the table he felt in her grap. Everything she did seemed to lure him even farther to the point he could not control. How could she do that? Did she even realize what she did to him? She probably had him pegged as an ass lover before she asked him out. It was that easy to see.
Instinctively his hand found his cock and curled around the shake in a ritual he had practiced thousands of times before. The shake was sore from being swollen since early that evening without relief but he ignored it. His need was Important right now, and overruled any disappoint he felt to sit it.
He came sooner than expected, crying out in the empty room as he imagined her ass: the scent,the taste and the pale soft skin. Twice more he came as the image filled his mind. Drained and tired, he slept soundly and did not wake until late the next morning.
He eagerly awaited his next chance to see her and, unable to resist, called her twice to hear her voice. There was no answer but her machine and he left a nervous and silted message hoping to hear a confirmation of their date that night.
Though she never returned his call, he made certain to be at her door at the same time they had arranged to meet the night before. Not sure of the etiquette for a second date (it had been some time since he had had one), he brought along a modest bouquet of flowers to surprise her.
Dressed in a tight one piece skirt that ended at mid-thigh, she opened the door before he even finished knocking. She was barefoot but he noticed her feet were encased in the thinnest of hose.
“Where are we going?” he asked dumbly. From the kitchen he could hear her humming to herself. Though he was sure she heard, she didn’t answer him or even acknowledge that he spoke. Instead she entered the living room carrying two plates, full with veal, mashed potatoes and fresh broccoli. Placing them on the coffee table between two overstuffed leather couches, she told him to sit on the floor. She sat across from him on the couch.
“I figured we would eat in tonight,” she announced. “I don’t usually cook for others, but when I do it’s quite a treatment.”
She wasn’t lying. His mouth watered as he looked upon the fresh cut of veal and the fluffy potatoes. He wasn’t a fan of broccoli, which noticed by the way he looked at the veggies. When prodded, he told her he didn’t like them and never ate them.
“Well you’ll eat them tonight. I would be personally insulted if you didn’t.” She forked a thick stalk of the greens onto her fork. “Besides, they’re very good. I think you’ll like them.” Placing it in her mouth she chewed with an exaggerated sound of satisfaction. Notyet able to follow her lead, he scooped a helping of potatoes and brought it to his mouth. They chewed silently for a moment, enjoying the meal before she spoke.
“Did you play with yourself last night?”
He almost gagged and the cut of meat he was swallowing as she asked.
“Because I expect you did, especially after saying goodnight. In fact, I would be shocked if you didn’t.” She stared at him, holding his eyes. “You did, didn’t you?” He nodded and she laughed slightly. “Did you enjoy it?”
He was blushing again and she was reminded how much better he looked when he was uncomfortable. “I guess so,” he answered.
“You ‘guess so’? You’re not sure?”
Sitting up straighter, he seemed almost insulted. “I mean yeah, of course I did. It felt good,” he was almost challenging her now. “It felt great.”
“You must jerk off a lot.” She smiled at the statement but he only looked down, unsettled by this line of questioning. Noticing this, she changed her tacticand inquired why he was single. A bright, cute, obviously lonely boy like him shouldn’t have any trouble finding a woman to spend time with.
“Just haven’t had any lucky I guess,” he shrugged his shoulders.
“You do date, though?”
Nodding, he said he did.
“What’s the problem then?”
Dropping his fork, he looked up at her and for a moment she expected him to begin crying he looked so sad. “There was a girl…I was in love. Thought she would be the one. Funny, because she thought the same thing. I asked her and she said yes.” He retrieved his fork and cut a piece of meat and studied it for a moment before continuing, “Even bought a ring. It was two and a half months of pay, all I could afford at the time. We were all set to get married. She chose the band, I chose the invitations and called the wedding party personally. Then…then…she got cold feet…just wanted out.”
She listened quietly and placed a hand on his shoulder to let him know she was there./p>
“I don’t really blow her. We were young and, honestly, we didn’t know what the hell we were doing. We were so caught up in the idea of being married- so caught up in each other that we never really took it all into perspective. It’s a lot to take on.” He was silent then and neither said a word. As if just remembering he added, “She was beautiful. I’d have been a great husband. I would have devoted my life for her.”
It was difficult to go through with what she had planned after he unexpectedly relayed the story he just had. Cheryl knew he needed her and felt closer to him than she ever expected to. They shared a common bond. Though she was unable to let him in the way he had, she knew she could benefit from his attention as much as he could from hers.
They ate quietly, she sitting above him and he sitting cross legged on the rug below. Near the end of the meal she spoke up. “Sweetie, it wasn’t your fault. Women are impetuous creativity. You can never predict what they’ll do from one day to the next.”
