Upon owner’s order what follows is the story of this slave’s (age 60) path to permanent slavery. And the life, 7 years in May 2020, of slavery.
Owner’s Order: Write the story of your history with female domination. How it led to my taking permanent ownership of you. What your life of slavery has been. This one time you are released to be, and must be, totally open and honest in the details, and expressions of your thoughts and feelings.
My reaction to the Order. Thrilled owner assigned me this duty. Determined to follow it to the letter. Fearful of owner’s reaction to my honest thoughts and feelings. Scared she will abandon or sell me.
Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property. A slave is unable to withdraw uniformly from such an arrangement and works without remuneration.
— Chapter 4 : Sex Clubs & Hiking —
[Owner ordered me today to make an account on Literotica.com. To publish this journal. Publicly. SubWes]
Early March 1987, weeks into full time live in submission, met Mistress Julie’s third year old daughter Laurie. She lived uptown with her father. Had been given a strict set of rules for behavior in her presence. Private and public. Nervous and careful around her. Important part of my life now. Quite concerned that an underage child should have no exposure to our kink lifestyle.
Addressed her as Miss Laurie and her Mom told her to call me Wes in public and Wessy at home. Laurie gave me a look like I was a piece of shit. Made it clear she did not like me being there or in her Mom’s life.
She was a Mini-Me. Except a couple of inches taller than her Mom. Somehow even skinnier. She had a haty entitled attitude. She loved that I was instructed to do as she said around the apartment.
Most of the time she visited was just an accessory. Following alongto help as needed. Only responded to direct questions or instructions. Mistress Julie had me put the dog cage in her closet. Less cunnilingus than usual but still a few hours daily. Early AM and late at night. Slept locked in the cage inside the closet.
Laurie ignored me almost completely. Probably best that way.
Laurie went home late Sunday afternoon. Spent several hours of being face ridden. Followed by full body tongue bath then massage with my hands for Mistress Julie. Bitched at me about not enough orgasms that week. So no jerking off that week. So far she had me on a two week release cycle. Killing me. She released in it. Got penalized because her daughter visited. Mistresses, Masters, Dommes do not need to be fair. Part of the lifestyle.
The next week she teased me mercilessly. Friday night 10 PM was going to be our first sex club visit together. Joined by Betty and Randy. Maybe they there would make me less scared. Definitely more embarrassed being so overtly dominated in public with my only friends watching.
Teasing increased each day. So did her excitement. Must have eaten her five hours Thursday night. Dick got slapped several times. Eleven days of denial. Drooling and twitching. She had arrived home that evening and removed the sanitary napkin wound to work by me. Examined it and called me a perv for leaking so much at work. Drilled me about who I was perving on at work. Of course no one. Dreamt of her all day. My denials were counted as disobedience.
Friday night at eight Betty and Randy arrived at Mistress Julie’s. She had me answer the door naked on all fours. After they sat down she criticalized me for not kissing their feet.
“When your superiors arrive here you always kiss their feet.” Quickly compiled and apologized to Betty and Randy.
As I kissed the top of Randy’s shoes Betty said “That is so cute and nice subbie. Learn your submissive manners. Julie he is so lucky to have you training him.”
“BettyThank you two for all your help and advice.”
Phone rang again. Someone else?
“Go get ready to answer the door dummy.”
Knock knock. Opened the door to Master Tim. He paused right in the doorway staring down at me. Quickly kissed his boots. Why is he here? He was carrying a canvas bag.
“Tim nice of you to take time from your busy night. Meet Betty and Randy.”
He pulled over a dining chair to sit next to Julie. Pointed at her feet. Crawled there.
“OK Mistress Julie the suggested for tonight. Brought a few others if it isn’t to your liking. Kneel face up bitch.” He pulled out a small piece of leather looking material. It was a jockstrap with a small pouch.
“Smallest pouch we carry. Might be a little loose on dick-less here.” He pulled me standing for a moment. Pulled it up and over dick and balls. Top of the pouch had a small metal ring.
“This is to hook a leash on. That way you have collar leash and dick leash.” Betty was clapping!
“That is so cool and cute Tim. We must visit your shop.”
“I’m not wearing that!” Randy said.
“Baby you are so macho. That is too cute. Maybe just in bed?” Betty was glowing and Randy had his ever present smile.
Tim continued “Now here is a nice long nylon leash for it. You can switch off between leashes. Have him hold the one you are not using. Even crawling.”
Betty again “Hey Julie we can share. You have one lean we’ll take the other. Might be fun.”
