Chapter Six: A Lesson on Energy
Day three at Eros House was off to a good start. I had risen early and slipped out, without waking Olive, to shower and dress for another morning of giving blow jobs in the breakfast line. Now that I had done it once and the initial shock of the situation had beaten off a little, I fell to my task with gusto, savouring the naughty feeling of Making myself available to five random men at their leisure.
I was onto my second cock by the time Olive appeared, bleary-eyed. As she settled onto her cushion, I made sure to put a little extra effort in, making the man I was serving gasp with pleasure and grab onto the edge of the coffee station table for support.
“You didn’t wake me up,” Olive whispered at me accusingly, after the man had finished and moved on.
“Really, Olive? Don’t worry—it’s not like I would tattle on you like a child for being late.”
Olive looked taken aback and opened her mouth to reply, when ayoung man with stylishly combined blond hair and a crisp linen t-shirt sauntered over to us.
“Good morning, ladies,” he said flirtatiously, his blue eyes crinkling.
“I can make it an even better morning,” Olive purred, flipping her honey brown hair coquettishly and giving him a little wiggle.
Oh, please.
I slid my gaze upward and locked eyes with the man, deadly serious. Slowly, I opened my mouth wide, keeping my tongue soft and letting my lower lip quiver with just the suggestion of a smile. I squared my posture, ready.
“Oh, fuck,” said the man, and he came towards me, fumbling with his fly as if he couldn’t get his dick out fast enough.
“Mmmn,” I moaned, wrapping my lips around the shake of his penis and swallowing him whole. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Olive staring straight ahead, trying not to look slighted. Well, that’s what she gets for being an asshole, I thought meanly as my head worked back and forth.
When I had licked the last drop of come of the last man of the morning from my lips and sat down with a plate of eggs, coffee, and fresh fruit, a serving girl came up to me and confirmed that Master Aries would not be able to see me that day.
“He has made other arrangements for you, though: I’ll meet you at your room at 12:30 and escort you to Master Jonathan’s quarters; and you’ve an appointment with Domina Velvet at 6pm sharp. In between, you’re free to do as you please.”
“Thanks,” I said, trying not to show my disappointment at not being able to see Aries. “Is there anything else? Do I have to wear something specific?”
“No,” the girl replied, “not all the Masters are as… exactly, in that regard.”
I was a little out of breath by the time I climbed the Final stair and stepped out into the airy hallway of the top floor of Eros House. The tight minidress and stockings I’d chosen for my appointment were not conducive to much in the way of exercise.
“This way,” the serving girl chirped, and led me to the door of Master Jonathan’s Quarters.
“Oh man, I’m all sweaty,” I said, wishing I had chosen something a little more breathable to wear for my next encounter. The serving girl gave me a cursory glance and shrugged.
She knocked on the door and opened it, revealing a spacious open floor plan encompassing several comfortable-looking seating areas, what looked like a space for meditation, an open-walled shower, and a sunny kitchen area. Almost the entire wall opposite the door was floor-to-ceiling windows, with double doors leading out to a wide balcony, white curves fluttering lazily in the breeze. The cent of incense commingled desperately with the fresh air drifting in the windows.
Master Jonathan was seated on a couch near the centre of the room. I remembered him from my first day: he was tall and dark-skinned, with smooth, handsome features, a clean-shaven head, and a broad, kind smile. He was at ease in a white summer shirt, unbuttoned over his lean and muscled torso, and loose-fitting grey locket pants. Lying on her stomach next to him, her head cradled in his lap, was a woman with chin-length lilac hair. She was completely naked, wearing only a lazy close-lidded smile, and her gorgeous olive skin was decorated with a constellation of tattoos.
Master Jonathan held out a hand to me in greeting.
“Come, have a seat, Perdita.” he said, flashing brilliant white teeth. I nodded, and sat on a small love seat across from Jonathan and his companion. He trailed his fingers lightly down her spine and gave her a little slap on the bum, and the woman stretched and roused herself, leaning over Jonathan’s lap to shake my hand.
“Hi, I’m Annalise.”
She looked cool, and hot, and I felt the beginnings of a crush as Annalise sat back against the cushions of her couch. Both of them looked so comfortable and relaxed, I suddenly felt over-dressed and silly.
Master Jonathan poured a glass of water from a tray ofRefreshments on the coffee table and offered it to me.
“You are a little tension!” he said. “Don’t worry, Perdita, we’re all friendly here. You’re in good hands. I can make you something to eat, if you’re hungry, or you can take a shower, if you want, to relax.” Grinning cheekily, he competed towards the shower, a tiled area in the middle of the room with only a back wall separating it from its surroundings.
“Um,” I said. Was this means to be an order, like when Master Aries asked me to do something? Even though I had just been worried about being too sweety, it seemed weird to go and take a shower with these two hanging out a few feet away.
“I know what she needs,” said Annalise, reaching for a small tin on the coffee table and pulling out a smoothly-rolled joint. I watched her lips as she held the joint to them and lit it, eyes nearly closing. She inhaled deeply, and proffered the lit cigarette to me.
“You smoke?”