She stood and, offering her hand, helped him raise before her. Pulling him to her, she held him tenderly and allowed him to rest his head on her shoulder. She could feel his heart beat against her breast and gently rocked him as he stood. “Come with me honey, I know what will make you feel better.”
Once more offering her hand, he took it and followed without question as she led him to the bedroom. It was a wide room with a large window that looked down onto the street. Light from the streetlamps illuminated the walls when she lay in bed at night. Outside he could hear the sound of an occasional car pass by.
The only light came from two small lamps at either end of her bed. Without looking towards him, she reclined facedown on her bed. The mattress was overstuffed and covered with a thick comforter of down that looked very comfortable and warm. As she made her way onto the bed he admired her large ass, held tight beneath the snug dress.
She pressed her cheek against the comforter, singing happily before resting her chin on her interlocked fingers. For a moment she acted as if she forgot he was there and happily kicked her stocking foot as if she were a schoolgirl.
Looking over her shoulder, she observed him nervously standing behind her and called to him. “Come here, sweetie. Kiss my legs. That will make you feel better.”
Slowly he approached her and knelt before the end of the bed. He placed his lips against the smooth skin covered by the thinnest of fibers. The taste was warm and course upon his lips.
“There now,” she cooed, “that’s a good boy.”
On her command he kissed his way up her legs, enjoying the soft smoothness, until he came to the hem of her dress. She purred, inviting him further with a twist of her rear.
He knelt between her spread legs and hold the end of the material, waiting for her approval. With a slight laugh, she into, “Go ahead, sweetie, just do what comes natural.”
Natural? The word struck him as being out of place. If tonight was anything, it wasn’t natural. It seemed altogether too real to deny, though. He couldn’t say he didn’t want this, had never thought about it. He was living out what he’d always imagined and there was nothing more natural than doing what his body led him to do.
Slowly, almost ritualistically, he folded back her dress and lay it across her lower back. Her buttocks, encased in the shadow of pantyhose, flexed proudly. The sight had remained in his mind since the night before and he felt nothing but relieve to see it again. Acting without thought, he leaned forward and placed the most innocent of kisses on each swell of her cheeses. Doing so brought him an indescribable sense of calm.
“There, there,” she called, “That’s good.”
She relaxed as he continued his ministries, kissing up and down the center of each full chef. She allowed him complete access to her back end by raising her hipsWhile he carefully freed her from the constraints of the layer of pantyhose. Playfully he dragged his tongue from one chef to the other, dipping it momentarily into the warmth of her crack, making her squeal.
Her cent, heady and fresh, penetrated his mind, pushing him deeper. A feeling of complete peace surrounded him and, singing happily, his kisses became deeper and more sustained. On her suggestion, he began licking her. At first he used only the firmed tip of his outstretched tongue, leaving small dabs of moisture on her flesh. Then, as he felt more secure, he relaxed and allowed his tongue to lay her soft flesh, wetting her skin from thigh to spine.
This delighted her and she pressed her face against the pillow, relishing the feel of his tongue on her ass. He continued and left fluttering licks up and down her crack. Her cleft grow slightly wider at the bottom near her anus and her kissed the aperture daintily. This elicited a loud sound of satisfaction from the woman, not so much a groan of pleasure, but a sound that shamed him slightly.
Meekly he resumed his task. Now resigned to the fact that this was his place, he no longer needed her prodding or encouragements to please her. He knew just what to do and went about it with a sense of purpose. She showed and stretched herself, purring like a cat. Her warm crack was pressed against his lips and he could feel the softness of her cheeks against his face.
“Good boy,” she whispered. “Know your place.”
It wasn’t as much a statement as a question. She pushed him for acceptance. He was just the right boy, had everything she wanted in a man and he just needed to believe what she already knew. Men like him have their place and it was up to her to lead him there.
His entire body- every thought process, every nerve ending was directed towards her. At the moment there was nothing else but her. His vision was obscured by the flowing round globes of her ass and his olfactory senses filled with nothing but her odor. The thick female scent of her body seemed overpowering and he graciously surrendered to it without a motion.
The feel of his lips sliding up and down her crack was luxurious and seemed to trigger something in him he’d never before felt. At that moment he felt defeated. He accepted himself as he was, imperfections, weaknesses and all and was comfortable beneath her. He resigned himself to the role of her personal asskisser. He was her meek, service man that would follow her orders to the letter just to win her approval. Already debasing himself as much as any man could- by kissing the ass of the woman, he knew he had come to an impact.
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