Penny and Megan Pt. 02

Saturday, June 14, 2014, Things get bad.

Continuing from the end of Part 01…

= = = = = = = = = = = =

I was initially pleased that Penny hadn’t come directly down after me. I had to clean up after my experience outside my bedroom. But now I was wondering where she was. I was about to go look when I heard the two-way door behind me open. I turned to see her come in on all fours. She turned to watch the door until it stopped moving, then took a few steps towards me and sat on the floor watching me.

I said, “I was going to just make sandwiches, is that OK?”

She replied, “I’ll eat whatever you make for me.”

I resisted a deep sight and said, “How about tuna salad? Kittens like tuna, don’t they?”

“Yes, we do. May I have mine without the bread?”

I’d turned back to the counter. I was feeling uncomfortable with the nude girl watching me. No, it was more than that. She was a cute nude girl. And she kept making me think I had a talking cat.

I asked, “Um, do you want it right out of the can?”

“If that’s how you want to give it to me.”

She paused for a few seconds. I touched her with my Attention. She was struggling to say more. To ask for what she wanted. I felt her resolve the conflict and removed my Sense from her, chiding myself for using it so quickly.

She said, in a shy tone, “But I like do like tuna salad.”

My God, that voice. I glanced back at her. She was looking at me like she had no other interests in the entire universe. Not so much staring at me as studying me. She was taking in every move I made. And God those eyes. I felt myself getting wet, and I wasn’t wearing any panties this time.

I fumbled with the mixing bowl and dropped the fork on the floor. As I bent over to pick it up her eyes moved from my back side to my chest to my face, specifically my eyes, over and over. I picked up the fork and dropped it again.

She trotted over, picked it up in her mouth, and offered it to me. I standod up, holding onto the counter like I was going to melt away if I didn’t. I took the fork and, with an effort of will, pulled my eyes away from hers. I dropped the fork in the sink, got another one, and concentrated on the task at hand. But now she was in my peripheral vision. I could see her as a dark and light shape to the right of me.

I glanced down. There was looking at me like that again.

I said, “Do…” and had to stop to lick my lips and clear my throat.

I tried again, “Do you want this on a plate? Or in a bowl? Or…”

She answered, “A small plate would be fine. A wide shallow bowl would work too.”

I got two small plates down from the cabinet and gave her half on one plate made myself sandwich with the rest on the other. I carried them both to the kitchen table, put Each in front of a place setting, then sat down.

I got up again, having forgotten to get something to drink. As I stood I looked at her. She was standing on hands and knees now. She looked from her plate to me and back again. She seems so sad. Almost about to cry. I was thinking “What is wrong now?” when it hit me.

I said, I’m sorry, Penny. This is all so new to me.”

Then put her plate on the floor. She looks at me with joy in her eyes, which made me feel rather good. I continued to the refrigerator, got a milk carton out and poured myself a glass.

Without looking at her, I asked, “What would you like to drink, ba…, uh, Penny?”

I’d almost said, “baby.” And the thought entered my mind that someone had recently told me that the submissive has all the real power. Then I remembered a cartoon I’d seen about cats training their owners. Was Penny training me to be her mistress? And I wondered if, maybe, that wouldn’t be alright.

She said, “Milk, thank you. But…”

I cut her off, “… in a wide shallow bowl?”

She actually purred, then said, “Yes, thank you, Megan.”

I still hadn’t looked at her as I found a shallow soup bowl. I turned with my glass of milk in one hand and the carton and the bowl in the other. I put mine on the table then held up the bowl.

“Will this do?”

“Yes, that would be so nice.”

She was down on her knees, of course, but with her chest lowered to the floor so she could reach the plate with her mouth. Her ass was high in the air. Her full, curvy, shaped… I tore my eyes away yet again and Found them setting on her eyes. I put the bowl on the floor by her plate and put about the same amount in it as I had in my glass.

She watched me intently the whole time. I wondered if she’d seen me looking at her behind. I almost patted her on the head when I stood up. As I sat back at the table and started in on my meal, I watched her eat. Her plate was close enough to the table that I could not see her head, but I had an excellent view of her body.

The bowl was in my sight, so when she drank, lapping it up like a cat, I could see her head and those ears, but mosty not her face. I finished well before she did, but sat there watching her. Then it occurred to me that she must know I’d finished and was probably wondering what I was doing.

