I had finished a morning serving Mistress and was cleaning up the kitchen after lunch when the phone rang.
“It’s Betty, Darla. I’ll put it on speaker.”
“Betty how are you? It’s been an age.”
“I’m well Mistress. I hope the same for you and Darla. I’ve just been so busy with work and I spent some time with Frank. I have a favor to ask. Could I come over.”
“Of course. See you soon.”
I answered the door bell a few minutes later and traded hugs with Betty. She is our kinky next door neighbor. A little older but very attractive. I hate to be cruel but MILF is the perfect description. She walked in on me when I was dressed and tied up a while back as I had described in my story, ‘The Neighbor drops in’. It turned out that she and Mistress had set it up to surprise me. Betty had discovered Mistress’ blog. She had been into fetish play with her former husband and dove back into it with gusto. We had played on several occasions. She now had a steady boyfriend, Frank who also enjoyed it.
We chatted and caught up for a while then Betty hesitated for a moment. Clearly unsure whether to go on.
“Betty, what is it? You can tell us.”
“Well Mistress as you know Frank and I have enjoyed the kinky lifestyle. I would classify us as switches. I told you that I kept him caged from time to time. He has come to enjoy being dominated more and more. He’s tied up more than me now. Anyway we were watching some femdom porn last weekend and this guy was tied up and getting pegged. To say he was paying rapt attention is putting it mildly. I started to say something but then I thought I would surprise him since it was pretty obvious he’d like it.”
She paused for a minute then continued.
“The thing is I’ve never pegged anyone. I wonder if you and Darla could tell me what I should do. I really want it to be special. I can watch videos but I know you two both love it and I just thought….”
“Say no more Betty. We’d be happy to helpand I know just the thing. As you know, Darla and I have an open relationship now. We love each other dearly but monogamy doesn’t suit either of us. Why don’t you practice on Darla. Actually today would be perfect. She’s been caged for quite a while and I planned to take it off later and give her a good fucking. A pegging would get her nice and ready for what I have in mind later.”
“Mistress that would be fantastic. Are you sure it’s ok?”
“Of course. I’d enjoy watching. Why don’t you go change into your catsuit. That will be the perfect outfit. As you can see, Darla is already in hers given my plans for later.”
Betty left to change and Mistress asked it I was ok with this. Since I had been pegged by Sue, the Stewardess, Jane the fantasy kidnapper, Joan the mystery kidnapper and countless times by Mistress the answer was YES!
I hurried to freshen my makeup. I was a blond today with my hair gathered in a ponytail. Tightly corseted over my black catsuit with my DD’s protruding over the corset. My 4 inch heels were locked in place along with a locked collar. My clip bulged against the cage as I thought about what was in store for me. I lit a Winston and checked my look in the mirror. I had been caged for quite a while and was excited at the prospect of fetish play and a fucking.
Betty walked back in as I finished my cigarette. She was dressed in a deep purple catsuit and had her own spike heels on. As I said, a MILF for sure.
“You look ready to dominate Betty. Let’s got started. First we need to choose the straw on we’ll use. Follow me both of you.”
Mistress led us through the bedroom into our fetish closet. We have 2 closets. One for traditional clothes including my dwindling male clothes and Mistress’ every day wardrobe. The other closet was different to Say the least. Betty had a look of astonishment on her face. She had never seen this room. We kept it very private.
“Wow, just wow. This is amazing. I love it.”
She walked around and looked at all we had accumulated. On one wall was a rack of clothes. Blouses, skirts and catsuits in all kinds of fabric. Lots of leather for Mistress. Below the clothes were racks of shoes and boots.
On another wall was a makeup station with mirrored wall. My wigs were lined up on styrofoam heads. I had gotten so good with makeup that I kept my usual costumes in the bathroom but I still enjoyed using this room for special occasions. It was nice to sit down and take my time putting on my face. Plus there was plenty of room for Mistress to supervise.
The other wall really grabbed Betty’s attention. It is covered with coil after coil of different colored rope, leather straps, arm binders, whips, crops and of course straps in every size imagineable. In other words everything a fetish couple could wish for.
“For Frank, you need to start small. Darla on the other hand is well past that.”
With that in mind Mistress picked one of our bigger devices. It was double ended and Betty blushed a little at the sight of it.
“Oh come on Betty, you might as well get as much out of it as Frank and guess what, your end vibrates. You know you love it! Now then let’s go back into the living room and get Darla ready.”
We moved back into the living room with Betty carrying the strap on Mistress had chosen.
“Will you have Frank tied up? I would recommend that you do. Much more dominant that way. If you agree, let’s get Darla tied up. Practice makes perfect after all.”
