Permanent Slavery Journey Ch. 09

Permanent Slavery Journey

Upon owner’s order what follows is the story of this slave’s (age 60) path to permanent slavery. And the life, 7 years in May 2020, of slavery.

Owner’s Order: Write the story of your history with female domination. How it led to my taking permanent ownership of you. What your life of slavery has been. This one time you are released to be, and Must be, totally open and honest in the details, and expressions of your thoughts and feelings.

My reaction to the Order. Thrilled owner assigned me this duty. Determined to follow it to the letter. Fearful of owner’s reaction to my honest thoughts and feelings. Scared she will abandon or sell me.


Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property. A slave is unable to withdraw uniformly from such an arrangement and works without remuneration.


—- Chapter 9 : Travels & Trials —–

COVID changed the world, but first. Early 2020 was intense. We had been informed by Master that we would be her travel slaves for the year. Freak had no reaction. I was excited and fearful. Trips were trouble. Slaves learned quickly they included the most extreme play. And occasionally huge life changes.

Freak and I flew together like a couple. Not told where. Cannot tell you much, we were given pills to take. Ambien? Maybe Roofies? Only have vague memories of the flights.

We were met just outside customs by a driver. He knew who we were. Just walked up and we followed him. Led us to a large black SUV. He got in the back with us. Put hoods on our heads. Strapped seat belts on us. Then cuffed our wrists and bent us over. Locked the cuffs to a bolt on the floor. Very uncomfortable. Drive was well over an hour.

Pulled from a garage down two flights of steps. Stripped. Pushed backwards flat against a stone wall. Spreadeagled andcuffed. Hood took off. It was a dim and dank stone room. Cage was less than a foot deep. Trapped between rock wall and metal bars. Freak was straight across in the same position. Her tits hanging through the bars.

A very stern stout 50ish bleach blonde came in. She pulled my dick out and and locked a thick rubber device around the base. Rubber had hooks in it. Hung weights from the hooks. About 10kg were pulling down. Quickly felt like my balls and penis would tear off. Freak received weights for both her tits and cunt lips. Lips hung down past her knees.

Domme spoke with a heavy German(?) accent “No noise no toilet. Make a mess we will burn off your genitals.” Jesus!

Freak was taken first. Hours later a young Domme came to get me. Walking with that Weight was excruciating. Entered a large stone room. It had a viewing gallery all around four meters above. Place looked like a classic horror movie torture dungeon. It was full of BDSM equipment.

Domme removed theWeights and cage. Bound me into a tortuous cbt chair. Not quite a chair, was sitting on a rounded triangle piece of wood. Weight all on my public bone. She pulled my feet up and cuffed them behind me to the end of it. Wrists cuffed behind me. A metal ring locked around my neck. Dick and balls pulled through the hole onto a small platform. She yanked the dickhead up, another Domme stepped over and quickly drove two small nails through the head. Yelped, but pain was not too bad. The balls laying loose waiting for attention.

Tried to take in what I could see. A BDSM circle. Numerous naked slaves all in some form of heavy bondage. Odd thing was slaves were a mix of very attractive young, like 20-25 years old, and older mostly unattractive slaves over 40 like me.

Starring straight at me was a handsome buff young man locked just as I was. Only difference was his dick, big, was free laying with his balls. Near him a young woman with a baging body, bent over. Her ankles and wrists cuffed and all locked onto a large bolt in the floor. Off to one side a 55ish very skinny woman tied spreadeagled tied to ropes. Her face was plain ugly. Her small tits droopy and stretched marked. Maybe 10 others a similar mix. All with faces uncovered. 50/50 mix of young and old.

In the far left corner from me was some kind of wooden scaffold covered in sheets. Walls I could see were covered with instruments, whips, canes, cuffs etc.

People started to come into the gallery above us. Looked like rich people from a dinner party. A few, mostly older men and women, wore eye masks. Mixed in on the arms of several old to very old men were some slender very beautiful young women. Model types. Assumed there were pros or gold piggers. Young service girls mixed in providing drinks.

