Wife Lesson Pt. 01

It seems like I meet all of my play toys through some variation of the same: the old, a friend of a friend, of a friend, who knows somebody, who has a friend, who might know somebody. At least it seems that roundabout. Then again I don’t look online, although I do have a few web pages. I’m only 18, but I do have a few “toys” in my “toy box.” Plus I have Sophie, my live-in personal slave. Well, she’s been living with me since school ended last month.

I have three BFFs, who know the highlights on what I’m into, but since they don’t share my interests, they generally don’t get much in the way of details. Just the stuff we giggle over. They all know Sophie, though. It’s impossible for them not to. Every time they pop over to my apartment Sophie is there, naked 99% of the time, and eagerly serving us. That much took them a little getting used to, so I can’t imagine what they’d do if they ever saw anything more. Like a naked guy over my knees!

I also have a circle of ladies that share my tastes. It’s a pretty diverse group, with pretty much on thing in common: we all love dominating others. We try to get together every couple of weeks for coffee and a gossip fest. Mostly we just share gossip about who’s doing what to whom. But we also do each other favors, sometimes surprise a toy with a “guest appearance,” or any number of other things. I’m the youngest in the group. Colette, at 46, is the oldest. Over the months, most of a year now, that I’ve been a full-fledged member of this little “kink club,” as my BFFs call it, I’ve gotten a few toys from the other ladies here. One they either weren’t interested in, didn’t have the time for or wanted to pass off for another reason. One of the girls is a flight attendant, and about a month ago she sent me a rather entertaining lady pilot to play with, just because she didn’t want to play with a pilot she’d be stuck flying with.

So when I’m checking my emails one night, something I’m notorious for being slow torespond to (email is so last decade! Hello, text me!) I’m not really surprised to see one from Janelle, one of the ladies in my little circle. It’s pretty short, just saying that she’s forwarding me an email. It came to her through one of her toys, who passed her email address to a friend who’d asked on behalf of a friend. Or so the story she got went. She says she’s not interested because Mark, the “boy toy” is the son of a Bay Minette cop; as a Baldwin County dependty, Janelle works with pretty much every cop in the county and doesn’t want to play with any close relatives of any of them. Besides the tension that might cause, it would certainly get her a very slutty report. She says that it sounds like something that would interest me, but if not, let her know and she’ll send it around to the others. Andrea, she’s pretty sure, would be interested.

I read the email. It’s written by Mark, and it’s decently long. It’s an open letter, to Janelle’s private play address, addressedon to “Ma’am.” He says the friend who gave him her address didn’t know her name, or even exactly whom it would be sent to. Only that he had a friend who could get it to “a strong woman,” as he was interested in meeting. He starts by telling me about himself and his live-in girl-friend Callie. He’s 20, she’s 18. He works at one of the shipyards, a welder, and Callie works at a restaurant (where I’ve eaten once or twice), at least until fall when she hopes they can afford for her to cut her work back and go to school to learn hair styling.

Then he gets to the part about his fantasy, about having a strong woman who could control him, control his pleasure, and who would satisfy him, but make him “work for it.” He says that’s not Callie. She’s about the opposite of that. Which is why they’ve decided to look for someone who could “help” them. It’s the only place they’re not perfectly in sync.

Callie, he says, is very outgoing and friendly. Until she gets to the bedroom. There’s she’s even shyer and reserved. And inexperienced, since Mark is her first. They “do it” often, but Mark always has to start it and get her into it, as if they’re back in high school and he’s trying to get her to do it for the first time.

Callie’s mother is very reserved, he says. Callie has said many times that she wishes she had a big sister to have taught her about “these things,” since there was no way Her mom was going to as much as admit they happen! He knows that Callie will never be the strong lover he’s after. And he says Callie is open to him “playing” with another, so long as it domination, not cheating on her. Callie, he says, isn’t very open to talking about sex, an inhibition he figures she picked up from her mom, so he doesn’t really know if she has any fans, but she’s never mentioned any.

Then, like most true newbies, those whose only knowledge of D/s, BDSM and such comes from the internet, where truth isn’t always so true, he offers to pay for someone’stime, if “that’s the way things like this work.”

I decided to write him back a rather short email:


I am Miss Rodgers. Your email has found its way to me. Let me start by telling you this isn’t a negotiation. If you and/or Callie have any hope of meeting me, Callie will write me an email and tell me about herself. Her private self. You will not help her. You will Not even read what she writes to me. She has 48 hours to send it.

