Permanent Slavery Journey Ch. 01

Upon owner’s order what follows is the story of this slave’s (age 60) path to permanent slavery. And the life, 7 years in May 2020, of slavery.

Owner’s Order: Write the story of your history with female domination. How it led to my taking permanent ownership of you. What your life of slavery has been. This one time you are released to be, and must be, totally open and honest in the details, and expressions of your thoughts and feelings.

My reaction to the Order. Thrilled owner assigned me this duty. Determined to follow it to the letter. Fearful of owner’s reaction to my honest thoughts and feelings. Scared she will abandon or sell me.


Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property. A slave is unable to withdraw uniformly from such an arrangement and works without remuneration.


— Chapter 1 : First 26 years —

Had the femdom fantasy from my early memories. At 6 or 7 would dream of being held down, jumped on, and beaten up by girls.

Teen years were almost exclusively porn mags and a few female dominant themeled adult books. Any photo or story with a Dominant Female caused me excitement. 14 and on masturbation always was focused on submitting to a woman or women.

At 16 saw the film Maitresse. She was my dream Domme.

90s led me to videos. Mostly European and all with BDSM themes. Would buy anything with a dominant woman in it. Had numerous moving boxes full of videos by 2000.

Am smart, strong, and outgoing, but always very awkward with women in any setting. Shy around them especially single ones. Dated a little in HS but usually girls who approached me. They were invariably submissive ‘looking for a Daddy’ type girls. Guess my confident attitude in classes and choir attracted them.

Virgin till a 21 year old college senior.

Had one slight sub experiencein college.

We met in the summer after junior year in a ‘cold study’. You got paid $300, a lot in 1980, and free food for six days of isolation to test a cold vaccine. We roomed in the old unused wing of a local hospital. About twenty kids each with their own room. Lots of food, games, TV, and sitting around chatting.

She was tall and slender with a Tomboy vibe. After talking Some she made it clear she had a boyfriend. But was open to fooling around. We talked and somehow let on I liked girls to be in charge.

Next night she decided we would play some strip poker in her room. Winner to choose what we would do. My excitement was incredible. As I stripped during the game she looked for a moment with each removal. Checking me out while not saying a thing . Thankfully I lost.

When she won, briefly looked at my penis, then said “Stand up”.

She stood up in her pants and bra. Without a word she finished undressing a few feet from me. Her 19 year old body was perfect. 5’10” and around 135 with full C cup breasts. Her ass was smallish for her size but curvy and muscle.

Complimented her on her amazing body and she smiled.

“Yes I know”. Confident and sexy.

She jumped onto the bed and laid back with her hands behind her head and legs crossed. She had a full bush. Was desperate to see more of her pussy.

“So Wes here’s what we are going to do. You are going to go down on me till I’m satisfied. Do a good job and you’ll get a blow job.”

Wow dreams come true. Finally sex with a girl.

She moved down the bed a little. “Kneel there at the end of the bed.”

Kneeling, mesmerized as she slowly spread her legs. Her lips peeked out through the bush.

“Lean down and put your mouth on my pussy. You can use your fingers for a second to spread it open. Then put you hands down and eat.”

Shaking I slowly lowered making sure to see it all. Lips to her lips, spread them, and started to gunguing. Forgot to take my hands away quickly.

She snapped at me “Hands on the bed.”

Lost myself in her taste and aroma. Face buried worked to get her off. Within a couple of minutes the pussy was dripping wet.

She made no noise and did not move at all. Laid there calm and relaxed. After 5 or 6 minutes looked up at her, while still eating, to see if there was a sign of how I was doing. She had a little smile as she looked down at me between her breasts.

“You are submissive aren’t you. Focus on my pussy.”

20-25 minutes was lost, no reaction beside her juices flowing, trying my best to satisfy her. At the end she gave a few soft grunts over maybe 30 seconds.

“I’m done stop.”

Raised myself up and stayed kneeing. She looked right into me.

“Really pretty good for your first time.”

Oh my god hadn’t told her that. She knew it.

“OK stand up right there. Close your eyes.”

Heard her put her clothes on. My erection was bursting.

“OK here we go. You can watchbut arms at your sides and do not move.”

She turned me to face her then knelt, leaned forward, and sucked my penis into her mouth. Five amazing minutes. I orgasmed. She immediately stood up.