Mistress had me unzip my catsuit, freeing my caged clip and exposing my pussy. She handed Betty some rope and watched while she tied my hands behind me. Mistress voiced her approval of Betty’s technique.
“Very nice. You’ve gotten good at this in a hurry.”
Indeed, I was not going to free my hands. Not that I wanted to. I was led to the table we used sometimes for pegging and Mistress had Betty tie each ankle to a table leg.
“It’s important for your sub to hold still and here’s a really cool way to do it.”
She handed Betty a length of thin cord and had her tie it around the top of my sack rather tightly. She ran it under the table and tied it to the D ring on the front of my collar,
“I have to give our friend Jane credit for this trick but I love it. So simple but elegant and needless to say, Darla will stay very still. I’m tempted to say no gag. I’d love to hear Frank scream when you do it but I really recommend gagging him.”
Mistress slide a 2 inch red ballgag between my teeth and buckled it tightly.
“I think we’re ready then. It’s nice if your sub doouches first but it might spoil the surprise the first time. Darla, vegetablean that she is, cleaned herself today. On the other hand it might increase the anticipation, Knowing that it’s coming. It will be up to you. Also, making him put on something feminine is always a deliciously dominant thing to do. Once that’s all done and he’s tied up nice and tight, it’s always a good idea to reform how helpless your sub is. A spanking or cropping is a great way to get them warmed up for the pegging. Besides it’s such fun.”
Mistress handed Betty a crop and Betty gave me a couple of tenative swats.
“Betty, lay into her. The crop isn’t going to hurt her. Besides she has had much worse, trust me.”
“I guess I’m just a little nervous. I never expected to be doing this to Darla. I guess I thought we would maybe watch some pegging videos together and you would talk me through it.”
“Well get over it or I’ll tie you up and crop you!”
Mistress smiled as she said and it seemed to relax Betty.
“Since you put it that way.”
Betty popped me harder with the crop then delivered several singing blows with her hand.
“Very good. As things progress with Frank we have paddles, floggers and whips you are welcome to borrow. Now that she’s all excited let’s make Darla wait a bit. Build the anticipation. I’m going to have a cigarette. Help yourself to one of Darla’s vile Winstons. I’ve seen you raising her pack before.
I turned my head as much as I could and watched the two of them smoke and chat while my pussy was exposed and butt singing from Betty’s efforts.
“Well let’s get to it then. Stand in front of Darla while we get the strapon in place. A sweet tease to make them watch.”
Betty stepped into the harness, sliding her end into her pussy and Mistress tightened the strraps.
“Looks perfect. How does it feel?”
“I absolutely love it! What a dominant feeling to look down at this big cock dangling. On top of that, my pussy is already soaked. I can’t wait to fuck Darla’s pussy while mine is getting fucked at the same time.”
“Down girl! Let’s get her lubed. At this point you could take the gag out and have your sub suck on it for a while. That’s always fun but you look like you’re ready to go.”
Mistress handed Betty a glove and some lube.
“One finger first. Move it around, give the prostate a little pressure. Great, now two fingers. She needs that with the strapon you’re wearing.”
I was in heaven! It was somehow sexier listening to Mistress instruct Betty before each step. It reminded me again of how cool Mistress was. So so dominant and everything set up to reform that while giving me, the sub, just what I craved.
“Now gently push Your cock against her rosebud and slide it in gradually. Later you can be a bit rougher when Frank is well broken in but take it easy the first time.”
I feel the pressure, then my sphincter relaxed and the delightful fullness took over as Betty slide her cock into my pussy.
“She’s all yours Betty. I like to start slow but as you can see it’s entirely up to you. Darla is here strictly for your pleasure though we both know she’s loving it. I will say Darla loves to meet the thrusts as much as she can. Tied the way she is, it’s limited. When she can move around more she bucks quite a bit. She is truly a cock slut. Aren’t you baby?”
I nodded as much as I could. Betty slid her cock in and out slowly at first but then started to go harder and harder. There was an audible slapping sound as her cock met my pussy. Mistress urged her on.
“Oh my Betty, you’re a natural. Just one more thing.”
Betty gasped as her end of the device started vibrating. Mistress held the remote up for her to see.
“It’s important as the Domme that you get maximum pleasure. I’m sure you agree.”
Betty just moaned with pleasure as she pounded my pussy more and more vigorously. She finally screamed with pleasure as she climaxed and slumped over my bound form.
“That was fantastic Mistress. I’ve never felt to dominant, so in control, so powerful!”
“I had a feeling you would love it. Let’s have a glass of wine and a cigarette. You can probably use one about now.”
“Should we untie Darla?”
“No. In fact we’ll tie her tighter. I guess we can let her be just a little more comfortable. I’ll not the cord holding her down and you get her ankles.”
