
I wake to the sound of the front door closing, my husband has gone to work, I am all alone in the house. I roll over, stretching out across the bed , my eyes barely focused. The sun streaks through the vertical blinds, making a prison like pattern on the wall across from me, which is quite fitting; as if the sun knows that today is the day I must pay from my crime. All things considered, I am quite lucky to have such a compassionate Master; He recognized my honesty in coming forth, admitting that I had comforted myself without his permission. My punishment…well, it is poetic.

Reaching over the right side of the bed, opening the top drawer of the dresser within my reach, I pull out the items needed for my penance and place them on the black Egyptian cotton sheets. Returning my head to the pillow, my mind drifts, a feeling of warmth and Relaxation fills my being and causes my hands to drift. My delicate fingers travel lightly across my naked flesh, causing a shiver that seemingly begins from within my soul. My large nipples begin to awaken as it washes over me, my fingers pulling them taunt, letting them snap back before moving on. The tips of my blood-red nails barely graze my skin as I purposely tease myself. The chills I’m sending throughout causing my nipples to ache, my sex to moisten.

Sighing deeply as my fingertips reach the shaken, tender flesh of my pussy. Without hesitation I part the folds of my being and rub my clip, finding it swollen and accepting of the torture I am about to put myself through. Soft moans escape my lips as I dip the middle finger of my right hand into the warmth and wetness of my core. Engulfing my finger instantly in a pool of heat, my minds eye sees Him, feels Him as he teasingly goes so very deep, only to withdraw fully. I mirror His playful actions, feeling my desire increase. His words come to me at once, I must follow through with His commands, I must seek solace for my crime.

Turning to the side I grasp them, feeling them roll in the palm of my hand. Grabbing the AstroGlide I lube them lightly, knowing my bodies own luxury will help them along. I take a deep breath as I roll onto my stomach, the softness of the sheets caressing me as I place the first white bead to the opening of my most tender and special hole.

My mind falls back to Him, the vision of myself tied to the bed posts, legs spread, ass high. the touch of His hands on my shapely hips, moving across my cheeks spreading them, pressing the beads in painstakingly slow, following each with His finger, assuring that they are as deep as possible. I do the same. Groaning from the pressure as each bead passes through my ring until the 5th bead is in place.

I clnch my ass, feeling my inner workings pull them together, the pull ring on the tip of the string hanging obviously between the crack of my ass as I roll over onto my back. I lay momentarily, thinking of Him and His orders, praying I will be able to fulfill them. Its time. Grabbing my vibrator, turning it on with just a flick of a button, hearing the whirring of the motor as I lower it between my waiting lips, driving it deep in one quick motion. Oh the sensing, the pleasure instantaneous. I can feel the beads on the other side of the thin piece of tissue that divides pain and pleasure and yet combines them both.

Laying there , whorishly filled as I began rubbing my clip, hard and ferociously. Moaning loudly, my left hand pumping the vibe in and out of my aching pussy. Breathing deeply, each inhalation drawing in the scent the room, the faith aroma of the candles I had burned last night, the strong smell of my urgency, my sex, my torture.

I can feel His eyes burning into me from afar, as if He can see me at this very moment, the intensity in them, the crude look of satisfaction He has from my self-inflicted age. My pussy threatens to burst, the beginning waves of release slowly nearing as I turn onto my knees. My ass high, the string danceling , the vibe shoved so deep that the muscles inside of me are the only reason it stays put.

Reaching between my thighs I grab the ring around my left index finger, tugging, groaning from the pressure as I slowly let the first bead out. My cunt dangerously contracting, my moans loud as I rock, squeezing my walls quickly, feeling as if some spiritual entity is fucking me; I tug again, the second bead pushes its way out.

My knees threaten to give, visions of Him enfolding between my closed eyes, His sneer as He sees me lose focus. I shake the feeling, regaining the courage to move on. My hand rubs across my clip now that the string is longer, each motion pulling the string tighter, my body rocks faster, the third bead is set free.

Oh God, you have no idea the wonderful sensings I Feel throughout. I drop the ring, needing to attend to my throbbing clip, pinching and tugging; rubbing it harder and faster until I feel myself tension. My back arches high, as I pull the forth bead from the confines of my dark hole. My moans turning obviously into animalistic growths of pleasure knowing I’m about to ….

There are His words, hitting me like a ton of bricks ‘ Bring yourself to that point, but do NOT release..You know your orders little one”.

My hand drops, my body heaving with each breath, grinding my hips until the waves rush back as if the gravity of the Earth has withdrawn them. Taking a deep breath, my fingers begin their task again; working rhythmically over my sensitive clip.

Bucking wildly on my knees, my face contained into a mask of deep ecstasy as my pinkie gets caught up in the ring of the beads. The vibrator whirling in my hole, moving deeper with each motion , I know its not long before I will give into its demands.

My mind is reeling, lost in the intensity; gasping for air as the release nears. My skin glistening with perspiration, never before have I experienced such a burning lust. My clip aches from the assault, my ass clenched tight, not wanting to release the remaining bead.

Its too much to handle, my trembling body gives in; my fingers move furiously. My cunt spasms around the vibe and just when I feel the gates open I pull hard, ripping the last bead from my tight pumped hole and scream as I fall into a state of overwhelming password unlike anything that could be put into words.

My entire being emotional forth a surge of ecstasy, losing myself in my minds eye; seeing Him and all His beauty as I dropped in the moment. The force pushes the vibrator out and it falls onto the sheets as I do, collapsed in a drenched pool of my desire.

I lay there spent, for what seems like an eternity before opening my eyes. Glancing at the wall I see the sunlight’s bars of confinement have gone and my day has now begun. I am forgiven.


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