
It was a little past midnight early Wednesday morning

She walked into the bar and sat in the back corner.

Her gait was slow and easy

Her dark hair resting on her shoulders

Since the bar would be closing soon

The herd was thinning out.

About a dozen patrons, mostly couples.

Some making out in a back booth

One couple at the bar

His hand snaking between his ladies’ thighs

The bartender at the other end of the bar

Flirting with a male patron

She would twirl her cotton candy tempers and lean in close to the patron.

The quartet was playing “Turn the page” and doing a decent cover of it!

My main focus was our latest customer

The lithe and lovely doe-eyed beauty.

She would take sips of her beverage

And tap her slender finger on the table or run it over the rim of the glass.

I motioned to the server and told her to give the young lady a refill on me if she so desired it.

When therefill came the server pointed at me and the young lady raised her glass in my direction. I raised my glass too. Her too!

I let her be in her solitude as I sensed this is why she was here

A few minutes before the bar closed, she walked out. But not before stopping by my table and thanking me for the drink.

“Perhaps another night we shall see each other again and I can buy you a Drink!”. She said with a slight nervous tremble in her soft voice!

“I would be honored!”. I replied

And with that, she was gone.

“Perhaps!” I muttered!


The next Wednesday I found myself at the bar again at Eleven p.m. At Eleven fifty she came in and sat in the same place she did last week. She ordered the same drink. The server also brought me a refill courtesy of my dark-haired beauty She waved me over and I went over to her.

I thanked her for the drink, and I motioned to the chair next to her.

She nodded.

I sat down and asked her how she found this place and why so late at night.

She explained that she had been there with her husband a few times and she liked It and suffered from insomnia. Walking to the bar was good exercise and helped her relax as did the alcohol!

I nodded and she asked me why I was there.

I told her I was getting off my shift and I needed to unwind.

She asked me what I did for work if I didn’t mind telling her. I told her and I asked her the same question.

She explained she was a Senior Manager of a local firm. The job sucked and she was bored. But the pay was great, and she could work from home when needed.

We chatted some more without imposing on each other’s space. We didn’t exchange names, she wanted to keep it that way. I respected that!

Suddenly the band started to play a nice rocker and she asked me to dance. We stepped to the floor and danced like two hyenas in heat.

The song finished the band started to play a slow song. The other couplees dancing got in close holding hands.

She looked at me and I blushed. She reached out and took my hand I pulled her in close as Gomez Addams did with Morticia.

She leaned into my shoulders and just swayed to the music.

When it was done, we went back to the table.

“Thank You Sir!” she said demurely. She squeezed my hand

“I best get home before this girl turns into a frump!” She said with a laugh.

“A frump, I doubt it Little one!” I said to her. Where little one came from, I don’t know.

She stood and I did too.

“See you next week Sir!” She said as she leaned over and gave me a small peek on the cheek, and like last week Poof, she was gone.


The week went by quickly and was boring. Wednesday was there before I knew it. I was sitting at her table when she came in. She came over and smiled and gave me a small peek on the cheese.

“I took the liberty and order you, your usual.” I told her.

She patted my hand and thanked me.

We asked each other how our week went. And she said, “Same shit different week Sir” “And yours please Sir?” She asked.

“Like Yours little one!” I told her.

I said to her. “Look we need to have names instead of this Sir and Little one lingo!”

She was hesitant but I told her I had a name for her.

“What is it?” She asked, her head titled to one side.

“Keiko,” I said

“Keiko?” She looked puzzled.

“Keiko O Brien was a character on Deep space nine and you remind me of her,” I said.

She took her phone out of her purse and looked her up. She’s pretty than me!” She said.

“Nope, you are just a pretty Keiko!” “I told her.

She blushed.

She sat quietly for a few minutes and then she told me her name for me

“Myles and I think you know why!” She said.

I nodded knowing it was in reference to Keiko’s husband Myles O Brien,

“I get it, Keiko!” I said

We had a good laugh but for the rest of the night, we were Myles and Keiko. Two peas in a pod.

We danced, we drank, we learned each other’s likes and dislikes. In the end when it was time for Keiko to leave the ball. She kissed my cheek again

All of a sudden, a clap of thunder shook the building and lightning lit up the night sky. It began to pour outside.

“Oh, I guess I will have to wait for it to clear?” She said.

The bartender mentioned that the storm was going to be around till early morning.

I offered to drive Keiko home.

At first, she was hesitant, but she did need to get home and get some shuteye before the kids woke up and morning meetings.

We ran to my car, and I drove her home. Another quick peek on the cheese and “See you for our date next week.”

And as usual, my Cinderella was gone.

That whole week I wasn’t much good at work. I had a case of Keiko. I was in a bit of a quandary. Sure, I enjoyed the chats, dancing, and the peck on the cheese. But I did the “What Ifscenario”

What if we went further and slept together?

