Permanent Slavery Journey Ch. 02

Permanent Slavery Journey

Upon owner’s order what follows is the story of this slave’s (age 60) path to permanent slavery. And the life, 7 years in May 2020, of slavery.

Owner’s Order: Write the story of your history with female domination. How it led to my taking permanent ownership of you. What your life of slavery has been. This one time you are released to be, and must be, totally open and honest in the details, and expressions of your thoughts and feelings.

My reaction to the Order. Thrilled owner assigned me this duty. Determined to follow it to the letter. Fearful of owner’s reaction to my honest thoughts and feelings. Scared she will abandon or sell me.


Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property. A slave is unable to withdraw uniformly from such an arrangement and works without remuneration.


—- Chapter 2 : Mistress Julie ——

Sleepless night. Worse because Randy and Betty were fucking up a storm. Noisier than the usual when visiting them. Bad because could not jerk off either. Lunch that day was a meet and greet with Julie. Betty screened her off the ad we put in the Village Voice. Seeking a dominant woman. Amazed there were any replies. Not exactly a popular thing in 1986.

Was a deer in the headlights at lunch. Julie’s attitude, and her BDSM research, made her into a formidable novel dominant. She talked and I listened. Said nothing after hello except to answer her questions. She told me two things before leaving. No jerking off without her permission. And she would pick me up at Betty’s the next evening at 6 PM ‘If you are a good boy I’ll take you back to my place for a test drive.’ Not sure exactly what that means. Eager to find out.

Julie was forty three years old Chinese American. Five foot with a very small frame. Skinny and flat chested. Roll of fat on her tummy. Average looking lady in a woman’s business suit. Dark piercing intelligent eyes. Smart and sharp tongue. Twenty minutes in her demeanor had hooked me. Attitude and plain open talk turned me on. Her looks got better with each minute.

December 29th was my last day in the city. Betty was, as always, in her Physics research lab 8 AM till very late. Randy had a late breakfast with me then shoved off for what he said was a half day.

“Don’t worry Wes I’ll be back around 4.” Grinning ear to ear. He was loving this. Partly because he loved anything sex related. But also they generally wanted me to find a Domme.

Nervous wreck all day. Shaved a couple of times. Brushed my teeth several times. Could not eat lunch. All afternoon stressed over what to wear. Hadn’t brought a lot of clothes for my four day visit. All casual. Betty sprung Julie on me after my arrival in NYC.

Randy come bounding back in right at 4 PM. Grin wasStill there. He had a box of flowers.

“Here Wes. Knew you would not think of it. Hang on a sec let me get something else for you.”

He came back from the bathroom with a pill. “Take this it is Valium. Will help you calm down.”

Two hours seemed like an eternity. We sat on the couch. Randy was giving me advice on what to do while trying to keep me calm. If that pill worked didn’t feel it. At five of six he told me to go stand by the door. “Listen for the elevator and open the door before she has a chance to knock.” Guess this was from his All American ladies man pick up routine. Betty got him sophomore year of college and shut that down. He knew she was the one and never stood. Flirted yes. But they both did that especially in front of each other.

Stood at the door and looked out the peephole every few seconds. Nervous and scared. A few people came off the elevator then finally her. Right at six.

Opened the door “Good evening Julie.”

“Is that the proper way to greet your prospective Domme?” She stared up into me then glanced down. Her right boot was pushed forward. Dropped to my knees leaned down and kissed it. We were in full view of the hallway but nobody was there. She brushed by me and started heading towards Randy.

Started to stand up. “Did I tell you to stand?” Confused for a moment. Then crawled after her. “Stay at my right side.”

They shook hands. “Randy so nice to meet you. Betty has told me so much. But never that you are such a hunk.”

“Nice to meet you Julie. Thank you. Appreciate you visiting and Betty sends her regrets. Research does not wait.”

“We set it up this way. Betty feels Wes might fall apart if we were all here. Nice of her because will get to have you all to myself for a while.” Randy was chuckling.

“She is such an instigator.”

Looking down at me Julie asked “Wes do you have something to say?” My confused face said it all.

“Man takes her coat and offer the lady a seat.Then ask her what she wants to drink.” He turned on Julie.

“Julie” Cut me off “Mistress Julie to you got it? Anywhere, anytime, in front of anyone.” “Yes Mistress Julie.”

