Penny and Megan Pt. 01


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I wrote a story titled “Ginny meets Santa” for the Literotica 2014 Winter Holiday Story Contest. I used characters and settings from my “Ginny and Katy” story series, with some changes, mostly to let the story stand alone and work as a magical Christmas story.

After sleeping on it, I decided I didn’t much like it, asked to have it deleted, and started another story using different characters and different premises.

Laurel and “my public,” however, convinced me not to delete that story. So it was entered in the content. Didn’t win or even rank, but c’est la vie. Some people liked it and, from what I hear, that’s better than some writers manage.

But, I’d started another story. In Ginny and Katy I struggle for a more-or-less believe story with the only real notable exception that in that story, where they live, it’s never too cold to go outdoors in the nude and it’s somehow comfortable interiors for both nude and clothed people atthe same time. In the context of erotica, I find that most people are willing to suspend disbelief in these two areas.

So I had these characters, and a setting, and some different ideas. I decided to go back a few months and see how they got to where they were on Christmas even. The following is part one of that new story. I wanted to explore some different elements.

1. Fairly realistic weather.

2. A kitten girl submissive.

3. An intelligent, but totally BDSM inexperienced, dominant.

4. Just a little magic.

And, this time, first person (mostly) from the dom rather than the sub.

Let’s get started.


Friday, June 13, 2014, Buying a kitten

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I know people who sleep deeply and you have the drag them out of bed to get them going in the morning. And even once they’re up, they’re really not all there for some time. I’m not one of them. I wake up all at once and at the slightest provocation. For example, my boyfriends have never been able to get out of bed without waking me.

In addition to that, I hate to wake up in the dark. I don’t need a lot of light, but some. So, despite being on the far side of thirty, I still have a night light. I’ve got quite a collection. My mother gives them to me on my birthdays. The most recent one is of Tinkerbell and instead of a little bulb it’s got some kind of LED light in it. It makes Tink light up in vibrant colors. And also lights the room just a bit brighter than I’m used to.

I’ll also mention, since it’s very relevant to the story to come, that I’m in no way sexually adventurous. The kinkiest thing I’ve ever done was give a boy a blow job while we were driving to a party. I’m not opposed to others doing whatever they want. But none of it ever interested me except professionally. I’m a lawyer and sometimes defend people with odd tastes. I own exactly two sets of lingerie, both given to me by boyfriends. I wore each of them, for those guys, and never again.

My knowledge of BDSM was entirely limited to what I’d seen on TV or movies or, again, run into professionally. Including the most recent case which caused me to meet Penny. More on all of that as the story unfolds.

And one final bit to get us all together. I’m one of those people who have Powers. Most important are Attention and Influence. As you might guess, Attention let’s us assess the general attitudes of a person. Not their exact thoughts, unless we concentrate very hard. We can tell pretty easily if someone is lying. Of course, if they think they’re telling the truth, it doesn’t help much. And Influence let’s us push people into a line of thought we’d prefer they have. Using either of these indiscriminately, and especially using Influence in any but the most exceptional circumstances, is considered an offense against good etiquette.

So, with that background, I found myself suddenly awake. The bed had moved. I opened my eyes to see Penny’s hands on the bed with her eyes just peeking over the edge looking at me. She had put her cat ears back on. These were fuzzy, black, with pink satin on the insides. They were attached to a head band and the color was a fair match for her short black shaggy hair. They’d have been a better match, but the black and pink were a little faded with age and they were a bit hurt. Just began to look shabby.

I flicked my eyes quickly to the clock on the night stand. Four thirty. I’d only been around for two hours, after putting her to bed, without her ears, collar or tail, a half hour before that. I couldn’t see her neck or behind, but I assumed she’d also restored the collar and put the tail plug back in her ass.

She put a lot of expression into her eyes. She seemed afraid and tired and confused and hopeful all at once. I’d been looking at her for a few seconds, lost in my own thoughts, when I saw her eyes dodge away, left then right, then she started sinking slowly out of sight.

I said, “Penny?”

She rose back up just as slowly and stopped a little higher. I could see her nose too.

She said, “Mistress?”

I signed, inwardly. I’d taken advice on this and was cautioned to not to appear frustrated or angry with her. But at the same time I had to be firm about what I expected from her. It was my plan to help her become self sufficient. I could Not do that if she was afraid of me. And, in her current state, not being a firm authority would make her afraid. She needed to trust me.