I shook my head and put it out of my mind. I valued Keiko’s friend more.

It was soon time for our Wednesday night wingding. She didn’t show up and I was worried

The bartender relayed a message from Keiko. She was sorry but the family business took over. I was sad but glad she at least called to let me Know.

The bartender handed me a free round before the place closed down.

I went home and slept soundly, dreaming Keiko

I woke up refreshed and went to work. Ho Hum week.


I took a chance and went Wednesday night. And there was Keiko in our usual spot. She was all dressed up. She looked great. An emergency, green slinky dress, and matching heels.. Her black hair pulled back in a French braid.

I knew my jaw dropped and the rest of the males were the same.

“You look stunning Keiko.” i said to her.

She smiled and kissed me full on the lips.

“I am sorry about last week, but something came up with my parents I hope you understand. “She said.

I told her I did, and she kissed me once more

We did a couple of slow dances and she suggested we left.

“I! I!.” Stammering like a fool.

She smiled and told me she understand if I didn’t want to.

I got my shit together and I took her hand and we left the bar.


Keiko was standing at the full-length mirror in my bedroom, she was brushing her hair and I was admiring her naked body from my bed.

I caught her looking at me looking at her and admiring her heart-shaped ass and lovely breasts, topped off by erect nipples.

Her white skin glowing from the afterglow.

She came over and lay with me on the bed. I held her close to me, making sure she had wonderful aftercare.

Always important to take care of your one after a good night of wild sex.

She pursued into my ear. My hand explores between her legs and her softness. She purred more and louder. She was soon exploding on my hand. She leaned over and took me in her mouth. Soon I was exploding in her mouth.

Her phone alarm went off and she had to get ready for the day.

She took a quick shower, dressed, and kissed me goodbye

“See you next Wednesday, but here this time Myles!”

I patted her ass as she exited the door

“Next Wednesday My love! “I said.


As our weekly tryst continued but now, it took a twist.

I found out that Keiko had a bit of a kinky side. So we started to explore it.

She would come to my house and go to my back porch. There she would remove all her clothes. She would then place the pink leather collar and wrist cuffs that I had in a metal box with a lock on it. She would open the box and place the collar around her neck and lock it in place. She would then knee Nadu at the door and ring the bell twice.

I would then let her knee there for a bit in her slave position. Arms on her upper thighs.

I loved when the moonlight would shine on her beauty, giving her an angelic glow.

When I thought she had been there just enough I would then open the door and allow her in.

She would then rise and would follow me into the house,10 steps back. She was turning into a good slave.

I was new to all this Master /slave relationship so together W/we were learning.

She was allowed to sit at the kitchen table and have her drink. We would then sit and talk about our week.

After we had finished our drinks, we would go into the living room. There she would knee at my side. Leg spread wide and palms up!

Her form was perfect, her tights spread wide, her back held straight or arched slightly, breast thrust forward, her head held high with eyes lowered submissively, sitting back on heels, hands resting palms up making herself sexually available.

Most times, once she did this, I allowed her to sit on the couch next to me.

We would kiss and I would then cares her tender body. Tweaking her nipples and clip. Getting her aroused. She softly moaned as I did this.

I would then stand and head to the bedroom. No commands as I needed none.

She would follow at her paces.

Once inside the bedroom, I would drop my robe and stand before her. She would knee before me and take me in her mouth. Her tongue and lips making love to my cock and balls. She was very skilled at the art of pleasure.

I would then lie on the bed, and she would join me, her legs spread wide.

I would then pleasure her. I would cares the outer folds of her pussy lips and flick a finger over her clip. I would do this for a bit till I could see her pussy glisten with her juices.

Diving in and eating her out. Rolling her clip Between my fingers, I would get her to the point of orgasm and stop. I would do this too quite often; her lithe body would tremble as I did so.

She knew what was going to happen now.

I would then rise above her and slide my hardness inside her tight pussy. Her legs would wrap around my back, and I would ram inside her.

Having learned the art of controlling my orgasms, I could hold off for a bit. It wasn’t easy since my slave knew a thing or two about pleasure her man.

We always seemed to cum together, as if we were meant to be in this cosmic lust fest.

Our Master /slave relationship has continued to grow slowly. We are learning together. There is trust and honesty between us.

That doesn’t mean there haven’t been a few rough patches, but we have worked through them.

She has been punished for some backtalk or not adhering to the goals I have given her. And we have become stronger for it too. Of course, she found that sitting down was a bit painful for a few days. Having been a recipient of 40 whacks from an oak spoon on her heart-shaped ass!

Our Wednesdayy midnight sessions are a pleasure for both of us.

She has now taken to not wearing underwear under her slip-on dresses. And we have matching bracelets on our wrists to signify our love. We are one on Wednesdays

The end for now.


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