Pegged at the Party

This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.


Pegged at the Party

Chen bellowed a laugh, the werewolf tipping forward on the sofa to slap his thigh: Once, twice and then a third time. His brown and cream fur was ruffled up in all directions, a drunken slur on his lips as he locked, looking for a drink that was already empty and, truly, not what he needed in the late early hours of the morning. The Halloween party thrown at Amethylst’s house had been the undoubted success it always had been, furs coming by from all over the country just to cut loose for one of the few nights of the year that it felt like they had an adult liberty – nay! An obligation! – to do so, with all the wiles and responsibility piledupon them in the modern world.

And wasn’t it good to cut back from time to time? The chestnut mare, dressed up as a witch with a fetching yet tasteful costume, sat back beside him, sipping the last drops of a very fine red wine. There had been plenty of alcohol on offer at the party, of course, but everyone had different tastes and there was no reason to not indulge in the finer side from time to time too.

The wolf wasn’t, perhaps, one of the finest in his dishevelled, happy drunken state but he was cute all the same and the way he eyed her up wasn’t something she’d missed either, the sidelong looks becoming all the more frequently as the night of partying and fun wore on.

It would be a shame not to act on it…

“What…” She giggled, batting her eyeshes at him. “Just what… What was your costume supposed to be?”

“Oh, this?”

Chen barred his teeth, bringing his paws up on either side of his muzzle as if he was trying to appear fearsome but the onlyeffect he gave was that of a dog with its tongue lolling comically out of its mouth. He was too cute to really look intimidating and Amethylthyst burst into fits of giggles, tears prickling in the corners of her eyes.

“Just what is that?”


The werewolf looked crestfallen for a moment feeling the edges of his teeth with clumsy fingerprints.

“They fell out,” he said, nose tipped down sadly. “I was supposed to be a vampire.”

Although the mare giggled quietly, she more or less managed to keep a straight face, a spider dangling above Chen’s head as the werewolf looked oh so very forlorn with his costume, clearly, in pieces.

“Poor, poor wuff…”

Yet he wasn’t a poor wolf at all as he leaned into her paw, murring softly under his breath. The scratches Intensified behind his ear and, before he knew it, he had his head in her lap, putty in her paws.

Amethyst smiled. He was almost too easy!

“I think it’s time for a little fun…”

Blinking drunkenly, the werewolf tried to raise an eyebrow but only succeeded in making a rather strained face.


But it was too late and, truly, it was not as if he would have objected to what she had in mind anyway. The mare grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, broomstick suddenly kicked aside as she hauled him from the side room, the entertainment hub where the majority of the party had taken place. Of course, there was more to her home than what she had allowed her guests into, but Chen was about to be a very lucky wolf in getting to see more of her home – or unlucky, depending on how one looked at it!

“Get down.”

It was a command, even if a softly spoke one, and he clumsily stumbled to his knees over the threshold of the room she shoved him into. Everything happened around him and to him as if he was but a passive player in it, although the mare taking control had everything in her paw, including the leash of a collar…

Chen shivered, his natural submissive inclinations taking over as his knees trembled. Oh, how easy it was to fall into her will when he was such a werewolf to begin with. It would have felt wrong to stand over her when she was the one holding all the power, but much better to tip his muzzle down, allow the leather to slip sensitively over his throat as every fibre of his being begged him to submit.

“Now,” she purred, flicking her tail as she fastened the leather band around his throat. “Doesn’t that feel better? You’re not really a big, bad werewolf but a little pup that just needed showing where he should sit…right?”

Drunken but not dumb, Chen nodded quickly, unable to help need stirring in his gut, rising up with a heated tingle that was not unlike the one that came when a fur was at the point of no return, orgasm spinning forth with an irrevocable curl of delight. And it was that edge that he tipped over as she dropped him neatly onto all fours, the puppy that she had said he was clad only in the coils of a werewolf’s ruffled body.

He groaned, obediently tucking himself into place as she fastened a manacle around each wrist and ankle, lifting his head only enough to catch sight of the dim, red lighting and subtle lines of bondage gear, all within easy reach in a room that was spatial enough for two furs but no more than that. It was just enough for them but anyone more would have been a crowd and wielding a bullwhip would have been out of the question in such tight confines. Chen licked his lips, tail wagging as she ran a paw down his back, showing off a quick peek up her floaty skirt, which had shown off her long legs but nothing more. Many other furs may have been anxious to be in such an exposed position, the mare croouching to snip off clothes that may have been better suited to casual wear than a costume party, striping him down to his naked fur and his hard, aching shake.

“Oh,” she murmured, eyes light with desire. “Is this for me?”