“Good idea.” Julie replied.
“Ladies that is a fun game. See which way he goes when you split up.” Tim was grinning looking at me.
“We had a fun time with a similar game at a private foundationer. Bid on slave body parts. Bought this hot young guys big balls. Got outbid on the dick. Twink was screaming when we claimed our purchase and started walking different ways.” They all laughed. Randy was shaking his head a little.
Betty said “Wow do you guys ever let straight couples in? Would love to watch.” Randy was now shaking his head no.
Tim responded “When we host one sure. Mine are quite small. Others maybe not. Will ask and see. You can imagine we are careful who we let in. Heavy play can still get you arrested. For no good reason.” USA was still very repressive in the 80s and 90s.
“Julie do you want his ass covered? Or a tail? Something else to decorate his butt?”
“Tim do not want him totally exposed. He is so scared gay guys will stick things up his ass.” She sounded so geneuine. Was just fucking with me.
“OK so brought a few things that might fit.” He pulled out several frilly lace panties. Multiple colors. Betty and Julie went through them. Gleefully deciding which went with my skin tone.
“Here subbie put this on.” Handed me the pink one of course. She then stood and pulled me up to stand.
“Slowly turn. Model for us.” She and Betty stood watching. Betty reached out to rub her hand over my butt. Made me shiver. Such a sexual touch. Was ill at ease.
Julie said “Tim that is so cute. However no real protection for his asshole. Maybe a butt plug?”
“Here we go have several types of insertables” Tim continued as he started bringing them out. Several butt plugs and a plug horse tail. Julie had me try and model a few. Allowed to use baby oil to lube them. She, Betty, and Tim were all very focused on the show and discussing the alternatives. Randy was just chuckling.
“Dummy keep standing, take these and properly wash them.” Returned and handed them to Tim. Knelt.
“So what will it be Ma’am” Tim said.
“Let’s take the tail and the biggest butt plug. He can wear that tonight with the panties. Tail just doesn’t fit with the panties. Tim how much?”
Looking down straight in my eyes “His virginity and ten deep blow blow jobs.” Everybody burst out laughing, except Tim.
“He won’t be ready for that for a while.” Julie replied still laughing.
“Subbie will put it on a tab at the store. Pay up soon or will take it out of your ass.” Menacing. Tim scared me. Strong Master had a sadist vibe.
They chatted a few minutes more. Tim said his goodbyes. Kissed his boots goodbye.
Time quickly came to go to the club. Grateful that over my BDSM costume she allowed me to wear my London Fog long coat. One of the few clothes items I had she approved of. Cheap loafers for my footwear. Jockstrap pouch and lean were on but hidden under the coat. She put dog collar and lean in her purse. Relieved at that. Bad enough to wear in a club. No way in public.
Dave the doorman was on duty. Hailed us a cab. Eyed me up and down as always. He really wanted to know about our kinks. It is difficult to walk normally with a big butt plug in your ass.
Mistress Julie handed the driver a business card “We’re going there.” She turned and put a sleeping mask blind fold on me. Did not know where we went.
As we exited the cab, still blindfolded, Mistress Julie said “You can stand andwalk till ordered down.”
Cacophony of voices, music, and sounds. She and Randy handled the entry business. Betty was holding onto my wrist.
Mistress Julie “OK thanks. Let’s get the collar and leash on subbie.” Felt the collar go into place. Snap of the leash. Pulled along. Entered a dressing locker room. Took off my jacket and loafers. When she was ready pulled off the mask.
“Why are you still standing dummy.” Dropped to the floor. She took the dick leash and pulled me along as they exited the dressing room.
It is hard to describe what I saw so many years later. Most of it is just flashes of scenes. Have forgotten much of it. Very basic place though. Not like clubs today. Nothing really fancy, flashy, or expensive.
There was one large room with many ‘stations’. Couple of stocks. A few whipping benches. A big X cross with ropes through pulleys. King and Queen chairs.
Some smaller rooms off to the sides. We went into a couple of them. First had a nakedman tied spreadeagled face down on a bed. Pro Dominatrix in a full leather outfit wearing a straw-on. We watched with about ten others, my view limited, as she fucked her slave.
Guy just whimpered. Dominatrix talked the whole time. Demeaning and degrading him verbally.
“Faggot tight-assembled little wimp. Gave you a chance to fuck me and you couldn’t get your weenie hard. I’ll do the fucking.” Continued on like that a long time.
