Perdita's Pleasures Bk. 01 Ch. 08


Chapter Eight: Velvet and Rio

I woke up the next day feeling sore and tender and ridiculously wet. As the previous night’s activities came back to me and I realized a large part of that wetness had come from the men who’d fucked me, I bit my lip and groaned happily as I turned over in bed.

“What, have a good night, did we?” said Olive from across the aisle between our bunks. As she smiled at me, I thought I saw her slip something underneath her pillow. Idly, I wondered what she could possibly have to hide in a place like this.

I rolled out of bed and throw on my bathrobe.

“Oh, you could say that.”

I opened the door to head for the shows and nearly screamed to find Master Aries standing right there.

My mouth hung open in Surprise, failing to utter any sort of greeting. For his part, Aries almost seemed as shocked as I was to have been standing outside my door.

“Ah… I was about to knock,” he said, finally. He spoke with raised eyesbrows and diverted glances, and if I wasn’t quite mistaken looked almost bashful.

“Why? I mean, uh… Sir?”

If nothing else, I have a wit for conversation.

But really, what was I to say to this man, who’d done such depraved things to me last night, and every night for the past three days? Whose come was even now within my belly; whom, despite all that, I hardly I gathered my bathrobe about me self-consciously, and as I did I saw Aries’ eyes catch the gear. Seeming to switch gears, then, he shifted his posture slightly, once again drew the mantle of command across his shoulders, and turned his eyes to me.

“Why don’t you come into the hall, Perdita.”

I imagined the look on Olive’s face back in the room as I closed the doorbehind me, alone now with Aries in the plusly-appointed hallway.

“I’d hoped to catch you,” he said, smiling charmingly, “before you made it to breakfast this morning. After the job you did last night… I’d like you to take a recovery day today.”

The smile changed to something else as he brought up last night, and his eyeselids lowered just that small amount that let me know he was thinking of it, just as I was.

I licked dry lips to speak.

“If—if that’s what you want, Sir. But I’m feeling fine, really.”

I felt the pull of him there, so close to me, and my skin grow hot, electric, tingly. My Master leaned nearer.

“Oh is that so? Are you trying to tell me you require no breaks, Perdita?”

It was not entirely true; I was feeling rather raw this morning in several areas, not all of them physical. Still, my mouth wasn’t that sore, and even if it was a little, I enjoyed the mindset sucking dick all morning left me in for the rest of the day. More importantly, I found myself wanting to please this man, earn his prayer. The feeling when he’d told me I may suck his cock as my reward last night had been excruciating in its thrill, and oh! I wanted to feel that again.

“I’m ready, if it pleases you, Sir.”

“Alright, if you’re so keen on it, let’s see you continue in your breakfast duties, then. But after that, I I said, staring after him as he strode off down the hall.

“What did Master Aries want with you?” Olive asked, the moment I stepped back into our room.

“You know, I’m not entirely sure, to be honest. I don’t think I’m going to see him much today, though.”

“Huh. I’m not supposed to see him today either,” Olive said, narrowing her eyes for just a moment. “Do you know what he’s so busy with?”

I shrugged.

“I dunno, seems like he manages a lot of things.”

“Yeah,” said Olive.


There’s nothing like that first cup of coffee after sucking dick for breakfast.

I laughed to myself at my own brazen thought. I was enjoying the warmth of a late morning sunbeam shining on the white bistro table where I sat, sipping rich coffee, fingering the cold glass of gem-bright orange juice in front of me.

And, it was apparently to be a day without any further fucking in it. What was I going to do with myself? Everyone kept talking about the formal gardens. I supposed I could go swimming, or any manner of activities taking place at all times throughout the green laws and shaded walks of Eros House’s grounds.

Or, I could just go back to my room and read, maybe take a nap. Normally, that would have been my automatic impulse: recharge time. But my body was on fire in a way that drove me to seek other people, to see what might happen. Never before had I had even close to this much sex in such a short time, let alone encounters with the intensity of what I’d experienced here.

After three full days—and especially last night—there was a little soreness, yes; Master Aries had probably been right to tell me to rest. But. When I thought of last night, the memories left vividly to my mind: the warm male voices; the hands on me; the coins closing in the metal pail, the cocks inside me, using me, one by one, filling me with a dozen men’s come…

I shuddered as a thrill went through me, blooming brightly in my cunt. My pussy muscles clnched, setting off the inner aches deliciously.

And that is why, when I left the breakfast room, I did not retreat to my room but went outside, to the grounds, where patrons and students and residents of the house played and mingled in a fantasy of endless summer.

It was not yet midday and the sun was already punishingly hot. As I passed the pool, I thought of Marigold, but the harem girl was elsewhere this time, and I wasn’t jumping in there in my clothes again. Not quite kNowing what else to do with myself, I wandered over to the pool bar and ordered one of the mojitos I’d had yesterday.