The bleach blonde Domme started the action. She took a nasty looking long tale whip and whipped the ass of a fat male slave who was face down on a bondage table. She barked something and two youg Dommes joined her, both whipping his back from opposite sides. This scene ended with her grabbing a nail paddle. She showed it to the gallery. Then hit his ass very hard. He grunted and she snapped “‘no noise or I’ll rip your balls off!” She finished and there were streams of blood running down his legs.

Another order barked and the two young Dommes pulled the sheets off the wooden contraction. Older Domme described the action. On the lower level sitting on a board was a curvy young woman sitting cross legged. Her upper body bound tightly with ropes her arms pinned at her sides. She had a large rubber mouth gag with a large clear tube connected to it from above.

On the second level Freak knelt on two cross boards. Her body encased in a thin black rubber suit. The tube plugged into her crotch. A clear plastic bag rose above her head, the bottom tapped around her neck. The bag top held open by a hoop, hanging below bottom of a PVC pipe that came down from the gallery level.

“Ladies and gentleman all of your urine from now on will feed down through these recycle slaves. Top slave either drinks it or throws in it. Bottom slave drinks all that comes through from slave above. Bottom one is available for purchase. She would be a nice looking urinal for your home. Start!” A stream of urine cascaded out of the pipe onto Freak’s head.

The full circle had Begin. Most of the action was pain play; caning, whipping, beating. People from the party started to come down to observe up close. Master Lisa joined and I laser focused on her. Had seen her very little the previous few months. She had no companion.

She stopped to watch a very curvy young woman who was trapped in metal bondage on the floor in a sphinx position. Her head immobile pulled back by her hair. Two young men placed a fucking machine in front of her. A Domme attached a very long flexible dildo to it. It started to fuck her mouth. Domme slowly adjusted machine and it pushed dildo deeperand deeper. Could see the girls throat expand to take each slow thrust.

Lisa spoke to the Domme. Asked a question? Domme stopped the machine with girl’s throat full. The two dominants chatted, the sub squirmed as she could not breath. Lisa was shown how the thrust depth could be adjusted. Turned it back on but speed greatly increased. Girl struggled to gasp a breath each time. Cock tried to twitch causing me some pain. Domme slowed the machine.

Lisa moved to the cbt chair guy in front of me. The bleach blonde joined handing her what looked like a heavy rubber bath. The two started to pound his balls and cock. Brutal. He was screaming and shaking his head. They ignored him and kept going. Scared shitless I was next.

Blonde stopped and called everyone’s attention to his balls. “Watch for a few minutes. They will swell to over twice normal size. That will increase the pain.” Slave was groaning and drooling.

Lisa made her way to me. Smiled and looked me right in the eyes.

“This is it. Time to prove your unconditional surrender to absolute slavery.” Gulped and my stomach was churning. Fear was trying to overwhelm me.


“Master Lisa am your slave and property.” She smiled and lightly laid her hand on my cheek. Felt so sweet and intimate.

“Now let’s prove it.” She was handed a hammer and two narrow nails with no heads. OMG! She made a show of a nail. Held it in her left hand which descended to one of my balls.

“Ask for it.”

“Please Master nail your balls.” She smiled.

“Good boy. Now stay quiet.” She pressed the nail point into the ball. Looked me in the eyes and slammed the hammer down two times fast. My vision went dark. Somehow I stayed quiet. Maybe passed out for a few seconds? Pain indescribable.

Master repeated the process. After the second ball was nailed the group clapped and Master Lisa acknowledged them wearing a large grin.

The cbt show done, multiple scenarios picked up. I tried to distract myself watching the beautiful girl bolted to the floor. A 60ish man with a stunning 20ish company closed in on her. They both ran their hands over the doubled over body. Woman started to finger the pussy. Held up her fingers to show that it was very wet.