Her paw closed around his cock as it pushed from his furry sheath, finally freed of the confines of his underwear, and he moaned instinctively, unable to give her any answer other than a heavy pant that reverberated through the air between them. Neither of them would have wanted to stop what had begun but the taste of alcohol lingering in both of their muzzles gave them courage in the realm of the drink and the tipsy respectively that they might not have otherwise had. Taking a stranger to bed, even if they weren’t quite in a bedroom, wasn’t something that many were keen on taking the leap with, after all.

Sometimes, however, boldness paid off and Amethyst thought as much as she slipped the straw-on up her legs, panties already off and on the floor, bundled up in a corner for someone to find and adore at a later time. The skirt didn’t need to come off to leave Everything accessible and, as tiredness clawed at both of their minds, time was of the essence in getting just what they needed from the lustful encounter.

A drop of cold lube plopped onto his tail hole, Chen not even realising how he’d been holding it aloft, submissive tendencies ringing through with the tight bond holding him exactly where he was. He did not have any chance to clamp it down though as Amethylst pushed it up with her back of her arm, skillfully teasing a finger into his rump to spread it just a little further.

But not too much. She smiled, wickedness glittering in her eyes as he tried to rock submissively back onto her finger, wanting more of it inside him as a whimper broke his lips, eyes shining and simply plaintive. But that would have simply been giving him what he wanted right up front and she wouldn’t want to make it too easy for him.

The tip of the cold strap-on teased up to his picker, slickened with a swipe of her lubed-up paw, and then she pushed them both past the point of no return, sliding in smoothly until the whole shaft was buried up under his tail. The werewolf groaned deep in the back of his throat, every muscle in his body tensioning, but he could neither rock away nor push back into her touch, frozen in the moment and loving every last sordid second of it too. The red light glanced off his fur, tinting the tips, and he howled out his delight as she drew back, powering into him with her first true thrust.

“Take it all, pup,” she grewled, jaw clenched and a paw wrapped around his tail as she yanked it up, more for a show of power than control. “Everything! Think you can cum paws free, hm? Slutty little pup…”

The words should have drawn a cry from him of the indignant kind, perhaps a low, throaty ‘whuff’ of offence, but all Chen could do as his cock throbbed and drooled thick, copious amounts of pre-cum was moan and try to drag what breath he could into his lungs. It had have been a while since he’d been taken in such a coache fashion and the drunken werewolf could not help but reveal in it. If he had to be a slut to get a hot femfur to slam acock under his tail, he’d take that deal and then some every day of the week and more!

The other end of the straw-on ground up inside the mare as she thrust, drawing ragged breaths from her lips as she heaven and pounded, throwing her weight into the thrusts so that every last inch of the toy disappeared into him. If she’d been of the canine (or similar) persuasion, her tongue would have too lolled from her muzzle, tail flagged proudly as she covered him like a calmion mounting a breeding mare, ears slanted back and muscles tensioning. The costume suddenly was a little too restrictive around her shoulders but she had not the time in which to remove it as she grabbed the werewolf by the scruff of his neck and dragged his head back, a whinny ripping itself unbidden from her lips.

Chen was far from quiet himself, whimpering and grunting softly as His head was yanked, her hard nails, blocky like tiny, chunky hooves, biting into his fur and skin. There was no way for a wolf in his position to stay quiet as he twisted and compromised, moaning as if it was his very first time all over again, need rising and rising until it threatened to crest, the wolf’s howl peaking at the solidary glow of the moon oh so very high above.

And she knew it too, nipping his ear sharply as she hunkered over him, grinding and pounding towards the end of her own high. She refused to touch his shake, however, letting his knot swell in reading to cum, lust flaring up fiercely as two bodies came together as one as night became dawn in the outside world.

“Cum for me, pup!”

What wolf, let alone him, could have possibly refused such a command so powerfully and directly given? All it took was that for him to groan deep in the back of his throat, a driving, guttural sound that seemed to reverberate through his entire being, tail stiff and rigid in the clap of her paw as his cock throbbed, balls churning to spill their load. Whimpering and bucking, he thrust into an imaginearycunt as she pleased herself with his body, rope after rope of sticky seed painting the poured latex floor as he rocked and wavered through a mind-numbing climax.

Amethyst murred breathlessly, eyes half-lidded with lust as her captured werewolf fall prey to her wiles – just as they always did. She’d make him clean up his mess with his tongue later but that was a matter for the afterglow as Amethyst too hissed and clenched her teeth, orgasm driving through her as her grip slackened, the toy grinding as deep up under his tail as it could possibly go. On and on it rolled, carrying her up and through his orgasm as she hammered into him, coating every last drop of seed from his sore balls until he was a panting, drawsy mess, tail wagging desperately.

He was not one able to hold off the lure of sleep after such a wild night, however, and, as his eyes closed, the mare leaned in, the faux-cock still driven up under his tail like a more intimate form of a lover’s kiss.

Her words were the last he heard before slipping into sleep, slumping down into the floor as her breath ticked his fluffy, pointed ear.

“You’ll have to come to my next party, my little werewolf…”

And so he would.


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