That’s it, all I write him back. I figure there’s a good chance Callie will write me something, and an equally good chance that it won’t be what I asked for.

I get her answer the next day. Which starts by assuring me that Mark hasn’t read it. Then she pretty much repeats what Mark already said, describing herself again. Then:

I haven’t a clue what to say! Mark’s my only real boyfriend. He was my first. No one ever told me anything about it, so everything I know I just figured out with him. The whole topic of “woman stuff”was off-limits around my house. I’ve had a million dreams about it, but I know that I could never do most of it!

I don’t know why, but I always get really shy around guys whenever anything intimate starts to come up. I just sorta freeze up. Mark has told me his fantasy. It made me think about maybe his woman letting me be involved. Like he wouldn’t be cheating on me, if I was with him. And maybe she could guide me to do things, and teach me things. I know to do that she’d have to be in charge of me, too, and I think I’m OK with that.

I’m warning you now, I get really shy when it comes to adult things. I can barely make myself get my clothes off for bed with Mark, and I know he’s seen me like a million times. I’m hoping it might be easier for me with a woman, especially if I knew she was mostly there for Mark.

Anyway, I’ll try to do whatever — anything — you want me to. I don’t know if I’ll be able to or not, but I swear I’ll try. I’d like Mark to be happy and get whathat he wants, and if you will allow me to have a part in it, I’d want that.

If that’s her version of long, I’d hate to see short. But now I have both of their emails. And a little better idea of ​​what Callie is like. And most importantly I know that Callie is really OK with Mark being my toy. It’s a rule I have, I never whip behind a spouses’ back.

Since Mark had told me They both have Sunday’s off, I decided that would be the perfect day for a little play session. Because I think that they might be amusing to me, even though I generally prefer my toys to be older, like in their 30’s or early-early 40’s. So I send Callie an email:


This is the only offer I will make you. It’s a yes/no ONLY offer. Feel free to say no if you’re not interested and I will pass your emails around to others I know who might be interested in meeting you guys.

First, you should know that I have rules. The first rule is that subs (that means both of you) do not speak unlessspoke to, and then only to answer. When a sub does speak, it is to be concise, formal, polite, respectful and humble. Yes, Ma’am, and No, Ma’am are preferred responses. The second thing is that I do allow subs to ask questions, or question anything. Nor do I allow subs to waste my time. All of that means when you are told to do something, you will do it at a normal pace, no stalling, hesitating, feet-dragging, or questioning it. Don’t expect to be told why you’re doing it either. Except for clear instructions that you will obey. The third thing you need to accept is that you will have no privacy, no secrets, and no modesty here. I own you. I own your bodies. I will do with them as I please, and you will not have a say in it.

I’m not going to run down a list of what might happen. Anything is possible. I can be rather whimsical. The only thing that won’t happen, is you will not be injured in any way. I don’t do that. Whatever ideas and expectations you might have, forget them. Thereality will be different. Your reality here will be my pleasure.

YOU may come here Sunday at 3:00 pm. You will stay until I deign to dismiss you. While here, you will obey me. There will be unpleasant consequences for disobedience or infections of my rules. Before you come here, you will ensure that Mark knows all of what I’ve just told you. That is for you to do, and you will be the one to suffer the consequences of disappointing me if he doesn’t know it. Mark is NOT to come with you. Not even to drive you here. I will summon Mark when I am ready. It might be 3:01, or I might kick you out never summoning him. But when I do summon him, he is expected to come then, or never again.

I understand you. I understand what you’re feeling. And that you really don’t even understand your own sexuality. I will take care of you. Once you walk through that door, you will have no choice but to allow me to.

Now: Will you be coming Sunday?

It takes her a day, but Callie finally sends back a yes, so I send her my address and a reminder that I demand punctuality. I tell her to remind Mark that I may summon him whenever, and when I do, he’d better get his butt over here.

Sunday afternoon Callie arrives a few minutes early. Clearly, she has a different definition of punctual than I do. I meant 3:00, not 2:56. I’ll have to spank to her about that before she leaves.

