Performance Incentive

‘Jason, Amanda would like to see you now.’

Jason’s stomach knotted up and he swallowed dryly. He had expected the summons, but the shock still scared him.

‘I’m sorry Jason.’

‘Its Ok Sue,’ Said Jason with feigned optimism, ‘I’m sure it will be fine.’ Jason knew it was not fine. Whatever Amanda wanted, it definitely would not be fine.

Jason had got The job on the trading floor of the bank on the strength of an excellent MBA. Unfortunately he was finding that the theoretical models that had worked in academic did not seem so effective in the real world. He knew that his results were far from satisfaction and he also knew that Amanda did not condone poor trading results. Amanda was the bank’s top player and she led the strongest team, consistently achieving the highest bonuses. Only the best were good enough for Amanda’s star team. Jason knew that Amanda was a total bitch. She was utterly ruthless in the pursuit of her goal. Jason was in fear of losing his job. Sue squeezed his hand as he left his desk to make his way to Amanda’s office.

‘Good luck, Jason.’

Sue, Amanda’s PA, was the only person on the team who had shown him any kindness. Everyone else was too busy chasing their own bonuses to take any interest in the new boy.

Jason knocked quietly on Amanda’s door and entered. Amanda did not look up from her monitor screen. After a few moments of silence Jason gave a discreet cought to announce his presence. Still no response.

After an age Amanda broke the silence. ‘Jason, your trading figures are shit. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t fire you right now.’

‘I know I’ve not done very well, Amanda, but I know I can improve.’

Amanda thought for a moment. ‘What kind of car do you drive?’ she asked.

‘Toyota coupe,’ replied Jason. Amanda’s lips curled as though she had just discovered she had stepped into something unpleasant. She drove a Masserati Gran Tourismo, the £95,000 price tag of which had costher a good part of a month’s salary. ‘Do you have any ambition, Jason?’

‘Oh yes, Amanda. I want to get to the top, like you.’

Amanda pondered for a moment and then tapped a few keys on her PC. ‘Ok Jason I have transferred some stock to your account. It will just be enough to get you out of trouble. Not enough to earn a bonus, but enough to keep your job.’

‘Gosh thanks Amanda, that’s really kind of you.’

‘Jason, I don’t do kind. I’m a bitch. Anyone here will tell you that. They all know I’m a bitch.’

‘I am sure everyone has the greatest respect for you Amanda.’

‘Don’t bullshit me, Jason. They hate my guts and more to the point they are all scared of me. I like it like that. Keeps them on their toes. So Jason, you owe me and you can start paying me back tonight. Be at this address at 9 pm and don’t be late. Come by taxi. I don’t want your crapppy car parked outside my apartment and you may not be fit to drive home.’

Jason pocketed the card bearing Amanda’s address and considered what her last remark might mean. Perhaps he might be a bit tipsy after enjoying some of Amanda’s wine collection or maybe exhausted after a night of hectic sex. Maybe a combination of both. Sadly Jason’s conjectures were far wide of the mark.

At the appointed hour Jason approached the concierge at Amanda’s exclusive apartment. After a brief telephone call to ensure that he was expected, the concierge directed Jason to the lift to the penthouse suite. Amanda admitted him into her seventy apartment and Jason immediately took in the luxurious fittings and furniture and the view over the capital. Amanda herself looked stunning in a figure hugging cat suit that showed off every curve of her grogeous figure. Amanda looked at Jason coldly and without any preamble ordered him to remove all his clothes. Although Surprised at her direct approach, Jason compiled and began to remove his clothes as Amanda watched, aloof and apparently quite disinterestedIn him. When he got down to his Calvin Klein underpants, Jason paused and looked at Amanda, wondering if he should continue or wait for some signal from her. Amanda showed no sign that she was going to undress too.

‘Those too Jason, I want you naked.’ Jason eyed Amanda’s curves apparently as he peeled off his pants. As if reading his mind, Amanda said ‘you are not here to fuck me Jason. I don’t need it and I don’t want it. I am a bitch at work and a bitch in my private life. I am going to cause you pain.’ So saying, Amanda picked up a wicked looking cane that Jason had not noticed. ‘This is what floats my boat, Jason; I’m going to cane you. It is what I enjoy. Now you have a simple choice. If you do not want to play, get dressed again and first thing in the morning clear Your desk and go. I will give you a reference that will get you a job as a counter clerk at a high street branch. Or you can oblige me and maybe, just maybe you might just make a career on the trading floor.Bear in mind while you think it over, I am serious about this. I will can you as hard as I can. I never make any concepts for inexperience. Every stroke will be delivered as hard as I can. You may have heard the expression “six of the best,” well I have gone decimal. My minimum tariff is ten strokes. So that is what you will receive – ten very hard strokes of the cane on your bare arse. You could complain to the bank, but frankly it would get you nowhere. You must know that banks have no morals, only profits. I bring them profits. End of story.’