“May I take your coat? Please sit anywhere.” She took a seat on the couch and patted next to her for Randy. Crawled with her coat to the closet. Silence. Could feel their eyes on my back as I struggled to hang up her coat without standing.

Crawled back over in front of them. Reached over to get the flower box from the table.

“Mistress Julie for you.”

“That is so nice. Thank you Randy.” She looked at him as she spoke. He grinned then looked at me and shrugged.

“No way Wes thought of that.”

“Mistress Julie may I get you a drink?” “Yes a glass of white wine.”

Started to crawl towards the kitchen.

“Stop. Aren’t you forgetting something? Am not the only one here for you to serve.” Her eyes were sparkling and drilled right into me. Clearly this was a thrill for her.

“Uh sorry Randy. What would you like?”

“You know. Bottle of beer.”

They started chatting like old friends. Crawled into the kitchen to get the drinks. Wine and beer in the fridge was easy. But the wine glasses were up high. Saw no way to get her a glass without standing.

“Problem subbie?” Just looked back pleading with my eyes. Couldn’t speak.

“OK this time you can stand. In the future plan better.” “Yes Mistress Julie.”

Crawled back over with their drinks. Knelt at her right side and watched as she and Randy chatted. In this position she was turned away from me and Randy could see us both clearly. He was keeping on eye on me.

They discussed each other’s work. Discovered she was a senior accountant with a big marketing firm. Randy told her about his management job with a major costumes firm.

Without saying a thing she had me handing and putting back her glass. Empty right hand reached out would get the glass off the table and put it in her hand. When she put her hand back out took the glass and put it back on the coaster. Randy shot a wink at me.

“Refills subbie.”

“Randy tell me about Wes. Understand you guys roomed senior year and have been friends since.” He remembered the last six years of our times. Ending with how Betty had to keep working on me to help get me a woman.

“Betty told me. He is so hopeless isn’t he. Maybe he can be molded into a good service. She said he is quite nice and compliant. Could use a service and maid. … with benefits.” They both laughed.

Turning back to look at me she said “Betty says he gives great head. Subbie have you gone down on Betty?” Was horrified and shook my head no.

“Oh be serious. Know she would never stop that low. Looking at her pictures there she is too pretty for you.” Turned back to Randy. “Randy have you two ever had a threesome?”

“Yup one time for my birthday. Cute girl and she gave us both great head.”

“So you guys never thought of using subbie for head? Betty does say he is good.” Both chuckled at that.

“Randy can you help me out? Want to try him out but have to be careful. Just getting to know you and Betty but cannot just take your word. He could be dangerous.”

“Yes Julie. You must be careful. Happy to help so you two can get together.”

“Wes you may stand up. Go over to that open spot. Strip.” Damn in front of Randy. But not like we hadn’t seen each other naked before.

Stripped quickly. She pulled out a Polaroid camera from her pursuit. Walked over to me. Picked up my pants and pulled out the wallet. Handed me the driver’s license and dropped pants and wallet to the floor.

“Hold it up next to your face.” Click.

“Next to your dick.” Click.

“Over your chest.” She stepped back to get a full shot of me. Click.

“Sit there on your clothes put your license away.” She rejoined Randy on the couch. They opened the photos.

“Randy do you think these are good enough?”

“Yes can clearly see his face and the license is clear enough.”

She pulled an envelope out of her pursuit. Put the photos inside and sealed it up.

“Whe is the letter slot?” He walked her out the door. Oh my god people would have a few seconds where they could see me naked. They returned in a minute.

“Subbie has decided to give you a try. Going to take you back to my place. That envelope is to a trusted friend. Keeps me safe. My daughter is with her father this week.” Great news.

“Randy how about a picture of you two. Subbie go stand with Randy.”

We stood next to each other me completely naked. He put his arm across my shoulders with his hand gripping my right shoulder. Click.

“Randy you should model. This is for you and Betty. Always want photos of important occasions with your friends and family.”

“Put on your pants, shirt, and underwear. Give your keys and wallet to Randy. Do not worry about your coat. We will take a cab to my place. IfYou are really good you might get to stay with me till very late.”

“Randy it has been a pleasure meeting you. Thank Betty for me. We’ll get together for a dinner after New Year’s. Might be a good report for you too.”

Quickly grabbed the box of flowers and her coat as she put the camera in her purse. Walked out the door behind her.

