Wife Lesson Pt. 02 – For Callie

In the month since Mark’s first session with me, and Callie’s first “wife lesson,” I’ve seen them three times. All three of those sessions were somewhat similar to their first. At least in that, they came to my apartment where I amused my fickle self with Mark and gave Callie a modest lesson in elementary wife skills such as cooking and serving. She got a short lesson on the sexy side of “wife skills” too, a lesson that I know Mark has been enjoying the benefits of frequently between sessions.

After four of those lessons, I’ve come to realize that Callie is submissive as well, just not as subservient as Mark. I guessed that would be the case since she’s quite happily allowing him to visit me and even coming along with him. It’s pretty obvious to me that both of them would make fairly good, meaning amusing for me, toys in my provebial toy box. And both wouldn’t mind being in my toy box, as long as they were in it together. Kind of like… Barbie and Ken.

It’s also obviouss that Callie is enjoying her “wife lessons” as much as she needs them. She’s quickly learning the basics of cooking. She’s already learned to serve as a humble woman, and I know she’s done that for Mark countless times without me standing over her. She’s learning the basics of sluthood as well. Before her first session, she was mostly fumbling her way through their sex life, as most young people of both Genders tend to do. Figuring things out for themselves. In the first lesson, I teach her how to give a blow job as slutty as any porn starlet could. I know Mark seriously appreciates that new skill. Just as I know Callie appreciates having the knowledge and skill to put a smile like that on his face. Even when she’s blushing as Mark boasts about her skill to his friends, which I’ve had him do. Despite the embarrassment of it, I know Callie loves that Mark likes her skills so much he has to brag about them.

But Callie is also starting to get used to the lessons. The first time, she was edgy and nervous, shy and so unsure of herself. With each similar lesson, she’s grown more comfortable with the routine now that she knows, if not what to expect, but at least what kinds of things to expect. I could say the same for Mark, although he’s still just as excited to come as he was the first time. But I never want my subs to fall into a rut. It bores me, so I can only imagine that it has some degree of the same effect on them. I know they, as most subs do, love having defined expectations that they know how to meet. But I also love to have my subs “uneasy.” I don’t want them to be able to guess what’s coming, or what they’ll have to do. I want their only expectation to be that I will tell them what to do and give them directions so detailed that they’ll be able to do it. I never want them to have a clue what is going to be asked of them. I love the edge it puts on them.

So for this lesson I’ve planned a very different kind of lesson for Callie. Mark will be getting his session as well, but that’s going to be unique as well. I hope it will dispel any ideas they might have about what a future lesson might include.

This lesson comes as a surprise for them. I wait until I know Mark should be about halfway home from work, and Callie should be at home already. I call both and tell them that I wish to discuss something with them; they are to meet me immediately for coffee at a little cafe near their house. Both agree, knowing my order is just that, an order. When they arrive, I’m already seated at a table, sipping coffee, with Sophie seated at my side. It’s a table for four. I cheated. I was here when I called them. They join me at the table, Callie choosing the seat at my side, which puts Mark between her and Sophie.

I don’t waste any time. Not even to allow them to get a cup of coffee. Instead, I just glare into Mark’s eyes across the table. “You have been a very naughty little boy toy!” I scold him firmly, keeping my voice low enough not to announce it to the entire cafe, but also loud enough that Mark is grateful no one is sitting too close to us. “You know, I actually read those emails you write to me every night. What kind of a little miscreant are you? You’ve been giving this girl-toy such credit to everyone for her slut skills! But nowhere I have heard you praising me for her slut skills. You act like it’s Your girlfriend sucking that miniature little thing you’re passing off for a dick instead of me sucking it with her mouth! Which is exactly what it is. I teach her exactly how to do that for me, not for your worthless little pecker. She only does that out of the goodness of my heart. And here you are telling everyone what a slutty little girl she is as if she’s actually a girl, not just Another skank in my toy box!” My voice grows a little firmer as I scold him for the sin I’ve just made up.

I can see it on Callie’s face as well. Neither of these two have thought of it like that. Callie still sees herself as Mark’s girlfriend, not as another toy in my toybox, allowed to play with Mark only by my grace. But hearing me scold him, she’s seeing that it’s at least partly true. I have taught her everything she knows beyond lying flat on her back while Mark did as he did with her. And there’s no denying that she’s blowmed into a woman with that knowledge, and loved every second of it. I’d bet she’s thinking of herself as my toy now, too, and wondering just how I put her in my toybox without her even knowing it. And made her love being there.