Jason swallowed hard. He looked at Amanda’s face and knew she was serious. This was not what he expected. ‘Turn round Jason,’ ordered Amanda. Jason, your bottom looks very sensitive to me. I can assure you it will be very tender and painful by the time I have delivered ten strokes, so consider you position carefully. This incentive session is a perfect metaphor for working at the bank. It can be very painful, but the rewards are greatt if you can make it.’

‘Jason gulped. He could not bear to give up his chosen career. ‘I’ll do it Amanda.’

‘Very well Jason, bend over and place your hands on the coffee table. Do not look round and do not move from that position.’

Jason assumed the position and waited. He was conscious that Amanda approached him and sensed her raise the cane. He shuddered as it hissed down, cutting though the air in a practical stroke. Then a second whoosh and then Jason’s world exploded in pain and coloured lights. He felt tears start to build up in his eyes and his buttocks trembled. The vicious pain was beyond belief. Through the mists of his age, Jason heard the click of a cigarette lighter. He sensed that Amanda had paused for a cigarette.

‘Jason, I know it is very painful. Are you sure you can take another nine? Some people think, wrongly, that it gets easier after the first few strokes. Believe me, it doesn’t. I know. I’ve been where you are now. Once I had to decide whatether to quit or break though the pain barrier. That is how I got to where I am now. So think hard. Do you go on or quit? There are no consolation prizes. You must accept all ten skes to win your job back. Five will get you nowhere. If you reach nine, but cannot go to ten, then you would be better to quit now. Think carefully. You have until I finish this cigarette to decided.’ After a short interval Amanda queried, ‘Well, Jason.’

‘I’ll go on Amanda.’ Amanda had already taken up post behind him and without warning the second stroke descended and the shock seemed to electrify his nervous endings and explored in a new age. There was a pause of several seconds then a third and a fourth stroke. Jason was openly sobbing now. All concerns about embarrassment and shame had evaporated. He was blinded by pain. Then there was a longer pause, punctuated by a rustling sound. Jason could not place the source of the sound at first. Then he was almost certain it was caused by Amanda discardingher cat suit. He began to turn his head.

‘Don’t dare turn round, Jason. If you move one inch, I shall start again from “one.”‘ Jason shuddered and then remained motionless, obediently looking straight ahead through a mist of tears. Amanda drew close again to deliver the next five strokes. Jason sensed she was naked, but dare not turn his head to test his theory. As he considered the notion, the cane cut the air and struck his buttocks once more. The pain seemed even more intense and instinctively his hands moved to feel the damage that was being done.

‘Get your hands out of the way. If this can hits them it could break your knuckles.’

Jason obeyed, blinking in his pain.

The caning continued without mercy. Amanda kept her word, executing every stroke as hard as she was able.

Finally with a hiss the tenth stroke fell. Jason fell to his knees, openly sobbing.

‘Well done, Jason, I wasn’t sure you would make it. You can get dressed now. Before you go -a word of warning. This episode is not to be discussed. Everyone in the team will know, but no one will mention it. Be on the floor in good time tomorrow. Think of this as a performance essential. Now you may go.’

Jason struggled into his clothes and turned to face Amanda. She was dressed in a long, black silk gown, looking as ravishing as he had ever seen her. Even now, in his age he desired her, but He knew she was out of his reach.

The following morning Jason walked slowly to the office water cooler, glad to be standing for a short while, easing the severe pain in his arse.

‘How are you, Jason?’ Sue, Amanda’s PA had approached him.

‘Oh fine, Sue. Never better,’ said Jason, trying to put on a brave face.

‘It’s Ok, Jason. I know. I’ve been there too. understand.’

‘What, you too, Sue, but you’re her PA.’

‘PA’s have targets too Jason.’ She squeezed his hand gently as she hurried back to Amanda’s office.


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