Thursday is my favorite day of the week – that’s the day the travel assignments for the following week are announced. You see, I’m an insurance adjuster at a large property insurer based in Tennessee, and my job requires me to travel for several days at a time. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family life, it’s just that I have particular needs that aren’t met at home.
Allow me to explain: I’m in my mid-forties, and my husband is 20 years older than I am. He’s a wonderful man, and a great father to our children, but I’ve discovered a facet of myself that he just can’t satisfy. Through exploration and self-analysis, I’ve found that I am thoroughly submissive. I crave humiliation, bondage, utter submission to the will of a strong, powerful dominant man. Rough treatment at the hands of a stranger make me come alive – having my nipples twisted and cruelly clamped, my pussy and clipped, cropped, or whipped, being forced to suck cock and swallow cum – all of these things take meto another place, another space, where I experience the most incredible orgasms I’ve ever known. I’ve had groups of men and women use and abuse me in this manner, and it always leads to the same result – skyrocket orgasms, one after another, paling on top of each other until I’m lost in a sea of pleasure! I find that the more orgasms I have, the more powerful they become, and I’ve actually lost consciousness as the sensings overwhelm me.
So I look forward to Thursdays, since that’s when I find out if I’ll need to go out of town the following week. When I get my travel plans, I go to my favorite web site and look up potential new friends in that area. Sometimes there’s a dominant man in the area who has already contacted me, as was the case a few weeks back when I had to go to Boston….
There had been a chemical spill in a small town called Brockton, MA – several hundred homes were evacuated, and they needed a thorough clean-up before the residents could return. My companiony injured 42 of the homes, and I had to go and see to alternate housing for the injured parties, as well as arrange with ServiceMaster for the cleanings. They were generous with my time, giving me the entire week to get it all done – I was certain I could take care of everything by Wednesday evening. So I sent a quick email to a man I knew as Master Frank, to let him know that I would be in his area and would likely have the following Thursday and Friday free for some extended play time. He and I had corresponded and exchanged pictures in the past, and I hoped that he would be available. He emailed me back almost immediately, telling me to expect a limo at my hotel on Thursday morning.
I caught my flight to Boston on Monday morning. It was an uneventful flight, and I spent most of the time fantasizing about what was going to happen to me at the end of the week. We touched down in Boston and I took a cab to my hotel, the Brockton Marriot. They had set me up with a suite where I could conduct interviews with the affected residents, and I immersed myself in my work for the next three days. I worked long hours well into the evening, to ensure that I would have Thursday and Friday free for my encounter with Master Frank. I spent lonely nights lying in my hotel bed, playing with my nipples and my pussy, imagining the attention they would soon be receiving. My sleep was disturbed by dreams of humiliation and torturous orgasms at the hands of the total stranger I would meet later in the week.
At long last, Thursday morning came. I felt early and re-checked my books – every homeowner had been seen, every claim resolved. I had kept several claims in abeyance, to be reported to the company that day and the next – I had to keep up appearances, they needed to think I was still working. I slipped out of my nightgown and took a nice, hot shower, shaving my underarms, legs, and pussy so that I was quite bare. As I shivered myself dry, the phone rang and the front desk informed me that a limo driver was waiting for me in the lobby. Master Frank had been quite explicit in his instructions about how I should dress for our meeting – I put on thigh-high, lace-top black nylons with a black lace garter belt, and no bra or panties, a short skirt and a plain white blouse. I checked myself in the mirror, feeling a warm thrill between my legs as I noted my prominent nipples poking through the thin material of my blouse – satisfied that I looked wonderful, I grabbed my laptop computer and proceeded downstairs.
Waiting by the front door was a large, well-built black man in a chauffeur’s uniform, holding a sign with my last name on it. He looked to be about 50 years old, with a touch of gray around his temples, and he smiled warmly as I walked up and introduced myself. He took my laptop from me and led me outside to a waiting limo, opening the back door and ushering me inside. I settled into the wide back seat and admitted the car, richly appointed with leavesr upholstery and deeply tinted windows, as my driver entered the front of the vehicle. A black leather briefcase sat on the seat opposite where I was sitting.
He said, “My name is George, ma’am, and I’ll get you safely to your destination. Mister Southwick asked me to call him once you’re in the car – I’ll put him on the speaker phone for you, then I’ll be raising the privacy screen, OK? Relax and enjoy the ride.” Of course this was fine with me, and I nodded my assent while he connected the call. In what seemed like no time at all, I heard Master Frank’s deep voice saying “Welcome to Massachusetts, Peggy.”
“Thank you, Sir,” I replied some what breathlessly, as the privacy screen powered upwards.
“While you’re on your way to see me, we’ll be playing some little games, my dear, I’m sure that’s not a problem for you?”