“I’m sorry, Miss Rodgers!” Mark blurs out excitedly. “Please forgive me, Ma’am… I’ll never do it again!”

“Oh, you won’t.” I chide with a huge smile on my face. “Certainly not after I’m done teaching you a Very good lesson about who owns that body. I’ll give you a clue, it’s not Callie… Now, give you wallet, keys, phone, and everything else but your clothes to Callie.”

I see the look of shock flash over his face for the briefestof instant as he realizes that he’s going to be punished now. And here we are in a cafe, where we’re far from alone. But he quickly puts his stuff on the table in front of Callie as he’s told to do. Then he sits there, fidgeting just a hair as he wonders what’s coming next. What I’m going to do to him here, in public, a mere four blocks from their apartment where people they know might see!

“Callie, be a good little slut-girl. Put his things in your pursuit so they won’t get lost.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Callie says quickly, relieved a the commonality of the instruction, something that hopefully won’t raise any eyesbrows around here. She scoops his stuff up and puts it away.

“Now hand me your pursuit and anything else you might have in your pockets, bitch.” I hold my hand out. This time Callie moves a little more hesitantly, her eyes darting around the restaurant as she passes me her purse under the table. I take it and hand it over the table to Sophie. “Good bitch. You might as well come along and learn a lesson or ten about being a proper little slutty skank-wife. Both of you, on your feet, and follow my slave.”

Both says a very muted “Yes, Ma’am,” as they hop to their feet. Sophie, toting my pursuit along with Callie’s leads them out of the cafe. And then right to Callie’s car. Unlike Mark’s, Callie’s is a four-door. And unlike my Mazda convertible, it has a back seat. When we get to the car, Sophie hands me my purse. She tells Callie and Mark to get in the back seat and buckle up, but keep their mouths shut. Then she gets Callie’s keys from Callie’s purse and unlocks the doors. Once both are in, Sophie gets in the driver’s seat and starts the car.

I walk the few spots down to where I’m parked and start my car. I back out and wait while Sophie gets in line behind me. She doesn’t know where we’re going. I’m sure by now Mark or Callie, or likely both, have tried to ask her. She can’t tell them where or what’s going to happen when we get there. She doesn’t have a clue. She only knows that she’s to follow me and if she gets separated from me, call me. I never tell her more than what she needs to know to do what I want her to do. That would be more like she was my girlfriend instead of my slave. Who doubts in her slave?

I have this planned out. But I needed a little help to make it run smoothly. Luckily my friend Colette was able to help out for an hour or so. As I’m driving I text her to make sure she’s ready for me. Otherwise, I’ll take a long circulation route to give her the time she needs. She quickly texts back that she’s waiting on me. I let her know we’ll be there in about ten minutes, exactly when I planned to arrive.

Colette, a 42-year-old dominatrix who is a good friend of mine, is supposed to do two things for me. First, she’s supposed to have Doug and Paige sitting on their sofa waiting for my arrival. Second, she’s supposed to have their two-and-half-car garage vacated and their cars parked somewhere out of the way so I can use the garage. It goes without saying that she’s supposed to be closely watching those two while they sit and wait, too. But she’s a domme. She’d do that unless I demanded that she didn’t. And maybe even then, only not quite as closely.

Doug is a 42-year-old lineman for AT&T. As such he’s union labor, which means considerably well paid. Then again since he spents his days crawling around live high voltage power lines as he runs fiber optic cable, he should be well paid. I call it “crispy critter” pay. One misstep and he’s a crispy critter, so that qualifies as a hazardous duty.

Paige is a 36-year-old department manager at Macy’s in the mall. She’s my toy, a toy I sort of inherited from Olive. I visited her once, and after that Olive gave her to me in an effort to cut a few toys out of her toybox to make room for some new ones she’d found. Paige had been with her a while and Olive felt she was getting into a rut having done about everything Olive enjoyed doing with her toys. Unlike me, Olive has a wide, but limited, set of interests. I prefer to experiment and try new things, so there’s always a new trick in my bag. Paige seemed to really squirm under the difference of my style, and she’s a rather attractive woman. Plus she’s “mom-aged,” meaning 30-42, which is the age range I prefer for my toys.