“Catch your breath quickly then get dressed.”

It took a moment to steady myself. She watched me dress then stood right in front of me smiling and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

“That was fun Wes. Never again.”

Did not sleep much that night. Kept replaying it in my head. The next few days were me dreaming of her deciding to play again but of course she didn’t. Would occasionally see her around campus. The few times we talked were in group situations.

Senior year was fast approaching. Answered an ad to share an apartment off campus. Met and roomed with a wonderful couple Betty and Randy. We became fast friends.

Betty was determined to get me more social and help me find a girl. Sweet of her but futile. Did, with her help, go out with a few girls but nothing came of it. Didn’t show the nice sane girls that I had something for them. Could not really speak to girls at parties even with Betty and Randy there. Stood there like an idiot.

Betty was like my social analyst. She worked on me to try to relax and be myself.

In April Randy asked me if I wanted to go on a week hiking and camping trip with them post graduation.

“Love hiking and camping but do not want to crowd you guys.”

He laughed.

“Man we share an apartment. We know when you jerk off and sure you know when we screw! Oh and Betty knows where you keep your porn stash.”

Was mortified.

“OK thanks let me think about it.”

Next night Betty came into my room late to chat.

“Wes you need to come out of your shell and be yourself. Do not worry about what anybody else thinks.”

“Will try and thanks. You guys are my best friends.”

She was smiling. Had a tear in my eye.

“Wes you are one of our best friends and we will stay friends forever. Camping?”

“Yes. Oh and um sorry about my porn stash.”

She frowned.

“That is what I mean. Apologize for something natural and fun? No! At least we know what you need is a strong take charge girl.”

She smiled and we said good night.

Ironically a few weeks later lost my virginity to a girl from the college choir. Danni got me to Take her to a graduation party since her grad student boyfriend had left for the summer. Knowing she had a serious boyfriend helped me relax around her.

Danni was quite plain and a little overweight. Real nice with a spicy flirty attitude.

We were pretty drink when we walked back to her dorm room. Was going to say good night but she pulled me in. It was a suite with 4 bedrooms. She walked me into her bedroom, locked the door, and shed her clothes, and I followed her lead.

She laid right down on the bed legs played open. Took that to mean she wanted oral so I dove right in. It was a very different experimentalience than my first.

When I pressed my face into her plump pussy she grabbed my hair with both hands. Her hands controlled me and she was constantly pulling hair to move my mouth as she wanted.

“That’s it right there. Come on push your tongue in all the way. Fuck I’m coming suck my juice.”

Just a few minutes in! Stopped eating and my hair was immediately yanked.

“Keep going! Get your tongue right back on my clip! Fuck me with that tongue.”

How long? Maybe thirty minutes. She came every few minutes. Each cum she yelled out. My mouth was ready to give up when she stopped.

“OK now fuck me as hard as you can.”

Was rock hard the whole time. Crawled up her body and was surprised when her hand grabbed it and guided me in. First time a girl touched it with her hands.

Fucked her hard but she kept yelling “harder harder!” Lasted a long time when masturbating but was nervous I would cum too soon. Somehow managed to last about ten minutes.

Shoved it all the way in, held there, and came with huge grunts. She grabbed my ass and held me in her. Must have spurted ten times. No more virgin.

Still holding on she smiled up at me.

“That was great hunt. Though you are much smaller than my boyfriend.”

Geez am six inches hard. He must be huge.

We caught our breath for a minute or so.

“Eat me to a few more.”

As she said it put her hands back in my hair and shoved me down. My brain was so fried it never occurred to me that I was eating my own cum out of her.

When she was done she thanked me for a nice time and asked if I wanted to hook up again. Yes!

We had several more encounters that month. Her rooms even met me the next time she brought me over. One of them said “You must be what all the noise was last week.”

Looked down and turned beet red. Three attractive girls were giggling at me and knew what we had, and were now going to do! We walked into the bedroom.

“Make sure shecums at least ten times otherwise she’ll be cranky tomorrow.” They laughed loudly.

It ended before graduation after four hooks ups.

July 1981 quickly rolled around and Randy, Betty, and I went up to New Hampshire into the Great North Woods. We spent six full days hiking, chatting, and sleeping.

It was a big moment for all of us. We had finished the first part of Our first adult task. Getting a college degree.

