The Summoned went about her morning routine as though she always woke up in a pentagram shaped sex dungeon.
Few clear thoughts went through her head, only scraps of songs she hummed and sang out softly, fragments of poetry and dialogue from old movies she recalled to herself. It didn’t occur to her to make the walls of the shower or toilet opaque, the concept of privacy seemed quaint after only 24 hours in The Pentacle. There was no one else there, but the Summoned always felt observed while inside the Pentagon, and it didn’t matter one bit.
She inspected her post-shower body and found only residual redness on her perky butt cheats. Taking the time to feel down inside herself, to take stock of her physical and emotional discomfort, found only a little soreness in her nipples, vagina, and bottom, as well as some lingering embarrassment from the previous day’s ordeal.
She wondered at that embarrassment, staring past the image of her drying naked body inthe enormous make-up mirror. Mr. Goode was rougher than any lover she’d ever had before; thinking of the skillful yet sadistic wielding of his cock made her blush. S indulged in resentment whenever she thought of him.
Mrs. Goode was both the facilitator of that phalic torque and her aftercare nurse. S settled on a deep sense of gratitude for Mrs. Goode for making sure she was well restrained during Mr. Goode’s stormy onslaught and well soothed during the eye and aftermath.
Right when the Summoned began to feel the first itching of boredom, the lights flashed, and the walls changed color again. BLUE.
“Enter the Purple Armory and remove your clothes. You will find a hospital gown in the top drawer of the tall dresser. Put it on, enter the Blue Infirmary, and await the opening of the door. All further instructions will come from doctor and nurse who will be performing your operation. Remember your safeword and return to these quarters when you are released by them.”
A new sensing met the familiar anxiety she felt as she compiled with the voice’s commands and it wasn’t relief that the wait was over, it was the deep sight of surrender and she welcomed it.
S stood quietly in the Blue Infirmary, contemplating the coming ordeal. She found medical fetish stuff particularly alien and humiliating and knew instinctively that the Operator had chosen this ordeal for that reason.
The door slide open silently to reveal THE TABLE. The doctor and nurse were already there, the doctor seemed engrossed in the Summoned’s chart, the nurse at the sink washing her hands.
The Summoned’s face blazed in anticipated shade while her lower body chilled walking across the catwalk to this new test of endurance.
The innovation in her quarters was the light side of reality; she was now stepping willingly into the dark, literally. THE TABLE chamber seemed dark in the same way as THE BED, magically lit like a posh art gallery, the walls tunedto the deep blue of dusk turning night.
The operating table at the center of the room was a simple rectangle topped with segmented institutional blue vinyl pads. The bright swing-arm mounted light above the workings of the table below its surface in shadow, but S sensed that there was a lot of machinery down there.
“I’m Nurse Joan, and this is Dr. Benway.”
There it was again, that awkward moment when S struggled with the impulse to return the greeting, say her name, and begin exchanging pleasureants. She believed that holding her tongue yesterday saved her an early punishment, so she followed that wisdom again today.
“After I take your vitals, you are going to undergo an operation on here,” Nurse Joan nodding towards the intimidating device. “THE TABLE is fully articulated and automated, it Only require a compliant and well restrained patient.”
Nurse Joan snapped on a pair of blue nitrile gloves and motioned for the Summoned to sit on the operating table. Her classic white uniform and platinum blonde hair gleamed in the odd light.
“Dr. Benway encourages questions and feedback,” Nurse Joan continued as if he weren’t already in the room, “as long as it’s respectful and kept to this pre-op period. You likely won’t be able to later, especially since you will be gagged for part of today’s procedure.”
“I understand,” the Summoned Replied, her voice foreign to her own ears.
“I’m going to check your blood pressure and heartrate,” Nurse Joan said as she affixed a blood pressure cuff to the Summoned’s arm, followed by an alligator clip like device on her index finger. “Be sure to listen carefully to Dr. Benway, he doesn’t like to repeat himself.”
“So,” Dr. Benway began, not yet looking up from his chart. “Seems like you would be a good candidate for my Simulated Stimulation Study Group.”
S nodded but did not like the sound of that one bit. Dr. Benway handed the chart to the nurse and gave the Summoned a sly smile. The blood pressure cuff cycled through on its own while Nurse Joan hovered nearby, adding stats to her chart.
“Today’s procedure will merely be a test to see if you qualify, of course.”
