Perchance to Dream


This is purely a work of fiction. Any descriptions or names that resemble actual persons, businesses, or locations are purely coincidental.

The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

I – Consummation

‘She would look so hot covered in blood,’ he thought, as he observed the woman exiting the spa. In the late evening light, she appeared more like an expensive piece of jewelry than a woman. Her fair skin shine silver in the waning light; her blonde hair was like the finest spun gold; sapphire eyes sparkled. It was her eyes that gave her away. She might have passed for human if they didn’t believe her fiery origins.

Mark watched his lover dry her supplement body, enjoying the sight of her small pink nipples hardening in the cool evening air and her toned butt swimming entirely. As she toweled her hair, the tips of her nipples stand out from her pert breasts and her shamen cunt lips became visible between strong thighs.

Danielle sensed his eyes on her and, looking down at him, she smiled. Her gaze caressed his naked body. Mark know that she had noticed that his cock had begun to stiffen just from watching her towel off.

“Do you want to play a little before you go?” she asked, dropping her towel to reveal her gorgeous body. With a nod, he allowed her to take his hand in hers and lead him to her playroom.

‘Damn those eyes.’ Mark thought, as once again he allowed her to lead him through the house like a dog on a leash. If not for those beautiful, cerulean orbs that seemed to look straight through him, Mark knew he wouldn’t have done half of the things she asked him to do. It didn’t hurt that she was everything he looked for in a woman, with her long, blonde hair fluttering behind her, and an alluring smile that graced her lips when she glanced back at him.

When she bought the three bedroom house several years earlier, Danielle had promptly converted a spare bedroom into a playroom. Various erotic and bondage toys were stored in the playroom; most of the surfaces in the room bristled with hooks and devices for suspending her toys and lovers.

They paused just outside the door, and Danielle leaned in for a light kiss. Mark drew her close, enjoying her soft lips caresing his own. Her pale, fragile body was such a delicious contrast to his much larger frame; his hands, allowed to roam over her body, could have crushed her easily.

Dispite her diminutive size, Danielle still believed she was in control. That Mark was her pet. He supposed that was the kind of arrival to be expected from someone descended from the gods.

Danielle had spent the last six months exploring his body, finding his limits. She had taken him to the heights of pleasure. Yet she still refused consumption of their mutual passages, leaving Mark frustrated and a little angle on more than one occasion. Although his frustration, Mark wanted to obey her. Usually dominant, Mark marveled at the new desire, yet found that he relished the opportunity to relinquish control to the captivating woman. Despite occasional frustration, Mark had enjoyed the last six months with her.

Danielle broke contact and stepped into the room. Absently she bid him to knee by the door while she picked the night’s game. Mark compiled, amused at how easily Danielle was convinced of his obedience.

In fact, Mark had decided it was time to end things. It was time to take what he had come for and move on. On his knees, awaiting Danielle’s signal, Mark surprised. He never should have let himself become caught up with Danielle. She was Aesir, after all, and he was Jotan; he had been bred to destroy her. But it was hard to resist when just a brush of her soft skin or a whiff of her innocent scent reduced him to a lustful fool.

Mark might have stayed with Danielle indefinitely if it had not been for the call he felt earlier that day. Summons from his father were so rare that Mark knew that the call couldn’t simply be ignored. This would have to be their last night together.

Mark hoped that it would be as good as he had imagined it would be; though, he really didn’t think Danielle would disappoint him.

Oblivious to his intentions, Danielle surveyed her toys, trying to decide what she wanted to use on Mark first. She had drawn on him yesterday, so the razor-like knives that she used to etch designs into his skin were out of the question – the cuts from the previous evening needed to heal a bit before new ones were cut.

Danielle selected a pair of hard leather cuffs to bind his wrists to the chain hanging from the ceiling and a spreader bar for his knees. Danielle liked to see Mark on his knees before her with his hands bound above his head; the position kept his torso erect and his cock exposed for her amusement.

