Again, reminding the occasional reader, I’m using a notation tradition when Megan talks to other people with powers mind-to-mind. It is illustrated like this:
[“What did you mean?”]
And credit to mikesaysyes for the idea of Megan helping Penny over her stage fright in a very special way.
And no, my writers block is not really broken. But I finally realized that, for this story, my intention to end it on part ten wasn’t going to work. I wanted a bit of their lives together to be included. So this has become Part 09. I’ll take care of the rest in parts 10 and 11.
* * * * * * * * * *
Sunday, August 3, 2014, She’s mine
Today was the day. I was up far too early, too excited. Penny had slept at the foot of my bed, under her blanket. I lay there watching her in the glow from my night light. Then in the colors of the rising sun filling my room, I reached down and ran my fingers through her hair and wiggled her ears. She purred.
I got out of bed quietly, showed and, this once, held myself. I dressed silently and was about to leave the room when I looked back at her. She’d been watching me.
She asked, “Are you going somewhere?”
Paused a moment then added, “If you’re willing to tell me, Mistress.”
I told her I wasn’t, I just couldn’t sleep.
Before I could say anything she lefted off the bed, landed at my feet, and started stropping around my legs. After a few circles around me she paw climbed me, but all the way up this time until she was standing on tip toes. Which still per her face a long way below mine.
“Kiss me, please, Mistress.”
I obliged. A long heart fluttering kiss, my hands wandering over her nude body. Hefting her full breasts and squeezing her ample bottom. I took her tail and ticked her between her tighs with it.
She giggled and started to open my blouse. I gently stopped her.
I said, “Not right now, baby. Since you’re up I have something for you. Please show then join me on the back porch.”
She looked at me closely.
The girl or the kitten?”
I replied, “Kitten, thank you. Scoot.”
I slapped her behind as she ran off to her own room to shower.
I prepared some coffee and toast and went out onto the back porch to watch the sun finish rising. I’d intended to do this after lunch, but decided that the dawn of a new day was poetically appropriate.
She appeared about twenty minutes later, her hair fully dried and styled, ears and tail obviously washed and brushed, and when she sat to await my orders I could see her bush had been trimmed.
“Over here,” I said, pointing to a spot just in front of me. She padded into position then sat staring up at me. I felt my heart pick up. Her eyes, her face. Adoring. If my boyfriend had looked at me that way… no, not the right thoughts at this moment. I smiled at her then patted her on the head and stroked her cheek. Shelicked my hand, then sat grooming herself.
I stopped her and raised her chin, exposing her throat to me. She started breathing slowly and deliberately. I touched her lightly with my Attention. She was trying to hide, or at least control, her excitement. She was so happy.
I reached around her neck and removed her collar. She frozen, sitting stock still in that cat pose. Barely breathing. I dropped the old collar on the grass behind me then reached into my pocket and took out the new one. She gasped then looked into my eyes then back at the collar.
We’d talked about what she expected me to do if I claimed her. I corrected myself, not “if” but “when” I claimed her. She’d been so sure. And, for once, I felt good about being wrong.
Her reaction was no surprise. It was that the reality she’d waited for was happening after so long.
I showed her the tags on the new collar. One said “Penny.” The other said “Property of Megan Kelly.” She started to leak tears.
“Do you accept?”
Her lips moved, but no sound came out. She swallowed, licked her lips and tried again.
“Yes, Mistress.”
And today, that word sent a thrill through my body.
I put the collar around her her neck and clicked it shut.
I said, “I claim you, Penny.”
And found that we were both crying now.
She stood, gave me a quick, solid hug, then dropped back into cat pose. But anxious. Now still, but almost vibrating.
“Penny, does this old collar, or these ears or tail hold any importance to you?”
“No, Mistress. I’ve had them a long time, but I’ll be happy to wear whatever you tell me to.”
I pulled the ears off her head and tossed them behind me with the collar. Then took the new pair from the inside pocket of my jacket. I wasn’t wearing the jacket because it was cold. In fact it was a bit too warm for it. I wore it because I needed the pockets.