Nurse Joan pulled off the pressure cuff and pulse clip and motioned for S to go over to the scale.
“In the interest of full disclosure,” Dr. Benway continued, “I can share with you the details of Every step in the exam process. Some patients are content to waive these discoveries, especially once they’ve heard the first few, ahem, steps.”
S stepped onto the scale to get her height and weight measured. She glanced at Dr. Benway, no questions forming yet. He appeared to be looking at her exposed butt, contemplating the possibilities.
“If that is the case with you, then either I or Nurse Joan will briefly describe the what’s going to happen as we go along.”
“You should tell him now if you want full disclosure,” Nurse Joan whispered.
“Yes, Doctor,” the Summoned replied, “Please tell me what you are going to do. To me.”
“Yes,” Benway agreed, “some patients do find it easier on their, erm, psyches once they have the full picture, so to speak.”
S stepped off the scale and was gently guided back to the exam table by Nurse Joan.
“First, Nurse Joan will help you into the stirrups. You will need to be restrained, of course, for your safety,” Benway smiled, “and for our, shall we say, gratification.”
“Gown on or off, Doctor?” Nurse Joan asked.
“Off please.”
Nurse Joan deftly removed the last of the Summoned’s modesty. She wondered how long her dignity would last.
Not long, S thought with a wistful smile. She hoped up and swung her legs up onto the table.
“Sit back so we can begin,” Nurse Joan enjoyed. Nurse Joan raised the table’s back half-way so that the Summoned could sit upright.
Nurse Joan went to the table’s control terminal and tapped out a few commands. The segmented panels supporting herlegs fell away and the stirrups, which hide somewhere out of sight until now, moved into place on their own, some kind of robotic arms. S saw that they weren’t stirrups exactly, but instead a place molded and padded to support the back of her knees. Her thighs were lifted up and apart while her calves and feet hung free. There seemed to be more attachments of an unknown function to the stirrups.
Dr. Benway stood a few feet away, framed between her exposed thighs. He was that age that men reached where he could be 45 or 65, a sort of mature homeostasis of generic attractiveness. Benway wore his blue scrubs, white lab coat, and mane of salt-and-pepper hair with the pride of a general with many victories. A weird trick of the light made his eyes behind his spectacles disappear into a pair of featureless white discs. It seemed to happen whenever he looked directly at the Summoned throughout the ordeal. Spooky.
“Nurse Joan will start by restraining your legs here at the knee,” heindicated the stirrups, “and to the table at your bikini line. Your ankles will be cuffed to an anchor point on the stirrups so that you don’t, ahem, harm your caregivers with uncontrolled kicks.”
Nurse Joan left the console and began restraining the Summoned’s legs.
“Arms up or down, Doctor?” Nurse Joan asked.
“I believe we can have them down at her side for now,” Benway replied. “I prefer them down, you know,” he continued, returning his attention to the Summoned. “Wouldn’t want to get in the way of being able to restrain your head, should the need arise, you know.”
The Summoned squeaked at the prospect of having her head tied down, a thought flitting through her head that maybe survive on THE TABLE wasn’t guaranteed.
No! She pushed the thought away, but the fear remained.
The Summoned’s heart began to really pound; she forced herself to take some cleansing breaths.
“Shall I use the belt, Doctor?”
Benway simply nodded. Nurse Joan pulled a wide leather belt across the Summoned’s waist and affixed a set of padded leather wrist cuffs to anchor points on either hip. Once the belt was secure, Nurse Joan bound the Summoned’s wrists and gave each a tug to make sure.
“You may be wondering why Nurse Joan didn’t take your temperature when she checked your vitals?”
The Summoned did not. She knew crossing the catwalk, thin hospital gown exposing her bare bottom, that a rectal thermometer was inevitable. At least there didn’t seem to be the necessary equipment for an enema, which was a small comfort.
“Nurse Joan will give your rectum a lubricant injection and I will insert a probe I designed myself. The Benway Probe started life as a simple digital thermometer, but larger. I feel at the time, and still believe quite strongly now, that the silly little slider of glass my conventional peers use is simply inadequate. The rectal thermometer must be felt by the patient for the data to be trusted.”
Dr. Benway’s kind face believed the malice that made a brief appearance in his voice.