Randy said “Nice meeting you Julie. Have fun subbie.” He could never resist poking fun.

Followed her closely on her right. In the elevator helped her put her coat on. About 7 PM so she easily hailed a cab. Settled next to her and held the flower box in my lap.

The cab started uptown for a thirty block trip. After a moment she slipped her hand into my pants and grabbed my dick. Whispered “Stay still eyes forward.” Hand was cold. She squeezed it firmly. Scared the cab driver might notice. But it was covered by the flowers.

Quietly into my ear “If you want to be in my life I own this. No erections. No porn. No jerking off. Only gets hard or cums when I say so. No exceptions. My body, every inch of it, will get worshiped as I deserve. Wasted too much of my life. Time to catch up on twenty five years of lost orgasms.”

Was so turned on worried about getting hard. She kept it squeezed with no motion. The cab was bouncing all over the pockets.

“Tonight is totally for me. You will not speak. Your Only thought is to follow my orders and worship my body. No erection. Even a twitch of getting hard you will be banished. Listen and memorize everything you are told. If I take you on this is all important. Forgetting will get severe punishment. Subbie’s whole existence will be to take care of me and my daughter. And serve my body.”

Cab came to a stop. She paid. We entered her building. Was so fearful of making a mistake ignored everything and concentrated on staying right at her side. Didn’t even know the address.

Elevator rose. What should I do when we entered? Guess knee as soon as we enter her apartment. Then hang up her coat? Sounded good.

The door closed behind us and knelt as she reached back to lock the two dead bolts.

“What did you do wrong?” Shook my head. No idea. “Naked and kneeing when in private. Will usually give you fifteen seconds to do that. Strip now.”

Never knew how hard undressing is while kneeing. She dropped her coat on my head. By The time had hung up her coat she had a small Perrier bottle in hand. She walked over to me and grabbed my ear and dragged into the apartment.

It was very small. NYC special. Very nice but small kitchen in the corner and a tiny dining table on the other side of the front door. The other half the room was a living area. To one side were two doors and one door opposite. Guessed two bedrooms and one bathroom.

She sat in a nice little easy chair. Positioned me on all fours facing her. She throw a dish towel at me.

“Sit on that. No stains on my carpet. And know that if you come back here it will be to live. And you will be responsible for all the cleaning. My daughter will be thrilled to have a maid to clean up after her when she visits.”

Was stunned. We had just met. Now she was telling me how we would live? My mind went into overdrive. What about my job? How soon? Scrambled brains.

“Remove my boots. Wipe them down with paper towel in the kitchen. Put them in the Closet. Crawl back and removed my socks. Need a foot massage.”

She picked up the phone. Listened intently while complying.

“Hey its me. How was you day. … Yes me too. Hate working this week. Just once would like two weeks off through the holidays. Sent you an envelope. It has some photos in it. Important you keep those in a safe place. … Yes have a guy over tonight. …You will not believe it when I tell you. … He’s from upstate so probably months before you can meet him in person. … Just look at the photos. Should give you a hint.” Laughing.

This went on well into her foot massage. Finger snap. She pointed at toes and mouthed ‘suck toes’. Started sucking each one in turn. Tasted a little salty and knew they were dirty. But was lost by then. Did it.

Their conversation had moved along to other things. Concentrated on my duties.

Laughing. “Think you will like them. Just in case anything happens to me tonight. … He is busy sucking my toes right now.” She told her friend! Kept my head down. Had to worry because it made the dick twitch. Please no erection.

“His dick is small but who cares. Not like he will ever get to fuck me. He’s a wimp but my new friend says he eats pussy like a champion. Tonight going to try out the tongue and mouth. … No. We agreed he wouldn’t get any till after he gets home tomorrow. Even then he has to call me. … Found him from an ad in the back of the Village Voice. … Who knows but would be nice to have a pussy eater around that never wants a blow job or fuck. … Hey you know me, really do not like that anyway. But not like I couldn’t go out and find a good cock to fuck if I want. … Hey that’s the deal. He’s into it.”

“OK see you for the party. Good night.”

“Not bad. Stop. Now lick each foot bottom back to front. Clean them off. Been a long day.” Never really thought about feet. But this was incredibly exciting. Mistress Julie had me licking and sucking her dirty feet.