I placed the ears carefully on her head, just at the point where she liked them, and slide the catches shut. The cobs, hidden by her hair, contracted firmly gripping her. I stroked them for a moment then told her to turn around and put her backside in the air.
She whipped around in a moment. I extracted the old tail, putting it with the other things, then got the new tail out of my other pocket. Lightly lubricated it and popped it into her ass. The bulb on this one was a bit larger than the older one, but the neck was narrower. I hope it would stay in better and be more comfortable.
When it was in place I patted her behind and told her to turn around and sit again. She did and I watched for that quick motion she used whenever she sat to keep her tail from getting under her. Instead it curled around her feet on her left side and lay there on the ground.
I took off my jacket and continued to undress until I was nude before her. I could Sense her excitement.
I said, “Come along, little kitty.” We went for a walk around my estate. Somethingwe’d done before. But she had often said she wished I’d to with her while I was nude. After about a half an hour, when we were well back into the woods, she pounded on me. I Sensed her coming at me, and rolled with it. We both went to the ground rolling and giggling. Well, I giggled. She grew and purred.
In seconds she had her face into my pussy, which she was delighted to find far more than wet. Usually, I would try to participate. I’d get my fingers into her or rub her clip, stroke her body. Or move around so I could lick her too. This time, I just laid there and let her pleasure me. She’d been at it for a couple of minutes when she looks up at me. I had my hands behind my head, just laying there enjoying it. She had a questioning look on her face for a few seconds, obviously wondering Why I was just laying there. Then she realized I was playing up the Mistress angle. Her previous joy at serving my slit jumped. This time she giggled and dove back in between my legs.
Shedidn’t stretch it out, but she wasn’t quick either. She brought me off nicely, once hard, once gently, then lay there with her head resting on my belly, gently rubbing herself. She wasn’t so much trying to masturbate herself to a climax, as just feeling the pleasure of touching herself.
I said, “Kitten.”
She looked into my face, “Mistress?”
I replied, “It would please me if you were to come in just about ten minutes.”
Another big smile, “Yes, Mistress!”
She got up, moved over to a nearby tree, sat, slouched really, with her back up to it. Spread her legs wide and gave me a show. It was sexy as hell looking at her tail laying there on the ground while she worked over her sopping pussy. Fingers from one hand inside, fingers from the other rubbing herself. Being Careful not to go too fast or too slow. I rolled onto my side with one hand supporting my head and watched her. I noticed the end of her tail was in reach, so I took it in my other hand and gently tugged.
She’s had her eyes closed, chewing on her bottom lip, when she felt the tug. Her eyes popped open, she saw me smiling as I tugged her tail again. And she nearly came. She froze for a moment to let herself down just a bit. Then resumed. As she approached her climax I stated pulling and releasing the tail rapidly. Basically fucking her ass with the plug the tail hung from.
When she finished jumping and twitching and had her eyes open again I laid on my back again and put my arms out to her.
“Come here, Kitty.”
She rolled over twice and came up with her shoulder almost in my arm pit, her breasts pressed up against my side and her head on my chest just above my breast. We lay there for some time hugging each other, with her licking my left nipple, and me rubbing hers, from occasionally.
After a while we noticed it was getting darker. I stood up, she got to all fours, and we headed back to the house. The rest of the evening was spent in bed.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014, A discovery
We fell even further into what I suppose would best be called “domestic bliss.” Not what most people would mean by that term, but it fit for us. She did spend quite a bit of her time as the kitten, but gradually had come to be the woman a bit more often. She almost always ended the day in kitten and slept on the foot of my bed then switched while I was in the shower. She held me, especially my crotch, each morning then we had breakfast together, usually both of us cooking side by side.
Perhaps once a week she’ll wear something, shorts and a T, skirt and top, in the morning but most of the time she remained nude. She sees me out to my car, kisses me on my way, and dances back into the house to paint for a few hours.
She came by my office a couple of times a week. My office staff became used to see her. She’d check with Margo or Arthur to make sure I was alone, but then entered without knocking. She’s be striping seconds afterthe door was closed, would quickly duck into my private rest room then moments later romp out as the kitten. Quickly explore the office the curl up on the couch.