She stepped back a grabbed a very long thin wooden cane. Caned the girl’s ass. As she did the man dropped his pants to his ankles and was struggling his Hardening cock. Ass reddened he stepped up and thrust hard into the ass. No lube. His date kissed him and encouraged his fucking. They ignored the slave who grunted with each thrust.

Everything else paused to watch them. A May December couple kissing and making love using the girl as a hole for his cock. His stamina was impressive. They were oblivious to the crowd. Lovers lost in their own password. Finally he came shouting with each final thrust. The views clapped. His lover took a towel from a service and gently cleaned him. A young Domme pulled a surgical glove on and scooped a brownish orange goo from the girl’s ass. Knelt and shoved it in her mouth.

Gulping noises brought me back to Freak. Urine filled the bag around her jaw. Her mouth working to suck in and drink. Every few minutes another stream poured down from above. How could she drink so much? Noticed her usually skinny sunken lower stomach now had a small bulge to it. Bloated by quarts of urine.

Dommes and Master Lisa came back to us. The poor young guy’s ball sack looked like a balloon ready to burst. One of the young dommes poked a scientific need into the sack and drained it. Older domme gagged him as she explained.

“This slave refused to suck a cock. Told his owners he is not a homosexual. Since they value him otherwise they asked me to find as solution. If neutraled he becomes an it. Then sucking cock or being fucked by a man will not be homosexual acts.” His eyes were panicked.

“Master Lisa our good American friend has volunteered to assist.” BothWe used these steel construction bars to maximize the destruction of the balls. The pain will reinforce to him that he is now an ‘it’. And to never disobey again. Prepare the balls for execution.” Young dommes duct tapped his penis to the belly and across the base of the scrotum trapping the balls away from his body.

Both raised bars above their heads. Blonde nodded and both Did two quick hard strokes to the balls. His body seized. Even with the gag a muffled animal wail sound emanated. He passed out. Smelling salts under his nose brought him back. They waited till his eyes stopped fluttering. Slam slam. He slumped unconscious. Everybody clapped and oohed and aahed. I panicked. Were they going to emaculate me?

“Now you know how male slavery ends.” Lisa cooed at me. Sweat poured off me. She walked around lightly running her nails over me. Whispered “Not today.”

Party broke up. Freak struggled as more pee drained onto her. Edge of drowning. My attention switched between her and the emasculated man. Some men released him and wheeled him away on a gurney.

People gathered again in the gallery. Focused on the drowning woman. Blonde Domme announced “The urinal has been purchased.” Clapping. Young Dommes worked to release her. One of the beautiful gold tiger women took her by the hair and dragged her out.

“We have another sale Offer. Master Lisa wants to dispose of this disgusting old worthless slave. Failing sale we’ll just let her drop in our piss. Steps have been made to ensure your security. She cannot be identified. Once taken from here you can do anything you wish with it.” That got the crowd murmuring.

What pornos never tell you about is the aftermath. A woman came over to help release me. She explained the best way to unnail my balls was to pull them up off the nails. She pressed her fingers under them and yanked up in one motion. Passed out. Came to being wheeled into a room in a wheelchair. Spent several days in a large clinical room with a few other slaves including the emasculated one.

Even weeks later balls still hurt each time my dick twitched or I pissed.

The other big trip landed me somewhere in Central America I think. Felt weird this was the first time as a slave alone with Lisa. Thrilled to travel together. Her in first class of course. We arrived to an elegant mansion hotel just off an idyllic beach. Very young looking bellboy led us to our room (was shocked to discover would share a suite with Master).

In the suite he stopped the trolley to put her bags in the closet. Received an angry glance from Lisa. Immediately stripped and got to my knees. He turned and watched with an amused look on his face. Lisa pointed at the corner. I crawling there and knelt facing it. She said something to him in Spanish.

“Thank you Madam Lisa just ring us for anything we are available all the time.”

Lisa bound me in the closet. Sleep was uncomfortable. Dick kept trying to expand. Had not been this close to Lisa in months. Heard her in the morning have room service breakfast. Then she departed. Hours later heard someone come in. Surprised when a heavy set business dressed woman opened the closet and unbound me.

