Permanent Correction

Please note that all characters and scenarios are works of fiction and are not real or based on any real events. Certain items such as CNC are more severe and may be too intense for some readers. The gyms and interests in this story may not be for everyone. But I do hope you enjoy it!

There he was, I tried to convince myself it wasn’t him but It was. She was ring gagged, on her knees and hands cuffed Behind her back sucking on his cock. One of his hands clutching his dick and the other holding her ponytail in a tight grip forcing her down on it. You couldn’t tell it was him right away but as I looked closer I saw his ankle tattoo and my heart sank. 

Kelsey sent me the video as soon as she saw it online. The girl was an old accquaintance of hers from high school and was always promoting her kinky displays on her website urging people to buy her videos and content. One curious day she checked and only found by sheer accident the video uploaded two weeks ago. Being my bestfriend she didn’t hesitate to send it to me and break the harsh truth. My boyfriend was having a bound bitch suck him off and people were paying to watch. From then on there I knew I would have my revenge. 

I had dated Micheal for four years and thought he was the one. After some tough relationships in the past and after one especially hard breakup I met Micheal at a local car meet and we hit it off. After a few dates and some outings, we officially started dating and I was truly happy. 

About four months Micheal shared with me his love for kink and how he loved bondage and restraints. He loved the way bound girls would moan and struggle helped and he loved the sense of power and control it gave him. Pulling on their bonds while edged on by toys or devices keeping them on the verge of an orgasm. I tried with him once or twice in the bedroom but anything other than handcuffs and the boring fuzzy kind as he called them was simply too much for me. I asked if he wanted to try being the one bound but he stated he only likes to tie the girl up and he hates being the one restrained. After a bit of a fight where I told him I was not going to let him do that to me in this relationship, he apologized. He tried bringing it up quite a few more times, he was relentless but I shut him down quickly every time.

After watching the video just long enough to identify it was him I turned it off. When I saw him I lost all feeling, there was no sadness, no crying it was over. 

He was on a business trip in Europe since he worked as a commercial photographer and wasn’t due back for almost another week so I had plenty of time to snoop. Kelsey came over and helped me comb through what we could until we found it. He had been playing a mobile game on his phone and he and the girl were in a squad Together. Opening the chat logs I saw all the texts. What started off as a friend turned into him complaining about me and how I didn’t show him the love he deserved. Hedescribed the fansies of how he wanted to restrain me and what he would do to me. Tying e to the bed and gagging me and fucking my pussy until I was crying and begging him to stop. It got even more intensity from there and I had to have Kelsey read the rest. After a while, she finally just asked if he wanted a girl to take my place. Her.

I learned they had set up the site to make and sell videos, being clever enough to keep his face out of all of them. They made a new one every week and this had been going on for months. He even bragged to her in their chats how the new bracelet he gave to me for our anniversary was bought with the money they made from their latest video where he throat fucked her while she was hogtied on the bed. 

I was filled with rage and took a moment to excuse myself and sat alone in my room. How could he do this to me? How could I get back at him? He had given me access to his sizable trust fund a few months earlier in preparation for our wedding. IHe was about to propose and he wanted me to start looking at ideas and vendors, he didn’t say it up front but I got the idea. I figured I could take his money and disappear and that would have to be good enough, I had to make him eat his words. 

I left the room and came out to Kelsey sitting on the couch with a grin on her face. She swung the laptop around and a curious website was pulled up. 

“Revenge Raven Hook?” I asked, reading the page out loud.

Kelsey looked up explaining what she wanted to show me. “You know how me and Randy are super kinky even more so than Michael and I am a part of some deep dark groups on interesting parts of the web.” I did know Kelsey was crazy kinky and often looking for new ways she and her boyfriend could get off but she kept that part of Her life mostly private knowing my feelings on the matter.

“Well I remembered someone posting about this a while back and I just so happened to find it after scrolling for a little while. Itused to be an old psych ward that was bought out by this professional Dominatrix. It was originally supposed to be a place to visit and pay for a BDSM experience because we were signed up to go. However, when she caught her husband cheating on her she turned it into a prison to hold those who have cheated on their partners as a way to get revenge. 

“When someone catches their partner cheating they can pay to have They took and locked away here. They get to choose their outfit, restraints, cell, and if they have the money how long they get to stay for. You still have access to his trust fund right?”

I nodded my head yes. “But isn’t this illegal?” 

“Well short answer is yes, but documents are forgotten so it appears to be a consensual bond experience from the outside but for those who know What is really behind closed doors they keep their mouth shut. When money runs out or the time expires the cheater is broken into a bond slave and either offered back to those they cheated on or audited off to the highest bidder. 

“What the fuck Kelsey, people really buy sex and bondage slaves?”

“Not sex slaves, simply bondage and service slaves. They are locked in chatity and never have control or sex or orgasms unless the corrections staff or masters and mistresses who purchase them allow.”

“I don’t know, it seems kind of harsh. I don’t know if I can do that to him.”