I said, “Penny, please don’t call me that.”

She looked puzzled.

I said, “‘Megan.’ Please call me “Megan’.”

She continued to look at me. I decided to skip it for the moment.

I asked, “What’s the matter, Penny?”

She said, “Um, Megan, I’m lonely.”

And I was amazed, again, that she sounded exactly how you’d imagine a talking kitten would.

She paused for several seconds, then just as I was about to speak, she asked, “May I sleepin here?”

I took notice that she had not asked to sleep with me, just to sleep “in here.”

I asked, “Where, exactly?”

She answered, not at all sure of herself, “Your bed?”

I said, “Yes, you may,” and started to pull back the sheets and comfortableter to let her get in with me. But before I could, she jumped up on the bed and curled up at my feet, on top of the comfortableter. In the dim light I was reminded that she was really quite adorable. Just about five feet tall, when she stood up, just on the edge of being overweight, breasts just a touch too big. Very curvy. Much darker complexion than mine, big green eyes, black hair in a short shag style and a neighborly trimmed bush.

And I found myself thinking, just for a moment, that perhaps I should just keep her. But no. On those occasions when I tell people I’m straight. I do not say “strictly straight.” I’ve slept with a few women, and would again under the right circumstances. But sleeping, having sex, with someone I was trying to get to stand up on her own two feet, both figureically and literally, didn’t fit into any of those “right circumstances.”

Still, if you wanted a woman to pretend to be a cat or kitten, she was perfect. She had indeed put her collar on and her tail in. I waited a few seconds looking at her. Presently, she noticed that I had not covered myself. Her eyes popped open and she looked at me. Just waiting. I gestured with my free hand and the open space beside me.

She said, “You told me you didn’t want sex.”

I replied, “I don’t. But you can sleep here much more comfortable. And it’s less lonely than sleeping there.”

Again, that doubtful, confused expression. Well, I knew she’d obey if I ordered her. But I decided to try something else.

I said, “Penny, if you sleep there I’ll keep poking you with my feet. It will be uncomfortable for both of us. Just come up here and curl up. I won’t cover your head.”

She thought about it for a second then got up,cat walked over beside me and curled up with her back to me.

“Is this OK Mist… Megan?”

I covered us both up. “Yes, that’s just right. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Penny. Go to sleep.”

She did, rather faster than I did.

I’d accomplished my two primary objectives. When I’d encountered Deena, handling a legal case for her, and Penny, her slave, I’d turned my Attention on Deena. And was not happy with what I found. Deena did not appreciate Penny and treated her as a slave most of the time. If that had been what Penny wanted, I wouldn’t have interfered.

But I’d applied my Attention to Penny too, and it was clear she didn’t want to be a slave. She wanted to be a kitten. On top of that, Deena had pretty much lost interested in Penny and wanted to get rid of her. She’s decided to sell her to the highest bidder, who at that time was Sonia. Deena and I were in the kitchen, Penny and Sonia in the living room. But I couldsee them both, so I turned my Attention on Sonia too. I quickly determined that Sonia had sadistic plans for Penny.

So, my first objective was to get Penny away from Deena. Second objective was to keep her away from Sonia. Being a lawyer I’d, of course, first considered legal maneuverings. But I didn’t understand The Scene at all.

One of the reasons I’m a good lawyer is that I hire advisers who know whatever area I’m working on. Then I listen to them. The advisers I’d hired assured me that all three of them, and most importantly Penny, would say things were entirely consensual and the money Sonia was going to pay to buy her was just part of the game.

In the end, I’d took their advice and simply outbid Sonia. I bought Penny from Deena. I’m borderline rich, so the $10,000 didn’t both me. That it was the only way to get her away from them did both me. But, in the end, I decided it was worth it to settle my consciousness about her future.

I figured I’d get her home, buy her some clothes, and help her get started in a normal life. Fat lot I know about it. For all real purposes, I found I’d just bought a five foot tall twenty-something talking kitten. And now I didn’t really know what to do with her. I realized I was going to have to put a lot more research into this. And was also starting to understand that BDSM was far more complicated than I’d ever imagined.