This afternoon I have Sophie dressed in her “maid-slave” outfit. It’s a pastel green all-lace apron, fringed with white extra-frilly lace. It’s small, just wide enough to cover her boobs but narrow enough to leave her hip bones bare. It covers nothing above her boobs. Its bottom is rounded, baring a teasing amount of her thighs, and just barely covers her pussy. There’s no back to it, leaving her adorable bottom bare, just it’s white frilly straps tied in a big bow at the small of her back. There’s a matching horseshoe shaped clip to hold her long hair back. And finger-less lace gloves. Topping it all off are a pair of matching boots: those have a full sole with four-inch heels, but then are all lime green lace, all the way up to her knee where they’re ringed by white lace trim; they have a white zipper down the side, too. OK, it looks very sexy, in a very slutty kind of way, but Sophie is just adorable in it!

I send her to answer the door while I laze on my sofa and sip a coffee. Sophie’s 18, plus 7 months, and looks 18. she’ not a big girl either, but at 5’4″ she’s a little bigger than me. She’s thin and curvy, with fair-sized boobs. She gets plenty of guys hitting on her. Before me, she dated enough. So I’d say she’s a pretty girl. And she definitely looks her age, maybe plus or minus a year or two.

I just watch as Sophie opens the door. Callie is definitely surprised. She gawks, speechless. “Hiya, you’re Callie?” Sophie greets her and she just give a little nod. “I’m Sophie, Miss Rodgers’ slave.” The look on Callie’s face says that was unexpected, too.Ah, bad girl, I’d warned Callie to leave her expectations at home. Sophie just takes Callie’s hand.

Callie allows Sophie to lead her in. “My Mistress said for you to stand right here until it’s convenient for her to see you.” Sophie guides Callie to a little bare spot along the wall. I’ve kept it bar there for just this: it’s where I have subs surrender their clothes. “Callie.” Sophie says quietly, “My Mistress is going to be very disappointed if she sees you standing like that! She insists her toys have proper respectful manners! Let me show you.” Sophie has to pretty much move Callie for her, getting her into place standing up straight, hands at the small of her back, feet just a little apart. “There, now my Mistress will be pleased! You wait right here for Her.”

Sophie turns and come to me. It gives Callie her first look at Sophie’s backside. Even though it’s obvious that there’s no back to her uniform, I still see the surprise on Callie’s face when she sees Sophie’sbare bottom. Or maybe she sees that Sophie doesn’t care who sees her bare bottom. Or maybe it’s that, even from behind, she can see the prominent shaft of Sophie’s pussy with its wide gash that lets her inner folds stand out.

Sophie comes and knees before me, then waits for me to tell her what I want her to do. I only have about two sips left, so I finish my coffee before I get up. I walk over to where Callie is waiting, which lets her get her first good look at me.

I am 18, plus 9 months. But I’m also tiny. I’m only 5’1.75″ and 91-pounds. The only thing big about me is my boobs, which are a “male-appreciated” very firm and pert 32-D. I’m wearing jeans with a stretchy top, a button-down bloom open over it and sneakers. In other words, I look like a schoolgirl. Probably high school since my small size usually gets people to guess my age as closer to 16. I’m sure Callie was expecting someone older, maybe in her 30’s, probably wearing a black leather suit like those internetpictures tend to show. But I am carrying my riding crop. It’s pastel green and white lace fringed, too, just like Sophie. I really love that color!

Callie is a rather big girl. And I don’t mean fat. She’s probably around 5’9″. She looks to have a wide frame, but also to be thin and have a nice figure. Definitely, a healthy weight, and girl, just a little bigger than average while Still nicely proportional. But she’s big enough I have to look up to meet her eyes. Then again, that could be said for about anyone.

“I am Miss Rodgers,” I say it softly, but with a slight firmness to my voice, hoping she understands that I’m just telling her how it is, and it will be as it is. “Welcome to my realm, where you now belong to me. Do not worry, I will take good care of you. You will behave like a good little girl.” I grin slyly and add “because naughty little girls get spankings. You don’t look like you want to go over my knees for a nice spanking.”

I wave a hand summoning Sophie. “You’ve met my slave.” I tenderly stroke Sophie’s cheese. “She’s a very well behaved slave girl. She pleases me. You will please me, too. If you have the brains God gave a goldfish, you will want to please me. I warned you that you won’t have a choice what I do with you. You have exactly one choice. You may choose how much unfortunateness you suffer before obeying me. You will obey me, that’s not a choice. You only choose how unfortunate things will be for you before you obey. There doesn’t have to be any added unfortunateness. Just behave like a good little girl.”