As I mentioned before, nobody came into my office unannounced. Except, now, Penny. I suppose it was inevitable that, eventually, a mistake was going to happen. People asked to come in one of two ways. If it was anyone but Margo or Arthur, they would get Arthur to buzz me on the intercom and ask if I’d see so-and-so. I’d respond with the intercom. But Margo and Arthur, especially Margo, would sometimes knock on the door and I’d respond with “Come in.” I did not raise my voice. The office was sound proofed, but the door was not. If you stood right there, you could hear me.
This afternoon Penny Kitty was sitting on the floor a few feet from my desk watching me. She was trying to “talk” me into letting her get under my skirt. And in cat fashion was “talking” by staring at me. More importantly than being a few feet from my desk, she was in almost the middle of the floor totally exposed if someone opened the door. Just as I decided to give in and said, “Come here” there was a knock on the door.
Hearing me says what sounded to her like “Come in,” Margo opened the door and stepped in. She shut the door behind her and took two or three steps into the office before she looked up. Then stood rooted to the floor looking at Penny. For perhaps three seconds. Then said, in a near whisper, “Oh, my God.”
My unflappable office manager stood there with her mouth open and no idea what to do. Penny didn’t get up, remaining in her royal cat pose. She looked at Margo then back and me and broke into giggles. I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head “no.” She mostly stopped giggling then turned her upper body only towards her and said, “Good afternoon, Margo.”
And in that instant my dependable Margo returned. She said, “Good afternoon, Miss Connors.” Then stepped right up to my desk as if nothing wasat all out of the ordinary and started telling me about the papers she had in her hand.
Penny sat there watching us, then padded over to the couch and curled up near one end. Normally when she does this she arranges herself to expose her sex to me. This time she curled up the other way, showing her shoulders and back.
Completing her tasks, Margo hesitated for a second. I told her to go ahead and ask. She surprised me a little.
She asked, “You didn’t really tell me to come in, did you?”
“No, I was telling Penny to come to me. Just bad timing.”
“‘Um,’ indeed. You know we’re living together. Not just occupying the same house, though that’s how it started. Miss Connors…”
Without even looking up Penny interrupted me, “Penny!”
I continued, “…Penny, likes to pretend she’s a kitten. You can look up ‘pet play’ on Wikipedia, if you’re interested.”
“OK, Thanks boss. ” then, “Sorry to have disturbed you Miss. Connors.”
“It’s fine, Margo. I’ll just have to break down her resistance again. But that’s fun to do, so it’s alright.”
“I’ll listen a bit more carefully in the future, Megan.”
“Thank you, but really, it was just bad timing.”
She left, being careful to block the doorway with her body as she went through so Penny would not be exposed to the outer office.
Friday, October 10, 2014, Changes, plans, and so forth
The weeks went by happy for Penny and I. She continued to “train” me as her mistress. Refusing to make decisions she felt I should make for her. And eventually I did. A few times making ones she hadn’t pressed me to make. She was delighted each time. Being that this was sexual, a lot of those involved sex. How, where, when. But she was also fully into pet play so they involved other things, like what she ate and where she slept. And the more I came to think of her that way, and lean on my experiences raising a kitten, the happier she was
She continued to paint, and Mother continued to present her work and, occasionally, sell a new piece. Nobody tracked her down, though several tried. Fortunately, they almost all started with talking to Mother. She’d always Sense what they were up to and Suggest that they were on the wrong trail.
I’d been considering for some time that when we got married (it had become assumed at this point) the cat could be out of the bag, so to speak. I had my investigator suggest a security firm and they went over my house and property and suggested things that could be done to make the place more secure. They agreed that the security system I had now was fine for my current purposes, but something a bit more through was needed if we were going to deal with fans trying to meet “Penelope.”
I was skeptical that art fans would be a problem, but he pointed out the volume of her fan mail including the rather dark subjects in some of them. I gave in and wrote checks. They’d completed the system a month ago. Of course Penny and I had set it off a couple of times. The police were not happy with us, but there had been no incidents in almost three weeks now and I’d paid the false alarm fees, even though, technically, I didn’t have to until they became chronic. Good relations, I decided.