Mark smiled at her selection; they would definitely fit his purposes. Danielle motioned for Mark to crawl to the center of the room, and was shocked when, rather than complying, he rose and took her in his arms. Mark quickly wrapped his arms around Danielle’s torso to prevent her from fighting him. He smiled at the irony of restraining her in a submissive position similar to the one she so enjoyed to see him in.

Though Danielle struggled to get away, Mark easily subdued her. After he bound her wrists with the leather cuffs, he attached them to the chain over head. He then swapped the rings on the spreader for smaller ones to fit her ankles, and approached from behind to fit them around her ankles, rendering the kick she tried to aim at his head innovative. The spreader hooked to a D-ring that Danielle had bolted to the floor a short distance from the chain.

With her lower body secured with the spreader, Mark drew up the chain attached to the cuffs on her wrists until she was bound in the position he wanted her in. Danielle was forced to stand slightly bent over to keep from hanging by her wrists. The position was meant to keep her ass thrust out, her breasts dangling before her, and her cunt exposed. When she was completely immobilized, Mark stepped back to observe his handiwork.

Though bound securely, Danielle was hardly the picture of submission. She had been glaring angrily at him the entire time, her eyes darkening to a violent blue, reminding him vividly of a hot flame.

When he paused, she spoke. “You do realize that I’m going to have to punish you for this,” she berated. “Let me down right now and I’ll go easy on you.”

At that Mark laughed. “Do you really think you’re in any position to be making threats?” He grabbed her chin forcing her arch her back to look up at him. “I think it’s time you learned Your place.”

Her eyes widened. He had never spoken to her that way before. Mark had always been submissive and cowed in front of her. She knew that he could physically overpower her, but she thought him to weak-willed to even raise a hand to her. She figured she’d try a new tactic.

“Please?” she pouted. “I’ll do whatever you’d like. Just please let me down.”

“Mmm…as much as I’d like to see if you even know what that means, I have exactly what I want right in front of me.”

He gazed down at her face and marveled at the change he had forgotten there. The lips that only moments before had boasted a self-assured smile, were now open in a slight pout. Her eyes, which had been bright and teasing, were now darkening to deep wells of fear and anger. Unable to resist, he leaned down and kissed her hard. He felt her resistance slip until she finally stood on her toes to return the kiss. In response, he bit her bottom lip until he tasted blood on his tongue, causing her to whimper in pain. Mark retired the sound and pulled away from Danielle with a laugh.

Panting and flushed from the struggle and his kiss, Danielle observed Mark carefully. She had no idea what had brought onMark’s new attitude, but she could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to make her suffer.

He moved behind her to a table beyond her line of sight. She knew that the drawers under the table held an association of clamps, several sharp knives of different sizes, various gags, and miscellaneous other items. Above, floggers, whips, and paddles of various sizes and intensities hung from hooks she had installed on the wall.

She tried to think of something to say that would convince him to stop, but Mark’s hardening cock brushed against her ass, derailing all thought. In their time together, Danielle had never let Mark touch her with his cock. Danielle had seen many friends lose the respect of a lover after yielding to him sexually. However, given her current situation, Danielle clearly didn’t have as much control as she had thought she did.

Mark smiled at the reaction he elicited from her. He had been so mesmerized by the power she emanated that he had followed hersilly rules. Hell, he had enjoyed letting go of the reins for a while. He had shoved the sadistic side of himself down, enjoying the unfamiliar role.

But the stirring in his blood that had been ignored earlier in the evening was too much for him to ignore. Mark knew that there was only one way to quench the blistering need he felt.

Reaching around Danielle’s body, Mark pinched her left nipple, eliciting a moan that was part password and part desperation. He palmed her right breast as he pulled her back against his body. Mark enjoyed the weight of her breast in his hand and the feeling of her ass rubbing against his hard cock. It felt so good, in fact, that he was tempted to reposition and take her right there, but he restrained himself. He wanted to the experience draw out as long as possible. He knew he wouldn’t be coming back.

He kissed her neck, then stepped back to pick up the blade that she had used on him the night before. The distinctive metallic noise the knife made as it left the leather sheath sent shivers down her spine.

Danielle had told him once that she loved the sound it made, because it made her think of art drawn in blood. Although the many times she had used the knives on others, however, Danielle had never felt them on her own skin.

