Peppermint Punishment

I have displease Milord. I went two days without anything in my ass, thus breaking a Rule. Our Rules are simple, once that we both agreed to. In fact, I came up with a list of ten rules and he selected five of them, so really, I have no reason for breaking them. Sometimes, though, a Sub just gets the urge to be bratty because, let’s be honest, life can get boring without some well thought out Punishment! Besides, Bad decisions make Good stories!

Rule 1: I will worship Milord’s cock at least once a day.

Rule 2: I will never deny Milord’s command without good reason.

Rule 3: Milord will fill my ass with either his cock or a plug for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. If he has not done so by 8 p.m., I will remind Milord that my ass needs to be filled.

Rule 4: Milord will administrator a maintenance session at least twice a month.

Rule 5. If Milord is out of town I will still adhere to these rules (with the exception of #1) and send pictures of Rule #3 as proof of my obedience.

Milord was gone for work for five days and I neglected to send him pictures of my ass being filled. Did I knowing break this rule? Of course I did. I was angry that he had left, felt abandoned, and lonely.

This was my way of snubbing my nose at him and letting him know that I didn’t have to follow stupid rules even if I was the one who had come up with them. Did I actually say those words to him? Sadly, yes.

As soon as they were out of my mouth I regretted it. He then asked me, with all seriousness, if I wanted to renegotiate our Rules. I began to cry, sunk to my knees, and answered honestly. No. I did NOT want to renegotiate. I wanted, more than anything, to be held accountable for both my words and my actions.

“In that case,” he said. “I’ll be back in three minutes. During that time you will strip and resume kneeing.”

I did as he said, naturally. He came back holding our largest plug – one made of steel. He set it on a table in plain sight, then opened up a small via. As he scolded me, he slowly dripped the oil onto the plug. The sweet smell of peppermint filled the room. He continued to scold me and I began to cry.

Once the plug was glistening with oil, he ordered me to lie prone on the floor and to spread my legs wide. Slowly he inserted the plug. At first all I felt was cold, then the burn started. I cried even more, the burn shooting straight to my core. Milord ordered me to knee again, which I havetily did. He unzipped his jeans, grabbed my hair, and began to fuck my mouth.

“You’ve disappointed me.” Deep thrust.

“I trusted you to obey.” Deep thrust.

“Apparently, I can’t trust you and will need to install a greater degree of discipline in you.” Deep thrust.

I have no idea What was wetter, my face or my pussy. I listened to his words, ashamed of myself. I tasted his cock, thrilled. I felt the ugly burn in my ass, grateful for his return.

He pulled out and I moaned wanting nothing more that the taste and feel of him back in my mouth.

He worked himself and said, “Look at me, slut. Keep looking at me. You’re going to be sorry, very sorry, you disobeyed me, that you doubted me. You feel that burn? You’d better get used to it. You’ll keep that in you for an hour. Every. Fucking. Day.” The first burst of hot cream landed on my face. “Then, I’m going to fuck you, make you come until you beg me for mercy.” More come on my face. “And once I finish with you, I’m going to rub more peppermint oil onto that well used, tender pussy.” Another string of come. “and I’ll enjoy hearing you cry and you’ll know I love you.”

“Yes, Milord. I will.”

I had never felt more loved than that moment. Do I regret my bratty behavior? Yes, I do. I regret it because I disappointed the man I love and respect more than any other person on this earth. But, like I said, life can get boring without a bit of punishment and Milord is nothing if not a creative disciplinarian!


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