We relaxed and enjoyed nature and covered 10+ miles of trails per day.

Betty was about 5′ 7″ with a curvy slender figure. Very pretty girl next door face with long sandy blond hair. Randy was 6′ and solid as a rock maybe 190 lbs. All American boy with a liberal sort of hippie attitude. Wavy brown hair down to his Shoulders. Every girl wanted him.

Me 6′ 3″ 150 lbs back then. Wiry strong. Added muscle and a spare tire since.

Both are very smart. She was already on her Sciences PHD track. Randy was going for his MBA. They both had grad slotsat very prestigious schools in NYC.

Me? Who knows was wandering through since family made me go to college. Had no plans for my life.

At dinner we sat around the fire chatting about anything and everything. Dessert was smoking pot. But the last night instead of pulling out the usual joint Randy started the conversation.

“We want to talk to you. Please trust us. We know your family sucks. You will find your way to jobs. But we worry you will never find a woman. You hardly dated during college. You will spend your life alone. We want to help. Betty told me about your porn stash. It’s cool. You are not the only guy who wants a strong woman. We will help you find her.”

Both were smiling as he finished. Was a little teary and uncomfortable.

“OK. But am a little scared to talk about it. You two are the only people who love me.”

At this point I was crying and Betty sat next to me, hugged and held me for a few minutes. Then Randy handed me a small joint.

“Smoke a little, slowly, and relax.”

Betty said “We are very open. What you want sexually and in a relationship is up to you. We will always love you. No judgments.”

Randy “Hey we do some kinky shit too.”

That got him a playful slap on the shoulder.

“Wes we agree that in bed we can discuss anything. And do anything we both want to try. Do You know why we went to New York City for his birthday last year?”

“Thought it was a get away play in the city present.”

“It was. Most important play was Randy got a special present. Like all you guys he wanted a threesome. So found us a city girl for one night.”

“You hired a prostitute?”

“Oh no a nice NYC college girl who was open and could use Some money. You know we are quite comfortable.”

Damn was I shocked. Betty continued.

“We met her for dinner. A City College friend introduced us. Deal was she gets an expensive free dinner. And if she was down for the night then we would give her $250.”

Shook my head.

“Don’t be a prude man. Betty and I have been to the same adult stores you go to. Threesomes are so boring now. Many kinkier things than that.” We were all smiling at that.

“Do you want to hear what Randy got that night?”

“Well I guess so if you guys are cool with it.”

“Wes we love talking about our adventures. Careful around you because you are so uptight. So, she was a very pretty dark skinned black girl. About my size but with a much larger round butt. We had a fun dinner and talked about what our future plans are. She wants to get a job after graduation. Not enough money in her family to go to grad school. Sad because she is so smart. Over dessert we talked about sex. She is a little wild and had already done several three-ways. We told her we wanted to share her getting us off. That Randy wanted to fuck her, get blown, then watch her go down on me.”

Betty was looking me right in the eyes at that last.

“Wow you guys arereally open about sex. What did she think of it?”

Betty laughed and Randy jumped in.

“Fucked her twice, she blew me twice, and she ate out Betty for over an hour while we made out.”

Sure my mouth hung open.

“So Wes what do you want?”

“Well I uh … have a better idea now.”

Betty clapped her hands. “You lost your virginity!”

By my embarrassed smile they both knew. He jumped in.

“We thought so because you never stay out that late. Tell us the details. We need to know your experiences. Better to help you out.”

“Well and because we love sex and talking about it” she said grinning. They had a long kiss.

Told them about the two above adventures. They asked a few questions but nothing beyond what is written above. Their questions helped me arrange my thoughts and remember the experiences clearly even now almost forty years later.

“OK so now let’s talk about your Dominatrix porn. When I found your stash looked through all of it.”

Even slightly high my face must have been critic.

“It excites me. Woman in control. Do not need to worry about what she wants. She makes me do it.”

“Have you gone to a Dominatrix?”

“Oh no Betty would never do that.”

“Going to be hard to get experience if you will not pay for it.”

“I know. But need a real relationship.”

“So married to a Domme?” she asked.

“No marriage is really not important to me. Desire a woman who will have a lifelong relationship with me. As long as it is intimate too then that is enough for me. After that whatever she wants.”

That statement would later define slavery am in now.