Mark watched Danielle’s shoulders tend in recognition; then relax into soft sobs that stirred her body in the restraints. Mark Sighed in content; the sound was even more erotic than he had imagined it would be.

As the blood began to well up in lines across her creamy white skin, whimpers began to punctuate Danielle’s tears. She gritted her teeth against the singing pain that she felt on her back and tried to ignore the wetness between her legs.

After what felt like an eternity, Mark finally stopped to survey his handiwork. Danielle continued to whimper intermittently, which only made him want her more. He stepped into the room’s adjoining to bathroom to retrieve a damp clothes.Though he knew that the lines he had etched there would quickly begin to knit together, he wanted to clean up the blood that now covered her skin.

When Danielle realized that Mark had walked away, she began to panic. She didn’t want him to hurt her anymore, but she certainly didn’t want him to leave her here alone either. Just as the panic began to intensify, Mark was suddenly by her side again, brushing her long blonde hair away from her face. When Danielle saw the hardness in Mark’s stormy grey eyes, however, she wondered if it would have been better off for him to just leave her there.

“Are you done?” Danielle asked hopefully. She knew the answer, but hoped that the destination in her voice would appeal to him.

He grinned and knelt down next to her to clean the mess he had made. “No, don’t worry. We’re just taking a little break.”

Danielle shuddered at his tender touch. It contrasted so sharply with the intensity she saw in his eyes. She swallowed hard and forced herself to meet his eyes. It felt as if she was drowning in his gaze.

Danielle licked her lips, tasting the blood that had dried there. “What changed so suddenly?”

Mark suddenly grew and pushed away from her, throwing her off balance despite the restraints. Danielle heard a wet splat as the clothes he had been using landed on the bathroom floor, followed by a crack of a leather paddle against skin.

Danielle didn’t realize the skin was her own until a moment later, when the pain spreading from the backs of her thighs registered in her brain. From the modern intensity of the impact, she knew it was the smallest of the three paddles and was glad. Mark’s blows rained down on her thighs and ass. They more intensity than anything she’d felt in a long time, and Danielle got the impression that her innocent question had Angered him greatly.

As Mark calmed down, he began placing the strokes at irregular intervals up and down Danielle’s body, causing pain to blowsomSuddenly in random places, followed by angry red welts. His assault was completely random, so she never know where to expect the next blow. As a dull ache spread throughout her back and legs, Danielle thought she should have felt angle, or at least a little upset. Instead, she found herself fighting a building orgasm.

Danielle whimpered when he stopped, though it wasn’t clear to her whether it was because she wanted him to continue or because she was grateful it was over. Mark had noticed that effect the pain was having on her and was intrigued. He never would have guessed that she was a woman that would get off on this kind of stimulation.

‘I wonder…’ He retrieved a belt from the wall and walked back to her. Mark unhooked the spreader from the ring on the floor, and pushed against Danielle’s rear to indicate for her to stand. She awkwardly walked forward until she was standing upright with her arms slightly bent.

“Look at me,” Mark commanded.

She looksed up, breathing slowly in an attempt to calm her arousal. Mark recognized the desire in her eyes, but forced himself to wait. Mark stepped close enough to feel Danielle’s breath on his skin. Her breasts heaved slightly with the effort of her breathing.

“Do you want to come?” he taunted.

She bit her lip, nodded.

He placed his left hand under her chin, forcing her to continue looking up at him. He wanted to see it in her eyes. The thin belt in Mark’s other hand lashed out towards Danielle’s exposed cunt and connected with the sensitive lips. She cried out and tried to jerk away, but his hand locked around her throat, holding her in place. The second strike of the belt landed on her clip, shattering her control and bringing the climax she had been resisting.

As the orgasm ebbed away, Danielle sagged Against her bonds. Mark quickly released her from the ankle and wrist cuffs, and caught her before she collapsed at his feet. Danielle’s golden hair fell haphazardly aound her battered body, as Mark swung her into his arms and carried her down the hall to the master bedroom. As they made their way down the hall, Mark sent a thin tendril of consciousness into her mind and sent her into a light slumber.