I reach my hand down and cares Sophie’s butt chef, giving it a light squeeze while I’m there. Sophie stands still and allow me to fondle her. “You are going to relax.” I reach my hand up and lightly knee Callie’s shoulder. “Just relax Callie. That tension isn’t going to do anything to help you. You will stand there. You will do nothing. Do not help Sophie. Do not resist Sophie. Just stand there and Sophie will do eVerything. Be relaxed, be loose, and do nothing. Now, we’ll see if you have even the intelligence to manage to do nothing.”

I turn to Sophie, taking my hand from Callie who is still rather tense despite my advice to her. “Sophie, undress this little girl.”

“Yes, Mistress!”

“And be sweet to her.”

“Yes, Mistress!” Sophie grins sly. She steps close to Callie and starts looking over her. It’s obvious that while Callie is dressed casually, she’s also chosen to dress up a little for this visit. Sophie takes off a pair of earrings. Callie flinches hard as Sophie does it, even though Sophie is barely touching her body. Just an ear.

Callie has on a button-down blouse, buttoned-up enough to hide any cleavage and loose-fitting enough to disguise the true size of her boobs. Sophie starts at the top button and unbuttons it. Callie cringes hard. She shirks. Were her back not against the wall, it’s obvious she’d back away from Sophie. I see her shudder as Sophie’s hands touch her bare skin at her shoulders, her hands caresing Callie’s shoulders as she slips the blouse off. Callie stands rigid and trying to look anywhere but out on us as Sophie folds her shirt up and starts a pile on an end table.

Sophie takes off a necklace. Callie cringes hard. Sophie puts her hands to Callie’s sides, the eases them around to her back, caresing Callie as she goes, until she can unhook the black bra Callie is wearing. I see Callie shudder as I see the straws fall loose at her sides. And against I see Sophie’s hands glide up her body to Callie’s shoulders and slip the straws off them. I see Callie’s eyes close as the bra slides down with Sophie’s hands and bares her breasts.

I definitely wouldn’t be embarrassed by them. They’re not that big, maybe B-cups, but they’re decently pert and very fully rounded, topped with light pink nipples like pencil erasers.

Sophie ignores her boobs and works down. She makes a brief detour to take Callie’s shoes off,Then back up to her wait to slip her loose-fitting jeans down and bare a pair of black panties that’s close but not a match, to her bra. That I see a lot on women with less incomes who can’t afford to buy matched sets from the expensive boutiques and settle for pieces sold separately at the box stores.

Sophie puts her hands to Callie’s hips, and Callie shudders hard as she shirks from Sophie’s touch. Sophie just slides the panties down a little on the slow side, her hands struggling over Callie’s hips and thighs softly. She bares Callie’s full blonde bush. Her fur is the color of honey, just a shade or two darker than the hair atop her head. Through its lightness, I can see that she has a full puffy pussy mound with wide lips that meet into a nice slide and look to be long.

Sophie takes off Her watch, a couple of plastic bracelets, and a ring. Then she goes down to get Callie’s socks off. When everything is in a neighbor pile, Sophie turns to me and announcements “Mistress, this little girl is naked for you now.” With Callie fully nude I can see that my first impressions were right. She has a very nice and curvy figure. It looks like there’s no fat on her body either. She’s just bigger than average. But she looks girly and good. I can’t imagine that she would have any problem getting a date. Or that she wouldn’t get hit on at work nearly daily. And I can see that she absolutely hates standing there nude.

“Good slave, Sophie.” I give her bottom another little squeeze, letting Sophie know I’m happy with her. I reach my hand up to Callie’s breast. She sees me and cringes yet again. As I touch her I feel the shudder go through her and feel her force herself to stay there while I touch her. I cup her breast in my hand and give it a very gentle squeeze to feel it’s firmness. “These are nice and firm,” I comment aloud. I stroke my fingertips over her mound, down slowly to her nipple. I skeke the pad of a finger over her nipples once, see goosebumps erupt over her mound and feel her body shiver crisis. Her nipples — both of them, not just the one I touch — spring up to a hard stiffness. I stroke my finger over her nipple again. It feels like a stone under my finger as she shivers again. Didn’t take much teasing to get that nipple eager.


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