Randy jumped in with a bunch of very specific questions. What about whipping and spanking? Do you want to lick her feet? Eat her ass? Tied up? How about something public where people will know you are pussy whipped?

Basically it all came down to whatever she wants as long as she uses me sexually.

Betty, the smartest of us, asked me the final few questions.

“Do you realize you never mentioned getting off? You do not want to get off?”

“Want to get off. But guess she decides when and how.”

Slave now knows it is ‘if, when and how.’

Betty continued. “Wow that is very submissive. So you want a woman to own you sexually?”


“What about Everything else? Outside of sex.”

“Will do what ever she wants.”

“So you will do all the shopping, cooking, dishes, garbage, house cleaning, and laundry?”

“Yes whatever she wants.”

Both smiled and Randy said “There has got to be a woman who would love that deal.”

It was 1981 and no Internet. My journey to start slavery would take over 30 years.

In August they moved to NYC for grad school. I stayed back in Syracuse. Visited them most months for a week. Occasionally Betty would invite along a single woman when we went out. But nothing happened.

Each year we did our one week hiking camping trip. Different place each time all in New England and NY. They were my anchor.

Drifted through several menial jobs. Degree did nothing to get me a job in the early 80s recession. Settled into my solidary lifestyle. With lot’s of porn and jerking off.

Only social life was through the community choir. Even dated an older, 31, separated woman met there. Lasted for six months. She was definitely into me because I treated her so respectfully. Her jerk husband had walked out cause he found a younger woman.

Sex was OK but she was more the submissive type. Loved me giving her oral but would never ask for it. Guess she was in love with me because I was safe.

But I ended it. Not what I wanted or needed.

Toward the end of 1985 got lucky and found a job with a New York State agency. Helps to be good at taking standardized multiple-choice tests. After probation was working and set financially.

The 1986 annual summer hiking trip was different. Randy called me a fewdays before the trip and let me know we would be joined by a fourth. Was sad and disappointed. Who was this new friend invading our trip?

Arrived at their apartment late Friday night. After a big hug from Betty and Randy’s powerful handshake they stood aside and introduced me to my trip ‘partner’.

“Wes this is Samantha everybody calls her Sam.”

We exchanged hellos. Betty played hostess and we all sat down for a late night drink.

Sam was stout with a squarish nice looking face. Short curly dark black hair and very pale white skin. She probably outweighted me by a few pounds. Her figure was like a barrel. Big strong arms and shoulders.

Betty did her best to get us talking but both of us said the least we could. Thirty uncomfortable minutes later she brought up the trip.

“Wes trip starts now. Told Sam you are very submissive and she can do as she wishes with you. You are her partner sharing her tent and attending to her needs.”

Sam piped in.

“I am out of shape and not much of a hiker. You will help me.”

“Of course Ma’am.”

She lashed out.

“You think I’m some old woman?”

“No no no trying to be respectful.”

“You failed then.” She had a frown on her face. This was going downhill quickly.

Betty ended things. “Wes you follow her the whole trip. Do as you are told and make sure she has fun and is safe.”

With that Betty and Randy walked into their room hand in hand.

“Come on stupid.” Followed Sam into the guest bedroom. She pointed at the far corner.

“Strip and put your clothes on the floor in the corner. Sit down on the floor at the foot of the bed.” She went out to the bathroom. About 20 minutes later she returned in a nightgown.

“Stand up and face the bed.” She sat on the end of the bed facing me. Grabbed my dick.

“You know you are not going to fuck me right.”

“Yes Samantha.”

“Oh I like that. You always call me Miss Samantha.”

“Yes Miss Samantha.”

“Now let me check you out turn around. Not too bad clnch you ass cheats. Nice and taut good.”

Whack! Her open hand slapped my ass.

“Turn back around. Shut up and listen. No more of your drive. You need to work out more. Want muscle on my man and no man tits. Need to drop that inch of fat on your stomach. Only fat you should have is in your head already. Legs are not too bad. More muscle wouldn’t hurt though. How are you going to carry me 5 miles if I twist an ankle on a hike? I weight about 175. Dick is too small. A real man has balls that hang down not that tight little sack you have. Now nod or shake your head no. Is your hard dick 7 and a half inches or longer?” Shook my head no. “Yah didn’t think so. Clearly a pencil dick too.”


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