“No, Sir,” I replied, “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Good,” he said, “Then please note the briefcase on the seat opposite you. The combination has already been entered – I’d like you to open it and tell me what you find in there.”
I reached forward, picked up the case by the handle, and placed it flat on my lap. I pushed open the latches and raised the lid – inside was two sets of fur-lined leather cuffs, a leather collar with a chain attached, a pair of nasty looking clover clamps on a chain, a fine leather blindfold, an 18 inch metal bar with an eye-hook at each end, several small unlocked padlocks, and a small “vibating egg” with some sort of remote control attached. I described the contents to him, and he instructed me to lay the briefcase aside and remove my blouse and skirt.
My hands trembled lightly as I unbuttoned my blouse – my nipples hardened even more as the cool air washed over them, and I feel a warm thrill of sexual excitement building. I could smell the musky scent of my pussy as I unzipped and removed my skirt, and I laid the clothes aside and told Master Frank that I was ready.
“Good girl,”he replied, “Now put two of those leather cuffs on your ankles, and tighten them as hard as you can without threatening your circuit. Then use two of the padlocks to attach them to the 18 inch spreader bar – lock them in place.”
I did as he said and reported when it was done. He said, “Now put the other two cuffs on your wrists, nice and tight, but not over tight. Put on the collar, attachment the clover clamps to your nipples, and insert the vibrating egg into your pussy. Make sure that you use its harness correctly, we don’t want it falling out now, do we?”
God, it was exhilarating! His deep voice giving me these instructions, the feeling of the cuffs as I tightened them down, the clamps, the collar, the egg slipping into my now soaked pussy – the rush was just incredible. I tied off the harness so that egg would be held firmly in place, then I reported my compliance with his wishes once again. He said, “Good. Now pick up the last padlock and the blindfold. Put the blindfold on, then arrange your hands behind you and lock the cuffs together.”
I managed this last series of instructions with only a modicum of difficulty and again reported that I was done. “You are wonderful,” he replied, “Now for the real fun. George, you may lower the privacy screen now!”
I could feel my face becomes hot as I flushed with embarrassment, hearing the screen lowering on its powered descent. I could only imagine the look on George’s face as he surveyed me in the back seat through his rear-view mirror – something akin to a hunter closing in for the kill, I assumed. Once again I heard Master Frank’s deep voice, saying “My dear Peggy, you need to know that George has the remote controller for the egg you placed in your pussy earlier. He’s really quite skilled at using it while driving – this isn’t the first time we’ve played out this particular scenario, you see. So, I’m going to get off the phone now, and you – well you’re just going to get off! I’ll see you shortly…” With a click, the line went dead.
Immediately I felt a soft buzzing begin in my pussy. The device was right up inside near the front, resting against my G-spot, and the sensing was quite pleasant. George chuckled softly and said “I’ll be driving down a stretch of Rt. 495 that’s in bad need of repair, ma’am – the shocks on this car have been adjusted to give the hardest ride possible over these bumps, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the ride!”
The vibrations increased and decreased radically as the car turned and went up a short hill – he accelerated and I sensed that we were merged onto a highway. I began to sweat a little as the sensings raced through my body – the clover clamps hanging from my nipples, the feel of all that leather I was wearing, the violence on my G-spot, and now the rhythm of a bumpy road at 60 mph, all combined to bring me to a fever pitch of sexual overload. Again I heard George chuckling, and the vibrating egg was raised to a higher level thananything I had yet felt – it stayed on that high setting for a while, and I moaned loudly as the sensings tore through me. Just as I felt an orgasm coming on, he slowed it down, and I clamped my knees together and hunted forward, seeking release. The car then hit a patch of very rough road, he turned the victory up to high again, and that was enough for me – panting wildly through my open mouth, I convulsed and shook with a wonderful orgasm, writing in release as my juices flooded the seat beneath me.
George laughed some more as I felt the victory return to a low buzz. “How did that feel, ma’am?” he asked. Dreamly, I replied “George, that was quite wonderful,” as I settled back into the soft leather seat. “Well, there’s more where that came from!” he replied, and the victory again returned to its highest intensity.
I was still quite sensitive from the first orgasm, and the sensings being produced now were even more intense. I shuddered as the feelings flooded mysenses – my nipples sprang to attention within their clamps, seeming to push the jaws open on their own. With another soft laugh, George directed the car onto yet more rough road, the bumps and violences causing shock waves of pure pleasure to erupt from my pussy. I could feel my clip swelling and hardening as the sensings intensified, and before long another wild orgasm tore through my bound body.