“OK stop. Stay there.” She got up and went to the bathroom. Returned after several minutes and grabbed my ear and dragged me into the bathroom.

“Stand and wash your face then rinse out you mouth with the Listerine. Do not want any foot fungus getting into my pussy.” Her talk was fucking my head. Sure she was quite clean but it was so humiliating.

“If you want to piss do it now. Get on your knees and pee into the toilet.” She stood over me as I knelt on the tiles and held it over the edge of the bowl. Pee wouldn’t start.

“Come on do not have all night for this. Get used to it. Subbie gets no privacy.” Finally it started to come out but slowly. Was worried some would hit the rim. Thankfully it didn’t. Finished and wiped it. Flushed.

“Heel.” Shit. Followed her crawling towards the one door on the other side.

“Stop.” She stepped away a second. Then felt something as she pulled a blindfold over my eyes.

“Cannot trust you so we need something extra tonight.” Heard a tearing sound. She wrapped tape around my head over the blind fold.

“You have not earned the honor of seeing me naked yet. Tonight is about one thing. My pussy and orgasms. Maybe next time you can explore the rest of my body.”

She dragged me crawling into her bedroom. Crawling isn’t easy if you cannot see. Heard some sounds. Guess her taking off her panties and skirt. Hand pulling me forward and down. My nose pushed into very wet pussy lips.

“Stay still. Smell her. Breath through your nose.” Her scent was strong.

“You want me?”

“Yes Mistress Julie.”

“You want me todominate you? My pussy must always be happy. Your sex will be her. Keep breathing through your nose. Not going to tell you again. Lick and eat her anytime she wants it. Anywhere we are. We might be over at Betty and Randy’s. If she wants an orgasm will take you into the bathroom and do it. You will crawl back out with her cum all over your face. They will smell her scent on you.” My head was exploding. Exposure and humiliation like that was not desired. But the power dynamic was amazing. Could I submit to that? Yes for sure.

“By the way Betty already told me that if we get together it is OK to be totally open with them. She told me how wild they are. At their place you will always be totally naked. Told her that sounded so fun. So hear this rule. Naked at Betty’s whenever it is just them or me there.”

My nose was drowning in her juices. Struggled to stay soft. Needed to be hard. But couldn’t.

“Eat.” Mistress switched back and forth between being very quiet, and moonts giving me instructions. Exacting on how her pussy likes it. “When she says cumming suck her clip in and hold there while rubbing it with the bottom of the tongue.” Felt like one big orgasm followed by several smaller ones as she came down.

As each series of orgasms finished she would order to go again. No idea how long or how many. Found where I wanted to be. Prayed that she would want me long term.

Was in very good shape back then. But it went on so long my legs and back were hurting. My mouth, lips, and tongue were tired. My head was lost in never never land. It ignored my body. Brain kept urging me to make her pussy happy.

“Stop. Lay down there on this towel.” A bath towel dropped on my head. Laid down. Heavy breathing trying to recover. Tried to relax.

Heard nothing. Realized she was taking a nap. Tried to sleep too. Brain was on fire. Must have done though. Startled. Awoke to a foot slapping my face. “Get up subbie time to leave.” No idea what time it was.

Got dressed as she stood above me. She handed me a pad and pen to write down my home number and address. Crawled following her to the front door. She faced me.

“Wes I accept you as my sub. Walk back to Betty’s. Remember the rule. Naked there. Tonight you can stand up there. Never again. Betty has my number. Call me when you arrive in Syracuse tonight. You are required to report all erections, orgasms, ejaculation, and or semen drooling. None of that unless you are told to. Visit three weeks from now. You will stay at Betty’s. Report here at midnight that Friday.”

Opened the door and shoved me with her foot, crawling out into the hall. Door closed.

Walk back to Betty and Randy’s was long and cold. Mid thirties without a coat or wallet. Walked quickly but took at least thirty minutes. Thoughts were coming fast. She never asked me if I wanted her. Claimed me. Turned me on. Any thoughts of her plain looks and little middle aged body were banished. Felt some twitches. If I thought about the sex part to come would get a hard on.

Quietly opened the door. Had a key to their place. And the building doormen knew me and had permission to enter anytime.

Put my boots in the closet. Sitting pulled my clothes off. Started to crawl towards the guest bedroom. Forgot I could stand. Passing the living room the table light came on. Jumped.


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