“You did see all those things he said about you right? He only was staying with you hoping you would change your mind. In his mind, he was mentally stripping you and hogcuffing you and then stuffing you in the closet after he fucked you. Cmon.”

“Just think it over and let me know.” Kelsey stood up and hugged me goodbye leaving and closing the door behind her leaving me in silence. Late that night I lay awake in bed staring at the ceiling. I looked at the clock, 1:02. I looked back at the ceiling. He had thrown it all away simply because I didn’t want to be his bound bitch. It was time to turn the tables. I was going to break him and turn him into my bound bitch. I picked up the phone and texted Kelsey. 

I’m in.

Kelsey came over the next day and helped me start filling out the application process. With Raven Hook being a private facility those who wanted a soon-to-be ex to be incarcerated had to go through a long and illegal process and get accepted in order to have their cheater locked away. Filling out the forms took us almost the whole afternoon. I had to detail everything about him, his cheating, and how I caught him in the act. They wanted to know his interests and turn-offs, even our bedroom experiences all to better punishment and discipline him once he arrived.

I was given lots of options for his correction and rehabilitation such as what acts I would want him to perform after he was trained and returned to me as a bondage sub assuming I wanted that. As well as punishments he would not enjoy for bad behavior, disrespect, and resistance. However, the part I had the most fun with was deciding what restraints he would be locked in and have to endure while imprisoned in his cell. I spent a good hour detailing all the ways I wanted him restrained. Even taking a few notes from his own chats.  

After we sent in all the forms me and Kelsey decided to go out to the bars for a night on the town to get my head off of what I had just done. Yes, I had Really gone through with it, now all I had to do was wait. What if they didn’t even accept him and he came back from his trip like nothing happened. How could I sleep in the same bed with him knowing what I know?

Rather quickly I heard back from Raven Hook and they had accepted my application. They would take care of everything, even picking Micheal up from the airport and transporting him to the facility. I was told I would be able to visit after 48 hours as that was how long it usually took for prisoners to learn there was no use resisting the guards and then calmed down.

Three days later I was nervously sitting on the couch staring at the clock. Micheal’s plane was about to land, what if this was a whole prank or ruse? What if Kelsey was just messing with me and I was about to receive a text from him asking why I was not there to pick him up? I fell asleep watching the clock and when I awoke It was past midnight checking my phone I saw a notification from Raven Hook. Clicking it the note simply said “Package pickup and delivery confirmed” I couldn’t help but smile. The next 48 hours couldn’t come fast enough. 

The day of I nervously drove to the address I had received, I had desperately wanted Kelsey to come with me but she insisted this was something I had to do on my own. As I pulled in, the long windy lane curled up the hill with trees on Both sides wheezing past as I drive. The driveway had to be at least two miles long. As I created the hill the building came into view, an iron ornate fence crossed the drive and the grounds were surrounded by a tall brick wall all the way around. The old building looked almost abandoned. Covered in ivy and surrounded by trees on all sides it was tucked away in the forest at the back of the grounds. 

I pulled up to the gate and pressed the buzzer. The intercom sprang to life cache as it asked for my name. 


The buzzer sounded and the gate slowly slip open, as I drove Through as it groaned closed behind me. They certainly took their security seriously and did everything they could to keep the details of the facility away from prying eyes. 

As I parked I noticed quite a few people walking around the grounds, I discerned very quickly who were those in charge. They were wearing what could only be described as a slutty police officer costume. The women had short tight navy blue shorts with a duty belt and a long-sleeved crop top with a low cut making sure to push up and exaggerate their breasts. The males wore a very tight t-shirt and cargo pants of the same color which were also a bit tight making sure to show off their bulges. 

Every officer had two sets of handcuffs dangling from either side of their belts as well as a short whip looped through a D-ring.

As if that wasn’t easy enough to tell who was in charge, a few of the so-called guards were leading around prisoners. One female guard was whipping a male prisoner, He was chained to two more prisoners all of whom were on their hands and knees naked. They were gardening and tending to the flowers and the male who was being punished from the looks of it had dropped a planter and it had broken.

A noise made me turn my head to see a male guard whipping a female prisoner who was bound, her hands tied above her head and to a tree branch above her and her ankles spread apart each chained to a ring cemente in concrete. A bright red ballgag was shoved in her mouth as drool poured out from behind sliding down her perfect curves. With every whipto her pussy I could hear her thank him and ask for another. I was starting to wonder if I had made a mistake, not to mention some of the punishment ideas I had put down for Micheal were even more severe than this. 

“Hello, you must be Jenna!” The voice snapped me back to reality, I looked in front of me, and standing at the entrance was a female dressed in a tight leather red dress that went down to her knees and black high heels giving her a towering moment. 

“Yes, I am” I let out, still distracted by the events happening in the courtyard. 

“We are so glad you are here, your boyfriend has taken to our facility quite well already in fact faster than most I have seen. He is ready for you to see him now.” I nodded and followed her inside.