Eventually, enough new work was collected that Mother’s gallery wanted to do a show specifically for the new items. They asked if Penelope would speak. Penny was afraid of being sucked into the “famous painter” thing again, but since it was Mother she agreed. We also made it clear there would be no question and answer period. She’d speak and, so long as people didn’t crowd her, she’d mingle for a time afterwards.
She called her former body guard and asked him to slip back into that role for a night. He agreed, but told her he I wasn’t surprisedWhen she insisted that I should come too. I agreed, but pointed out that someone would certainly recognize me, even though we were going to New York. Her first appearance in years would be in the news. She said that was fine. She was proud of me. Well, I was of her too, so I called in the security people to check the system and to put someone on the property while we were gone.
We worked on that speech for weeks, and finally it was time.
Saturday, October 11, 2014, The speech
We decided to drive. Or I should say I did. Neither of us much liked airplanes and it was only a bit over three and a half hours. We arrived at Mothers house and met up with her body guard, a huge walking wall of a man named Peter, and publicist, an older woman named Sarah. And, of course, Mother, who Penny had met a couple of times but we’d not yet found a chance for her to be kitten with. We hoped to settle that before we went back to Wellesley.
Peter had rented a large SUV with tinted windows and all the security bells and whistles. We dressed and drove to the museum. Penny and I wore similar dresses. It was October cool so they actually covered us pretty thoroughly. Empire waits, falling almost to the floor, long sleepes, night neck lines. She did not wear her radical makeup from years past.
There was a reception and hors d’oeuvres and mingling before the speech. Penny was jumpy, nervous. I asked her to recite the first line of her speech. She couldn’t remember it. I asked if we could see the room, see where she’ be speaking from. We were let into the auditorium. I had an idea. Examined the podium I found that it was basically just a nicely decorated box with a microphone stand and a reading light on it. The back, where you stood, had a curve on it. I looked inside and saw a shelf about half way up.
I said, “Peter, could you see if you can get that self out? I don’t care if you break it, just don’t damage the podium itself.
“Yes, ma’am.”
He looked it over, then looked up around the room. I heard a crack. Then another and he stood up with the shelf in his hands.
“Please hide it somewhere. Will you be able to put it back later?”
“Yes, ma’am. Need some glue maybe.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Penny, Sarah and Mother had just stood there watching.
Mother said, “Good idea.”
Penny said, “You wouldn’t.”
I said, “Penny” and gave her that “be a good girl” look that I used from time to time.
She said, “Yes, Megan,” and left with the rest of them.
I got into the podium and pulled the curtain shut. It was a bit uncomfortable croouching there. Then I remember I should really be kneeing. That worked much better, except that the floor was hard. I took my cell phone out of my purse, set it to silent, tucked it in my bra, then knelt on my purse. So much better. I tested that I could reach where Penny would be from this position. And waited.
About ten minutes later could hear the room filling up. People talking, taking their seats. Several came up on the stage. Penny, Mother, Peter. The director of the museum. He stepped up to the podium and asked people to take their seats. I had to stifle a giggle when I wondered how he’d react if I popped my head out and went for his cock?
After some minutes, and his continuing to cajole them to be seated, there was relative silence. He introduced Penny by her professional name and stepped away. I saw the toes of Penny’s shoes come up to me. I carefully slide the curve aside and looked up at her. I couldn’t see her face. Those magnificent breasts got in the way. I brought both hands up from her shoes to her ankles. She shivered a bit. I heard her shuffling her notes then she began. Hesitant, stammering.
I ran my hands up her legs, over her ass, and grabbed the waist line of her panties. I slowly pulled them down to her knees, then tapped her between her tights to make her spread her legs. I brought my hands back down to the floor and got the hem of her skirt in front and raised that until I could see her perfectly trimmed bush. I leaned forward and breathed on her thighs. She told and paused for a moment. Then started in on her speech with a strong and confident voice. I moved up and slowly used my tongue and fingers on her. Not, of course, going for a crashing orgasm but just making her feel aroused. Just enough to take the edge off, I hoped, that she could continue with confidence.
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