“Sure,” I said. Her fingers brushed mine as I took the joint, and she turned her head to blow the smoke away, looking at me out of the corner of her eye as she did so.
“I haven’t in awhile,” I admitted, “but I’m no stranger.”
I inhaled the dense smoke gratefully and passed the joint to Jonathan, who decided, handing it instead back to Annalise.
“So,” said Jonathan, at length. “Your master tells me you’ve got some questions about what all this really means. The power games, dominance and submission, all this crazy shit we do up here.”
“Yeah,” I said, feeling happy as the high began to settle into my mind. “I guess I just want to be able to understand if—how—how it’s all ok.”
“Well, I don’t know if I can answer that for you!” he replied with a laugh, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. “But I can show you a few things that might help. Come on over here.”
Master Jonathan moved a few cushions to clear a space on the floor beside the coffee table. He sat cross-legged, and motioned forme to sit across from him. I knelt awkwardly on the bamboo floor mat, unable to match his posture in the constricting minidress, and he chuckled.
“You may want to take that off. You’ll be more comfortable.”
A glance showed me that Annalise, stretched out full-length again in all her naked glory, was still watching me from the couch, her eyes slipted as she drew on the joint.
I shimmied out of the dress, placing it on the seat behind me, and sat cross-legged in lingerie and stockings. Annalise blew smoke into the ceiling fan with eyes half-lidded.
Jonathan took both my hands in his and held them loosely between the two of us. His hands were large and long-fingered, his touch familiar, as if we had long been friends, or lovers.
“This is your first time coming to Eros House, is that right?”
“Yes,” I said, disarmed by his friendly smile.
“Welcome! I hope you are having a good time here. Tell me, Perdita, what do you like to do when you’re at home?”
“Well, I work at a coffee shop. Um, so there’s that. Never really know what to do after college. Or—wait, did you mean, like, sexually?” I blushed furiously. “I’m sorry, I’m not great at small talk. As you can clearly see.”
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” he said smoothly, rubbing his thumbs casually over the backs of my hands. “It is alright to be at the Beginning.”
“Have you ever done energy work before?”
“Not really.” I hazily recalled the concept of chakras from a yoga class or two, but it had never been a focus of the session. “I’m not sure I believe in them, to be honest.”
Master Jonathan shook his head.
“Doesn’t really matter. You can feel them anyway.” He took hold of my thighs and scooted me half a foot closer to him, so that our knees were touching. His eyes were warm and loving.
“Sex, when it comes down to it, is just energy, channeled through biology, with culture layered and entwined all through it. It’s nice to get to know that energy a little bit. Here: close your eyes, and imagine there is a small ball of red light at the base of your spine—just above your perineum.”
I closed my eyes. Master Jonathan’s hands were still warm against my thighs. As I tried to visualize the little ball of light, my breath even into a steady, relaxed rhythm of inhalation and exhalation.
“Can you see it?”
“I… I think so? Maybe?”
“That’s ok, just go with it. Feel that little ball of light there; feel it spinning slightly.”
“I…” I was not sure whether I was imagining it or I could actually feel something. “I think I feel something, anyway.”
“Ok. Good! See if you can expand it just a little; make it spin a little faster if you can.”
I concentrated. A bead of Sweat trickled down the centre of my chest. Subtly, I feel my posture shift slightly as I imagined the red ball of light growing larger, and I could tell I was sitting a little straighter. I felt comfortable and warm. Jonathan’s handsslid from my thighs around to touch my sacrum, applying gentle pressure there. I feel alive to his touch, and my mouth part slightly.
“Now move your awareness a little higher, just inside your body where I’m touching you. Visualize a ball of light there too, but this one is orange, and firey.”
As he spoke, my hips rocked forward involuntarily, and my upper body swwayed slightly, feeling all the time as if I was able to sit straighter and straighter. I felt the touch of his hands as hot electricity pouring into my body, and I began to feel incredibly aroused.
“Ah!” I gasped, feeling the orange ball of light begin to expand within my lower spine.
Slowly, Master Jonathan moved his hands up my body, pausing to direct my attention to the remaining energy centres at my solar plexus, the centre of my chest, my throat, forehead, and finally just above the crown of my head. Each chakra he told me to imagine as a different-coloured orb of pulsing light; each one, as I concentrated on it, filled my body with slightly different character of joy.
When I reached the crown chakra, I felt white light shooting up and out the top of my head, and my body swayed in a spiral that took me higher and higher within myself, until finally, a massive flood of euphoria filled every particle within me. It feel like an orgasm, but cursing through my spine more than my cunt, and Very high.
When it was over, I opened my eyes. The room around me sparkled.
“What was that?” I asked, unable to stop myself from smoking giddily.
“Energy, baby,” he said, his voice deep and joyful. He kissed me softly on the lips, and I melted into it. “How do you feel?”
I inhaled deeply. “I feel… alive.”
“Beautiful. Now… would you like to have sex with me?” he asked conspiratorially, and I giggled.
“Yes, I would.”