“The Benway Probe is capable of recording temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, all in real time. Its most special feature is the 3D scan capability. It uses thermographics and ultrasound to digitally map the inside of any orifice. A colleague of mine said that my probe was probably the first working Bicord…, erm, Tricorder, or some such thing, from Star Trek?”
Nurse Joan wheeled over a pair of wired glass probes and a handful of medical grade lubricant syringes on an aluminum tray. She exchanged a wordless nod with Dr. Benway, who stepped aside.
Nurse Joan inserted a syringe into the Summoned’s rectum and injected a bolus of cold lube. All the Summoned could do was grip the sides of the table and grit her teeth.
“Anyway, I used to use the scans to create lifelike facsimiles of my patient’s genitals and rectum, real works of latex art, for er, um, research purposes. I’ve since moved on to aggregating the scans to produce the perfect sexual organ. Combined with my research in undifferentiated tissue, you know, stem cells? I could be on the precipice of…sorry, I’ve gone a bit off topic, haven’t I?”
Nurse Joan pushed the probe into the Summoned’s anus. It felt as hard and cold as steel; S couldn’t help the long grunt that escaped.
“Doing ok, so far?” Nurse Joan asked.
“It feels really big,” the Summoned reply.
“Once my ‘patent-pending’ probe is, ah,” Dr. Benway rattled on, “done its due diligence in your rectum, a fresh probe will be used for your vagina. It works best with natural lubricant, so I will be digitally manipulating your vulva, outer labia, cliporis, inner labia, and vagina canal. If that fails to produce sufficient lubricant, Nurse Joan will inject some before the Benway Probe is inserted. Please do your best to produce the required natural lubricant.”
“Yes, Doctor,” the Summoned mused how Dr. Benway came to believe she had control over such a thing. At least he wasn’t threatening to punish her if she failed.
“Once the Benway Probe is inserted into your vagina, Nurse Joan and I will begin applying a total of 23 electrones to your body.”
“Ah, the electrones, yes,” Benway into. “There are three kinds: these run-of-the-mill EKG probes, and those pads and clips which designed to deliver electrical Shocks.” He indicated the orderly array of flat white pads and scary looking miniature forces that Nurse Joan had wheeled over on another tray.
“Don’t worry, the electrones are incapable of harmonious levels of amperage, simply a range of voltage from pleasure to ageing. The EKG probes are there to help us monitor your heart; it wouldn’t do at all for you to develop cardiac problems from today’s exam.”
The Summoned’s awareness of her vulnerability and mortality returned with a vengeance. Nurse Joan took a moment from her labor to give S a reassuring touch on her shoulder.
“The third kind of electronede is another of my lovely inventions, the BTSS or Benway Teledildonic Simulated Stimulator. I know, creative titles, but I believe in simplicity and brevity.”
The Summoned was now surrounded by trays of instruments, this newest one covered in palm sized flat black panels. S looked at the weapons arrayed against her and quailed. The probe had warmed up inside her ass, but it hadn’t shrunk. The Summoned struggled, shifted around a little to find a better position, but Nurse Joan had done her job too well.
“The anal probe is almost done,” Nurse Joan cooed. “I’ll pull it out soon so Dr. Benway can manipulate your vagina.”
“The, ah, BTSS can create a number of unique sensings within its field of effect, and working as a complete system can simulate a whole range of, er, um, ah, experiences?” Dr. Benway mused. “For example, I can use a single pad to make it feel like the skin there is freezing, or stung by a bee, or crawling with ants. I tend to avoid the more unpleasant sensings, not to worry. A cluster of pads can make that region or appendage orgasm, a patient favorite, or feel completely paralyzed and numb. Working as a complete system, I can simulate weightlessness, boiling in a vat of oil, or the pressure and temperature you might feel 100 meters deep in the ocean.”
S must have looked horrified for Dr. Benway to notice her enough to interrupt his monologue.
“Again, I tend to avoid those extremes, but it is fun to play sometimes. Who knows? If you are a good girl today, you’ll get to experience the Benway Orgasm where your torso is numbered and each of your limbs orgasm in turn. Patients especially like the detail where your fingers and toes seem to ejaculate…”
“Take a deep breath,” Nurse Joan said, “and let it out slow while I withdraw the probe.”
The probe slipped out of the Summoned along with a mortifying trickle of liquid. Nurse Joan helped wiped up the excess lube and whispered, “Nothing to be embarrassed about, dear.”