Shoved me to the bathroom to watch me knee and pee. Pointed me into the shower the ran cold water over me. Collared and leashed me then walked me out. Crawling through the lobby just in the cock cage. Being displayed excited and embarrassed me. But nobody seemed to notice.

Crawled onto a beautiful beach. Several very large fancy beach Cabana’s, a bar, and a BBQ area. Lisa was at the center of a small mixed group. Dressed in a long see through chemise covering a bikini. Stunning Goddess. I was dropped off behind her. They were watching a naked young woman being fucked doggy style. She was tiny maybe 40kg. Heavily tattooed man held her hips and pounded her with his wrist thick cock. He kept calling her Puta.

She was looking sideways at the crowd smiling in ecstasy. Conversed with the crowd in Spanish, which I do not know. Pure uninhibited exhibitionism. They switched to her kneeing to blow him. Her big fake looking lips filled her small face. She took the whole cock which looked impossible. Pressed herself onto it while he just stood still, hands on his hips.

Sensing his ejaculation she pulled her mouth off and looked up so he could shoot his load into her mouth. Gobs splattered onto her face. Gestured questioningly at the group. Lisa snapped her fingers so I crawled forward.

Puta pulled me to knee. Pulled my mouth open and drooled the large load slowly into my mouth.

“Swallow bitch.” Gulped it down. As I did an old fat woman in a tiny one piece took Puta into a big hug.

“My beautiful little puta you bring my much happiness.”

“Gracias mamá.” Were they really mother and daughter?

The whole day was a relaxed, decade, sex circle, beach party. Cleerly many of the participants were some form of pros. There was zero BDSM. But many fetishes fulfilled. I was just an observer. Was not used for any sex.

Highlight of the afternoon was a cute young girl boy getting fucked. She wore the tiniest pink cock cage. Less than an inch long with over two very small balls. Small natural tits so probably on hormones. Her dark hair in pigtails. Face quite feminine and pretty with dark eyes contrasting her very pale skin.

She was with a huge dark skinned black man. Built like a two meter tall body builder. Huge shoulders and arms. Cock was the longest I’ve ever seen. They both worked together like seasoned porno pros. He fucked her in multiple positions for over half an hour. It ended with her on her back on a small table as he pumped her pussy ass. Holding her legs so her knees were next to her ears. She egged him on to tear her apart. He shot his load from her caged dick to her face.

She made a big show of cleaning his cock with her mouth and scooping up all the cum into her mouth to eat. Clearly got off on being the center of attention.

“Ok baby clean my ass then let’s get going.” He/she knelt and licking his whole muscle ass clean. Finishing with her tongue pressed into his asshole. My dick twitched they were so hot together.

Puta and her mom walked up to me. She pulled my hair pushing my face to the crotch of her mom.

“Mamma needs to pee pee. No spills.” She laughed. I pulled the suit crotch to the side and pressed my lips to her. A long strong acidic flow followed. Distasteful, but no where near the worst I had done. Her mom patted me on the head.

“What do you ladies think of my slave?” Followed by minutes of discussion in Spanish among the three.

“Mamma wants to buy you so we can do fetish pornos. I need a slave who can serve extreme degradation and other fetishes. Regular toilet slaves are everywhere. I need one who eats void smiling. But do not worry there will be alot of other things too. I want to try urethra stretching. Wouldn’t your little penis like to be fucked by my fingers. Maybe a carrot?”

“Puta gives me a month to think it over. The price is fine.” My heart sank. As sexy as the young woman is my life is Lisa’s. But seem she is done with me? Or is it just a mind fuck?

“And feel free to tease the shit out of him till we leave. Always fun to watch him squirm in his little cage.” Later that afternoon Puta did just that. We had simulated intercourse with her riding cow girl. Dick was really suffering by the end.

The rest of the three day stay was the same. Sex sex and sex.

***Next chapter: The End?


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