Finally, just before I dropped off to sleep, I found myself grinning at the situation. I’d never much liked cats.

Saturday, June 14, 2014, Caring for my kitten

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In most of these stories people sleep in the nude, or in spectacular lingerie, or something like that. Sorry, but unless I’m entertaining, I sleep in whatever panties I had on during the day and a very old, wound out Aerosmith t-shirt. I normally never thought about it, but this night, with a naked girl in my bed, I was pleased I wasn’t nude.

As the night progressed I’d ended up on myback. Penny had also moved several times. I’d hurt each time, of course, but had quickly gone back to sleep. At one point when I’d hurt she was very quietly crying, though it seems she wasn’t really awake. I’d put my arm around her and she’d cuddled into me.

When the sun came in the window she was cuddled up on my left side, one leg over my stomach, one hand just below my breasts, and her cheek against my shoulder. My left arm was around her, my hand resting in the curve of her waist.

I turned my head to look at her. She was looking at me.

“Penny, how long have you been awake?”

“I don’t know, Mistress. Um. Megan. I watched the sun rise. I watched you sleep. May I get up and go pee?”

I couldn’t help myself. I chuckled that she’d asked.

“Of course. You didn’t need to ask. Or you could have hurt me up.”

She said, “Deena said I’d get punished if I work her up for anything that wasn’t very important.”

“I’m not Deena, Penny. This is a wholenew relationship.”

“Yes, Mist… Megan. May I go?”

“Yes. But please remember, you don’t have to ask.”

She jumped out of bed, went down on all fours and ran from the room on her hands and toes, her tail waving behind her. I waited. It was about fifteen minutes before she came back and peeked around the corner of the door.

“M… Megan?”

“Yes, Penny.”

“Whe is my litter box?”

I got up on one elbow to look at her, but my thoughts had stopped. She looked serious. I decided to play it straight.

“I’m sorry, Penny. There isn’t one. Use the bath room here.”

I pointed to the bath off my master bedroom suite.

“There’s one in the room I gave you too.”

She practically pursued, “Thank you,” and disappeared again.

I sat up on the bed and waited for her to come back. And thought to myself, “litter box,” how far did they play this? And how far am I going to have to go to make her comfortable while I straighten her out. If that wasEven possible. I was starting to have some doubts.

I most definitely needed to do some more research into this.

I’d been sitting a while when realized she hadn’t come back. I got up and went to look for her. She wasn’t in her room or it’s wash room. Or anywhere else on the second floor. I went down to the first floor and found her sitting on the carpet in front of the television watching a nature documentary on big cats.

I said, “Penny, I was worried about you when you didn’t come back.”

She looked positively stricken. “But… Mistress… Megan… Oh, this is what I did every morning after Deena let me out of my cage.”

I said, “Cage?” Not really a question, just an involuntary response to my surprise.

She opened her mouth to speak, but I stopped her.

“No, that’s alright. We’ll talk about that later. Don’t be upset. What you did was fine, I just wasn’t expecting it. What would you like for breakfast?”

“I don’t know.”

I’d already learnned that when she said that, with that tone of voice, it means more than just she didn’t know. It means that she hadn’t done whatever it was in so long that she had no idea.

I said, “Well, come in the kitchen and we’ll see what we can work out.”

I went in and started coffee. I heard the television go off and in a moment she pushed the swinging door open with her head and came in on all fours. We looked at each other for a moment. I decided it was time to at least try.

“Penny, please go to your room, take out your tail, put on some panties and a t-shirt and come back, walking upright. You can keep your ears and collar on, if you like.”

She was clearly uncomfortable with the idea. But even more so wanted to please me. It was both pathetic and touching.

I smiled at her and said, “Please?”

She ran off, on all fours. About ten minutes later the door pushed open and she came in wearing the t-shirt and panties I’d given her yesterday. Since Deena made it clear that clothes were not included in the sale, I’d put her in the sweats and sneakers I kept in the trunk of my car so I could get her home. Then given her an old t-shirt and panties to sleep in. Both were really too tight for her.

She was barefoot with ears and collar still on. I noticed the tag on the collar. Not for the first time, but this time I motioned for her to approach me. Two tags, actually. One said “Penny.” The other “Property of Mistress Deena.”