I got up and took my plate and glass to the sink. Again, resisting patting her as I went by. But I did notice she was almost done. I watched from behind her as she finished both then sat up, facing away from me. I thought she was about to wipe her face with her hand, and was going to offer her a napkin. Then stopped to watch.

She did wipe her face with her hand, but her hand in a fist and using the side of her first finger to remove some bits of tuna salad and drops of milk, then lick her hand clean, and repeat. It was remarkably cat like. She finished, stood up, and turned around to look at me. I got a paper towel from the counter.

“Penny, come here Please.”

She came directly over and sat down in front of me. I crouched down and wiped off her face. She’d done a good job. Mostly she was just a bit moist from her own saliva. I finished and stood up.

“Thank you, Megan.”

I was facing the counter. She was to my right and slightly behind me.

“You’re welcome, Penny.”

“You’ve been watching me.”

I hesitated. “Yes, I have. I don’t understand you. It’s all very… well…”

“Weird? Perverted? Disgusting?”

I turned to face her, “No! No. I’ve never met anyone like you before. I just don’t understand. You’re very… interesting. Are all people like you… well… like you?”

“That’s very hard to answer. We’re individuals, just like anyone else.”

I said, “Of course. I apologize for generalizing.”

We regard each other for several seconds. Then a thought popped into the front of my mind.

“Penny, why do you talk?”

“You don’t want me to talk? I won’t, if that’s the way you want me.”

“No, de…” I’d almost said “dear.”

“No, that’s not it. It’s that I read up a bit on human pets and I got the impression they don’t talk. The just make animal sounds.”

She said, “Some do that. Deena thought it was too much trouble to work out what kitten sounds to use to communicate. It was like, I’d translate something into kitten-ease, then she’d have to translate it back into English. And does the “yes” sound also means other affordable words? So I just talk.”

I said, “I see. So, it’s a personal choice? Or a decision you and your, uh…”

“Some use “mistress” or “master.” I prefer “owner” but I’m happy to call you “Megan” if that makes you happy.”

“Yes, thank you. So, whether you talk or not is a decision you make with your owner?”

“Usually, yes. But sometimes it’s complicated. I’ll stop if that’s what you want.”

I said, “No, I was just curious. As I said, I don’t really understand any of this.”

“If I teach you, will you keep me?”

I said, “Ah! This conversation isn’t going where I expected it to go.”

She sounded concerned, “Was that a bad question?”


“No, it’s a fine question. But it’s not at all what I had in mind when I brought you here.”

“When you bought me. Rescued me. In the fairy tales doesn’t the hero always get the girl?”

“You’re a kitten.”

She smiled, “Yes, but I’m also a girl. And I’ve seen you looking at me. You want me.”

“No, no I…”

She was looking at me with a bit of sadness in her eyes.

“Alright, yes. I do. But I can’t have you, that isn’t what this is all about.”

“It could be.”


“Are you sure, Megan?”

I thought about that for almost a minute, look at her. She looked steadily back at me. The temptation to use my Attention got stronger every second, but I resisted. There was strength in her, but she used it in ways I didn’t understand at all. Well, the truth is usually best.

“No, Penny. I’m not sure. But I’m going to continue with my plans for now. I want to make you stand on your own two feet, literally and figuratively.”

“What if that’s not what I want?”

“Good point, but we’ll try it my way first.”

“Did you just tell me what to do?”

She was defiantly brighter than she let on.

“Maybe. Look, I want you to understand that, above all else, I will not make you do anything.”

“You make me horny.”

I laughed outright at that.

“Let’s go watch some movies, ba… Penny, and deal with more difficult subjects tomorrow.”

“You can call me “baby” if you want. I’d love it.”

I told. “I know. And I probably would too. But I’m not ready to give up yet.”

“I’m not either. You’ll give in eventually. You like me too much. Why not do it now and start enjoying me?”

I gave her my best stern look. The one I used with difficult witnesses. I had the impression it wasn’t really working on her. And also was thinking that maybe she was right.

She held my gaze for perhaps ten seconds, then said, “OK, what movie?”