As we left Betty said “That is so fucking hot. Gotta try it.”
Randy replied “No fucking way I’m taking it up the ass. Maybe Julie will loan you subbie.” Everybody in on the act of screwing with me.
Other room we went in had a young college aged woman in bond kneeing. Naked from the wait up. Arms bound behind her back with thick rope. Her Master was very large much older guy. He spoke to her soft and gently like a lover. It was like a verbal dance. Best can reconstruct something like this.
“Are those tits perfect?” “No sir.”
“Don’t I deserve perfect tits?” “You do sir.”
“Should I sell you? Get a slave with perfect tits.” “Oh please no sir.”
“What will you do to make up for these ugly sacks?” “Anything please anything master!” Her tits looked perfect to me.
“Blow me? Blow all of my friends? Take it up the ass dry? Drink my piss?” “Yes sir want all of those.”
“You are a dirty slut skank?” “Yes sir.”
“You will suffer anything?” “Yes master.”
“Push them out like a good tit whore.” She did not have to move. Tied up like she was they were already pushed up and out far as they could go.
He took a whip from his belt. Short braided leather one.
Whipped her tits. Each stroke he would pause and she would say “I love you master. Please more pain.” As it proceeded she got slower saying that. After twenty or so her breasts were bruised, with some spots of blood.
He slowly clipped the whip back to his belt. Unzipped his pants. Pulled out a very thick cock. Stepped forward and she sucked the cock right in. He just stood hands on hips as she struggled to blow him. Impressive since her arms were bound. Leaned forward on her knees to force her mouth onto him.
When he came she pulled her head back a little. He withdraw and she opened her mouth so everyone could see his load in it.
“Swallow bitch.” She did. “Master thank you for blessing me with Your cum.”
Damn it was brutal and so hot. Felt it was a planned scene.
Back out to the big room. All of the other dominant women were pros. Mostly twentyties but a few older like Mistress Julie. We got a lot of attention. Maybe because people knew she was not a pro.
A few couples and several of the pros spoke to Julie. They seemed fascinated with a real life Domme. All commented on my cute panties. Several asked Julie where she got the jockstrap general pouch. She handed out cards for Tim’s store.
The other memorable scene was very late. Sort of like the big end of a show.We, with almost everybody there, watched as they setup then performed.
Man about sixty in all leather walked out leading a woman about forty. She was quite nice looking. Curves showed in a tight shinny plastic like dress. Several men worked to setup some contraction. She stripped. Not bad for her age. Large hanging breasts, tiny wait for her size, big round butt with some cellulite. Damn sexy. Her pubes were bare.
They had her lay face down on a small benchmark. Tied each of her limbs to a clothes line. One guy started craneking. Became apparent they were suspending her spreadeagled in the air. Butt and pussy facing the audience. Bench was pulled away. She was about waist height.
Big body builder looking young man stepped out. Peeled off his pants. Hung like a fucking horse. Nothing was said. Place became dead quiet. He stroked just a few times to get semi hard. Stepped between her legs and thrust it in with one stroke.
Many people moved to the sides or her head toget a better view. We just stayed behind the guy. All I saw was her feet and legs and his back side as he fucked her. Nothing was said. Mostly was just the sound of him pounding into her. His thighs slapping her hard made a smacking noise. Woman made no sound whatsoever. Hung there like a piece of fuck meat.
There were at least eight or nine other subs watching. But all were with pros. Felt a little proud. Had a real lifestyle Mistress.
After a while I was bored. But Betty and Mistress Julie were glued to it. Guy finally finished. He turned around to the crowd and there was applause. Her master stepped over and shook the guys hand. She just hung there with juices dripped to the floor.
Mistress Julie jerked my collar lean and we went back to get changed and depart.
“Betty those were the hottest things I ever saw. Domme with the straw-on then this guy. Hell might fuck him with that body and big cock.”
“Julie am so wet you can do me with a straw-on right now.” They giggled. Randy of course jumped in with “I want to watch.”
Subbie was so turned on he knew it was messing the inside of the pouch. Fucked if she inspects it.
Blindfolded back in a cab heading uptown. Total silence. Sounded like Betty and Randy were all over each other. Heard her panting and moaning some. Mistress Julie was playing with the pouch. She was stroking it. It started to try and get hard. She punched it lightly. Whispered in my ear. “Me strugging it is no excuse or approval for it to get hard.”
We were dropped off. Heard quick goodbyes. Sure they were still at it.
