After losing my wife to her big dicked black lover I was pretty depressed. I knew that my 4 inch skinny penis was not big enough to satisfy any experienced women. Sure it was fine as a teenager fucking young girls, but in my mid thirties I figured pussy for me was likely to be rare.
While reading pornography on the web I discovered stories about small penis humiliation and became enrolled, seeking out more and more. Eventually I encountered stories about little dicked guys like me being locked in chatity devices and being cuckolded and humiliated. I knew that was what I wanted.
I began posting online ads for a Keyholder and Cuckoldress. After many months I got a promising reply from a local lady. We chatted and exchanged a few emails and pictures. She had me measure myself and order a Very small steel chatity device. Having done so she knew I was serious. We agreed to meet.
Our first meeting was at a local coffee shop where we chatted. Her pictures didn’t do herJustice. She was about two inches taller than me, with long dark hair, and an incredible build. I was smitten. She explained to me that she was looking for a pet, and that if I was accepted I would be permanently locked. My sex life would consist of providing oral and taking her strapon. I nearly came at the thought and eagerly agreed.
Mistress Alex agreed to accept me conditionally, and I agreed to do whatever she instructed me to do. She then explained to me that she required absolute security from a chatity device, thus I needed a penis piercing. I said I understand. I was a bit taken aback however when she told me she knew of a good piercer and that we could get it done today. Nervously I agreed.
I drove us the 20 minutes or so to the location. It turned out that it was also a tatoo shop. While waiting we also discussed the possibility of having me marked later as her property.
Finally we were called back. I laid on a padded table while Mistress Alex explained to the male technician that I needed a Prince Albert piercing to secure my chatity device. I then signed the release forms.
When I pulled my pants down my little penis was throbbing at it’s full 4 inches. Mistress remarked to the technician regarding how small and useless it was, thus the need to be securely locked. He laughed and agreed.
The technician then got several ice packs to calm my little peepee and numb it a bit for the piercing. It was quick, and stung just slightly. A titanium ring that could only be removed by cutting it off was installed. He then banded me, gave me some saline spray and instructions to prevent infections.
Two weeks later I was fully healed and my new device had arrived. I arrived at Mistress Alex’s house at the appointed time. I was immediately told to remove my clothes, that I would be naked at all times there. She fitted me with a pink and lavender collar. She said she wanted accurate tracking of the date of my last orgasm and so shetold me to masturbate for her. After I was fully hard she had me stop so she could measure, in case anyone asked. I measured out at 4.25 inches long and 3.75 inches around. I was then allowed to finish, catching my seed in my hand and licking it clean.
The chatity device was then installed. Ice was necessary to make me fully flaccid so it would fit. Two small brass locks were installed, one on the device itself, and the other through the titanium ring through my little peepee.
Over the next several weeks I moved in with Mistress Alex, disposing of many of my belongings, including most of my clothes except what I needed for work. To our neighbors we seemed like an ordinary enough couple, although inside things were anything but ordinary.
While inside I was required to be naked at all times except for my cage and collar. I was responsible for the majority of the housework. When dressed for work I was required to wear lacy thong panties and stay up thigh high stockings to remind me of my status.
I slept on a cot at the foot of Mistress Alex’s bed. Each morning I was required (or allowed) to lick her beautiful tasty pussy to orgasm before getting on with the day’s activities. In the evening I did the same, usually after pampering her with a pedicure, or a bath and mass.
The first couple of weeks locked were difficult. Mistress Alex examined me daily to make sure There was no chafing. I had to learn how to thoroughly clean myself and I had to sit to pee, lest there be a mess from spraying. Mistress Alex gave me a special lotion to apply to my peepee twice daily using a cotton swab to make sure I got inside the cage. It was to help prevent chafing, but also had ingredients to increase sensitivity. And I was getting incredibly horny as the days passed. My balls swelled with their fullness but even a hint of erection was impossible. I got little sleep for the first week or so until the attempted nocturnal erections subsided.
AfterAbout 2 weeks I started leaking and constantly felt like I was ready to burst. I had to wear pads in my panties. Concentration was difficult. At that point Mistress offered up a bit of relief by draining some semen through a prostate massage. She had me get on my hands and knees with my legs spread. She inserted a lubed finger into my ass and began massaging my prostate while squeezing my swollen ball. Cum ran profusely into the tray she’d placed below me, although there was no sensing of orgasm. But I was grateful that the pressure had been relieved.
Mistress soon introduced butt plugs, first only at home, but then when going out in public. The wide bases also made my ass cheeks look rounder when she has me wear pink or lavender shorts. This served to heighten my horniness. After a couple of weeks plugged Mistress felt I was ready to be fucked with her strapon. several times a week she’d pound my ass with her 8 inch black strapon, causing cum to leak out of my tiny locked peepee. Sometimes I’d even orgasm from being pegged, usually when subjected to the dual humiliation of being fucked in front of a group.
Mistress had company over regularly. I was always required to be naked, except for my collar and cage. Her friends delighted in my condition, teasing and humiliating me. Often they’d take turns fucking my ass or watching me repeatedly impale myself on a big dildo mounted on a stool Until my little peeped dribbled. I’d always service all of them with my more than willing tongue. Mistress made sure they all understand that I was locked because I was too small to fuck. She registered them with tales of the black big cocked studs she was fucking, and how much I enjoyed watching and cleaning up afterwards.