I was led to the couch with my hands still tied and the gag still in place.
Mistress had Betty tie my legs at the ankles and above the knees. Then she supervised as Betty did the chest harness, pinning my arms to my chest.
“As you no doubt know, Darla can stay tied for quite a while and I’ve got plans for her later as I mentioned.”
Betty lit one of my Winstons and sent a long plug of smoke towards the ceiling. She and Mistress sipped their wine and chatted. All I could do was sit there tightly bound and gagged, my clip finally free and quite erect.
Betty started to get up, ready to take her leave but Mistress stopped her.
“I wonder if you’d like to properly thank Darla. She’d enjoy it and it would help me out too.”
“Of course Mistress, anything.”
“Wait till you hear what I have in mind before you agree. I mentioned Darla has been caged for quite aWhile. Naturally she’s a bit eager for the fucking I’ll give her. I’m afraid she won’t last as long as I’d like. If you were to get her off now, she’ll last longer later.”
“Mistress I’d be happy to help. I’ve got a wicked idea. We were watching another video and it would be just the thing.”
Betty lit another of my Winstons, flashed an evil grin and exhausted as she took my clip in her mouth. I had a smoking blow job once before and found it really sexy.
Betty moved up and down, pausing to flick the tip with her tongue and take a drag from her cigarette. She finished the cigarette and started sucking in earnest. I came immediately into her waiting mouth. She smiled at me with smelled lipstick as she licked a drop of cum from her chin.
“Was it good for you Darla? I certainly enjoyed it. Now should we until her Mistress?”
“Absolutely not. Even though I’ve trained her to stay tied up after she cums, it’s still natural to want to be released. Keeping her tied upAfter she orgasms is another really dominant thing to do. Try it with Frank but be sure to keep him gagged. The begging can get annoying in a hurry.”
“I can’t thank you both enough. This was wonderful. I’m excited to peg Frank. I think he’ll love it.”
“We loved it too. I just want to say how gratifying it is to me personally watching a woman discover the Domme within. I’ve always felt you had it in you. Now turn it loose. Be confident, strong, dominant! And if Frank objects, he’s not right for you anyway. This is who you are and whoever you choose to serve you will love you for it.”
“Thank you Mistress. I do wonder if I’ll miss being tied up myself if I go full Domme on Frank.”
“Just come over here. Darla and I will be happy to tie you up. It will be our secret.”
“I can always count on both of you. Love you both. Bye now.”
Mistress closed the door and turned back to me.
“As for you Missy, I’ll take the gag out for a while. You can have a Winston while you recover from that outstanding blow job. Turned me on watching it.”
Mistress put a Winston between my painted lips and lit it. She had one of her Virginia Slims and sipped her wine, taking the cigarette out for a bit of wine for me. She reached over and took my clip in her hand.
“Hmmm, looks like once wasn’t enough for a certain desperate slut. Hop yourself into the bedroom.”
I maneuvered myself into the bedroom and stood with me back to the bed as I waited for Mistress. She walked in, took my head in her hands and pulled me down into a kiss.
“That’s nice but I want you gagged right now and as you know, I get what I want. Open wide.”
She buckled the ballgag tightly then pushed me back onto the bed. I lay on my bound arms as she stepped out of her skirt and panties. She put two fingers into her own pussy and held them under my nose.
“Can you tell I’m excited. Keeping you caged is important but it’s hard on me too. My vibrator just isn’t thesame as a nice hard clip. So consider of you to provide it for my pleasure. Don’t you dare cum till I’m satisfied.”
She lowered her wetness onto my clip and slowly moved up and down, pausing every now and then to enjoy the fullness in her pussy. She gradually went faster and faster, not able to stop herself. I would have asked permission to cum if I hadn’t been gagged but Mistress throw her head back in ecstasy and I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer.
“That was just fine! Now I’ll untie you.”
She did and I crushed her into a hug. What a day, what women!
We had a light supper after a needed shared shower. We went to bed early, both spent from the day. I drifted off but awakened in the wee hours with a hard clip. I lightly shook Mistress.
“Darla, It’s the middle of the night.”
The she reached over and felt my clip.
“Oh, I see. It would be a shame to waste it.”
“Mistress, a woman I love very much once told me that sometimes a woman wants to just lay back and get fucked. Here’s your chance.”
“Then shut up and fuck me Darla. You know I’m going to punish you anyway for waking me. The cage goes back on first thing tomorrow and you may be tied up all day.”
“I’m counting on it Mistress, now lay back and enjoy it.”
And she did. We both did. I rolled off and was sleep in no time but not before thinking I was the lucky girl in the world.
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