Wife Now in Control Ch. 02

Thanks for all your comments. Glad to see you’re reading part 2. Looks like you’re taking your 1st steps to be in control of your relationship. You know anger is a sign of fear.

By the way I do have a male dog. It’s a little Japanese Chin that I had neutralized immediately. Every 4 weeks he gets his nails trimmed hair washed and cut short except for his tail and his ears. He is always so happy after his treatment and he is always a well behave dog for mama. Guess who’s job it is now to pick up after his little dropping in the back yard.

Let’s got started. This life changing experience began when I caught my husband watching porn on his computer. I always wondered why some nights he would be so horny and want to have sex with me and then days would pass and nothing, I found my answer.

The night he was watching porn on his computer I walk up behind him he never saw me (he must have been really concentrated) I said are you enjoying yourself honey? He jumped and tried to close the computer screen only to fumble around with the mouse. He was a like a little boy that was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, in a way it was kind of cute.

Instead of yelling at him and going into the other room crying and being ashamed I said nothing. I just stood there for a minute looking at the computer screen and then looking down at him. He couldn’t look at me, his head was pointed down towards the desk. Then I turned around and slowly walk out of the room. As I was walking out slowly, I stopped and said in a sexy teasing voice never looking back at him, enjoy yourself honey. I’m sure he though what just happened! No yelling no screaming, she doesn’t even seem upset.

From past experiences I knew he must have been very horny after watching porn. Isn’t that why they invented strip clubs, so boys disguised as men will go home with a hardon after spending their money or their wife’s money LOL.

Before he went to bed he gaveme a big kiss and told me how much he loved me. As horny as he was he never asked to have sex that night and for the next week. You think he was thinking about me that night especially being as horny as he was. I know he was and you’ll see why.

What was this all about was he afraid or embarrassed being caught in the act. Now his secret was out. That evening after he had gone to bed I decided to do my own research. After a week of searching porn sights, I learned that men are little boys inside. What man does not like his toys, tools, cars, trucks, electronics you name it. Its boys and their toys. If you look back in time you will see many men have died to conquer countries in the name of their Queen, (Cleopatra) just to name one.

I noticed my husband was never the same after I caught him watching porn. His demeaner towards me was completely different. He was nicer wanted to do more things for me and after all these years I’d have to be crazy to stop him. Hebecame more of the man that I married and did not take me for granted. Did he feel guilty?

That’s when I decided it was time for me to take control of this relationship. I told him I’ve been doing some serious soul searching (Porn Searching) tonight we are going to have a serious talk about what happened the other night. He replied what night after all it has been a whole week. He thought I wouldn’t remember. Really, I don’t think so. What was going thru his head what took her so long for her to say something. In a very stern voice I said do I have to remind you what night, the night you were caught watching porn. Then in a meek voice he says Oh that night. I replied again in a little more dominant voice yes that night.

Now my voice became more dominant not yelling just being assertive taking control type of voice. When you’re done working I want you to come and see me. He came and sat down in the family room. His chair is the big recliner as he could seeI was sitting in it tonight. I said to him I want you to sit in my chair and he did, mine WAS the double recliner.

I ask are you all done with work he replied yes. I want you to completely focus on what I have to say do you understand. He answered again in the same tone yes. I said when I ask you a question from now on you answer yes dear do you understand? His immediate replied yes dear.

I told him I understand that men like to watch porn isn’t that right? He said in a low voice with his head down yes dear (let the training begin).

Well tonight I like to give you a fantasy how does that sound. He replied eagerly yes dear, I would love that. I made certain he hadn’t had any sex for a week.

I told him I heard the most sensitive sex is when Both partners have no hair on their body. Remember when I started shaving my vagina area years ago. Now it’s your turn to be saden and get that same feeling.

I want you to go into the shower and shake yourchest, arms and legs and DO NOT hold your crotch area. When your done call me and I will join you in the shower. I saw an article on the internet that says when you totally remove hair on a man’s body he will become more submissive especially his toy area.

When I entered the shower, I said let me see if what you’ve done meets my approval. One thing I did notice is how hard his toy was. I held his back and buttocks he really doesn’t have that much hair. I told him I want you to dry off put on the thong underwear I have left for you on the bed and go wait for me in the family room.

He started to walk away; I said in an assertive voice I’m not done with your instructions yet. I want you to sit in my chair which will be your chair from now own. I have the life time channel on. I don’t want you to change the channel you sit there and wait for me do you understand. Surprisingly he said yes dear immediately. Could it be because his toy is hard as a rock?

After 30 minutes I walked into the room knowing his toy would be soft. I was wearing a hot black patent leather outfit with high black patent leather shoes. I told him from now on you are to stand when I enter the room, he stood up immediately and answered yes dear. The shoes were high enough and him being in his bare feet he had to look up at me. Then I told him he had my permission to sit down. There he was sitting in my chair and me in his chair wearing his little thong underwear oh did I mention their pink.

By the way I’m 5 feet 5 inches tall. I weight 112 pounds and have been blessed with a size 36 C and a size 4 waist. My husband is 5 feet 8 inches tall he weights 190 pounds, but he works out 3 times a week. He also plays racquet ball 3 times a week. All these activities are done in the morning when I am sleeping. I allow him to play golf on Sundays with his golf buddies. After golf he must come home immediately to serve me no drinking with the guys. He is built like a realman, that’s what makes total control over him much more exciting.