I said, “Stand still,” then reached into the tools draw in my counter and got a pair of pliers. I removed the “Property of…” tag, showed it to her, and tossed it in the trash.

“Penny, you’re nobody’s property.”

She looked stricken, for the second time in twenty minutes.

“But… but… you bought me. I belong to you. Deena said so!”

“Penny, it will never matter again what Deena said. Or says. You listen to me, but only if you want to. I’ll take care of you until you can take care of yourself.”

She seemed confused, but hung on part of what I said.

“You’ll take care of me?”

“Of course, Penny.” I hesitated a moment, then decided she needed to hear this. “I’ll learn something about owning a human kitten, and you’ll learn something about being a human woman. OK?”

In that kitten voice again, she said, “OK… Megan.”

Well, it was a bit of progress. I guess.

The remainder of the morning was spent with the two of us in panties and t-shirts. I found her breasts in that t-shirt a bit distracting. We had breakfast, talked about her family, how she got into submission then progressed to pet play and eventually to kitten play. I was surprised to find that she had a great relationship with her parent’s and siblings. Nothing had “driven” her into BDSM or kitten play. It really was as simple as she just liked it. Well, initially anyway.

Over time, and with the people she ended up with as owners and mistresses, things had changed for her. The two years with Deena, I gathered, had overall been bad for her independence. I began to hope that all I really needed to do was restore that independence, though I still found myself thinking that I needed to “cure” her of this kitten thing.

She seemed to get comfortable sitting at the kitchen table talking with me. She left the room once to use the rest room, walking out and back in standing upright.

Honestly, I became over confident. When I went to get dressed around noon, we had a bit of a crisis. She assumed, then insisted, that if I was going to dress “normally,” then she should be allowed to as well. She wanted to take off the panties and t-shirt, put her tail back in, and get down on all fours again. She considered that normal.

She was almost standing up to me about it, which I found encouragement. But I knew, and so did she, that despite what I’d said earlier, she’d obey me if I asserted myself. But I wasn’t ready to do that. She’d behaved nicely for me this morning and I’d learned a lot that I needed to know to work with her. So I gave in.

“OK, Penny. But we’re going out tomorrow to buy you some more clothes. You’ll have to wear something of mine to go out. And no ears, no collar, no tail. Alright?”

“Yes M… M…” she stopped and grinned at me. “Megan.” She moved in too fast for me to dodge, kissed me very quickly on the lips, then ran, on two feet, upstairs. I walked up to my room shaking my head and doubting myself.

When I got into my room she was sitting, nude, with her tail in, posed just like a kitten, on my bed. Her breasts squeezed between her upper arms were distracting. Even more her rather large and erect nipples kept catching my eye.

She watched me with those big green eyes as I moved around the room gathering clothes, which I left on the bed. Then went into my attached bath to take a shower. Which caused me to think. I came back out, with a towel wrapped around me. She’d lain down on the bed and seemed to be sniffing my clothes.

“Penny, please go take a shower. You can dress as you are now once you’re dry. Alright?”

With no hesitation at all she said, “Yes, Megan” leaped off the bed and ran, on all fours, out of the room.

I showed and held. After I’d done my legs and under arms I stood there with the razor in my hand looking at myself in the mirror. I’d only once done anything about my public hair. One boyfriend had convinced me to shake it all off. I had, and it had been nice, but it was too much work to keep it shaved. That had been years ago. I was totally natural down there. But I’d seen Penny. She had a carefully trimmed patch down below.

I considered it for a moment, then dismissed the idea. I dried myself thoroughly, and went back into my room. Penny was on the bed, laying down like a cat, waiting for me. As I approached the bed, and my clothes there, I could smell the shampoo and body wash she’d used. Her hair was neatly brushed, though not quite dry. She actually looked quite tempting.

And that thought caused me to hesitate. I’d intended to just drop the towel and get dressed. I’d seen her nude. Quite a lot. It didn’t seem right, somehow, to make her leave the room while I dressed. I was afraid that would be more or less saying that I was superior to her. Still, I found myself reluctant to show her my body.

She had so much of what I had none of. I’m almost six feet tall, quite thin, barely have a waist and my breasts are small enough that I can manage well enough most of the time without a bra. I do, usually, wear one but it’s far more from conditioning and feeling properly dress than from necessity. And there was my very unkempt bush.


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