“The standard electronedes will be affixed to each nipple,” Dr. Benway continued, unabated, “each buttock, and your inner thighs. These little forces will be clamped to your outer labia. This arrangement will allow you to feel the full impact of the electrical shocks,” Dr. Benway senthed, expressing his mild disdain for such pedestrian sensings.
“The Benway Electrodes will be applied to each bicep and forearm, the back of the calves and front of the thighs, two on your upper chest, and two on your mid-back.” The menace had returned to his voice, his expression impossible to read.
“The EKG electronedes go where they usually go,” Dr. Benway finished with a dismissive hand-flip.
“The patient is ready for vaginal manipulation, doctor.”
Dr. Benway pulled over a stool and snapped on a pair of blue nitrile gloves. The feel of his impersonal, alien fingers on her vagina made S long for the return of the anal probe.
“The program will ramp up gradually,” Benway resumed. “I only alter or intervene in the initial program according to necessity or, ahem, whim. It starts with random application of voltage through the standard electronedes. It then switches to a milk range of sensings created by the Benway Electrodes. The calibration phase, as it were, lasts 10-15 minutes and allow the expert system monitoring the procedure to make Allowances and adjustments as the program progresses.”
Dr. Benway’s manipulation was as expert as it was impersonal. S could feel herself dripping, her vagina warming and swelling in anticipation of the cold glass probe.
“You are given a few minutes to catch your breath before the 2nd part of the program begins. Nurse Joan will then gag you while I insert an electric probe into your vagina. I’m in the process of developing an intra-cavity BTSS, but it’s not quite ready yet, so the standard probe is the best way to deliver the proposed electricity internally.”
Dr. Benway must have seen a change of her expression.
“I’m afraid it must be done,” Benway insisted. “The first and second stages following the initialization requires internal electric stimulation. Take heart though, I may have your head immobilized for this section, depending on how well you manage the calibration process.”
Dr. Benway experimentally inserted two and then three fingers, making S squirm and moan. He nodded with approval.
“Your vagina is nicely lubricated, and hot too. You must be extremely aroused, beyond what I’m usually capable of with just my fingers. What is it, the restraint? The anticipation of orgasm? The fear of electric shocks?”
S bit her lower lip rather than answer. Dr. Benway withdraw his fingers and scooted his stool aside for Nurse Joan to insert the much larger glass vaginal probe.
“Deep breath again, dear,” Nurse Joan said with a helpful example breath. S had to breath hard a few times as it went in, straining against the bindings. “There. How’s that now?”
“Is it going to shock me?” S sounded so small and weak she scared herself even more.
Nurse Joan shook her head. “No, but the next one will. Sorry dear.”
“It feels too big.” S avoided looking at the nurse for fear that she might be disappointed. “I’m ok, I’ll do my best.”
“Based on past patient feedback, the The first phase is called the Hurricane. It starts by immersing you in tropical waters, but as the title suggests, the program’s currents move you out into the deep, cold ocean where you are subjected to altering periods of pain and pleasure. It produces a rolling orgasm that lasts up to ten minutes for most females. To keep you on your toes, metaphorically of course, I will be adding an intense lightning effect at my whim.”
“There will be short break in the program will be used to reconfigure the table. You are encouraged to gather yourself while Nurse Joan checks your vitals again and removes the vaginaprobe. You will then be proned, ah, um, repositioned on the table face-down. Your arms will be secured perpendicular to your side, and your legs will be individually restrained on articulated pads. Your upper body will be belted once again to the table, and you will be tied snugly into the donut-shaped head support.”
The Summoned was beginning to feel her mind drain and her insides hollow out by Benway’s monologue. Already strapped in and being attended to by Nurse Joan didn’t make the initiative of the onslaught that Benway was describing any easier to accept. S promised herself to keep her mind and struggle as little as possible while simultaneously resigning herself to whatever base animal reaction arose from the stimuli.
“Nurse Joan will then insert a new electrical probe in your rectum. Please take care when the table moves. It will spread and close your legs, raise and lower your waist according to the Volcano program. If you shift your body around too much, we will have to stop the program, add additional restraints, and start all over again.”
“The vaginal probe is almost finished,” offered Nurse Joan. “Sit up so I can put the Benway Electrodes on you back, please.” Nurse Joan loosened the belt across her lap and lowered the table out of the way for access to the Summoned’s back. “Good girl.”
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