Penbury Lodge is situationated on the outskirts of Leeds, a city in the North of England.
It is set in 120 acres of a mixture of wild meadows, various copies and a large lake from which the main hall frontage looks out onto.
Fenced as to show its boundary’s, not as a prison, and a large white pebbled drive leading from the gatehouse, to the front door.
On approach you would think you were entering a Gentleman’s country mansion as you viewed the immaculate red bricked building.
Penbury Lodge categories for the wants and needs of some distraught high-ranking parents whose adult daughters are getting somewhat out of control through a range of things, drink, sexual activities or just downright rude.
It is well past time they should have moved out to make their own lives but have taken the easy option.
It also caters as a residential learning centre for ladies who need that extra piece of education.
The charges are enrusted to the head, Dr. Wilsonand his dedicated team of both gentlemen and ladies.
The local area magistrate’s court also has the power to detail certain ladies whom are not too sure of their position in life and place them in the care of Dr. Wilson from a week to 3 months.
All in all Penbury has earn a reputation of being firm but fair, caring yet instructive and above all it has an impeccable record of never having one lady returned into their keeping.
Induction is the same for either ladies sent by parents or the judicial.
From home or from the courts the young ladies are brought by their respective parents or housekeepers, usually the latter.
They register at the gatehouse and go into a room with their guardians where they strip completely and hand over their clothes.
This in itself is a wakeup call to cause maximum humiliation.
A young lady, striping in front of her daddy, or even worse, the housekeeper.
Failure to do this in the allotted time is punished by two of the ground staff being summoned, undressing the girl and laying on 20 lashes with their short thick straps, school issue to all staff members, on the said ladies naked bottom.
This always got the young ladies full attention; in almost every case it will have been their first taste of discipline in their lives.
Clothes off, housekeeper or parent departed the young lady would be given a light grey loose fitting tune and sandals.
No underwear allowed and the loose tune was so to allow easy access to the naked body for correction.
The sandals would also have their use as a corrective implementation, after the straps of course, 10 with a leather-soled sandal soon had the girls in forgiveness mode, and turn a pink bottom into a crisis one.
Once covered the young lady would be escorted by the senior housemistress, Miss Harrop, to Dr. Wilson’s office.
A quite palatial ex drawing room, still full of its original Victorian character.
Additionally a large oak desk with a green leather inlaid writing block, high winged black leather Chesterfield style chair, a large double fronted dresser, spanking horse, complete with leather ties and various stools and chairs.
It was not hard to notice the wear on the Chesterfield arms.
Miss Harrop would leave the young lady outside in the corridor as she knocked, and took in the new inmates notes.
The young lady would then enter and stand, hands on head, as was to be her pose when in the company of a senior, in front of his desk.
The house rules would be read and she would be given a copy, pretty basic really, what to do, and what not to do.
The ‘what not to do’ capitalized with the punishment for so doing;
All punishments were started with 20 of the short strap, Dr. Wilson felt it only civilised to have the girls bottom repaired prior to her correction.
Lateness = 2 strokes of the cane for every minute late.
Rudeness = 10 lashes of the dormitory belt followed by 5 strokes of the senior cane.
Untidiness = 20 lashes of the dormitory belt.
And so the list went on and the bottom item, usually overlooked at a first glance read as follows.
Prior to lights out at 9.30pm all young ladies will be taken to the toilet, wiped and inspected.
They will then form a queue, naked and hands on head, and taken in turn to lay over the dormitory chest, a large wooden barrelled topped box in which correction implementations were kept.
The dormitory belt would be removed from behind the door, from its special hook, and the housemistress, Miss Harrop, would administrator 5 rapid, hard cutting lashes to each young ladies upturned bottom.
This would be on top of any bedtime spanking earned that day.
This ensured that every young lady would go to bed crying and concentrate all their thoughts and dreams of being a credit to society.
The morning bell at 6.30am would see all young ladies out of bed, hands on head and await the arrival of the housemaster, George Kent.
The morning would start as the evening finished, toilet, wiped, lined up and belted, but only 3 in a morning.
This time George issued the morning wake up belting; if it were possible he was harder, faster and seemed to cover more area than Miss Harrop.
The young ladies then showed, dressed and started their day at breakfast, and just hoped it would Not be their turn on the stage, naked, thrashed and left for all to watch as a warning of what happens to non conformists.
So the first 24 hours at Penbury altered a young ladies outlook on life immediately so more than a worthwhile outlay for any distraught parents.
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