Mark felt a smug sense of satisfaction at his ability to bring her the pleasure she so often denied herself. He promised himself that he fan the flames of sexual excitement in her so that she would never again be chained by self-denial.

Mark laid his lover on the bed and covered her with a light sheet. Sitting on the bed, he studied her now serene face. He was beginning to understand why his people had taken hers as slaves for so many centuries. He wished he could take her with him.

Sighing, Mark slipped in beside Danielle’s sleeping form, being careful not to wake her. He traced the runes he had etched on her back with the tip of his finger and enjoyed the little noises she made in her sleep. Mark wished he had sought her bed more often over the past months, if only to have heard those little sights.

‘Oh well,’ he thought. ‘There’s no going back now.’

When Mark decided that Danielle had rested long enough, he flung back the sheet to expose her supple body. Mark eyed her ass appreciatedly, but rolled her over and straddled her hips. He bent to take one of Danielle’s nipples in his mouth, roughly running his thumb over the other until it formed a hard nub. Danielle tensed below him, realizing that the playroom had just been warm up. Once he had her attention, Mark bit down on the nipple in his mouth.

Mark’s teeth on her right nipple caused a jagged pain which seemed to radiate through her. Though her brain screamed at her to resist him, Danielle found herself running her hands Through his hair and pushing her body eagerly against his. Danielle could feel Mark’s cock between them where it lay on her stomach. She wondered absently what he would feel like inside of her. Danielle felt a slight twenty of fear and excitement at the thought of him inside her for the first time.

It had been a long time since Danielle had had sex last. Now that she thought about it, it had been a week since she had even had an orgasm. She worried a little that, being out of practice, Mark would be disappointed with her. Danielle hoped that the old advance about riding a bike would hold true in this case.

Danielle moaned as Mark replaced the teeth on her nipple with his tongue. Mark licked the sensitive bud lightly, enjoying the noises he was eliciting from her. He switched to the other nipple, which he had been torturing between his thumb and forefinger.

It was such a turn on for Mark to finally hear Danielle making noises of pleasure because of something he had done. For months, he had respected her Need for both dominance and space. Every night, he had watched her trail off to bed alone, then listened to her pleasure herself, knowing that the solidary orgasms often left her more frustrated than she had been to start with.

Mark had felt a desire to protect her from everything, especially from himself. It was a feeling he had never encountered before, though it was currently being over-ridden by his lust. He could feel his desire rising as tangibly as Danielle could feel his hard cock pressed between their bodies. Under the desire, though, was something darker, something Mark struggled to protect her from.

Mark shifted back to rub his cock between their bodies, brushing Danielle’s crotch.

“Oh, God,” Danielle moaned. “Why didn’t we do this before now?”

Laughing, Mark kissed his way up her chest to the side of her neck. “Does that really matter, my dear?” He disentangled her fingers from his hair and grasped her wrists tightly over her head. “All that matters is that I’m finally taking what I came for.”

Danielle turned her head, and kissed him more deeply than ever before.

Pulling away, she breathed, “I really don’t getyou.”

With his free hand, Mark brushed her hair back from her face and kissed her again. When Mark pulled back from the kiss, his eyes had changed. Though they were still slate grey, the pupils had been reduced to vertical slots like serpents’ eyes.

Danielle remembered the dreams that had recurred for the last six months. In the dreams, a hunter lay on top of her, staring at her with those eyes. She could never remember anything he said or did, but those eyes had haunted her. And now she was staring into them, suddenly able to remember what the hunter had done in her dreams.

Mark had felt the change happening, but his arousal was making it hard for him to control his form. When Danielle noticed his appearance, her arousal was quickly swept away under the crushing weight of fear. She began screaming and trying to get away, but Mark was significantly stronger and easily pinned her down with his body.

He leaned back a little and slapped her face, momentarily stunning her so that he could situate himself between her legs. When Danielle’s eyes came back into focus, Mark began caressed her, eliciting a whimper of fear.

Danielle was terrified. “Who are you?” she asked.


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