We moved into the living room and picked out a few movies.I put the first one in, then took a moment to go to my bedroom, clean my self up between my legs, and put on some panties. And got another pair of jeans, as I had gotten the crotch of these damp.

We then spent some time on the couch, her laying on one end, me sitting on the other. Occasionally talking about random topics, but no more about what I wanted for her, or what she wanted for me. I noticed that every time she changed position, she ended up a little closer to me.

I probably should have stopped her right off, but I let it go. After an hour her head pressed up against my leg. On the next move it was in my lap. I put my arm up on the back of the couch to keep from touching her.

She said, in a near whisper, “Pet me. Please.”

And I did. I stroked her several times, from between her kitty ears down to the nape of her neck.

She purred.

I jumped up from the couch like it was on fire. I was breathing hard, but not from arousal. It was fear. Fear thatI wasn’t in control. Fear that my emotions were taking me places my mind didn’t want to go. And on top of it all, just nameless fear that things were not right.

She jumped up too. She actually stood up on her two feet.

She said, “I’m sorry. I know you’re not ready. I shouldn’t have. But you… I… I wanted… I want… I… Oh, please don’t.”

That last was because I was backing away from her. In my fear my Attention went on hard. She was really upset. Lust and adoration and non-sexual desire. And other emotions I was too upset to sort out. She was afraid too. Afraid she’d ruined her chances with me. Afraid I’d send her away. Afraid of what would become of her without me. In my state of mind her fear added to mine. We have to use Attention Carefully. We can get overwhelmed by others emotions. And I wasn’t being at all careful.

I could feel she was going to step towards me. It was wrong, but I used my Influence and made her stop. She seemed surprised, but I couldtell that she attributed her inability to move to her own emotions. But I knew better, and was ashamed. It was all too much to take.

I shut myself in. I could hear the silence ringing around in my head as I totally closed down my Attention, something we rarely did. I released my Influence at the same time, then ran off crying to my room.

In the back of my mind I heard one of my mentors from law school saying, at the party after I passed the Bar, “Counselor, always remember that no matter how well you try a case, sometimes you loose anyway. And, occasionally, that’s a good thing.”

I knew that was true. But I still hated to lose. Especially when I was so sure I was right. This girl needed to cut out this crap and be a person. I’d saved her, damn it, she owed me.

I slammed the door, put my back to it and slid down till I landed on my ass, sobbing. And damn it, I was wet again. She was cute, but really, this was ridiculous. I was almost twice her age, I should haveSome control. I admitted to myself that I wanted her. Then denied it. That I wanted to keep her. And I mean “keep her,” not just let her stay with me. I wanted to own her. Then denied all that too. Both were just so wrong. You can’t own another person, even if they want you to. It’s wrong. It’s wrong. Damn it to hell it’s wrong!

And a tiny voice, way off, Penny’s voice, said, “Are you sure?”

I snapped my head up, banging it on the door.

“Ow! Fuck!”

I didn’t swear often, but I wasn’t really being myself. And it had hurt. But, no, it wasn’t really her. Just my mind. But I answered anyway.

“Yes! I’m sure! Shut the fuck up, of course I’m sure! It can’t be any other way!”

That calmed me down a bit. No, I thought, she didn’t owe me a thing. I bought her because I didn’t want to see her waste her life. I bought her because I didn’t want to see her get hurt. I bought her because she seemed such an innocent thing about life and I wanted her to stand up talland proud.

My mother often said, “You can’t save the world, But sometimes you can save one person.”

Penny was that person. I couldn’t walk away and leave her to Sonia.

And oh God she was cute.

I felt the door move.

“Megan, let me in! Please let me in.”

“No, Penny. Go to your room.”

“No, I won’t. Let me in!”

“Penny, leave me alone.”

I started to cry again. I felt her bang into the door, then a thumb as her ass hit the floor as she slip down it just like I had.

I said, “Go to bed, Penny.”

I could hear her crying on the other side of the door.

“No, you said I didn’t have to do what you told me. I’m staying right here until you come out or you let me in.”

I was tempted to make her go away. Go to bed, that is. Under other circumstances I might have Influenced her lightly, but not now. I still felt ashamed for what I’d done to her in the living room. I gave up and let her stay there. Both of us crying.

And she didn’t move. We both, eventually, fell asleep with our backs to my bedroom door.


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