I sat down in what WAS his chair. Have you been waiting for me? He immediately said yes dear. I could see his little Toy getting bigger. Well that’s a good boy. He said yes dear.

Now I’m going to take you into my bedroom and shake your balls and toy would you like that? He looked at me totally confused. I looked at him and said I won’t tell you again do you understand. He immediately like a little boy said yes dear. He followed right behind me to the bedroom.

This is where the real training and dominance take place. I made him strip while I am fully clothed this is a must. He must be naked or in his House/Toy Boy outfit while you are fully clothed. When you are fully clothed especially in something dominant he will feel your power. When he makes love to your feet, vagina, butt and anal area he must be kept blindfolded, so he can focus only on you. As I mentioned priorWhen he worships my butt every morning there is a blindfold on the night stand that he must wear before he pulls back the sheets as I always sleep in the nude. He must search for my butt before he adores it.

There’s always an exception to every rule. The only time he can see me naked is when he baths me. Including washing and applying cream rinse to my hair. He must wash my entire body including my private parts with a little bath sponge. As he washes my private parts I tell him you better do a good job and scrub it clean because your face is going to be down there later. I also make him scrub my feet with a callus stone. You should see how rock hard he gets when he is allowed that privilege. Let’s get back to the training.

I pointed to the bed where I had towels laid out in the middle. I said to him get on your knees facing towards the TV (we have a 55inch TV in our bedroom mounted on the wall) with your butt up high, so I can shake your butt clean. I always watch the life time channel when I train him. As I began to later him up you should have seen how hard his toy was it was the hardest I’ve ever seen it. That’s when I new the time was right. I said to him from what I can see it sure looks like your’re having a good time. He replied yes dear.

Well let’s start with the proper way to address me from now on. You are to address me as Goddess from This point on do you understand gabbing his balls in the slippery shaving cream. He got it immediately he answered yes Goddess.

I must shake your butt area clean I told him I might put something up there one day. He said what! That’s another thing if you ever raise you voice to me again you’ll be watching porn and jerking yourself off in your bitch boy room for a week do I make myself clear. He immediately answered in meek voice like a little boy yes, my Goddess. I said I’m not your Goddess yet, you must earn that right do you understand. He replied yes Goddess. What’s funny I never told him aboutthe bitch boy room yet.

After I was done with his back side I had him turn over and lift his legs. Now I am going to shake your toy. He said my toy? From now on your penis will be called my toy do you know why? He said no Goddess. Because a toy is something I can use for my pleasure. His toy started to get even harder. I kept teasing his balls and lightly stroking his toy.

I started to shake him and I said from now on I sit on the big recliner, after every new rule I gave him he responded yes Goddess (YG). I now sit at the head of the table (YG). I want you to start opening doors for me (YG) and the new rules went on. After I was done with him I gave him the best hand job he ever had. I know because in all the years we’ve been married I’ve never seen so much cum at one time it was unbelievable.

As he was Cumming I made him repeat over and over I must obey my Goddess after every time he repeated I must obey my Goddess I told to say it louder and louder by the time hewas done with his full load he was almost screaming at the top of his lungs I must obey my Goddess. Then I said that’s a good boy and he said in an exhausted voice yes, my Goddess I will always obey you from now on, how great is that!

After he was completely drain from Cumming and totally ruin out, I told him you have now earned the right to call me my Goddess. That would be his last time he could ever release a full load.

These weekly sessions continued, they were always different. There are so many incredible ways to train a male. He was never allowed to cum in between sessions. I want you to know while he waited for the next session my sexual satisfaction was completed as many times as I wanted.

My orgasms were completed by having him make love to my Feet, Vagina and Anal area(blindfolded). I also have many toys including mister Bob that gives me the best orgasm on the planet that NO MAN CAN EVER GIVE ME. When I orgasm, he was always in the room towatch never allowed to look at my private parts.

All sessions are marked on a calendar, not immediately. I put a red heart 2 or 3 days before our next session to keep him focus. He never knows when the next one is scheduled. I tell you one thing he looks at that calendar first thing every morning. After 2 months and many more new rules were added, he would beg for his next session.

One of the last rules I implemented was I told him when and IF I ever decided to suck your little toy you are never, and I mean never allowed to drop one drop in my mouth do you understand (YMG). If you do no sex for one month and you will be sleeping in the bitch boy room. You will not be allowed to see me having my nightly orgasms.

After 3 months of training I knew he was ready to sign the agreement that you will see in part 3. This agreement will complete your total transformation of power over to you.

In part 3 I will explain whatI have done to my immaculately clean home that he maintains inside and out. I am very clean and organized person. No clutter allowed in my home. To keep him focused I have drawings and some selected photos of women in control and men on their knees worshiping them. Wait till I tell about the drawing he sees every morning before he leaves to go work out and play racquet ball.

I will show how you can have your own bitch boy room is it so easy and simple. I will also show how you how can get him a certificate of registration as your slave including a bar code and registration number that he must memorize. What is MISTER BOB?

That’s it for now. Love to hear your feedback comments (good or bad) I love them all. Please don’t be shy ask as many questions as you want. See you in part 3.

Thanks for reading.

Wife Dominant Goddess Joanne


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