Once inside we were buzzed through a door and entered what the warden called section one. Each section was separated by a large metal door with the section number painted in bright yellow, not to mention once entering a sectionthe number was painted on almost every wall. “This is where our low-level offenders are located or those who are at the end of their training. They have a few more rights than our other prisoners and are used for the upkeep of the facilities such as you saw outside with our guard watching over the landscaping detail. They also do cleaning and food prep.”

“All prisoners are required to be naked and locked in their Chastity belt at all times no matter what level they are in.” Looking around the inside of the building was in stark contrast to the exterior. The white walls and bright lights would make anyone loose track of time. The smooth floor added to the echo of the guard’s boots clattering down the halls, only covered up by the click-clack of the ward’s heels.

We walked onward and were buzzed through the next door as the warden explained section two. “This is where most of our inmates are, placed in regular prison cells and are chained most of their stay by their wristsand ankles which are padlocked to their chatity belts. I give them some movement but not enough should they decide to challenge one of my guards. That door to the left leads to what we call the reformatory wing which are rooms and storehouses of gear used by our guards for training and punishment and are state of the art. Now for you.”

She scanned her keycard and we walked through the last door. The heavy metal door slide open, and the bright yellow section three painted on the door slide from view as we entered the cell row. 

“This is maximum security or where your boyfriend is being held as you requested on your intake form. We have many options in cells here from isolation, padded, traditional, cement, and as Micheal is being held in the so-called box. Walking down the rows and making two turns we arrived at a section where the white hall was lined with nothing but doors lining either side. The tall sheets of riveted steel holding prisoners captive behind them like war criminals. Stopping at number threeteen she grabbed the key attached to her waist belt and inserted it, turning the tumbler and swinging the heavy door open. 

In the bright light, a stark contrast stand against the wall. The box was just what it sounded like. A five-by-five-foot metal box simple as that, not enough room to lay down in but great for making prisoners stand or knee and allowing them just enough room to shuffle around.

He was stripped of his regular clothes, his torso strapped into a bright orange straightjacket covered in belts and buckles. A chatity belt adorning his lower half locking away his cock and holding an invader in his ass. His head was encased in a black sensory deprivation hood cutting out all sight and sound encasing him in darkness. His ankles were chained together with a short lead of chain padlocked in the middle leading up to his chatity belt and padlocked again. The chain continued from there to a metal collar locked over his hood and leading to a ring about halfway up the wall where one final padlock held him in place forcing him to stand in his small cell. 

Jenna had envisioned this as she described it in her notes but never thought she would really see Micheal like this. The sight of it even started to make her a little wet. She had forgotten tight leather pants in combination with a black crop top and a white corset overtop, hoping she got to show Michael what he was now going to miss out on. It certainly got the male prisoners in the yard to look and from the sound it walking into the building it also earned them a few more whips.

The warden pulling her whip from her belt gave Micheal a hard swat to his thigh below his belt as he jerked back pulling on his collar and causing his chains to rattle. The warden laughed and turned to me smiling. “Oh did I say he was adjusting well? I think you might have misunderstood. You see, most inmates break very quickly, usually within a month maybe even less. Your boyfriend here is quite the opposite, at the airport after we picked him up as soon as he noticed we were going the wrong way decided to fight back and injured one of my guards so we had to heavily restrain him. In fact, he fought all the way until we got him in his cell and bound like this and even after that he still pulled at his little collar for a few more hours.” She laughed again, cracking the whip on Micheals’s bare leg causing him to once again jump.  

“You see we like breaking inmates in and punishing them but most never test us so they are trained and off back to their former partners rather quickly. But in this case, Micheal will need a lot of training and even more punishment. He absolutely hates bondage just like you mentioned so all of us have been coming up with some clever ways to put him in as much as we can. Not to mention with all the ideas of punishments and restraints you would like us to administrator, excitement is an understanding.”

“Would you like a turn?”She smiled, handling me the whip, I took a breath and slapped him on his leg. Looking back at the warden she nodded as I turned back and hit him again. I continued each time getting more confident and whipping him harder. Eventually, I grabbed his collar to keep him from pulling away from me, spinning him around and shoving him against the wall. Holding him in place I gave his bare ass a few good spanks until it was red and I could hear the protests from under his hood and behind his gag. 

“Alright dear I think he has had enough for a bit but if you don’t mind would you follow me to my office I have one more thing for you to sign.”

I followed her to a neatly kept room with stacks of books and a quant fireplace surrounded by some blind couches. She walked over to her desk and pulled a packet from her desk, setting it down on the table and smiling. She slide it across to me and handed me a pen. 

“I had a feeling reading over your file you sent us but wanted to make sure. Usually, I don’t let former partners interact with their cheaters until they have reached level one and I certainly don’t let them use our whips, especially mine but you seemed different, and I was right. This is a job application for you to become a guard here and Raven Hook, If you do well which I think you will you will soon be appointed to Section Three Discipliner. It pays well and by the looks of it you would enjoy it, not to mention you would get to personally train your cheating boyfriend and by working here his tuition would be taken care of so you could keep that trust foundation of his all to yourself!”

I looked at the paper and smiled oh what the hell. Micheal was in for a treatment. 


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