As I waited for my drink, I watched a croquet game being played across the lawn in which the wickets were submissives, bent and posed. At the centre of the field was Mistress Agrippa, laughing gravily beneath a white parasol, surrounded by a clutch of others dressed in white.

Something About Mistress Agrippa and her games made me nervous, though I couldn’t say just why. How much of my unease was due to Agrippa’s relationship to Aries? I wondered if he would send me to his wife one day, as he had with Master Jonathan and apparently planned to do with other of the doms.

My daysdreams were disrupted by a loud laugh from a few seats down the bar. I looked over to see a man and a woman sitting together: two of the house doms, neither of whom I’d met yet other than seeing them at the orientation. The woman’s name, at least, I remembered. Domina Velvet wasThe one I had been supposed to visit yesterday.

Her shoulders were shaking with laughter as she leaned forward, hand clapped over her mouth.

“Rio! You made me spit my drink,” she said, eyes squeezed shut as she guffawed.

Rio giggled as he looked around for napkins to mop up the spill. He caught me staring in their direction, and I offered up my napkin, awkwardly.

“Thanks,” he said. Then, “Hey, are you alone? Why don’t you come and sit with us.”

He was stocky and dark haired, with steady brown eyes and a stubbly bear. His voice was a little husky, his smile sincere. I glanced around me quickly even though I knew no one else was there, before replying,

“Oh! Uh, are you sure?”

Domina Velvet leaned past Rio and waved me over.

“Of course we are! Come over here,” she said, smile flashing.

I picked up my drink and walked over to them. Domina Velvet reached out and took my hand as I approached, held it playfully a moment, watching my face,Then drew me down onto her lap.

Conditioned as I had been from the past three days, I went easily, and felt the swollen aching of my overused cunt as I was perched upon her thighs.

Her lips were dark red as she smiled at me, hair darker, eyes thickly lashed and cake with mascara as she looked me over warmly. With a light touch, she lifted my sweat-stuck hair from where it clung to my neck and smoothed it back behind my shoulders.

“Welcome, darling. I don’t think we’ve met. Why don’t you tell us your name,” she said.


“Aries’ girl,” said Rio, in a pleasant, matter-of-fact tone as he settled both his elbows back onto the bar and sipped his beer. “Student.”

“Ah, so this is Perdita Price,” said Velvet. “Such a lovely name. You and I have a cancelled date between us, don’t we?”

She signed the bartender and another drink was slide towards me, smoking on the bar.

“Usually when I meet a new playmate for the first time, they don’t see water coming out of my nose as their first impression of me.” As she leaned around me to bring my drink closer on the bar top, and I saw a crocodile’s smile on her lips.

“Yeah, sorry about that.”

I shifted in her lap and she responded by making a small sound of soothing in her throat and laying a hand along my arm.

A cat, comforting a bird.

The bare hint of a breeze against my neck and her breath near my ear played over my tingling skin, and I shivered slightly.

“Are you cold?” asked Domina. Her voice was soft and hard together.

“Ah—warm, actually…”

“Well,” she said, “we cannot have you desperate in this heat, now. That wouldn’t be a way to treat our guests at all, would it? Here, why don’t we just…”

Still lightly, Domina Velvet swept her hands over my collarbone, slipping the straps of the shell-blue sundress off my shoulders and letting the dress’s top half pool at my waist. She wrapped one arm around me and traced her fingers overthe skin of my breast, plucked lightly at the nipple, and purred,

“How about now? Still too warm?”

Her hand wandered to my knees, suggested them apart with her fingers, and snaked slowly up my thigh, beneath my hemline. I feel like some tavern wench in a tv drama aired on HBO, and she, playing the part of the presumptuous lord.


Domina Velvet paused, drawing her hand back slightly.

“Do you object to me touching you like this, Perdita?”

“No! I mean, I shouldn’t, I… don’t want to stop you, it’s just that I supposed to take kind of a—a rest day, today. I guess.”

“Ah. Is that so. You don’t seem to happy about that, love. Doctor’s orders?”

“Master Aries’.”


Domina Velvet laid her hand gently over the shaft of my cunt, overtop of the dress.

“Tell me, is this the part of you that needs a rest, today?”

I felt my face burn at the intimacy of her touch, and was reminded that I hadn’t hurt any underwear.

“Y-yes. I’m not supposed to have anything inside me.”

“I see. Anywhere else sore, too?”

“My jaw. My knees.”

“That’s not so bad, really,” rasped the Domina in my ear. “I can have a lot of fun with you without putting anything inside your pussy, dear.”

Rio glanced over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised slightly, looking at me.

“You don’t have to listen to her, you know. Not unless you want to.”

I swallowed, hard. Domina Velvet’s gaze was intotoxicating as she searched for my answer on my face, in the language of my body.

“What will it be, Perdita?”