Back home she let me remove the butt plug. By now it really hurt back there. Pulled me into the bedroom. Knelt in the usual spot and ate her. Long time later she actually pulled me up onto the bed. Laid on the foot of the bed on my side. She pulled my face between her legs. Trapped it there.
Ate her a long time. Till she was sleep and then fell asleep myself.
Weekend was the best so far. Lazy stay at home relaxing. Cunnilingus all the time. Think that is still the most time ever did that in two days. She was just glowing and relaxed. Really nothing verbal. She even skipped chatising me for penis drool.
After dinner and her dessert coffee Sunday she asked “Would you like relief?” Was that a trick question? “Please Mistress Julie have mercy. Yes.”
Grabbed me by the ear into the bathroom. Had me knee in front of the toilet. She sat above me on the sink counter.
“Jerk it erect and stay ready to cum.” Got it up after just a few strokes. She just watched and said nothing. Had me tormenting myself. Anxious it would spurt without permission.
Stroked it as she reached her right foot over and started to rub the head. Balls wanted to exploit. No idea how long. Felt like an hour. Probably just two or three minutes.
“Cum” Spurted as she started to say it. “Subbie is a dirty perv. Subbie is a dirty perv. Subbie is a dirty perv. Subbieis a dirty perv. Subbie is a dirty perv.”
“Hmm that was close to too fast don’t you think?” Stayed quiet head down.
“What do you say?” “Mistress Julie thank you for your mercy.”
“What else?” Confusion. No idea.
“Thank my toilet. It is swallowing your disgusting jizz.”
“Uh … Thank you Mr. toilet for taking my filthy cum.”
“That’ll do. Go lock yourself in for the night.” Crawled to the cage in the living room corner and closed the door. She followed and put the padlock on and locked it.
Two weeks later we were scheduled to visit an underground gay BDSM club with Tim. Was scared and panicked as it got closer. No mention of Betty and Randy joining us. No one to protect me.
We were going around midnight Saturday night. By Friday night was a wreck. Mistress Julie noticed. She called Betty. Was in my normal spot eating pussy.
“Hi Betty. Are you busy tomorrow night midnight? … Oh that’s too bad. Subbie is freaking out. Afraid he will stroke out. … Oh no I understand. Talk to Randy and let me know.” Click.
Took fifteen minutes.
“Hi. … Sounds great. Thank Randy for me. It’ll be tight to get there on time. Oh well we won’t pay for being late. … (laughing) bye bye.” What was that? Grateful Betty will be there.
Saturday night could not eat dinner. Too nervous. She was unusually quiet. Just watching me. Maybe even being easy on me. Must have known subbie was close to losing it.
Eleven thirty the phone rang. Had been ready for thirty minutes.
“Let her know we are on our way down.”
Was clothed similar to the last time. Except no panties. She had the tail butt plug in her pursuit.
We came outside and jumped in the taxi with Betty. Blindfold went right on. They chatted. Seemed like an eternity. We definitely had crossed a bridge. Must be headed into Brooklyn.
Finally stopped and got out. Entered. Down a flight of stairs. One of them knocked on a door. An intercom answered. “Yes ladies?”
“Master Tim invited us. Julie Betty and my sub.” Heard a buzz and we walked in.
“Good evening ladies. Please put all of your personal items in this bin. Will take your subs coat too. Everything gets locked into a locker. I hold the key for you. My name is Franklin.”
They finished then heard Master Tim says good evening. Ladies said hi and Thanks.
“Now let’s dress subbie. First. Subbie you are fucking late. Wasting my valuable time.” Blindfold was removed. Blinked as he turned me away from him. Had seen him. He was wearing all black leather. And a few whips and other things hanging from his belt.
“Bend over.” Touched my toes. Whack whack! Fuck that hurt.
“Stay there.” Next felt the tail plug go in. Lubed up fortunately.
“Let’s go ladies. Subbie stay standing wants you to see everything.”
This place was quite different. Main room was just an audience area with a small stage to one corner. Very large man in shorts and a vest was fist fucking a guy kneeing on a benchmark. Roughly. Grunts and a few yelps. Was getting dizzy. They switched victims. Next was a very small older guy. Looked like it would kill him.
Betty came over and stood next to me holding my arm. Propping me up. Master Tim handed me a big water bottle.
“Drink that all now.”
Small guy reached back and spread his cheeses. Dominant shoved his fist in like he was punching the guys ass. Julie and Tim were discussing it. Glanced at Betty and she was a little wide eyed.
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