Master Jonathan let loose a light growl from his throat and surged forward, rocking me onto my back and holding me so that I fell gentirely onto the floor. He pulled his open shirt from his shoulders and tossed it beside before collapse back down over me like a wave. He moved down my body, inhaling the scent of my skin. He placed one long-fingered hand in the middle of my chest and pinned me to the floor, causing my pulse to quicken, and leaned down to speak softly in my ear.
“Dominance, submission; this too is really energy. It’s a way of playing with it, of expressing yin and yang: opposite polarities that complement each other, feed each other, are made whole together.”
Master Jonathan gripped both my hands with one of his and held them to the floor above my head. I ground my hips against his hard body and enjoyed the feeling of struggle, helpless, beneath him.
“All that culture stuff—the specifics of the fantasy, the game—that’s fun, that’s powerful, but it also complicates and can even sometimes obscure the truth. Underneath, it doesn’t matter man or woman, this or that detail: sex is the give and take of energy, the language of the universe.”
He stood up, gathering me with him, my legs wrapped around his waist as he walked over towards the shower area.
“You’re really hot,” I said, stating the obvious as Master Jonathan stepped out of his grey pants and turned on the faucet. He laughed.
“So are you.”
Warm water rained down on us, feeling wonderful on my hyper-aware skin. Peripherally, I saw Annalise stepping onto the tile.
“Can I join?” she asked, reaching out a smile hand to caress my shoulder. I laid my hand on top of Annalise’s, and she kissed it. Jonathan nodded.
She moved around behind me and unclasped my bra, tossing the wet garment out of the shower’s spray. She repeated the gesture with my garter belt, and then knelt down, slowly peeling my black stockings down and off my legs.
Meanwhile, Master Jonathan kneaded my breasts comfortably. I stood up on my toes to kiss him, and as I did, I felt Annalise’s mouth warm and wet on my inner thigh. She trailed her tongue along the line of my thigh muscle until she reached my vulva, and buried her face between my legs, gently sucking on my cunt as if she had just bitten into a ripe peak. My legs went weak, and Master Jonathan claped me to his chest to keep me from collapsesing as Annalise began to lick along my labia with little flickering strokes. Master Jonathan kissed my mouth deeply, and I Felt my suspended between two mouths, my body singing.
“See? Energy,” he said, running his hand up the centre of my back as I thrummed with electricity. I began to come again, and Annalise locked her arms around my thighs to keep me still as she continued licking in the same pattern that had sent me over the edge.
When it was barely over, Master Jonathan spun me around and lifted me easily, one arm clapping my back against his chest as the other hold one of my shins up next to my body. He lowered me onto his cock and began to fuck me, rocking his hips rhythmicly and holding me impaled upon him. Annalise stood and began to kiss me sensitively, on the mouth, gently pinching both my nipples as she did so. Her lips tasted of the sweet sea-briny juices of my cunt.
“I want her to lick my pussy,” Annalise said, looking up at Jonathan. He obliged, kneeing down on the tiled floor and bringing me down with him. Annalise sat facing me with her legs spread open, and reached out a hand to guide my head down to her neighborly trimmed cunt.
“In tantric traditions we call it the yoni,” Annalise informed me. “It’s a very powerful and sacred word. But I like to call it my pussy when I’m fucking.”
I grazed Annalise’s smooth-skinned ankles to stabilize myself, and nuzzled into the soft wetness of her pussy. I had never gone down on a woman before. Behind me, Master Jonathan continued to seriously pump his cock deep into me, murmuring soft sounds of male pleasure.
I found I liked the taste of Annalise, and tried to be alert to cues of what kind of touch she responded to as I licked, sucked, and stroked the other woman’ cliporis and all of her soft inner folds. When Annalise came, she grabbed my hair in fistfuls and crushed my face hard into her engaged flesh. I felt her muscles fluttering and clenching against my tongue, and then Jonathan began to come as well, thrusting hard and letting forth guttural, exultant cries. Between the both of them I felt my own orgasm building, until I, too, surrendered to the sweet release pulsing through my body.
Afterward, the three of us sat, happy and exhausted, in a tangled embrace against the shower wall. The gentle water continued to rain down from above, cleaning and pleasant. Annalise passed around another joint and we shared it between the three of us, cupping our hands around it to keep it from getting wet. A wild giggle bubbled up from my stomach, and soon all of us were laughing and hugging each other, looking out through the open balcony doors at the impossible blue skyoutside.
It was almost half-past three by the time I left Jonathan and Annalise. Although the lingering effects of cannabis my head felt clear and uncomplicated, and I skipped down the two flights of stairs to the ground floor. I had over two hours to eat something and get ready for my 6 o’clock appointment with Domina Velvet. I didn’t know how the day could possibly get better than it was already—or if I had the stamina for much more amorous activity—but I was in an unshatterably fantastic mood.
That is, until I rounded the corner and turned my head at sounds emanating from a partially open door to my right. Inside, a naked man was energeticly banging a woman bent over in front of him, his buttocks working furiously as he thrusted into her.
It was Oscar.
I stood, frozen, watching as my husband enthusiastically fucked the unknown woman. Even though I felt the deep unfairness of it I felt light-headed and sick with jealousy, and spun around, exiting the nearest door to get outside and away from what I had seen.
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