Doug has kind of gone along with Paige. Just as Callie has gone along with Mark. He recognizes that Paige needs domination, and if she doesn’t get it, she’ll never be happy. But he also wants to be involved in every aspect of her life, including that. So he’s been around and never objected to playing alongside her, even when he was the toy. Olive saw that he liked it almost, if not as much, as Paige does only unlike Paige refused to admit it to himself. I can see that as well. He loves getting on his knees for me, even a hair more than he loved getting on his knees for Olive. But I’m also 19, very petite and even more shapedly. Olive is 39, cute and shapedly in that “soccer mom” kind of way. Not in the college sorority girl gone wild kind of way that I sometimes pull off. Then again, except for the sorority and gone-wild parts, I am a college girl. And I can get wild. I just don’t let subs see that side of me. They get the strict disciplinarian side of me, mixed in with the fickle young girl.

I choose them for this lesson for a couple of reasons. First, their dynamic is the exact opposite of Mark and Callie’s. She’s more subservient of the pair. Second, they’ve been married eleven years, which means Paige has quite a lot of experience being a wife. She’s been my toy close to a year, and Olive’s for about five before that, so she has a lifetime of experience submitting, serving, and slutting as well. And the slut skills to prove it. And most importantly, she’s the same sizes as Callie. Her things will fit Callie as well as Callie’s own will. As if Callie is just a younger, firmer, and blonder version of Paige.

When we get to their house I pull into the driveway. Sophie pulls in beside me, and I point her to pull into the garage. She does, parking on the side further from the door to the house. I’m sure by now she knows where we are. She’s been here enough. The last time was only about ten days ago when she accompanied me to teach Paige a lesson in patience. A lesson where Paige’s desperate squirming had Sophie smiling Even as she ticked Paige’s pussy lips with a feather and Paige struggled against ropes. I’d bet she’s recognized Colette’s car on the street out front, too.

I walk into the garage and close the overhead door. Sophie gets out and give me the keys to the car when I ask for them. I open the trunk and have Sophie toss Callie’s pursuit in before I send Sophie to get Callie and Mark out of the car. I have They stand beside the trunk of her little Ford.

“Strip. Both of you. Now.” I snap. I watch as the two worry to get their clothes off as instructed. I have them toss theirstuff into the trunk. When both are standing again, now fully naked, beside the trunk, I slam the trunk shut. “Slut, lift your hair off your neck.” Callie knows what I want and lifts her long straight blond hair up, holding it behind her head, leaving her neck fully bare and exposed.

I hold a hand out and Sophie gets me a “training collar.” I have a few of these in both blue and pink. Callie gets pink. These aren’t elegant like Sophie’s collar is. These are for toys to wear while they’re being used, not permanently as Sophie’s is. The collar is a thin strip of leather, not rough but also not the well-tanned softness of Sophie’s, dyed pastel pink with a buckle that “locks” with a generic handcuff key. I say “locks” loosely since it’s fairly easy to break with enough force. Also unlike Sophie’s which is locked with a good and shiny padlock that would take bolt cutters to get the collar from her neck. There’s no frilly lace trim on this one either. There is a shiny dog ​​tag, but theirs reads “I am Miss Rodgers’ slutty bitch. If found, please spank me!” Once I have the pink collar locked around her neck, I lock a baby blue one around Mark’s.

With a big grin on my face, I tell Mark to knee down. As soon as He’s on his knees, I push his shoulders forward putting him on all fours and quickly slip my fingers under the collar to get hold of him. “Come, you naughty little boy-bitch!” I snap, already pulling him along by the collar. It’s not a long crawl for him, just to the corner of the garage in front of the car. As soon as we get up there, I pull the sheet off of the dog kennel Olive has left here for me. It’s a big kennel, like maybe for a rottweiler or something. And it’s door is already open. “In your kennel!” I snap as I release his collar and swat him firmly on his bare bottom. He starts crawling into the cage. I swat him again, urging him to speed it up. As soon as he’s in, I shut the steel-mesh door behind him and secure it with a big padlock. “Try to be a good little doggy and not play with your dick or hum a wall or something.” I leave him locked in the cage.