One night while three of her lady friends were over Mistress surprised me by announcing that Since it had beem one full year since my lockup she was going to remove the cage briefly so her friends could watch my little penis cum. I was so excited Iwas trembling.
I stood, hands secured behind my back, as Mistress got the hidden key and unlocked me. There was giggles and outright laughter as my little peeped became visible to these ladies unobstructed for the first time. Soft and shriveled it pointed straight out, probably less than an inch.
The ladies began commenting about how I looked like a baby boy. Each of them wanted to Examine me up close, but Mistress said no touching to ensure there was no premature squirting. As this continued my little peepee began growing, my excitement obviously.
One of the ladies said she wanted to get measurements of me hard and she produced a cloth tape measure. Mistress said ok, but that they’d need to work quickly, as I’d probably cum very quickly once touched. Mistress lubed up her forefinger and thumb and began struggling my tiny shaft. After just a few strokes I was rock hard and throbbing for the first time in a year. The sensing lube I’d been applying regularly seemed to have worked as my little peeped was all tingly. I fought the urge to cum while Mistress’s friend measured me.
“I thought you said he was four and a quarter inches long? More like three and three quarter inches.” She then wrapped the tape around my throbbing little shaft announcing that I was three and a quarter inches around. I did some quick calculation and realized that I was just over san inch in diameter.
There was plenty of laughter and commenting. When Mistress looked at me and said “Your little dickie seems to be shrinking” I lost control and squirted my little cum.
A year went by and a similar scene played out. But in the intervening year I’d been fitted with a smaller and thinner cage, as Mistress wanted a snug fit and I’d apparently gotten smaller. My conditioning had also continued. Mistress had me regularly watching sissy and slave to black cock hypnosis videos, repeatedly for at least 30 minutes a day. This was supplemented with porn videos of white girlsand boys being fucked by big black cocks. And her straps became bigger, all black. As the year went by she began having parties where I’d be required to suck off three or four black cocks in addition to my pussy licking and cleanup duties. It seemed so natural.
So after a year my cage was again removed, with a different audience. This time, in addition to the same ladies as the previous year, there were several other ladies and their submissive males present. And three black gentlemen.
Angain there was laughter and comments about my tiny size soft. My peeped seemed to have attrophied to a little nub. Mistress rubbed the tiny head and I squirmed. It was so sensitive. “Just like a little cliptie,” she pronounced. The measuring tape was produced, but my peepee wouldn’t get hard.
The Mistress asked the three black guys to come over and show me there cocks. I was pushed to my knees as they stood in front of me and dropped their pants revealing three dangling thick black cocks. My mouth reflexively watered and I stared at their beautiful cocks. And my peepee got hard.
I was measured and came in at less than three and a half inches long and barely three inches around. When I was finally allowed to suck on one of those cocks I quickly dribbled my little cummie. I was then locked back up and the party began in earnest as the black men fucked all the ladies while me and the other white bois cleaned up and provided oral service.
Another year went by and Mistress added new features to my conditioning. I was required to keep my body free of hair. I had to keep my toe nails painted. And I began being fucked by black cock. (Read my story “First Time Fucked”.) I was known in the neighborhood as being added to sucking black cock. Mistress was amused at how black men were coming by Regularly to get a blow job or fuck my ass. Often I’d squirt when they came inside me. A jack of spades symbol was tattooed on my ass cheek, and Mistress made sure it was partificially visible when we went out in public, as she’d bought me several pairs of girl low riding shorts. I didn’t care, in fact I enjoyed it, as it means more big black cock for me.
A few months into the year Mistress had a smaller custom cage made up for me. It was necessary she said because she was noticing gaps. The ring securing it also needed to be smaller as apparently my balls were getting smaller. And my butt plugs got bigger as I was being stretched out. Of course I didn’t care about the smaller cage, as by now I was a complete bottom for black cock and a pussy and ass licker.
On my third anniversary with Mistress a similar scene played out. When it was time to remove the tiny cage and my shrunken, attrophied peepedrevealed, there was great laughter, amid some gasps. Looking down I realized I didn’t really have a penis. Soft just the tiny head was visible. But it was oh so sensitive. I must have been a sight squirming and gasping with pleasure from the sensings.But I didn’t get hard. Mistress pinched my little peeped and pulled on it, but still I didn’t get hard. She seemed pleased and explained to everyone my conditioning over the past several years.
But she knew how to get me excited. I was laid on my back on a table and my legs pulled back almost to my ears and secured to the table. Everyone seemed to gather around. Four big black guys stood, one on Either side of me, one at my head, and one at the entrance to my pussy.
A black cock was placed in each hand. I gently squeezed them and stroked them. I could hear myself moaning. Soon another cock was laying on my face. I instinctively arched my neck to get it in my mouth. So yummy and big. I could faintly hear the comments from the crowd about how I must be enjoying myself because my little peepee was beginning to swell.
Then the cock entered my ass and I was in heaven being fucked slowly. At one point the action stopped. I was now as hard as I would get and could be measured. Under three inches long and about two and a half inches around. Lots of laughter and commenting seemed to be present but I was nearly oblivious.
I was then roughly fucked. After I squirted I was again locked. Again the party continued with Mistress and her friends getting their fill of big black cock while us white boys cleaned up.
I wonder if by next year my peepee will swell at all. But it doesn’t matter to me.
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