We Continued this way for quite a while, I must have had six or seven incredible orgasms on the trip. Finally, the car slowed and stopped, and George reduced the vibrations to a very light buzz. I could sense that we were now off the highway, and I knew that we were close to Master Frank’s house. At last the car came to a stop, and I could hear a garage door closing behind us. The door opened and I heard George’s voice saying “Let me help you out of the car, ma’am.” His firm hands slide under my shoulders as he lifted me from the seat – I needed all the help I could get! He supportsd me as I stood up outside the car, and I felt another pair of hands remove my blindfold.
I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the glare of the floodscent fixture lighting the garage. There was George, my driver, smiling as he helped me to stand, and there also was a man I recognized as Master Frank. Smiling, he said “I trust that George took good care of you on the way here?” I was still a little overwhelmed from the trip, so I smiled weakly and nodded. “That’s good,” he replied, “Now George will have to clean the back seat of his limo – you’ve left quite a little puddle back there! I’m sure you’ll want to properly thank him for all of this, now won’t you?”
“Yes, Master,” I replied, and I turned towards George. Smiling, he pushed me to my knees on the cold concrete floor of the garage and unzipped and dropped his pants. I gasped as his cock emerged – long and thick, it was darker in color than the skin tone of the man’s face, the tiny slit at the tip glistening with a thick ooze of pre-cum. He grasped his thick tool with one hand and held my head by the hair with the other as I opened my mouth and offered him my tongue. Looking up into his eyes, I saw his naked lust as he slapped my face with his cock, smearing the pre-cum on my cheeks. He groaned as he positioned the head of his monstrous cock on my tongue, then he thrust his hips forward, pushing inch after inch into my warm mouth and down my throat. I did my best to accommodate his girl, suppressing my gag reflex and allowing him to fully fuck my face, and he set up a steady rhythm in and out of my mouth.
The vibrating egg was still inside me, held in place by the harness – suddenly it came roaring back to life, I guess Master Frank must have turned it back on. The sensings began to build in me again, compounded now by the taste and smell of the Large black cock slicing into and out of my mouth. I moaned in delight around George’s proved member, revealing in the feelings of pure lust and the knowledge that I was utterly helpless, being taken by these two strange man I had never met before this morning.
Without warning I saw a bright flash of light – Master Frank had produced a camera and was photographing me blowing this large black man! I moaned again around the hard cock in my mouth, as feelings of pure lust took over my body and I hungered for his cum. I breathed raggedly around him, my nostrils flaring as he relentlessly fucked my willing mouth. The flashes continued as the event was recorded on film – holding my head with both hands, George fucked my mouth furiously, his balls banging my chin as pushed in and out, faster and faster. I licked and sucked salaciously at the monster in my mouth, concentrated on the sensitive spot just under the head. My own orgasm began to build, the vibrating egg creating an unbelievable buzz in my pussy as the clover clamps assaulted my distended nipples, the chain swinging back and forth in rhythm with the man’s powerful thrusts.
With a loud groan, George removed his cock from my mouth and stroked it in his fist, just inches from my mouth. I opened my mouth wide and shoved out my tongue as far as I could, licking his fingers and the head of his cock as he pumped, looking into his eyes in longing. He yelled loudly, stammering, “I-I-I’m I’m cu-cu-cu-cummmmmiinnngggg!!!” and I watched his cock twitch and pulse in his hand – the little slit at the tip yawned open and delivered an enormous spurt of hot, sticky cum directly onto my tongue, followed by another and another, each larger than the one before. The camera whirred and clicked, the flash going off in rapid succession as each moment was captured. The taste of his cum was all I needed, as yet another powerful orgasm wrapped my body.
George continued to convulse and shudder as the waves of orgasm rolled through him, and his cock continued to pump smaller and smaller jets of cum onto my tongue. He pushed the head back into my mouth and I smiled up at him, running my tongue over the underside as I bit gently down on the head, causing a last little spurt of his seed to issue forth onto my tongue. I swirled my tongue around the head some more, smiling as my own incredible orgasm subsided. He smiled as he pulled his now softening cock from my warm embrace, and some of his cum ran down my chin as he did so.
Master Frank now knelt before me with the camera, snapping photos of my cum filled mouth and the dribbles leaking down from the corner of my lips. Cupping my chin in his hand, he ordered me to swallow George’s sticky load. I closed my mouth and swirled it around a little before complying, feeling every bit the nasty slut as the thick goo coated my throat on the way down. Master Frank then used his thumb to gather the dribbles from my chin and push them back into my mouth – I eagerly swallowed this last little treat as well.
“Oh, you are wonderful!” he exclaimed. “I’m glad you enjoy the taste of cum – there’s plenty of that in store for you over the next couple of days! What do you think, George? Will your boys enjoy this nasty little wench?”
“Oh, I’m sure they will, Frank, I’m sure they will,” he responded, “Want me to bring them by at the usual time?”
“Yes, George, the usual time will be fine,” Master Frank replied, “Let’s get her inside now…”
End of chapter 1
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