I clip a lean to Callie’s collar and tell her to come along. But I leave her on her feet. I march her into the house, Sophie coming along behind me and now toting the toy bag I keep in the trunk of my car. As we approach the door, I can see that Callie is getting more uncomfortable, more uneasy, with every step. I’m sure there are a million thoughts running through her head, mostly like whose house is this, why are they are, and especially what am I going to do to her. She looks just as shyly nervous as she did when her first foot stepped into my house.

The living room is only a few steps, and a turn, from the garage door. I step in and see Doug and Paige sitting side by side, primary, on their sofa. Colette sits on a love seat across from them, sipping a cup of coffee that tells me she’s got here a bit early and helped herself to Paige’s service. I just grin. I might have done the same.

Callie freezes as she sees the couple and realizes that I’m now parading her naked and leaned in front of total strangers. I ignore her. The leash tenses up hard, then I feel it slacken as the pressure on her neck gets her moving again. Her eyes dart around at warp speed checking out the room and mostly the people in it. I lead her to stand in front of the couple. “On your knees, slut.” I snap firmly to make sure I have her attention. She knees down facing them.

Doug and Paige star at Callie. After all, it’s not every day a naked woman is walked into your house. It’s a first for them, despite their years of experience. Doug’s eyes tell me that he’s appreciating the view of Callie’s pert body and blond prettiness. Paige’s eyes are mostly jealous, and not in a good way. More in the way of a woman who sees the threat of a vixen coming to steal her man.

“Paige, it’s no secret that you’ve been a rather pitiful wife for your husband. Callie, you’re so… naive that you don’t even rise to the level of pitiful.” I say it with a smile on my face. “I figure together the two of you might add up to a lousy wife. We’ll find out. As of now, you are both Doug’s wife.”

I reach down and unclimb the lean from Callie’s collar. “Callie. Your new bedroom is in there. Go find some clothes to cover your skanky butt. Hurry. You wives need to make your man supper. GO.”

Callie tenatively gets to her feet and heads into Doug and Paige’s bedroom. I was going to follow just to see the look on her face as she hunts around in Paige’s thing to find some clothes. She has to feel like a burglar in there! And I’ll bet she’ll be surprised to find Paige’s stuff fits her. But the look on Paige’s face stops me. It’s a mix of pure hatred for Callie and shame lacened with a tinge of edge as it dawns on her that she hasn’t a clue what might happen tonight.

Callie is back in a few minutes dressed in a pair of jeans and a light yellow cotton blouse with sneakers. It looks good on her. Paige doesn’t look very happy when she sees it. I’ve seen Paige wearing it enough to know that it’s definitely one of the outfits she likes better. We can all see that she doesn’t like the thought of Callie wearing it any more than she likes the idea of ​​sharing Doug.

“Paige… I imagine Doug hasn’t been home for more than an hour. How Did you welcome him home? Did you have a sweet little treat for him? Did you even both to offer him an ice-cold beer?”

“No… Ma’am…”

“See what a hidden wife you are? He’s your husband! He’s a man! He deserves a nice evening after working all day up those poles in the hot sun just so you can have a decent life for your useless butt! Forget it. Callie, go fetch your new man a beer.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Callie says, thankful for something to do besides standing there while Doug ogles her, and Paige glares consistently at her. She finds plenty of cold beers, in long neck bottles, in the fridge, gets on, opens it, and brings it over. She knees down and offers it out to him atop her upturned palms just as I’ve taught her to do. “Here is an ice-cold beer, Sir.” She says it with a little twinkle in her eye and a flirtatious bat of her lashes. I guess she has learned something from me: guys love their women to flirt and be sweetly slutty.

Doug thanks her and take the beer. He sips it happily, a smile on his face.

“Paige, on your worthless little feet. Get over here!” I wait for her to come to me. She stands properly, hands behind her, facing me. “Slave… take Callie to the kitchen and have her prepare a proper supplier for us. Paige here can be the kitchen slave.”

Sophie replies instantly with a “yes, my too-sweet Mistress,” and a wide smiling grin on her face that tells me she’s going to have fun with this. Like me, she has a long “evil” streak in her. She loves tormenting “mom-aged” women. Especially when it’s for my amusement. Paige doesn’t look happy atall. Callie looks exceptionally nervous. I figured she would be with her very limited cooking skill, and now she’s cooking for a couple of complete strangers. Plus she’s smart enough to know her bottom depends on Doug being satisfied with his supplier. But unlike Mark, who would never criticize her in anything, she’s not so sure Doug won’t.


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