I hesitated, feeling her hand hovering between my legs, her cat’s eyes trained on my expression, waiting.

Yesterday, Master Aries had seen me kissing Marigold and punished me for trying to “fuck whomever I pleased” while he was my Master. Yet this morning, though he’d made no plans for me, he hadn’t been explicit that I couldn’t get up to anything fun. Come to think of it, did not the stricture against penetration imply that other things might still be on the table?

As if somehow sensing the source of my indecision, Domina Velvet tweaked my nipple once again and said,

“If you’re worried about what your Master might say, he cancelled on me very rudely yesterday and I think—let me know if you agree—he’s in my debt, with you.”

My voice came out all breathy as I said,

“You make a fair point…”

Any further words remained caught in my throat as Domina’s fingers curled around the hemline of my skirt and drew it up past my thigh, bit by bit revealing the skin beneath until my leg was exposed to the cream of my hip.

“I’m glad you agree. And look at you; such a pretty present to unwrap here, on my lap.”

As I sat there, captive in this woman’s clutches, naked to the waist and with my skirt hitched up entirely on one side, I felt the looks from other people. Only by a flimsy margin was my cunt still hidden by soft blue fabric.Lifelong training told me I should not be letting her do this to me, here in full view of swimmers at the pool, bar patrons, and the dozens of other people walking by.

Then I felt the Domina’s feather touch once more at my thigh, and I surrendered my concerns to her will with a moan. My legs fell slack, resisting nothing, parting willingly at her slightest nudge.

“Yes, that’s nice,” she coated. “Let’s see this poor, sore pussy now. I want to look at it.”

As if she were drawing up a bridal veil, Domina Velvet lifted the remaining fabric of my skirt away from my legs, so that my dress was now a mere band of fabric gathered at my waist. I saw Rio look over as the dark patch between my legs came into view, the slit between my labia showing plainly beneath the short-trimmed hairs and, as Domina gently parted my legs further, the whole of my anatomy was visible.

Rio nodded to himself and returned to his beer, a slight smile on his face, and Domina Velvet made a V withTwo short-nailed but lacquered fingers, gently struggling the puffy outer skin.

“Does this hurt, honey?”

“Not at all,” I managed, wriggling in her lap.

She held my mojito up to my lips for me to drink, then said to me,

“I’d like you to reach into your glass and fetch an ice cube for me.”

I did as I was told, smelling vividly the fresh mint as my fingers fished a piece of ice out of the cold drink. She plucked it from my fingers and used it to draw a line down the side of my exposed neck. My eyes closed and I gasped aloud as I felt the kiss she planted in the ice cube’s wake.

“Good idea—keep them closed,” she murmured in my ear. “That way, I can surprise you.”

And it did surprise me, when I felt the cool kiss of the melting ice against first one nipple, then the other, circle slowly around the stiffening, pumpering flesh. I moaned and squirmed on her lap, my wet cunt sopping through the fabric of her skirt beneath me. The sensing of the ice cube vanished, then reappeared on my knee where it traveled slowly, inexorably inward.

“Cold drinks are so lovely on a hot day, aren’t they,” she mused, wickedly, taking her time.

“Yes—yeah,” I said, arousal and desperation plain in my voice as I waited, thighs trembling.

Reaching the top of my leg at last, Domina Velvet retraced where her fingers had touched me along the soft skin of my cunt, and I cried out in surprise and pleasure at the piercing sensing.

“Mmn, yes,” she said, circling the outermost margins of my pussy with the ice. “Tell me, what do you think I’m going to do next?”

“I—I,” I falsed, trying to think in words. I knew what I was thinking: I wanted her to cleave me, to feel the ice cube on my clip, my inner folders, maybe even…

“Ssh, it’s ok. Whether you’re excited or afraid a little, you know where I’m going to put this next, don’t you. Yes, that’s it, open wide for me, love. Have you ever had something so cold here? Might stinga little, if you’re raw, but ice is good for angry tissues isn’t it.”

As she spoke, Domina Velvet slide the ice in between my labia, moving slowly from my clip toward the opening where she circled, lingering near my perineum where my skin stung from last night and then drawing a tantalizing ring around the entrance of my cunt. The sensing sent shivers though me and I panted, breathless.

Just as when I feared—hoped?—she would slide the piece of ice inside me, the Domina brought what little was left of it up to my mouth and pushed it past my lips.

“There. That was fun, now, wasn’t it?”

“Mm-hm,” I nodded, opening my eyes. I saw myself, still basically naked on her lap, her hand between my legs and stroking me, just casually. A gentleman with a sunburned nose was watching us from across the bar, and the Domina squeezed my breast playfully as she told him to move along, that I was hers.

Then, as I looked passed the disappointed fellow’s shoulder to the peopleon the lawn behind him, my eyes flew open wide as I saw my husband.


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