Penance Day Ch. 00

“Penance Days: Prologue” is the brake that connects the Penance Day suite of stories.

It takes off slightly after where “Siesta for two?” stopped and the Penance is imposed for breaking the rules of “The Siestas” as described there.


Friday morning, the sun is shining, I just had my first coffee in bed and life feels good.

The children are already at the neighbors’ and will stay there until midday, what else can you ask for in life?

I feel a movement next to me. Ah, yes, that is what you could ask for: a good looking, loving wife, a good mother with a naughty streak that gets the better of her from time to time.

That is what you could ask, and I have it. Ahhhh, the sheer bliss of it.

“Good morning honey.”

She looks at me sleepily, then her eyes focus,

“Hmmm, good morning. Do you know what day it is today?”

Ooops! Caught me on the wrong foot. I think hard. She cannot mean our engagement day, that’s in winter, wedding day is in spring, her birthday in winter, none of the kids’ birthdays, we don’t do Valentines’ days …. Finally I give up.

“No, tell me …. “

She smiles slightly, then spills the beans,

“Today is the first ever … ” She seems to hesitate.

“Yes? … ” I encourage her.

” …. the first ever, ever …. ” she stops again.

“The first ever what? Come on now!”

“It is the first ever ‘Siesta DAY’.”

I must have looked at her rather blank. Our Siestas are fabulous, an erotic ritual (see the story “Siesta for two,”) we perform from time to time when the children are out of the house.

And the rules are easy: one gives the treatment, the other one receives it while he or she is blindfolded. I look at her inquisitively.

“Yes, honey, Siesta Day; it is like our “normal” siesta, but it lasts all day long”

My dick begins to twitch under the blanket, thinking of a whole day of kinky sex.

She goes on,

“It is my turn today and Ichanged the rules somewhat.”

“Better and better,” I think. “Let’s hear those new rules.”

“Rule number one: Siesta day lasts all day or until I end it.”

I nod, that sounds definitely ok.

“Number two: The ‘Mutabor’ rule applies.”

Mutabor? I wreck my brains. Mutabor, Mutabor …. Ah yes, 1001 Nights, the tale of the Khalif Stork. Whenever the Khalif says Mutabor, he turns into a stork and vice versa.

“What has the Khalif Stork to do with our Siestas?” I ask.

“Ah, you figured it out, at least partially. Whenever you hear ‘Mutabor’, you, my hung, macho hunk of a husband turn into a hung obedient hunk, no questions asked.”

A bit dubious about this, I say “Yes?” more a question than a confirmation.

“Rule number three: no ‘Stop’ from your side possible.”

I look at her in disbelief,

“Hang on, I turn into an obedient boy, but I have no way to stop the show? Come on, there was always a way to stop the siesta, that was why we feelsafe about doing all the stuff we do!”

“Not this time there isn’t” she says sternly.

I feel the first pings of anger rising in me,

“Come on! What are you up to? You cannot just change the rules without me agreeing!”

She gives me a glacial smile,

“Ah no? I can’t? Well, you did and so can I!”

“What do you mean I did? What’s that bull you are giving me?”

“Ok, what are the original Siesta rules? One!”

“One is blindfolded”


“The other can do what he wants”


“When one says ‘Stop’, all ends there and then”

“And four”

I look at her puzzled,

“There is no fourth rule”

“One that goes without saying?”

Nope, I really don’t know what she is talking about, not even remotely.

“The unwritten rule is that the Siestas are for you and me only”

I nod, but I get a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“And? “

“Carlotta, our neighbor, says that two weeks ago on Saturday there was this guy walking around our house.

He did not look special in any way, but the way he walked around the house made her proud. I told her it was the plumber, he had to lay a pipe”.

I grin at her choice of words, but my grin freezes when she adds,

“That was two weeks ago, when we had our last Siesta.”

My thoughts race, what can I says?

“Co-incidence?” or “Too much imagination, you know how these Mediterranean types are ….”

But she does not give me a chance to reply.

“You know, I thought I felt the terrace door open and close while we played that day, and you coming two times in a row, just minutes apart ….

Also, you did not quiet sound like yourself that day. Then on the Other hand, I had a blindfold on, so what do I know. I must imagine things.”

She does not smile while she says this. The bad feeling in my stomach has turned into a big tight knot.

I do not know what to say, stare at her, but she presses on,

“That is why I suggest a couple of Siesta Days, days where special rules apply: One: all day until I end it; Two: Mutabor; Three: no ‘Stop’. And it is always my turn.

We can have our normal Siestas as well, but Siesta Days are for your Penance only”.

She looks at me expected,

“So, what do you say?”

I lift my shoulders, unsure what to say.

“What if I do not agree?”

She smiles again that wintery smile which does not bode well for the reply.

“Nothing, I just will try to find out what really happened two weeks ago. Either you play by the new rules and we forget my dumb suspicions, or ….. You choose.”

She really does have me over a barrel there, the last thing I want her to know for fact is what happened two weeks ago …

She smiles at me again, a bit warmer,

“Come on, I’ll not make it too hard on you. And I know you enjoy this kind of kinky stuff”

“Ok then, I’ll do it. What do you want me to do?”

She clapsin her hands

“Brilliant. I knew you would. You do not have anything special to do, just wait as the day unfolds. You want to use the bathroom first, or me first?”

“I’ll go first,” I say and disappear under the shower.

Not very nice how she pushed me into this, then on the other hand, I had her dildoed by another guy without her knowing ….

Quid pro quo, one might say. What worries me a bit while I later up under the shower is the fact that I will have to obey and I have no way to stop the game.

Then again, it might be quiet hot, even though I am not really the submissive type …

I look down at my hardening cock. God, this whole thing really gets me going. I stroke my soapy dick which in no time at all comes to full attention.

Wow, more excited than I thought!

I decided to not spend my forces prematurely, holding carefully my balls and dick and step out of the shower, towel off. I brush my teeth and then step into our dressing room where Anja awaits me.

“Ok then, what do you want me to do?”


Continued under “Penance Day: One”

(If you cannot find it, click at the top of the story on my username which should be underlined and highlighted in blue; this takes you to my user page, where you find all my stories)


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